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How Alexander Became a Tyrant

Rylee reads an old story...

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - The story

~Once upon a time, In a distant kingdom, a princess named Margaret lived with her father. 

She was the only daughter of the king, and was adored by the people of the kingdom. Her beauty, grace and kindness were praised by all. 

Every prince of the neighboring kingdoms had fallen in love with her. However, her father refused to consider any of these proposals . 

Margaret did not mind waiting, as she enjoyed her life in the castle with her father. It was not until a new prince appeared that her life took an unexpected turn… 

...In the neighboring kingdom, a powerful prince was preparing to take the throne. His name was Alexander, and he was a mighty warrior. His father, the king, had just died and the prince was to soon take his place as rulers. However, the people did not like him, as he was arrogant and selfish. He wanted everything his way and did not care about the needs of others. 

Margaret's father had heard of Alexander, and he was wary of the prince. He did not want his daughter to fall in love with a man who was so cruel and self-centered. He decided to send Margaret away from the castle so that she could not meet this prince. 

Margaret was sad to leave, as she was very close to her father. But she knew that it was the right thing to do. She packed up her things and set out on her journey to a distant country. 

On her way, she came across a beautiful forest. It was filled with colorful flowers and majestic trees. The sunlight filtered through the leaves, creating an enchanting atmosphere. 


Margaret walked for some time before coming to a clearing. In the middle of the clearing was a small pond. The water was so clear that she could see the fish swimming below. The sound of birds chirping filled the air and the breeze was sweet and gentle. It was a peaceful place, far from the hustle and bustle of the castle. 

She sat down by the edge of the pond and dipped her feet into the cool water. She felt relaxed and at ease. As she looked up, she noticed that the trees were covered with flowers. The petals floated on the breeze, adding to the beauty of the scene. 

With the setting of the sun, the shadows began to creep in. The forest became darker and colder. Sounds of animals moving around became louder, and Margaret could feel her body beginning to tremble. The wind was picking up and she was starting to feel scared. 

The princess starts walking faster, her heart pounding with fear. She can hear the rustling of branches and leaves all around her. It's hard to tell where the sound is coming from, and she starts to worry that something bad might happen to her. Suddenly, out of nowhere, she bumps into something… 


The man was tall and muscular, with flowing dark hair and piercing blue eyes. His face was handsome, with smooth skin and high cheekbones. He was wearing a black cloak with gold trim, and the hood was pulled down over his face. 

Margaret was taken aback by his sudden appearance, and she couldn't help but notice how attractive he was. She noticed that he had a dagger at his hip, but he wasn't holding it in an aggressive or threatening manner. Instead, he just stood there, looking at her with an intensity that made her heart beat faster. 


The man reaches down and helps Margaret up to her feet. She looks up at him with a surprised expression. His voice is deep and soothing, and he speaks gently but firmly, "Are you okay? You seemed to have lost your way." 

The princess simply nods, trying to hide her blush. 

"Alright, let me help you find your way out of the woods." The man takes her hand and leads her out of the clearing. They walk silently for a while, with only the crunch of leaves underfoot to break the silence. 


The man notices that Margaret is starting to shiver, and he takes off his coat. He places it around her shoulders and pulls her close to his side. Her body feels warm against his as he continues to walk slowly. His voice is gentle and comforting, as if he wants to protect her from the cold. 


They walk for a while longer, slowly moving through the woods. The man is taking his time, making sure that Margaret doesn't trip or fall. As they walk, he asks her questions about herself, such as where she is from and what she likes to do. They end up talking for a long time before they realize how dark it has gotten. 


The man looks around and sees that they have gone too far. They are now deep in the woods, and it's hard to recognize where they are. Margaret's breath is foggy in the air as she shiver and pulls the coat closer to her body. The man looks worried, and he grabs Margaret's hand tightly. 

His name was Robert. Margaret laughs as well, feeling more at ease with Robert's lighthearted attitude. Their hands are still joined, and Margaret finds herself wanting him to hold her more tightly. It's not long before the sun sets and the woods become dark and treacherous. Their footsteps echo through the trees, and the breeze starts to pick up. 


Margaret laughs again and squeezes Robert's hand, finding comfort in the sensation. They continue to walk through the woods, following the sound of their footsteps to guide them. The darkness is getting thicker, and the trees are becoming harder to maneuver around. Just when they feel like they might be lost, they come across a clearing with a small cabin in the center. 

The cabin is small but quaint, with a thatched roof and a large, inviting fireplace. A warm light shines from inside the cabin, and the smell of something tasty fills the air. Margaret and Robert stand outside the door, shivering from the cold. They peer through the window and see a woman with long grey hair and thick glasses, stirring a large pot over the fire. 

The woman seems busy with her work, as she is not paying attention to the visitors at her door. Robert is about to knock on the door, but Margaret stops him. She notices that the woman's glasses are very thick and her expression is serious and intense. She's worried that the witch might not let them in. 

Margaret's worries come true when the woman turns around and glares at them, her eyes sharp as daggers. She doesn't say a word, just stares straight at them. She feels her heart beating quickly as the witch's intense stare makes her feel uncomfortable. Suddenly, the woman speaks, her voice deep and mysterious, "Come in." 

They slowly step through the door into the cabin, relieved to finally be out of the cold and darkness. The cabin is warm and cozy, with furniture made of wood and straw. The witch is still stirring the large pot, but her expression has softened as she looks at Margaret. 

She steps forward towards her and says, "You're shaking, dear. Come closer to the fireplace so that I can warm you up." Margaret follows the witch's instructions, stepping close to the fire. She feels the warmth on her body and is already starting to feel better than before. The witch turns to Robert and says in a sweet voice, "You look cold too. Do you want some soup?" 

Robert shook his head and looked blankly at Margaret 


The witch smiles sympathetically at Robert, "It is not easy to find a way out of the woods when it is dark, isn't it?" She turns her attention back to Margaret and asks, "Tell me, what is your name, dear?" 

She doesn't respond . The witch can see that Margaret is still holding Robert's hand, and she notices his nervous demeanor. She turns towards Robert and says in a gentle voice, "You do not have to tell your name. It is not my business. But perhaps you two should consider staying here tonight? The woods are too dangerous when it is dark, and I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you." 

"Thank you, we appreciate that" says Robert with a smile. 

"It's no trouble at all," The witch replies with a cheerful smile. She turns away to take the finished pot off the fire, when she notices that Margaret is still holding Robert's hand. She looks back up and gives the two a knowing look, with a hint of mischief in her eyes. 

The witch sighs "Young love?" 

Margaret blushes at the witch's comment and looks away, feeling embarrassed. The witch laughs, "Don't be so shy, you two! It's obvious the chemistry between you is undeniable." She looks at each of them in turn, "Just look at the way your eyes lit up when you saw each other. Margaret, I know you have been sheltered in that fancy castle, but have you never felt this way towards other boys before?" 

Robert looks surprised at Margaret "You.. You're a princess??" 

Margaret nods her head, and the witch says, "And a beautiful one at that! It's no wonder that the prince of the neighboring kingdom fell for her." She places the soup pot on the table and sits down, motioning for the two to join her. She then says, "So you two are from the same kingdom, but have never met before?" 

