The sun was a yellow burning light in the sky by the time they reached the First lizard's place. Lizard, that was what Belialthorn had been calling it.
Belialthorn could feel the heat come through the sudden barren spot in a wilderness of tall green trees.
"Here it is," Kieran said. He pointed but they all could see it. It was a black spot amidst a green of trees. They were still far from the lair but the lizard's power reached far and drained the water from the environment.
Hunters stood around him, the Captains close. Waiting for his instructions. This would be the first hunt for the raiding party as a whole.
"We wait for Asheran. Set a temporary camp for food and water. The Fangs will stand watch while we eat, we will wait for them to eat later. Captains, to me." Belialthorn dismounted.