"So they summon Aetheria Incarnatio and made them into crowns of power." Kat paused, expecting their reaction but none of them moved. They hardly breathe as they listen to a tale as old as the worlds themselves.
Kat sighed. "You don't understand do you? Incarnatio are powerful spell made into existence and the more you advance with your Incarnatio, then the more powerful it'll become."
"Then imagine Aetheria which had existed for millennium in mana and power. Now imagine the Incarnation of Aetheria." Kat's voice was pure wonder at the point, lighting a fire in their hearts.
"Thirteen Incarnation of Aetheria were summoned and made into crowns. The crowns called out to those who were the best of the best and were given the right to fight among themselves and seven that came out victorious wore the crown till their death. And they were called Eldritch. They were called protectors. They were called powerful."