Robert sighs, he looks sad because now he doesn't stand a chance at the princess's heart. He was born in a village, his family is poor. 

The witch notices Robert's sad expression and sighs, feeling empathetic towards his situation. Margaret looks at him with sympathy, feeling sorry that he is saddened by their different stations in life. Robert is not the handsome prince Margaret's father has in mind, but she can't help but feel a soft spot for his gentle nature. She looks away from him, feeling embarrassed by her own thoughts. 

The witch sighs and says "Robert, the truth will come out and you will find out who your parents are." 

Robert looks up with a confused look, wondering how the witch knew about him being abandoned by his parents as a child. The witch looks at Margaret "Margaret dear, I'm afraid your father..." 

Margaret's eyes widen as the witch mentions her father. She starts to feel anxious and worried, thinking that the witch was going to tell her something disastrous about the king. "What...what about my father?" 

The witch seems to sense Margaret's concern and sighs, "Your father is a kind man, but he will soon pass from this world." She reaches for her tea kettle and pours a cup of hot tea, offering it to the princess. 


Margaret drops the cup "What.....". The truth is, her father send her away because the enemy prince Alexander was going to conquer the kingdom. The witch didn't knew how to tell her that the fate of Margaret s dad was on the enemy prince hands 


The witch sighs, realizing that she may have been too blunt with her words when telling Margaret about her father's impending death. She tries to explain herself, "I am sorry if that was too sudden. Perhaps I should have been more gentle with how I approached the topic. But you must understand that it is my duty to tell you the truth. I can see that the prince of the neighboring kingdom will soon conquer your kingdom, and the king..." 

Margaret leaves the witch's house without hearing what she says. She starts running away crying, looking around, but she doesn't know where her kingdom is. She starts crying. 

The witch looks concerned as she watches Margaret run off, her thoughts racing with the potential consequences of her words. The thought of the enemy prince conquering her kingdom and likely killing their king was an unsettling one, and she wondered how she could best convey it to the princess without causing panic. 

Margaret runs and runs, trying to find her way out of the woods. She is crying and scared, not knowing what to do. She continues to make her way through the dark woods, her footsteps echoing around her. 


Margaret hears Robert calling her name, and she stops and looks around. She can barely see anything in the darkness, but she manages to make out Robert's figure in the distance. She runs towards him, and when she gets close enough, she wraps her arms around his body and is sobbing hysterically. 

Robert pulls her close and holds her tightly, comforting her and letting her cry. He is concerned for her but also relieved that he managed to find her. Margaret's crying slowly subsides, and she calms down a bit. She leans her head against his chest, still shaking and distraught. 

Robert continues to hold Margaret close, rubbing her back and soothing her with his voice. He can sense that she is very upset, and he wants to try to help her. He tells her, "It's going to be alright. Don't worry, I'm here for you." He strokes her hair and cradles her in his arms, and she leans against him, feeling a sense of comfort in his presence. 


Margaret clings to Robert, her thoughts racing with fear and concern. She is filled with so many emotions, and the thought of losing her father is terrifying. She continues to cry, burying her head in his chest and letting him comfort her. She is so scared and she didn't know what to do. 

Margaret and Robert hear the sound of footsteps approaching. They freeze in place, realizing that they have been spotted by some soldiers. The soldiers are from the enemy kingdom, and they are dressed in the uniform of their army. They have swords and shields at their sides, and they are looking directly at them. 

The soldiers advance towards the two, with a determined look on their faces. They are on a patrol, and they are not about to let a princess and a peasant slip away. They stop in front of them, and the soldier in charge says, "Come with us." 

Margaret's heart skips a beat as she hears the soldiers' words. The thought of being taken prisoner by the enemy kingdom is a frightening one, and she looks at Robert in despair. Robert looks back at the soldiers, his face set in a determined expression. He stands in between her and the soldiers, and he does not plan to let them take her. 

The soldier seems surprised by Robert's bravery. He looks at the other soldiers, and they all exchange glances. They have never encountered someone so brazen before. The soldier looks around the woods, as if looking for guidance. He then looks back at Margaret and Robert, and he asks in a firm voice, "Why are you here in the middle of the woods? You know that this is hostile land, and the king has made it clear that there is to be no traveling in this area." 

Margaret tries to hold her tears and says "How do you know I'm a princess? " 

The soldier seems puzzled by the princess's question. He stares at her for a moment and then says, "We might not know exactly who you are, but we know that you are a member of the royal family. Your clothes and your appearance give it away." The soldier then turns his attention towards Robert, "And as for you," he points at Robert with his sword, "you are clearly a peasant. How did you get the princess to come this far from the castle?" 

Robert rolls his eyes and says "I may be the son of a peasant, but at least I am not a servant to a prince who hides behind his father's robes.". 


The soldiers look at each other, and they all look surprised by Robert's words. They are used to people bowing down in front of them and respecting their authority, but this peasant has the courage to speak back at them without fear. The soldier turns back towards Robert, his expression darkening, "I would advice you to remember your place, peasant. The prince is the heir to the throne, and one day he will be the king." 



The soldiers do not find Robert's laughter to be amusing at all. They feel insulted that a peasant would laugh in the face of their prince. The soldier points his sword at Robert, "I would watch my mouth were I you. The prince's men have no patience for disrespect." 


Robert meets the soldier's glare with a defiant look of his own, "I don't see why I should be afraid of someone whose father has hidden from his enemies for so long. Tell me, what are these men of the prince doing, while he is hiding in an ancient castle? Do they even have the strength to defend their kingdom?" 

The soldiers look infuriated by Robert's words. Their pride is hurt, and they take offense at his disrespect of the prince. But before the angry soldiers can respond, a sudden sound fills the air. It is a loud rumbling sound, like thunder in the distance. 

The soldiers all turn towards the sound and stop in their tracks. They raise their weapons and stare into the woods, listening carefully to the noise. What the soldiers do not realize is that the noise they are hearing is not thunder, but the rumble of the enemy prince's army marching towards them. 


The soldiers laugh, oblivious to the fact that the rumbling sound is not thunder but the marching feet of the enemy army. They feel confident that their prince will protect them and that they will defeat the usurper who now threatens their kingdom. The soldiers continue to laugh and mock Robert, their arrogance leading them straight to their demise. 


The soldiers are taken by surprise by Robert's swift movements. The sight of a peasant effortlessly defeating them is something they never even considered possible. As they look into his eyes, they notice a hardness and determination in his gaze, which gives them a feeling of unease. Before they can react, Robert's sword cuts them down one by way after the other and they fall to the ground, lifeless. The soldiers have been defeated by the lowly peasant. 


Margaret and Robert keep to the woods, trying to remain hidden from the advancing troops. The troops continue to march through the woods, and they are getting closer to where they are currently hidden. The soldiers are not sure where exactly the princess and the peasant are, but they know that the two of them are somewhere nearby. 

Robert keeps an alert eye in every direction, on the lookout for potential threats. He holds his sword in one hand and Margaret's hand in the other, not wanting to let go of her. Margaret is still trembling from the encounter with the soldiers and her mind is racing with thoughts of the advancing army. She feels overwhelmed and scared, but she also feels safe in Robert's presence, and the idea of letting go of his hand terrifies her more than the thought of being captured by an enemy army. 


