Chapter 295 - Chapter 295

He could see about initiating his sisters in their first kills once he comes back from training. In the meantime, he wanted to see the progress over their teamwork.

"Alright you two! There's no Touji today. Both of you will go up against me."

A white light enveloped his hands before it vanished to reveal the manga of Dragon Ball.

"If you can make me put down this book, you win. But remember, come at me with the intent to kill."




Birds, bees, and all sorts of other lifeforms fluttered amongst the forest leaves on this beautiful day. The lovely scent of exhaust fumes and the pitter-patter of school students were the highlights of this Tuesday morning.

All was peaceful in the town of Kuoh, particularly the Himejima Household. Igor had taken Asia and Akeno for training in the Pacific. It was well-known they wouldn't return until evening for dinner. As for what they'd eat, Asia and Akeno would have to hunt for their food.

In the meantime, Aurelia and Shuri remained together at home. Coincidentally, Shuri did not need to leave for training or temple duties and Aurelia was on forced vacation.

Contrary to expectations, there was no hostility between them, atleast not anymore. There were times in the earlier months where Aurelia found it hard to bear the sight of Shuri seducing Igor. It was particularly because of this she'd drowned herself in work in the Underworld.

But as time went on and Igor remained obliviously steadfast, her grievances were replaced by amusement and acceptance.

It was seven in the morning and the Sun had fully come out. Aurelia was still bed, faithfully fulfilling her duty of resting. It was somewhat underwhelming given how she was used to working at this time.

It's been so long since she'd slept in. It's been…decades? She could barely remember any moments where she's slept in like this.

Igor-induced fatigue didn't count.



That big oaf was insatiable. She had the mana to keep up with him, but he was getting too good in pushing all the right buttons. It was him who was supposed to be tuckered out. Not the other way around!

She was thankful her strength had increased. All that time spent working with her clones brought about a few bouts of enlightenment. She was still stuck at the Peak of God Class, but she could handle Low-Supreme Class entities and if given time to prepare, Mid-Supreme Class entities.

Over the months, she'd worked alongside Cleria Belial and Touji Shidou to turn Kuoh into a fortress. Cleria was still Overseer, though it was more in name than anything and Touji had been promoted to leader of the Church Base here in Kuoh.

Through her expertise and their resources and manpower, the entire town of Kuoh was an impenetrable fortress no one below Supreme Class would be able to penetrate nor survive in.

She did wish to make it so even Super Devils would be killed, but the resources needed were too rare and expensive. It couldn't be helped. The larger the array, the less powerful it became as more energy became decentralized.

But it wasn't a loss. If she was in Kuoh, Aurelia could hold off a Mid-Supreme Class with a chance of killing them. Igor didn't need to be mentioned. If needed, he could combine his and Trihexa's power to fight against a Peak-Supreme Class for five minutes.

Shuri was coming along well with her strength. If she drew upon the Vermillion Bird's power, she could fight against a High-God Class and hold off a Peak-God Class. Compared to her and Igor, it wasn't a lot, but Shuri had a lot of room for growth. In a few years, she'd become another pillar figure alongside her and Igor.

Asia and Akeno weren't worth mentioning yet. Touji Shidou was only a normal human with the power of a High Class. If he used a holy sword, he could qualify as a low-Ultimate Class. Aurelia didn't put much hope in him. The man and his wife were already approaching forty, a period where their power would see a decline.

The most interesting of all, atleast now was Masaomi Yaegaki, Cleria's knight who died while fighting against the Himejima assassins after Shuri. His death and revival was special in a way that he possessed both holy energy and demonic power.

His ability to wield a holy sword whilst being a devil was a matter kept secret by one of her sealing techniques. As long as he didn't use his devil powers, Masaomi could continue wielding his holy sword and serve as an exorcist without issue.

The only ones who knew of his hybrid identity aside from Touji were a few other exorcists and Vasco Strada. The situation in the church had changed greatly because of the new Pope. Vasco skirted the line between moderate and extremist, but there was no doubt the man was efficient just as he was ruthless.

In less than a year, the Church has seen a rising death toll amongst its ranks. Numerous exorcists, scientists, and other personnel were executed on a monthly, sometimes weekly basis. Spies, betrayers, corrupt priests, and radical exorcists were all executed.

The hunt for those who were excommunicated and banished never stopped. If they were caught, they would be retried for their previous crimes along with new ones if they committed any.

Those who were falsely excommunicated were brought back into the fold and enjoyed very enviable treatment. As for those who committed deplorable crimes, particularly rape, torture, and/or inane murder enjoyed death by a thousand cuts---an ancient method of slow execution pioneered by the Chinese.

