Chapter 238 - Chapter 238

"Hmmm. Perhaps it will work."

It was a daring thought he had, one that might sour relations with multiple factions and pantheons, but that could be recovered with time.

"Yes. It is a gamble, but one that might work if given the time to flourish."

Blood would be spilt, but balance would be kept.




Hours had passed since the announcement, bringing an end to the morning and introducing the afternoon. Yet even after hours had passed, the celebrations have not stopped. While the fervour died down somewhat, the jubilation amongst the populace was palpable.

But where there was happiness, some would be fraught with opposing emotions. Those who were not happy with this turn of events, particularly most of the pillar clans, secretly convened in order to prevent the Peerage Overhaul Policy from coming into existence.

All of them were in a secret room completely surrounded by windowless grey stone walls. The attendees sat around a long wooden table decorated with lavish cloths and candles. Their wooden chairs were pillowed and elegantly carved.

Twenty devils from different clans sat quietly in the room while the main seat was empty. None of them talked to one other, each individual haughty in their own rights.

There were only pillar clans present, most of them not worthy of note. In the Civil War, they were either neutral or on the side of the Old Satan Faction. What was surprising was that there was a person from the Astaroth Clan present as well.

He was a man with curly hair and a neatly trimmed beard. He would not look out of place in college yet all of them knew one thing. Despite him appearing so young, he was well-known amongst the elderly generation.

What was more interesting was the sword that leaned against his chair. It was a highly unconventional weapon for a devil but no one said anything.

Time ticked by as the thirteenth hour drew closer. When a few seconds were left for the hour to strike, the magic circle of the Bael Clan appeared.


When the light faded, it revealed a middle-aged man in a very fine grey suit. His beard was neatly trimmed with signs of greying while his head of black was neatly combed. He gave off a completely refined appearance that was bolstered by his piercing violet gaze.

Every occupant in the room stood up to greet the Bael Progenitor, Zekram Bael.

"""Greetings to the Bael Progenitor."""

"Gentlemen. Your greetings are returned, but I will not waste time with pleasantries. Shall we take our seats?"

Everyone sat down once more when refreshments appeared in front of them.

"The situation is urgent, but rushing forward will only bring unfortunate outcomes. So I implore you all to share a drink with me."

Zekram raised his glass and everyone mimicked his movement.

"A toast to our impending victory, for we will overcome this."

No one said anything, but they all donned confident smiles as they downed their wine. The ambiguous atmosphere in the room was now gone. Like an experienced rider, Zekram took control of the situation, adjusted everyone's mental state, and set the stage for appropriate talks.

"Now, I am sure everyone in our little council has heard of the reform Sirzechs and Ajuka plan to implement. It is no secret that such reform will benefit us in the future, but it will come at the cost of our respective lineages."

Zekram snapped his fingers and the empty glasses were immediately replaced by documents.

"The papers in front of you show the statistical results from the last three hundred years showing the population of pure-blooded devils versus reincarnated devils. As you can see, our numbers have barely increased in comparison to reincarnated devils. And if you turn the page over…"

The atmosphere in the room immediately darkened after his pause.

"You can see that more and more devils are fornicating with reincarnated devils. Now, keep in mind that not only humans can be reincarnated. Yokai are included as well. I am sure many of you know what this entails."

Everyone had looks as if they had eaten something unpalatable. Their faces were scrunched up more than a bodybuilder's fist.

Compared to the rest, the man from the Astaroth Clan was calmer, but displeasure was visible on his face. He carefully analysed the graphs and threw the documents on the table in distaste.

"Tch. Not only do our people see it fitting to marry those primates, but they've taken a liking to dogs and cats as well."

In devil culture, it was absolutely disgraceful and unbefitting of a noble race such as theirs to bed inferior species.

"I agree with you, Khalios."

It was Zekram who spoke. Compared to Khalios, he was calmer. Still, he also found these results unacceptable.

"I shall not deny that the innovations brought from yokai and humans have enhanced our culture and palate. But there must be boundaries that shan't be crossed, gentlemen. Humans have taken inspiration from birds, yet they never intercoursed with them did they? However because of Ajuka, these boundaries will be completely removed. Under no circumstances must this law come to being, for it will signal the beginning of the end for our noble race."