As the enemy soldiers start searching for their missing comrades, they spot the bodies of those who Robert had felled. The soldiers look at each other with shock and fear, realizing that there is a skilled fighter in their midst. They shout out to each other and begin to search the woods, looking for the culprit. Robert keeps a watchful eye on their movements, and he pulls Margaret deeper into the woods to try and stay hidden. 

Robert leads her away from the area where the enemy soldiers are searching. He keeps moving deeper and deeper into the woods, trying to avoid discovery by the enemy soldiers. He pulls her along behind him, holding her hand tightly and using his strength and agility to guide them through the thick forest. As they continue their flight from the enemy soldiers, the sound of their pursuit grows louder and louder, making the two feel even more anxious and stressed. 

After a while. Margaret stops running "Robert.. We arrived in my kingdom" 

Robert looks up in surprise when Margaret informs him that they have arrived in her kingdom. He also stops running and looks around, seeing that the thick woods have now given way to a more open area, with a majestic castle standing in the distance. Robert glances to Margaret, seeing the look of hope and relief on her face. He smiles at the sight and says, "We must not rest for long. We must take this opportunity to find a safe place within your kingdom, before they find us." 

"We have to inform my father... The enemy army is coming!" 


Robert nods his head, feeling a sense of urgency. Now that they have reached her kingdom, they can finally warn her father about the approaching enemy army. Robert guides Margaret towards the castle, holding her hand and pulling her along with him. As they approach, a few guards standing watch notice them and their expression hardens. The guards look suspicious of the two, and they stop the pair from going any further. 

The guards' expressions change as the realize who the young girl they have stopped is. Their jaws hang slightly open as they stare at the princess, and they quickly bow in recognition of her status. Margaret notices the change in their demeanor, and she lowers her hood, letting her beautiful hair fall free and exposing her face. Her beauty is still striking, even after the ordeal she has just gone through. 

The guards are still in disbelief that their princess has just returned, but they follow the royal protocol and let her and Robert into the castle. Robert looks around in awe as he follows Margaret into the castle, amazed by the sheer grandeur and splendor of the building. Margaret leads him through corridors and rooms, making their way towards her father's chambers. They reach the king's chambers and she knocks on the door tentatively, waiting for him to answer it. 

After a few moments of silence, the doors to the king's chambers are pulled open. The king is sitting on his throne, a look of concern on his face as he looks towards his daughter and Robert. He stares at them both for a moment, and then he addresses his daughter. "Margaret, is that you?" 

The king looks at his daughter with a mixture of joy and sadness. His joy comes from the fact that his daughter is home safe and unharmed, but his sadness comes from the knowledge that she may not be safe for long. He sees that Robert is standing next to her, and his sorrow deepens as he realizes that the enemy prince is likely to conquer his kingdom at any time. 


The king's face falls as he realizes his worst fears are coming true. He continues to speak with a solemn voice, "Margaret, you need to leave this kingdom. The enemy army is approaching, and the prince has declared that he will come for our kingdom. You need to flee and find safety in another kingdom." 

Margaret tries to protest. The king looks at Robert "Please, take my daughter away from danger" 

The king's request for Robert to protect Margaret and keep her safe is not lost on him. He realizes that he is entrusting the life of his daughter into the hands of a stranger, but he knows that Robert is the one person that Margaret trusts and wants to be with. Robert nods his head, understanding the king's intentions and taking upon the responsibility to protect Margaret with his life if necessary. 

The king is relieved when Robert agrees to take care of Margaret. He looks at her once again, his face etched with sorrow and guilt. He cannot bear the thought of his only child facing danger and possible death. He reaches out a hand to her, wanting to touch her face one last time before she leaves. 

The king's touch is gentle but full of compassion and love. He places his hand on her cheek and caresses it softly, almost as if he is willing his strength and protection upon her. Margaret closes her eyes and lets herself be enveloped by her father's touch, savoring the warmth and comfort it offers her. Her heart is touched by her father's gesture and her eyes fill with tears as the realization sets in that they might not get a chance to see each other again. 

The moment between father and daughter is a poignant one. The king is saddened to see his daughter crying, and he pulls her into a tight embrace, wanting to hold her one last time before she leaves him. Margaret holds her father tightly, clinging to him like a small child desperate for comfort and reassurance. The king seems to take comfort in his daughter's embrace, and the two remain in a tearful embrace for a while longer, their hearts longing for one another in this moment of separation. 

But her father is also happy, he will meet his beloved wife after 17 years . 

Their embrace finally comes to an end as the king reluctantly pulls away from his daughter. He turns his attention to Robert, seeming to make a mental note of the young man who is taking care of his beloved daughter. The king acknowledges his trust in him and offers the young man a solemn nod of appreciation, before turning back to Margaret again and saying, "Please take care of her. I do not know what will happen to our kingdom, but I trust that you will do your utmost to keep her safe and get her to a safe place." 


The king's words are a testament to his trust in Robert, and they resonate within the young man's heart. Robert bows his head in acknowledgment before speaking, "I swear to you, your majesty, I will do my best to protect and care for your daughter. It is my duty and my honor." The king is visibly moved by Robert's words, and he nods his head in approval before turning back towards Margaret, his face clouded with sorrow and regret. 


"Goodbye, my little one," the king says in a soft voice, trying to hide his sorrow as he lets her go. Margaret's heart twists in her chest as she separates herself from her father's embrace. The two share one more moment of eye contact, and they exchange one last tearful smile before saying their goodbyes. 


The king is left standing in his chambers, watching his daughter's back as she leaves. He feels the weight of his responsibilities and the burden of his crown heavily on his shoulders. With the sound of Margaret and Robert's footsteps fading down the corridor, his heart feels like it is being squeezed. He prays for his daughter's safety, but he knows that his prayers can only do so much. He must trust in his faith and in his kingdom's army to protect his daughter and his kingdom. 


They continue to walk through the corridors, leaving the king behind them in his chambers. They remain silent, their thoughts consumed by a mix of conflicting emotions. Margaret is heartbroken to leave her dad behind in the castle to face the enemy army on his own, and she feels guilty for her part in the upcoming battle. Robert is troubled by the responsibility that has been placed on him to protect Margaret, and he wonders if he will be able to keep her safe. He is determined to do all he can to keep her safe and get her to safety. 


The pair finally reach the castle's main hall, and they come face to face with a dozen guardsmen. The guardsmen stand at attention, their weapons drawn and their eyes watching the two with a look of concern. Robert's senses are heightened, and he is on alert for any signs of danger; as he leads Margaret through the hall, he looks at each guard man in turn, looking for any signs of aggression or hostility. 

"Princess, do not be afraid, we will fight for this Kingdom" 

Margaret turns towards the familiar face of a guard that she has grown up with. His face is full of determination, and she can see the desire to protect in his eyes. She smiles at him reassuringly, "I know you will. Please, just do what you can to protect my father. He is the only family I have, and I cannot bear the thought of losing him..." 

