Chapter 186 - Chapter 186

"Those marks…"

Spreading from the diamond tattoo on his forehead, Igor was covered in tribal marks that spread through his skin. They spread all the way to his hands and even made their way to his sandalled feet.

"Yes, my lord. The last person to adorn these marks was young Adam."




Adam, the human created in God's image had so much power that his dominion over Earth was unshirked during his lifetime. Designated by God as the protector of the Earth, his bond to the planet was unquestionable.

So strong was his bond with nature that whenever he required its aid, it would manifest as a set of tribal markings that covered his skin. Ever since he died, none of his children, grandchildren, or even his descendants were able to replicate the bond even with his personal guidance.

Until today.

"To think there would be another human to possess these marks."

Shiva couldn't imagine he would see such a sight again.

"Truly, I am astounded."

"It is unfathomable, my lord. Even as young Adam's direct descendant, no one had managed to forge a connection that strong to the world. After Trihexa was born, I assumed this would be impossible. To think I would be proven wrong…"

He placed a hand upon Igor's skin and immediately, his face beamed in surprise.

"Oh my? Isn't this exciting, my lord?"

Clapping his hand excitedly, Nandi continued to be amazed.

"Ohohoho. So much untapped potential. I truly wonder what would happen if he realised it. What do you think, my lord?"


Truthfully, Shiva was also wondering the same thing. So much time had passed since Adam's death and no human had ever managed to replicate the feats he made in his lifetime. In Igor, he saw another Adam that could change the status quo of the world…should he live long enough to realise that potential of his.


Giving him one last look, Shiva closed his eyes.

"Keep an eye on him, Nandi. I plan to extend my offer to him once he returns to Earth."

Without another word, he slowly faded from view, leaving Nandi alone in the room with Aurelia. The pale man had a small smile with amusement blatantly evident on his face.

"Oh my. Seems like Lord Shiva cannot wait any longer. I wonder what young Dimori's answer will be."

It was already interesting enough that he wielded god-ki. Now he also had the ability to interact with pure nature energy. With his astounding growth rate, it was only a matter of time before he could truly stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the leading gods of each pantheon.

"Hohoho~. Such fun times are ahead."

Slowly, he also faded from view. He really hoped Igor would say yes to his lord's request.




When Aurelia appeared in the room where Igor was, she was fully prepared to kill. With her hand gripping her sword, even if it were Kokabiel himself who was standing there, she would not have hesitated to decapitate him.

It was a numbing thought that she who attached so much importance to politics would risk everything by killing the Governor-General's brother, but everything became a mute point when Igor's life was at risk.

So her surprise and furthermore, her relief when she found him alone were quite visible on her face.


Still, she couldn't help but notice the strange marks on his body. Now that she was next to him, she was aware that he was not under threat in any way. So she had the time and leisure to observe him.

Walking over to him, she traced her finger along one of the markings stretching down his arms.


The reaction was instant. Pulling her arm back with widened eyes, she examined her finger that visibly emitted smoke.

[What was that?]

There were no wounds in the slightest, but she felt as if she had just touched a burning flame.

[My mana was…destroyed?]

It was only a very, very small amount, an amount she could regenerate in a blink. It was only due to her superb control and awareness over her mana that she felt a trace amount of it be eviscerated.

[This isn't ki.]

It was a conclusion she was very quick to arrive to.

[His demi-ki doesn't burn my mana this quickly. Did it evolve again?]

She wasn't sure exactly what to make of this new change. All she knew for now was that he mustn't be carelessly touched. Glancing at the door, she also realised that he mustn't be disturbed as well.


Wordlessly, she erected a barrier with a gesture of her finger. It wasn't a powerful one, atleast not powerful enough to be noticed, but it would serve its purpose.

"If my lord is undergoing an evolution, it is best no one notices."

It was a one-way barrier that would allow her to perceive the outside world, but wouldn't let any energy fluctuations exit the scope of the barrier. She trusted Azazel…to a certain extent. But that trust did not extend to the rest of his organisation. And from how they have only half of the cadre including him were present, he figured he also didn't trust some members of his organisation as well.


The politics of Grigori were not her concern. Her job was to look after Igor and his family. Though, she was doing a somewhat terrible job of that at the moment.

[Don't think about it. This isn't the time.]

To be more accurate, she didn't want to think of the proposition she had almost made to Shuri. In a moment of guilt, she had almost…almost...


Looking at Igor peacefully sleeping, she couldn't bring herself to ignore just how much the thought hurt.

[I don't want to share him.]

As the adrenaline from panic wore off, the situation she had hastily exited made itself known once again in her mind.