Everyone nodded in agreement. Their superiority would end as their bloodlines became diluted further and further.

"It is why that I have a proposal I am sure will interest all of you."

Zekram propped up his elbows on the table and clasped his hands.

"Naberius. Do I presume correctly if I say you have two Nekomata under your employ?"

Respectfully, the middle-aged man from the Naberius clan stood up.

"You presume correctly, ancestor. To be accurate, these two Nekomata are deviants called Nekushou."

"Semantics, Naberius. I have one question for you. Are you willing to spare one for our noble cause?"


If this was really a 'request', he would've refused on the spot. Those two girls were absolutely crucial to the experiments his clan was conducting. Where could he find two more Nekushou? They were rare! RARE!

Even if he found them, he first had to ask his old face if it could endure Serafall's fist. Because if he was caught kidnapping Nekushou, the repercussions would be heavily severe.

Unfortunately, he could only grit his teeth, sport an ugly smile, and agree.

"What are you saying, Ancestor? Of course I am willing to spare one for our cause."

"Splendid. Your noble donation will be remembered, Naberius."

"Yes, Ancestor. I will prepare the Nekushou for collection."

The man from the Naberius clan sat down with a heavy heart. Not only did he have to explain things to the clan head, but also to the Nebiros clan. The loss of such a valuable specimen would be blamed upon him, even if they knew HE HAD NO CHOI-

"Since Naberius has offered to donate a Nekomata, I will discuss the plan I have in mind, one that will require your help. Convincing the populace to not accept the law into power has been rather difficult as most of you have seen."

'Rather difficult' was putting it mildly. It was completely impossible. Convincing the populace into denouncing the policy was like convincing peasants to let the tax rate remain the same instead of lowering it.

"The only way to turn this situation around is if we make the population aware of the dangers of letting lesser-beings have power. I seem to recall there is a village of Nekomata within our territory? Conveniently enough, this will allow us to rid the Underworld of an eyesore within our borders and keep those four…busy."

It was an ominous pause, but everyone was sharp enough to know what Zekram was hinting. He would have the Nekushou commit a crime so unforgivable that it would result in outraged calls calling for the death of said Nekushou and by extension, the village of Nekomata.

"Zekram. I see the intent behind your plan, but do you not worry of the consequences? We will lose certain vital territories in Japan if this plan of yours was to be used."

Only one person in this room would dare to call Zekram by his name. That person was Khalios. He may not involve himself much in current affairs, but he knew enough to know that the costs outweighed the benefits.

"I understand your concern, Khalios. Let's just say I have a few friends who can muzzle that fox. I assure you that our interests and territories will be preserved."


Khalios was wary of what methods Zekram had, but it wasn't his concern.

"Alright. Do as you wish, Zekram."

"A pleasure. Naberius. Someone will come to you to discuss further plans tomorrow. Make sure you have both Nekomata with you. Sons of Uvall, Valac, and Oriax. Your clans have ownership over rather reputable media companies. Make sure you publicise what will happen in the next few days as efficiently as possible. You will receive timely aid."

The three men from each clan respectfully bowed their heads in agreement. Still, Zekram wasn't done.

"As for the rest of you, fan the flames that will erupt when the time comes. All of you come from prestigious clans. Your words and official stance will sway public opinion towards our cause. Should everything be successful, that policy will never see the light of day."

Everyone gradually sported smiles. As expected of Zekram Bael. Such efficient and meticulous planning was something very few could do. In the face of potential defeat, he provided them all a way to turn the situation.

[As expected of the First Generation Progenitor.]

Khalios couldn't help but remark in his mind. They were only separated by a generation, but Zekram continued to surprise him even after thousands of years.

[My descendant will have to endure a setback once more. I'm curious how he will handle it.]




Khalios Astaroth. A new character in the game. Strength is unknown. Current suspected philosophy is 'bloodline purity'. Is a second generation devil and from how he calls Zekram Bael by name, he either doesn't fear Zekram or has the strength to back up his disrespect. From how we know he carries a sword, I'm advocating the latter. That's all we know about him for now.

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