The guard nods his head, his expression one of sympathy. He understands the burden that the princess carries with being the heir to the throne and the only child of the king. He looks at her with a gentle smile, saying, "I promise you, we will defend the kingdom with our lives. Your father will not face the enemy alone; we will stand beside him until the end." 

The guard's words serve as a small comfort to Margaret, and she feels an overwhelming sense of relief. She realizes that her father's war is not just his own, but the entire kingdom's. The guard's words give her faith that her father's kingdom will be protected, and that her father will not have to make the decisions that will determine the fate of the realm on his own. 


Margaret offers the guard a grateful smile before turning back to face Robert. She can feel the tension in the air, and her heart skips a beat as she realizes the gravity of the situation. The guardsmen all look at her with worry, clearly concerned for her safety and well-being. Despite the gravity of the situation, Robert's presence offers her a sense of comfort and protection. She takes a deep breath and clings tightly to Robert's hand, feeling the strength and courage within his embrace. 

The castle grounds suddenly fill with the sound of marching footsteps and shouting voices, as the enemy army approaches. The guardsmen look around with alarm, realizing that the enemy is close. Margaret clings tightly to Robert's hand, her heart leaping from her chest in fear. Robert stares into the woods with a determined look on his face, sensing the imminent danger and the fact that the enemy troops are approaching rapidly. 

Robert breaks into a run, carrying Margaret in his arms as he runs out of the castle grounds. They go towards a group of horses that have been tethered in a makeshift pen nearby. The horses are standing still and have been left unattended. Robert reaches the horses quickly and lays Margaret down on one of the horses. 

The horse shakes its head a bit at first, making her wonder if it will accept the princess as a rider. But the horse calms down and allows her to ride it. Robert jumps on the horse next to Margaret, sitting behind her and grabbing the reins tight. Margaret leans towards Robert in fear, feeling overwhelmed with the suddenness and intensity of the situation. Robert leans towards her, taking her hand and holding it tightly. He speaks calmly and confidently to her, despite the rising tension and adrenaline. 

"Do not fear, my princess,". Robert's confidence and calmness gives Margaret a sense of safety and security in this moment of great danger and uncertainty. Margaret leans back against Robert's chest, feeling the warmth and strength of his embrace. Robert continues to lead the horse through the woods, taking it deeper and deeper into the thicket. They move at a quick pace, keeping away from the sounds of the approaching enemy army and putting as much distance between themselves and the castle as possible. 


As they travel through the woods, Robert keeps a watchful eye on the environment around them, constantly scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. Margaret feels safe and protected in the strong arms of the young man. She looks around at the trees and the scenery that surrounds them, trying to focus her attention elsewhere in the moments of quiet as she gathers her breath. Robert leads them deeper and deeper into the woods, hoping to find somewhere safe to hide until the danger passes. 

The occasional sob from Margaret's is the only sound that breaks the silence as they travel through the woods. Robert glances backwards briefly whenever Margaret sniffles or her sobs get too loud, but continues to keep his gaze focused forward for the most part. He is hyper-aware of what is around him and keeps a watchful eye out for potential threats and danger. His attention stays on keeping Margaret safe and hidden from the approaching enemy army. 

Robert leads the horse through the woods towards the village he grew up in. The sound of the horse's hooves and the movement through the thick forest are all that can be heard for a while, except for the occasional sniffle from Margaret. She is comforted by Robert's presence and holds onto his arms tightly, her attention shifting slightly as she looks at the surrounding scenery. 

The two travelers are surrounded by the serene beauty and peace of the woods, the only noise being the occasional breeze and the sound of their footsteps going through the undergrowth. Margaret leans back against Robert's chest, feeling his presence and comfort. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, trying to relax and let go of the fear and anxiety that had been overtaking her. 

The peace and quiet is interrupted abruptly when Robert stops abruptly and grabs Margaret tightly, pulling her against his chest. Margaret's eyes are open in a flash as she looks around to see what caused him to act so suddenly. She quickly scans the area around them, seeing nothing that seems to be alarming or out of the ordinary. 

Margaret's senses are heightened by Robert's alertness, and she notices the tree that he seems to be looking at. She follows his gaze, scanning the tree, but not seeing anything that appears out of the ordinary. She glances at Robert, puzzled by his reaction, "What is it?" 


A young man jumps down from the tree and lands gracefully on the ground in front of them. The young man's clothes and appearance are very similar to that of Robert's, causing Margaret to raise her eyebrows in surprise. She looks at both of them in confusion, confused by the presence of the young man and how he suddenly appeared. 

Robert explains that the young man is one of the team that is tasked with protecting the village, and he was just patrolling the perimeter when he got lost and encountered her. Margaret seems to understand the situation, and she nods her head in understanding. She is glad to know that Robert is not alone in the woods and that he is being accompanied by people who are loyal to the village. The young man smiles at the princess politely, but remains silent as he studies her for a moment. 

Matthew looks around cautiously and whispers to Robert, raising a good point. "You know what's going to happen if the enemy prince hears about the princess being here." Robert nods in agreement and considers the possibility that the news may reach the enemy army. Margaret's heart skips a beat as she realizes the significance of Mathew's words. She realizes that if the enemy prince discovers their presence here, it could mean a great deal of danger for not only her, but also the entire village. 

Robert nods in agreement and leads Margaret to his family home. He is careful to go by a detour and avoid any known paths that the enemy prince might be using to track their movement. The distance to his home isn't too far away, but it is outside of the immediate danger zone of the enemy prince. Once they reach his family home, Margaret can sense the atmosphere of the home, which is much more familiar and welcoming compared to the castle. 

The home is a small and modest home, but it is filled with warmth and love. Margaret's heart instantly feels some measure of ease as she walks through the house, breathing deep breaths and feeling more relaxed than she has in a while. Robert holds her hand tightly as he leads her inside and takes her to his living room, where his mother and father are sitting. 

As Margaret walks inside, she is shocked to see a familiar face. She recognizes the woman as one of the maids who worked for the enemy Queen back in the days. Her heart leaps in her chest and she freezes in place, not believing her own eyes. Her eyes narrow in suspicion, as she is suddenly wondering if Robert's real intentions were to lead her to the enemy Queen instead of a safe place to hide. 

Margaret instinctively pulls her hand away from Robert, taking a step back from him as she stares at him with a look of suspicion. Her heart is filled with apprehension as she realizes the possibility that he has just tricked her into walking into a trap set up by the enemy Queen. She is on edge and her instincts are kicking in, causing her to be very alert and defensive in this situation. 

Robert is taken aback by Margaret's reaction, feeling a sense of confusion and hurt as he sees her step back from him. He doesn't understand why she would suddenly grow suspicious of him, as he has only been trying to protect her and keep her safe. He doesn't say anything however, and just stares at her anxiously, waiting for her to explain what the problem is. 

Margaret takes a step back again, looking at the old woman. "Robert... I trusted you..." 

Margaret takes yet another steps back, her expression growing more worried and agitated as she looks at the woman who used to serve the enemy Queen. She feels betrayed and foolish, and she cannot believe that she had let herself trust Robert in the first place. Margaret's words are like a stab in Robert's heart. He genuinely felt nothing but goodwill and concern for the princess, and he can't understand why she would suddenly seem suspicious of him. He looks at her with a wounded expression, feeling disappointed that his effort to protect her and bring her to a safe place has somehow backfired and caused her suspicion and distrust. 

