Chapter 2 - Trouble

Ethan was growing bored with all the paperwork, it was not mentally stimulating at all!

No doubt this was a job the people on the street would kill to have, but it's not the job for him!

Workers complain about tools that break easily, while the manufacturers of said tools complain about not being able to afford materials to make sturdy ones.

The only jobs that didn't seem to be in shambles were winemakers.

While every other profession had lousy equipment, they were paid well and always had great material to use in their craft.

But even though the wine was pretty good, almost none of it seemed to be put towards bringing in money.

This territory was well and truly screwed.

It was as if it was in its own universe, so closed off that entropy slowly consumed it.

There's no way this declining former city will last long without external resources flowing in.

Ethan was able to afford a trashed shack for cheap.

Well, it was cheap to him because he was actually getting paid.

There were certainly some things that needed to be fixed up, but it worked.

Eventually, Eliscia started to give him work that wasn't just sorting priorities.

"You wanted to be useful? Well here's your chance. The farmers have been reporting their fields destroyed lately, and I'm confident you can handle figuring out the problem at least. "

This was it! This was the opportunity that decided Ethan's otherworld career.

He couldn't let it slip away.

"Of course! It won't be a problem." He agreed.


As Ethan traveled to the farm on the outskirts of the city, he noticed the looks he was getting.

To the people that lived here, he just suddenly showed up one day with exquisite clothes and was immediately given a high paying job.

He quickly realizes he has to show he has this job for a reason.

As he sees the field he notices it's completely trashed as if something was tearing the crops out and destroying them.

"Thank god she sent someone! I'm completely stumped!" The farmer greets.

Ethan could clearly see the doubt in his eyes, and he can't blame him.

He doesn't know a thing about farming.

The only thing he could try were his skills.

First he tried [Analysis]...



A patch of land where crops are planted.


'Well, I guess it's only level 1...', he thought.

Next was [Confirmation], he had higher hopes for it since it didn't have a level.

Upon activating the skill he was asked by a prompt to ask a question.

He thought for a few seconds about what to ask and settled on the most obvious possibility.

"Was this damage caused by a person?"

⦅Purchase answer for 1 copper coin?⦆

He was shocked it costed money, but he reluctantly agreed.

It was a necessary investment to increase his usefulness.

As he said yes to the prompt, one of his copper coins just disappeared and he received another message.


'Wait, hold on! Isn't this going to cause deflation?!', he froze.

At least he now knew this wasn't done by a person, assuming the answer is accurate.

This must be done by a pest.

Ethan spends all day searching, and he was about to give up and ask his skill again, when he spotted a rabbit ripping a plant out of the ground.

He quickly tried [Analysis] on it.


[Imprabbit] Lv.2

Age: 1

HP: 10/10

MP: 5/5

Strength: F-

Defence: F-

Speed: E

Skills: ???

Titles: -


A weak rabbit monster that digs up plants to eat their roots.

Natural enemy of any farmer.


'An Imprabbit, huh?'

Ethan tried to lunge and catch it but it jumped away easily.

As he groans from his failure, it runs back at full speed and slams into his sensitive area.

"AAAAAAH! You little shit! I'm gonna kill you!" He screams at it as it scurries away.

He groans and limps out of the field.

"What happened to you?" The farmer asks.

"Those damn Imprabbits." Ethan gritted.

"Imprabbits? No! The harvest is going to be ruined by those devils!" The farmer cries in a financially induced panic.

"I'll deal with them somehow." Ethan promised, more interested in his revenge on those dastardly vermin for what they did.

He could probably just go report and have someone else deal with it, but he really needed the extra credit.

He spends a few minutes looking through sticks and branches on the ground until he finds one that looked sturdy and had a fairly sharp end.

This is it!

Ethan returned with a vengeance, ready to get his revenge on those evil pests.

He waited and waited, until he saw one again.

It lunged straight for him, and that's when he held his stick out just in time for it to impale itself.

"Haha! The same dirty trick isn't working on me again!" He laughed uproariously.

〔+3 experience〕

"I guess it really is weak." He sighed.

He repeated the process the entire day until finally,

〔Level up〕

"Damn, these notifications sure know how to suck the excitement out of leaving level 1. Not even a congratulations. Whatever." He complained to the vast nothingness around him.


"Did I finally get rid of all the Imprabbits destroying this farm?"

⦅Purchase answer for 2 copper coins?⦆

He was annoyed at the higher price but he agreed anyway.


"Perfection!" He admired his own work.