Just thinking of him with another woman hurt. Her composure fell just imagining him holding, kissing, and sleeping with another woman…even if that other woman was Shuri.


This was a rather unique paradox she had found herself in. Not long ago, she wanted him to get married to another woman, even have a harem if possible. She was even prepared to take on the role of caretaker for the children he had with other women just for the reason of no other than the sole revival of their race.

It was the job she had delegated herself as her only remaining purpose in life- to see the revival of their race before she could finally die in peace and join her ancestors. She was devoted to solely helping him expand his domain, his influence, and his power.

She wanted him to re-establish their domain and sovereignty and make the Aryan name known once more across the supernatural world. She was content to aid him with all of that as his loyal attendant.

Yet, all it took was one night…to change her goal.


Her heart still thrummed when she remembered his sincere words as he conveyed his feelings. To think he had harboured such feelings for a long time without her notice was surprising…unbelievable even.

Yet like a sledgehammer, he tore down the walls she had barricaded herself in and let her experience a feeling she never thought she would ever feel in this life- love…

Unhesitantly, she placed her hand on his face. A faint shock spread through her body as her mana slowly burnt away at the contact. She didn't care. She didn't withdraw her hand. Her gaze was sincere and tender, her lips quivering with an unspeakable amount of emotions.

"I love you, Igor."

Her eyes watered at just how much love she felt for him, an amount so heavy that she didn't know what to do if he suddenly no longer wanted her.

"I love you so much."

She no longer wanted to remain behind him like an attendant. She wanted to be by his side as his woman. Ten years they spent together. Not once did she feel like this. One night was all it took, and she was now awash with emotions she never thought she could experience.

Possibilities of being a wife were no longer a pipe-dream. She could see a future where she could finally be a mother. Realities that she could only see in others and live through in books were no longer an impossibility.

Gently stroking his cheek, she was tempted to kiss him. Only the fear of potentially interrupting his evolution kept her at bay.

"I don't know what I'd do if you left me…"

It was a small but growing fear she had. Shuri was a very wonderful woman. What if…what if she took him away from her? What if the love he felt for her waned because of Shuri?


But now, she was at an impasse. If she could feel these emotions, then what about Shuri? How heavy was the love she felt for Igor? How heavy was it that a woman as strong as her would break down after being presented an impossible future?


Conflicting thoughts circulated in her head. She didn't want to share Igor. Not in the slightest. The very thought alone abhorred her to no end. But she also didn't want Shuri to remain sad. Her story was already tragic enough.

She died and woke up with no memories. Given no time to adjust, she was thrust into a motherly role she had no memory of, in a house she had no knowledge of, with a husband she felt no love for.

She took them all silently with a smile. No one knew what went through her mind when she was presented with all these roles and duties, yet no one asked because she smiled through it all.

And the very first moment she feels love, she is shackled by these responsibilities she never had a choice in undertaking.

So at the very least, she deserved some happiness in life.


That was what Aurelia tried telling herself. Truthfully, she felt like a thief. Because of her presence, Igor was whisked away for over a month, leaving her alone without the familiar presence of the boy she saw upon her revival.

Now when that boy became a man and she had finally confirmed her affections for him, he was whisked away by the very woman who had pledged to help her.



Removing her hand from Igor's face, Aurelia felt like the one in the wrong.


Her musings were cut off when the markings on Igor slowly began receding. From his hands and feet, the markings all began retracting towards his forehead where they finally disappeared beneath the diamond tattoo.

Slowly, Igor opened his eyes, yawning as he did so.

"Haaa…that was a good nap."

Sitting up, he stretched out his arms like a cat, yawning a second time in the process.

"Hey, sister. Is Uncle A looking for me or-"

Frowning slightly, Igor leaned forward and placed his hand on hers.

"What's wrong?"


Under his gaze, Aurelia fidgeted slightly before speaking.

"My lord. What are your thoughts on a…harem?"




"Harem is haram." is what I hope he'll say. Joking.

It is Sunday today. The hectic week I had is officially over so things are once more back to normal and chapter uploads will continue as normal.

Moving on again, I have a hypothesis on why Adam was able to use what I'm going to refer to as sage mode. I think it has something to do with god-ki. Adam was created directly by God. So it stands to reason that he would have large amounts of god-ki in him.

And since Triny is nature's malice given form, it was why Igor could so easily resist and even fuse with her. We don't have a lot of information yet so this is as far as my guess goes. The hows and whys will probably be explained some time in the future.

If you are interested in reading ahead, become my patron to read three chapters ahead.

Until the next chapter.

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