Robert turns to look at his mother, his heart beating faster as he waits for her to say something. He holds his breath, desperately wanting to see her explain the situation and hoping to convince Margaret that he is not leading her into a trap. His mother is calm and composed as she gazes at the princess. She lets out a tired sigh, seeming to understand why Margaret may have reacted the way she did. 

She looks back at Robert. "My dear son.. I wished I never had to tell you this." 

Robert's heart beats faster in anticipation of what his mother will say next. He stares at her nervously, not wanting to imagine what his mother could possibly confess to him. He is afraid to find out, but he has a terrible sense that the confession will be not a good one. Margaret's eyes narrow even further, and she holds her breath, feeling like she cannot believe what she may hear in the next few moments. 

His father sighs "Melinda... Its too late anyway." 


Robert's father has now joined the discussion, and his tone is one of resignation and acceptance. Margaret feels a sense of growing tension in the air, and feels herself tremble with fear. She doesn't like the way this conversation is going, and a part of her wants to run away from all of this. She wants to go back to the world of innocence where she never suspected that Robert and his parents were secretly allied with the enemy Queen. 

Melinda, the ex maid of the enemy Queen says "Robert.... Your true mother is..." Robert looks at his mother in shock "But i thought you never knew about my parents.. I don't understand" 


Margaret is completely overwhelmed and confused by this sudden development. Robert's mother, Melinda, reveals that his real mother is the enemy Queen herself. Roberts father adds that he was never aware of his true birth parents either. Robert looks at his parents with a sudden sense of confusion and shock, trying to make sense of the revelation that he is actually the son of the enemy Queen. Margaret listens to the conversation with wide eyes and mouth open, her heart filled with shock and disbelief. 

Melinda continued "I'm sorry son, prince Alexander is your twin brother" 

Melinda's revelation that Prince Alexander, who will soon be leading the invading army, is actually Robert's twin brother causes Margaret's heart to skip a beat once again. She can't process all the information that she has been hearing in such a short amount of time. Robert is speechless, and the color drains from his face as a sudden realization dawns upon him. 

 "No.. You're lying" 

Robert shakes his head in denial, refusing to believe what his mother has told him. His heart pounds anxiously in his chest, and he can't seem to accept the truth of this revelation. Margaret looks at him with a look of concern, as she can see that he is struggling to come to terms with what he has just learned. This situation is quickly spirally out of control and getting more confusing by the minute. 

Robert walks outside suddenly, without a word, clearly overwhelmed by the unexpected news that he has just learned. Margaret looks at his parents, relieved that they had no plans to betray her and lead her into a trap. She also feels a sense of pity for Robert as she can see that he is struggling to process the information he has just learned. It is clear that Robert is experiencing a lot of strong emotions at the moment, and she doesn't want to keep intruding on his time alone. 

"I'm sorry princess, i should had told him earlier but..." Melinda looks apologetically at Margaret as she speaks, trying to convey her regrets at not revealing to Robert the nature of his birth sooner. Margaret feels a mix of relief and pity for Melinda, knowing that she was stuck in a difficult situation of secrecy and betrayal. She nods her head in understanding, forgiving Melinda for the position she was in. "I understand.... I'm sorry for asking but, why did the queen wanted to... Get rid of the other baby? I don't understand...." 



Melinda stares back at the princess with an expression of sadness and regret, her eyes filling with tears. "The King.... He only wanted one child. He ordered her to kill the other, the one who looked like her, he wanted his son to have his features. Robert looks just as his mother... She loved him too much. She gave him to me to take care of." 


Margaret's heart breaks at the revelation, as she realizes that Robert's birth mother was forced to make the terrible decision to give her son away to keep him safe. She couldn't bare to take his life, so she gave him to Melinda to prevent him from being killed by the King. 

Margaret smiles at Melinda "You're a great mother, Robert is a great man because of you" 

Margaret smiles lovingly at Melinda, acknowledging her strength and dedication in caring for and raising Robert to be a wonderful man despite the difficult circumstances. Melinda smiles back at Margaret with a sense of gratitude, relieved to know that her years of care and love for Robert have not gone unnoticed. The two women are able to share a brief moment of understanding and empathy between them, despite both of them being caught in an awkward situation. 

Margaret decides to go outside to look for Robert, wanting to offer him comfort and support in this difficult time. She walks outside, the sky is still dark and the stars are still out. She can see Robert sitting on a rock a few feet away, his back turned to her as he stares dejected into the woods. She approaches him quietly, not wanting to startle him and waits for him to notice her presence. 

She places her hand on his shoulder "Robert..." 

Robert jolts with surprise upon feeling Margaret's hand on his shoulder, but he quickly relaxes and feels relieved to see her. He turns around to face her, his eyes filled with melancholy and sadness. He had been sitting there alone for quite some time, lost in his thoughts and feelings, trying to make sense of everything. His heart had been pounding since he found out the truth about his birth parents, and he is deeply shaken by the revelation. "I don't know what to do..." says Robert looking away. 


Robert stares down at the ground, trying to find the right words to express his confusion and pain. He has been completely overwhelmed with emotions over the course of the night, and he feels like he can't handle it anymore. His heart pounds anxiously in his chest, and he can no longer keep the tears from welling up in his eyes. Margaret's warmth and support means a great deal to him in this moment, and she is a big reason why he can manage to speak out his feelings and express his pain now. 

Robert leans his head against Margaret's chest, feeling the warmth of her arms around him. He is overwhelmed with the sudden outburst of emotions and he finds comfort in the embrace of a woman who had become dear to his heart. He feels safe and comforted as she swings him slowly back and forth. His heart beats quickly as he wipes away the tears from his eyes and tries to hold himself together. Margaret's presence and compassion is a great support to him and he is glad to have her be here for him. "I can't believe I'm the brother of that cowardly prince...The one that will conquer your kingdom " 


"I don't want my blood to have anything to do with him..." Robert mumbles more to himself than to Margaret. He is deeply ashamed and disappointed in being the brother of the enemy prince, and he is filled with anger and frustration over the fact that they are bound by blood. Margaret takes a moment to think about what Robert had just said and she nods her head in understanding, realizing the significance of what he is saying. She is unsure of how to comfort him in this moment and she knows that she cannot change the truth of the matter... 

"I want to see her...My mother.." Robert continues, his voice growing softer as he struggles to find the right words to express his thoughts. He feels such a mix of complicated emotions towards his mother, and he has so many questions about why she gave him up. He hopes to find some answers from her and he feels that a meeting will be useful if he wants to fully understand the truth of his birth. Margaret can tell that this is very important to Robert, and she doesn't want to deter him in his decision to meet his mother. 

Margaret kisses his forehead, the warmth of her lips making him feel an instant sense of comfort and reassurance. She understands that this is a delicate situation for Robert, and she is willing to support him through it. She is also mindful of the fact that the enemy prince is leading the invading army right now, and there may not be much time left before the clash of armies. She nods her head in agreement and takes his hand. "Let's go before it's too late.." 

