Today felt different. The birds were chirping, the sky was as blue as ever, and even I was smiling. The system was bringing new joy into my days, and I couldn't wait to start my new life of wonders.
In front of me, the system panel floated.
[Perfect Human System]
(Host: Kazuya)
[Skills: -]
[Quest] (Optional)
[Current Rewards: 1] (Click To Redeem)
I instantly click the current reward bar and all of a sudden confetti starts to rain down and a large present appears surrounded by a golden aura.
"That was sudden..."
I open the present and even more, confetti pops out of nowhere, I then get a loud system notification. I'm instantly startled and look over to my right where the notification appeared. I read it and just smiled brightly.
[Natural Height Booster]- (Host will gradually grow by 3 centimeters every day)
I jump from my bed and run around my room like a wild animal, my happiness soon dies down when I hear my father's heavy footsteps walking towards my room door. I quickly sit down and just wait for him to walk in. He bursts through the door and in an angry tone he starts to yell.
I look up at him with fear, but that fear soon turns to anger. He notices the change in mood from me and gets angrier.
He grips me by the hair and swings my head around before slapping me over and over. A small bruise slowly appears on my face, I hold back tears and just accept the beating. One day I was going to get him back, but I didn't know when.
He calms down and is breathing heavily, he walks out but not before slamming the door behind him. I sit there on the edge of my dingy and worn-down bed just looking at the floor, I sigh and rub my face to soothe the rising pain.
I stand up and try not to think about it. I usually only leave the house after my father leaves the house. But today It was the first time I was ever going to sneak out. Though I was scared, I decided to do it. I put on an old coat of mine that I usually wore and some dirty sneakers that barely looked like shoes at this point. I open up the small window in my room and slowly but surely squeeze my way out.
I look around just to be sure and open up my system panel.
[Perfect Human System]
(Host: Kazuya)
[Skills: -]
[Quest] (Optional)
[Current Rewards: None]
Looks: 5
Height: 5 (Natural Height Booster Activated)
Intelligence: 4
Physique: 2
Dexterity: 3
Skill Mastery: 1]
I notice the quest option and click it. A list of multiple quests is given to me.
[Daily Quest] (CHOOSE ONE)
(1. Try to catch 3 chickens)
(2. Raise 1500¥)
(3. Clean your entire house)
"What are these stupid quests? Raise 1500? I don't have time for that. And I don't feel like cleaning anything for that man. I'll just have to catch some chickens. How hard can it be?"
I walk around the dirty neighborhood and for some reason come across a big chicken coop. I was confused because I had never seen it before, but I just went with it.
I stand before several chickens, stretch a bit, and tie my laces.
"Piece of cake."
After 10 minutes, I hadn't managed to catch a single chicken. I panted like a thirsty dog and was struggling to even continue running let alone walking. I rest my hands on my knees and try to catch my breath.
"These stupid....fucking chickens!"
Another 5 minutes pass, and still not a single chicken. 10 minutes pass, and no chicken. After that, a long 20 minutes managed to pass, and by luck alone I managed to get a hold of a chicken.
I raise two fists in the air and scream out of pure joy. I ran around the coop as if I had just won some championship. But I know I have to calm down and focus on catching the two other chickens.
"Okay, I got this."
[Due to the determination of the host, you have learned the skill "Focus"]
[Focus] (Allows host to concentrate on any and everything with an intense amount of focus, never once being distracted by anything.)
I activate the focus skill and my entire view changes. I look at the chickens and it feels like time has slowed down but in reality, I'm so concentrated and focused that it only seems that way. I dash in after the chicken, but it moves to the left swiftly, that movement seems unbelievably slow and In just a split second I plant my foot down twist my body, and move in after the chicken. I finally grab onto it and feel complete.
I look up to see a small timer that is going down little by little. I only had 2 more minutes to use the focus skill. But I didn't care, because to me that seemed like plenty of time.
And so, in a hurry, I rush at the last chicken and easily grab onto it. I jump in joy and raise my fist once again.
"This was harder than I expected it to be, I'm thankful to the system for giving me this skill."
"But now, let's see my reward for that."
I swiftly click the reward button and a present floats down from what seems to be the sky. I grab the present and open it up hastily, 2 notifications pop up on either side of me.
I read them both and got excited.
[+2 points in physique]
[+2 Points in skill mastery]
I noticed that the sun was going down faster than I expected and started to run home. At my window, I open it up and crawl back inside while trying not to be noticed or heard.
I kick off my shoes and throw off my jacket. I plop onto my bed and check my attributes.
Looks: 5
Height: 5
Intelligence: 4
Physique: 4
Dexterity: 3
Skill Mastery: 3]
(Host will notice small physique changes by tomorrow and even height changes.)
"I don't know how much the skill points in mastery helped but I expect it to be amazing. Oh yeah! I should mark my current height on the door frame."
I walk over to the door frame and with a small black marker, I mark my current height.
"I'm currently 168 centimeters, so if my calculations are correct I should be about 171 centimeters tomorrow."
I smile and lay back down on my bed. I close my eyes and start to sink into a deep sleep. But sharp pains all over my body stop me from fully falling asleep.
"AGH!...w-what the hell!?"
[Sorry, your body is going through changes. It only happens during sleep.]
[Injecting anesthesia and putting back to sleep.]
In not even a second I'm sound asleep, and snoring.