Vasco was given many names in his short tenure, The Butcher Pope being the mainstream title. Ever since his inception, blood flowed like river, and the people could never love him more for it.

Multitudes upon multitudes of families scrounged up whatever little savings they had to travel and personally thank him with heartfelt tears. Too many families had lost fathers, mothers, and siblings to rogue exorcists. People from different nationalities travelled to Italy to personally see the Pope.

Under his leadership, the Church that was expected to see a rapid decline after his radical actions instead saw a sharp incline, and for one key reason---Vasco was transparent.

As the new Pope, he exposed hidden deeds the previous popes did. If it was not too shameful, he'd reveal it to the public and execute those even remotely responsible. From the guards who patrolled the hidden bases to the masterminds behind the experiments, all of them were executed.

The only unfortunate aspect in all of this was Vasco could not afford to see Asia and Igor, atleast not in the near future. His grandchildren in all but blood were publically recognised as devil associates.

Their former relation to him did spark rumours of him cooperating with the Devils, but they were squashed soon after. In secret, Vasco did meet up several times with Sirzechs to discuss methods of cooperation, but the time to do so publically hadn't arrived yet.

Both leaders were still working to gain control over their respective factions. Vasco was still battling dissidents who served to undermine him and the Four Satans still had to root out the Old Satan Faction along with Zekram Bael and his Great King Faction.

What was undoubtedly true for both parties was some time in the future, Igor would be the key to uniting both factions, perhaps all three of them if possible.

Azazel had been silent these past few months but according to what Aurelia knew from various sources, he'd taken in a disciple, a hybrid of a devil and a human.

Azazel could be said to be a pioneer in how accepting he was of other races and maintaining relations with him would undoubtedly be fruitful.

In the future, Aurelia saw a possibility where all three factions would unite to form a single pantheon, the Christian Pantheon, with Igor as its leader. All she wished was for him to continue getting stronger. The stronger he was, the more each of the Three Factions would be pressured into becoming one.

Aurelia knew if he were here, he would whine about the sudden workload she was preparing for him in the future, but the benefits couldn't be denied.

If Igor headed the Christian Pantheon, then there'd be another guarantee their people would live without the threat of extermination. She could already envision it in her mind---a future where Aryans, Devils, Fallen Angels, and Angels lived together in harmony.

With the Shinto and Hindu as their allies, everything would be perfect and ultimately, a world without war would be born.

In her lifetime, she knew how politics, alliances, and treaties meant nothing in front of absolute power and time. With time and the passage of generations, people would forget, conflicts would rise anew, and dissidents would grow like weed…like Kokabiel.

There would be no shortage of people who would seek to restart conflict for their own selfish goals, but all of that would mean nothing in front of power.

Igor had that power and would continue to gain more. His current strength alone surpasses many, if not all faction leaders and places him directly on par with the true gods of pantheons.

His training with Shiva will allow him to tap into power which could only exist in legends and folktales. She was very confident of that fact. If Shiva truly considered him his heir, then the god would make sure Igor would surpass many other gods in strength.

Perhaps--no, he will become stronger than Amaterasu, Odin, Zeus, and all the leaders of each Pantheon. He told her himself how his current strength would be enough to force Indra into his true form---and that was saying something.

His power would make him the undisputed leader of the Christian Pantheon. The best part in all of this? He was immortal. Igor was nigh-unkillable. His healing rate was out of this world. His cells were filled with so much vitality he could in theory, regenerate entire limbs.

His lifespan was not fixed. Every day, he produced the lifeforce of an average human. That worked to not only increasing his lifespan, but also functioned as a reserve should he need to tap into untold power his body cannot handle.

He was a monster in the making, and a monster that needed to be at the helm of her plan. Unswayed by politics, women, and bribery, Igor was a prideful warrior who would keep the likes of Sirzechs, Azazel, and Michael in check should--no, WHEN her plan comes to fruition.

His following of the old ways ensured he would be impartial to matters concerning the people and would be extremely ruthless in meting out punishment to those who engage in corruption.

Such a person, unaffected by the passage of time, one who would remain true to his values and constant in his thinking was the leader this world needed. In time, he would become a god worthy of worship.

She was very confident in this fact. In time, he will become someone who could shake the universe with his presence. Such a person who possesses these capabilities would truly deserve the title of Supreme God, and he will be one.




I hope her planning won't interrupt his grind. In fact, I don't even need to hope. I cannot picture Igor doing paperwork, parades, or attending numerous meetings. Our guy will probably show up to flex his strength, kill a few scrubs, and move on with the grind.

Aurelia will most likely be the defacto leader by my guess. Husbanding the toughest guy in the room does come with its perks. No will say nothing when she calls the shots.

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