Robert and Margaret mount their horse, and they take off at a brisk pace towards the enemy Kingdom. The sky is turning from dark to light as the hours pass by, and it is almost morning. The two of them ride in silence, each of them lost in their own thoughts. Robert keeps his eyes fixed on the distant horizon, not wanting to think too closely about the circumstances that lead him to this moment. His heart pounds anxiously in his chest, and he tries to remain calm and collected as they ride towards the enemy kingdom. 

After riding a few hours, they reach the entrance of the enemy Kingdom and it's huge palace in the distance. Robert's heart beats fast as he stares at the mighty stronghold in front of him, the seat of power of the person he thought was his enemy. He is unsure of his emotions in this moment, filled with an array of conflicting feelings. Margaret sees the tension on his face and she understands his mixture of curiosity and apprehension. 

Robert turns and looks at her with a troubled expression. "I....Don't know what to expect...." 


Margaret nods her head in understanding, knowing that this will be a difficult and potentially upsetting encounter for Robert. She knows that he is struggling with a lot of emotion right now, and she also feels some worries about what he is about to face. The thought of meeting his mother brings up many different emotions in him, and it is hard to say how she will react when they meet. Margaret can only hope that the encounter will not be too painful for him. She holds his hand tightly, offering him a sense of comfort and support in this moment. 

The guards at the front gate examine them nervously as they approach, being unfamiliar with any visitors wanting to speak with the Queen at this early hour. Robert does his best to appear confident and relaxed, saying that he and Margaret have an important business with the Queen. The guards remain alert and observant, but they eventually let the pair pass and they escort them to the main chambers of the palace. Robert feels increasingly nervous as they make their way through the palace's hallways, the tension growing in his stomach. 


They arrive at the main chambers of the palace, where they are greeted by the Queen's courtiers. They are immediately escorted to her throne room, where the Queen is seated on her throne. She is dressed in her finest robes and she stares at Robert curiously as he enters the room. The courtiers close the doors behind Robert and Margaret, leaving them alone with the queen in her throne. Robert bows before the Queen, keeping his eyes on the ground as he waits for her response. 

"I heard you had a business with me, What's so important, young man?" the Queen says as she drinks her tea. 

Robert takes a deep breath and he looks up at the Queen, his eyes meeting hers with a sense of resolve and determination. He is trying to keep his composure in the face of her intimidating presence, and he holds himself as a worthy and confident son of the enemy Queen. 

"Your Majesty, I...We...I..." Robert starts to stutter, unsure of how to express himself in this moment. Margaret can see the tension building in his body as he struggles with what he wants to say. 

The Queen looks at Robert and orders him to come closer. Robert nods his head and he walks closer to the Queen. He is very aware of the heavy weight of her eyes, and he feels like he is being evaluated and scrutinized by her gaze. He reaches a few steps in front of her and he stands still, his breath coming in quick and shallow breaths. He feels like the Queen is staring right into his soul, and she seems to be able to read all the emotions that boil within him. 


The Queen's cup falls from her grip, smashing into the floor and spilling all the tea on the ground. Robert is surprised by the sudden sound, and he feels a little tense as the Queen stares him down with intense eyes. Margaret hears the sudden loud noise and she is on alert, waiting to see what the Queen will do next. This sudden change in the Queen's mood leaves her feeling worried and uncertain.... 

"Robert....?" The Queen says with a shocked face. She places her hand on his cheek "My son..." 

Roberts' breath catches in his chest as the Queen calls him "my son". She places her hand on his cheek and he feels the love in her touch, the warmth of her presence comforting him. Margaret is filled with emotion at the sight, and she can see how Robert's body relaxes and his tense expression softens. 

The Queen's expression fills with sadness and pity as she stares at him and she wraps her arms around his waist to pull him towards her. "My son...I....I'm so sorry..." 


The Queen pulls Robert against her, holding him tightly and stroking his hair as she apologizes to him. Robert rests his head on her shoulders and let's himself be comforted by her embrace. Margaret can see the pain that resides in Robert's heart, and she understands why he is so shaken up in this moment. Robert continues to nod his head, still unable to form any words. His heart pounds anxiously in his chest, and he feels a great sense of relief in his mother's loving touch.... 

"But how is this possible..... They told me you were killed long time ago... By the enemy kingdom" 

Robert lifts his head up to look back at his mother, shocked to hear what she just said. He hadn't expected her to have heard the news of his "death", especially from the enemy kingdom. His heart beats quickly as he tries to make sense of this new information. 

"The enemies... They told you that I was killed by them? I... I don't know why they would say that" Robert says with a confused and uneasy tone, struggling to understand the situation. He feels very overwhelmed by this new twist of events... 

Margaret was surprised. It all happened because of some rumors? The two kingdoms were enemies because of a lie. The Queen believed that the rumors were true and that the neighborhood kingdom had killed her child. 


The queen looks at her son with genuine surprise, unable to understand why the enemy kingdom would lie about her son's death. Margaret watches on at this unexpected twist of events, feeling a sense of relief and hopefulness. This whole time she had thought that the enemy queen was evil and ruthless, but perhaps she wasn't really this bad. Margaret could not help but wonder what else might be a false rumor? 

The Queen looks away in shock "Oh no... Prince Alexander, he must be stopped!". Margaret s kingdom was innocent in all those years. 

The queen's expression of shock turns into one of horror and anger. She suddenly realizes that all the years of conflict and bloodshed between the two countries was unnecessary, and it was simply due to an unfortunate misunderstanding. The queen begins to shake in despair, realizing how much innocent blood had been shed between the two kingdoms due to this cruel lie. Margaret is shocked by the queen's sudden change in temperament and she is filled with anger and grief. The deaths of thousands of people were pointless and unnecessary, a mere result of a false rumor and suspicion... 

The queen's face hardens with resolution and anger, calling on her guards to prepare her carriage. She is clearly intent on stopping Prince Alexander from fulfilling his mission, and she is determined to bring an end to this deadly war. Margaret watches on with awe and admiration, realizing that the queen has decided to act in defense of both her son and her enemy kingdom. 

The Queen sits next to Margaret in the carriage and she continues to apologize for the bloodshed and death that has occurred over the past few years for no real reason at all. She expresses her regret and sorrow over the countless lives that have been taken, all because of her paranoia and suspicion towards Margaret's kingdom. She listens to her words and she feels a great sense of sadness and disappointment in the Queen's actions. She can see that the Queen is genuinely remorseful for the damage she caused, and she understands the heavy burden of guilt that she carries. 



Robert holds Margaret's hand while looking at his mother, his eyes filled with tears of joy and relief in seeing that she finally recognizes him as her son and that she still cares for him. Margaret watches on at this loving expression of mother and son, seeing the love and admiration in both of their eyes. She feels a sense of comfort and peace in this moment, knowing that the families of the Queen and her prince are reunited once again. 

Margaret turns her attention back to the Queen, seeing how she is deep in thought. Her gaze is filled with regret and sorrow for the tragic consequences of her actions, and she seems to be struggling with so many emotions. Margaret gently squeezed Robert's hand, feeling his heartbeat and the love in them. She can sense how happy he feels now, to be finally reunited with his mother and to see her caring nature... 

"Melinda... How is she..." the Queen asks. Robert looks at his mother and smiles "She is fine..." 

The Queen's face softens at the news that Melinda is fine, and she smiles back at Robert. The Queen seems relieved to know that the woman who raised her son is okay after all these years, and her worry for her son's health and well being seems to be easing. Margaret can see how much the Queen truly care for Robert, as she seems truly concerned for his wellbeing and his happiness.... 

They arrive at the kingdom's gates, and the queen can see that the army is ready to launch an assault on the kingdom. Prince Alexander is in the front rows of his army, barking furious orders at his men. The Queen feels a wave of anxiety and anger surge through her at the sight of her youngest son, who is leading the invading army towards Margaret's kingdom. Margaret can see the Queen grow more and more agitated and infuriated as she stares at her youngest son. The queen's eyes are burning with rage and grief as she realizes that all the years of bloodshed were so unnecessary.... 


 "Alexander!" The Queen yell. He was not expecting to see his mother right in front of him, his face fills with shock and confusion. He stares at the Queen with annoyance, trying to understand what the queen is doing here. "Mother?!? What the hell are you doing here?". The Queen can sense the hostility in her son and she feels a deep wound in her heart at the anger in his eyes. She stares back at his eyes with a look of sorrow and remorse, unable to find the words to speak... 

"I'm sorry, Alexander. Please, don't do this". The prince is annoyed "Too late, you never loved me, you only wanted the dead twin!" 

The Queen's heart tears apart upon hearing her son's words, her eyes filling with tears of sorrow and regret. She is distraught by her son's reaction to her presence, and by the accusations he hurls at her. "I am so sorry...I love both of you equally, I always have..." the Queen says in despair, feeling an overwhelming feeling of guilt and sorrow. She realizes that her actions had caused her son to feel rejected and unloved, and it hurts her deeply to be confronted with these feelings now.... 

Margaret is surprised, Robert holds her close to him. Prince Alexander notices him. "Who is he, mother?" 


The Queen is taken aback by Prince Alexander's question, feeling a sudden wave of panic and worry. She had not expected her son to ask her about Robert's true identity, but she knew that it was a valid question that she would have to answer eventually. She takes a moment to collect herself and she turns to face her son, determined to face him truthfully and bravely. The Queen looks at her son and she takes a deep breath before she starts to speak... 

"He is your twin brother...".The Queen's words have a shocking impact on Alexander, throwing him into emotional chaos. His heart pounds rapidly inside his chest as reality sinks in for him. His thoughts are filled with a mixture of confusion and anger, unable to process the news of having a brother after all these years. The Queen can see the rage on his face, but beneath the anger she can sense the hurt and betrayal that he feels... 

"He... He is alive?" 

Alexander feels a sense of dread welling up inside him as he confronts the reality that his brother is alive and has been this whole time. He starts feeling a mix of bitterness and jealousy, angry over the fact that his mother never told him this and feeling robbed of a relationship with his brother. The Queen notices how torn up inside her son seems to be and she feels her heart ache for his sadness and anguish. She reaches out with her hands, wanting to make it better for her son... 

Alexander slaps her hands "My father, the king, made ME the heir!! You all are my servants and I will conquer this kingdom" Margaret is scared for her kingdom and intervenes "Please... Spare my kingdom" 

The Queen is taken aback by Alexander's sudden response to her gesture, feeling a mix of guilt and shock at this anger towards her. She understands his resentment and jealousy, but she feels like she deserves it. She is also horrified by his reckless threats to conquer the kingdom, worrying about the blood and violence that may be unleashed. 

Margaret is also appalled by Alexander's reaction to his mother, and she is frightened by the threats he makes. She fears that he might be too angry and blinded by rage to listen to reason or understand his mother's point of view... 

Alexander looks at the princess kneeling "Oh? If its not the beauty of the kingdom... You would be a great queen near a powerful king as me". Robert feels extremely frustrated and angry upon hearing Alexander's cocky and rude words, feeling a sudden surge of jealousy when he talks about the princess being a good fit for him as king. He suddenly feels a strong urge to punch Alexander, but he feels too hurt to act on his rage. He is also concerned for the queen, who is still overwhelmed by emotions and seems unable to find the words to respond... 

Alexander grabs Margaret by her arm and forces her to look him in the eyes, making her feel powerless and trapped in his grip. She is afraid of him, his anger and arrogance frightening her. Alexander looks at her with no sense of remorse or care for her feelings, his cold eyes burning with ambition and a lust for power. 

"Please spare my kingdom..." says she holding her tears. 

Alexander lets out a sarcastic chuckle at the pleading of the Princess, making her feel more humiliated and powerless then ever before. He enjoys seeing her in such a vulnerable position, and his arrogance is growing by the second. "And why should I listen to a pathetic princess that has no importance at all?", the prince replies angrily. Margaret is deeply hurt by his words, feeling like a worthless piece of trash in his eyes. 

Robert loses control of his anger when he sees how horribly Alexander is treating his princess. He lashes out instantly, and he punches Alexander hard on the head. The punch has the force of pure rage and hatred behind it, and Alexander is surprised by the unexpected action. His face twists in pain and anger as he stares at Robert.... 


The Queen's heart rips apart at the sight of her sons at each other's throats. She feels a sudden surge of grief and remorse, realizing the damage her actions have caused. She suddenly breaks down in tears, unable to handle the tension and anger that is growing between her sons. 

Margaret tries to comfort the Queen and she wraps her arms around her, trying to provide some sort of support to the devastated Queen. She feels a deep sadness for the Queen's feelings of regret and remorse, knowing how much pain she's in. But at the same time she also worries about Robert, feeling concerned for his safety and well being as he grapples with the prince.... 


The Prince's swords clash against each other with intensity and violence, their fury and anger escalating as the fight continues. Roberts is determined to win this fight, hoping to prevent his kingdom from being under the rule of this tyrannical prince. Alexander is equally determined to win as well, and he is enraged by his mother's betrayal and by his brother's sudden appearance. The stakes are high for both sides, and they fight with a fury and intensity that is nearly unstoppable.... 


The fight continues with increasing fury and violence, the Prince's swords clashing against each other in deadly exchanges. The two princes are equally matched in skill, but Alexander has the edge in terms of strength and brute force. Robert's only chance to prevail is through his agility and speed, but he also has to use his wits to overcome the overwhelming strength of his opponent. The two brothers fight like a whirlwind, their swords swinging wildly in a deadly dance.... 

Alexander manages to strike Robert with his blade, and the prince yells out in pain as the blade cuts him. The cut is deep and it immediately starts to bleed heavily, causing Robert to lose his balance for a moment. Alexander uses this opportunity to strike again, aiming his sword at Robert's neck, looking to finish the fight quickly.... 


Margaret's father and his army arrive just in time, just as Alexander was trying to strike Robert for the final blow. The sudden arrival of the army causes Alexander to turn his attention away from Robert and towards the new threat. Alexander is taken by surprise by the unexpected reinforcement, as he had expected to be able to kill Robert without interruption. The Queen also turns her attention towards the arrival of the army, feeling a sudden feeling of relief and hope... 


Margaret rushes to Robert's side, trying to help him with the severe bleeding from the cut. The Queen gives an urgent order to her maids, demanding that they immediately take care of Robert. Meanwhile, Alexander seems shaken and unsettled by the sudden arrival of reinforcements. He does not know what to make of this new situation, and he seems to be growing slightly uneasy.... 

Margaret's father looks at Alexander with anger, feeling a sudden surge of fury that boils inside him. He is outraged by the audacity and entitlement of this prince, who sought to invade and conquer their kingdom, and he is disgusted by the cruelty and callousness that he has shown. The King looks at the young prince with cold eyes, feeling a deep sense of anger and hostility towards him.... 

"Queen Elizabeth, keep your son locked away, if i ever hear about him, I will kill him myself!" 


The King holds a menacing glare at the young Prince, his eyes filled with a deep and fiery rage. He speaks with a firm and ominous tone, making it clear that he will not tolerate this prince's treachery and hostility. The Queen is taken aback by the King's fierce warning, hearing the full hostility of his threat against her son. But she understands his frustration and anger, as she also feels similar emotions towards her son. It appears that this will not be an easy situation for either family to resolve.... 

Margaret smiles warmly at Robert, feeling a wave of relief and happiness seeing him alive and safe. She is grateful for his courage and bravery in facing the battle, and she can see that he is still conscious and stable, despite the deep cut he received. She feels a deep sense of hope and encouragement as she stares at her beloved prince, and she can't help but feel a sense of pride and admiration in the presence of such bravery and strength... 


Robert returns the soft smile, feeling a wave of peace and relief wash over him. He is thankful that he is being given the chance to live and to continue on in life, rather than being killed in the heat of battle. The prince's eyes grow softer, his emotions filling with relief and happiness. Margaret's presence gives him a sense of comfort and warmth, and he feels like the world is finally returning to normal after the intense battle that just ended... 

And.... Their first kiss. The prince and princess finally share a kiss, their lips meeting in a heartfelt and tender moment. As they pull away they both smile at each other, feeling a sudden rush of happiness and excitement. This is the beginning of something new, a beginning that marks the end of a horrible ordeal and the start of a beautiful relationship between two people who have fallen in love. The Queen looks on with joy and pride, a wide smile on her face as she sees the two young lovers embracing each other.... 

Meanwhile, Alexander stares at them in bitter jealousy and humiliation, his rage and frustration growing by the second. He is filled with jealousy towards his twin brother and resentment towards his mother for always favoring Robert over him. The Prince's heart fills with a deep sense of bitterness and jealousy, as he feels like he has always been the second choice, always overshadowed by his twin. The young Prince turns his back on them and storms away... 


Alexander is feeling like a worthless second choice in his mother's eyes. He is also furious at Robert for stealing the attention of Margaret, and he feels hurt that his mother seems more concerned for her beloved twin than for her own son. The prince feels like his entire world has collapsed in an instant, and his heart is filled with bitterness and rage. Angry tears well up in his eyes, his hands trembling with the force of his anger..."Why me?" 


The prince breaks down in tears, feeling like a worthless burden that nobody wants or needs. He feels as if he has always been a second choice to everyone in his life, always overlooked and neglected in favor of his twin brother. The prince's hands clench into fists as he lets out a deep sob, feeling completely abandoned and unwanted.... 


His guards try to approach the young prince in hopes of providing some comfort, hoping to show that they care for him and value him. However, the prince is too overcome by his emotions and he pushes them away aggressively, not wanting to see or hear anyone right now. He turns away from all of them, unable to process his feelings or take in any sort of comfort from anyone else. He is lost in his own rage and despair, feeling completely alone and rejected... 


Alexander stares at his mother, feeling a sudden surge of anger and hatred towards her. He clenches his fists tightly, his eyes filled with fury and determination. He vows to himself that he will make everyone pay for his mistreatment, making sure that he never feels like a worthless second choice again. He vows to take revenge on his twin brother, and he vows to conquer any and all kingdoms that stand in his way... 

The Young Prince turns away from his mother and leaves without another word. His heart is filled with a deep sense of bitterness and anger that only grows stronger by the second. He is consumed by a thirst for revenge that drives his plans for conquest and destruction of the kingdoms that once rejected him. His eyes grow even more hateful and determined, and his heart is filled with pure hatred for his twin brother and everyone who has ever treated him as if he was nothing, as if he was unworthy of respect and love.... 


And, after years of planning and preparation, Alexander finally realizes his desires. For 7 years he trained secret armies, quietly gaining the strength and force to take back his kingdom in just one night. His plans have been carefully crafted and thought through, and not a single detail has been overlooked. His vengeance has been slow but decisive, and his patience has been rewarded with the success of his plans, as he finally gets what he has always wanted. Now he has the power to make everyone who wronged him pay for their sins... 


Alexander unleashed his armies upon the kingdoms, killing all who opposed him and burning them down to the ground. He took no mercy on anyone, ensuring that every single one of those who had wronged him was punished indiscriminately. His revenge was as brutal and ruthless as his rage, and it consumed every aspect of his being. Robert married Margaret and they had a daughter, both of whom are now dead at the hand of the Prince. The prince is now the ruler of his kingdom, and there are no more threats or enemies left for him to face.... 


Alexander is known as the Ruthless King in the history of his kingdom, a name that is steeped in horror and bloodshed. The destruction and cruelty that he brought upon the kingdoms around him had been unmatched in all of history, and his brutal rule over his own kingdom is known as the darkest and most tyrannical period of all time. The prince's name is now forever a symbol of terror and fear, and his legacy is one of ruthless destruction and bloodshed... 

 The end~ 

Rylee read this novel with curiosity and interest, as it was an intriguing story of betrayal and revenge. The ruthless King was a fascinating character, and his dedication to his quest for vengeance was admirable. Rylee was captivated by the story of how the prince became the ruthless king, and she was also moved by the power of love between Margaret and Robert. The tale of the Young Prince was a story that was full of drama, action, and emotion, with characters who were both charming and sinister. She was fascinated by the tale, finding it to be both tragic and thrilling...She didn't expected this ending and she did not expect the king to be the main one. 


Rylee also wished for another ending to the story, hoping to see a brighter and more uplifting resolution to the tale. She felt sad to see the Young Prince's story end in such a tragic and destructive way, and she wished that he could have found some compassion or forgiveness in his heart to ease his pain and hatred instead. However, the story had been written and rewritten many times, and the outcome was always the same. Despite Rylee's wishes, it seemed that the Young Prince's story would always end in ruthless destruction and death... 

"Be careful what you wish for" 

The voice surprises Rylee, and she immediately looks around her room, trying to identify the source of the voice. But she sees nothing out of the ordinary, and she is still confused by the abrupt statement. Rylee's attention is then drawn to the book, which she has now put on her nightstand. She feels baffled and disoriented, wondering what is going on. She eventually decides to make herself comfortable in bed, closing her eyes to sleep. 

The next day, she woke up in a very large and comfortable bed. Without opening her eyes, she got out of bed, trying to walk. She immediately tripped because of the night dress and fell down. 

"I don't remember changing my clothes... " 

Rylee opened her eyes and couldn't believe it. She was reincarnated as Princess Margaret!