Following a short but intense session of sex, Leon was lying with Latias atop him, caressing her rounded belly as he explained his circumstances and what life was like outside the Tower. Thankfully, as she had seen him with Miu, she didn't expect that she would be able to keep him to herself. Rather, in her own words, she didn't care if he made others happy so long as he gave her belly rubs and fucked her when she felt lonely.
"Do you often feel lonely...?" asked Leon.
"No," replied Latias, revealing, "I only started feeling lonely a little while ago. Before that, I was asleep for a long, long time..."
Since she probably couldn't answer questions about what occurred while she was asleep, Leon decided to focus on a more pressing matter, asking, "What's the deal with this shrine? Were you and your brother tasked with protecting it...?"
Craning her head to look at the red, Shinto-esque shrine and the crystal floating within it, Latias explained, "We were, but it's okay now. Since Leon made me happy, he can use it."
"Was that the condition for its usage...?" asked Leon.
Nodding in affirmation, Latias affectionately pressed the tops of Leon's hands as she divulged, "A voice told me when I first awoke. Protect this cave until the person who makes me happy appears. Leon makes me very happy..."
"You're adorable..." muttered Leon, and he meant it. Latias had always had one of his favorite designs. Now that he had dove into the proverbial deep end and fucked her, some wires must have gotten crossed in his brain, as a part of him actually found her sexy...
Feeling happy, Latias leaned back and half-turned to lick Leon's cheek with her long tongue. There was a moment of hesitation from the latter, but a line that had been crossed may as well not exist. Thus, when Latias attempted to lick him a second time, he turned toward her and opened his mouth, initiating a lengthy kissing session as he massaged the base of her neck and throat with his left hand...
"I can only summon someone from your original world...?" asked Leon, standing before the shrine Latias and Latios protected.
"Are you upset...?" asked Latias, pressing her cheek to Leon's as she practically clung to his back like a back, or, more accurately, a jet pack.
"Nah, it's fine..." assured Leon, pulling out a Red Crstayl as he explained, "There's someone I've been hoping to summon from your world for a long time, so this is a convenient opportunity..."
Setting the Red Crystal on the shrine's altar, Leon was prompted to input the name of the person he wanted to summon. He couldn't remember the man's full name, but since the summoning process drew from his memory, simply inputting Professor Oak should suffice.
Confirming Leon's suspicions, a middle-aged, going-on-elderly man with short, somewhat spikey, ash-brown hair, thick eyebrows, and hazel-brown eyes appeared, garbed in a white lab coat, a beige sweater vest, a pair of khaki pants, and brown loafers.
"Oh? And what's this?" asked the man, Professor Samuel Oak, looking between Leon and the Latias, a broad, almost child-like smile developing across his wrinkled face, making him appear ten to fifteen years younger as he exclaimed, "My word, it's a Latais!"
Demonstrating how she had been able to sneak up on Leon previously, Latias promptly turned invisible. Contrary to Leon's experience, she was actually a very shy Pokemon, choosing to observe people from a distance or outright avoid them if she didn't like how they smelled.
"Oh, it appears I have startled the poor dear," said Professor Oak, looking genuinely apologetic before he met Leon's gaze with a smile and asked, "I take it you're her Trainer...?"
"It's a bit more complicated than that..." replied Leon, reaching back to scratch his head but finding Latias's in the way, obligating him to pet her for a bit. Afterward, he spent ten around ten minutes apprising Professor Oak of the situation regarding the Tower before informing him why he had been summoned.
"You want me to recreate the Pokedex?" asked Professor Oak, adopting a broad smile as he added, "That shouldn't be too difficult. But I should tell you, most of the Pokedex entries were penned by my colleague, Professor Westwood. His near-encyclopedic knowledge of Pokemon was one of the things that inspired me to create the Pokedex in the first place."
"That shouldn't be a problem," assured Leon. "We might not be able to summon him immediately, but there's a location outside where you can randomly summon someone from your memories. It requires a catalyst and for the person to have died, but I'll handle the former..."
Having inadvertently broached the subject of death, Leon felt compelled to ask, "Speaking of did you die, Professor? If you don't mind my asking."
Though he had somewhat anticipated it, Professor Oak smiled wryly and explained, "There was an incident with the being believed to be the God and Creator of all Pokemon, Arceus. We initially managed to calm its fury and delay its judgment, but a terrorist organization known as the PLA, the Pokemon Liberation Army, sought to control him and create a new world in the ashes of the old. A group of exceptional and brave young Trainers rallied to stop them, but I'm unfortunately unaware of how the conflict ended as I was swept away by a flash flood while attempting to evacuate the Pokemon entrusted to my lab for research."
"Mmm...if your world is anything like those others have come from, I'm afraid to say it was probably destroyed..." said Leon, closing his eyes and bowing his head in consolation. To his surprise, Professor Oak didn't seem particularly troubled by the news, stating, "You needn't lower your head or feel apologetic, young man. Before this most recent incident with the PLA, several other organizations had appeared in quick succession, each attempting to throw the world into disarray, rule over, or simply destroy it. Such organizations were byproducts of the world and society we created, so if what you say is true, our destruction was something we invited upon ourselves."
Nodding approvingly, Leon smiled, extended his hand, and said, "Then let's do our best to create a better world."
Accepting Leon's handshake, Professor Oak mused, "I'm a bit past my prime, but I'll do what I can with the time I have left."
"Sounds good," said Leon. Afterward, with Latias clinging to him invisibly, he led the way out of the cave/nest/shrine area, curious to see how the aging Professor would react to Pokemon with very conspicuous genitalia. To his wonder, Professor Oak didn't seem remotely surprised or bothered by it. Rather, when one of the Gardevoirs approached out of curiosity, he casually stuck the middle finger of his right hand into its pussy, petting its head as he chuckled and commented on how healthy it appeared...
As it was an unplanned expense, Leon only had seven Red Crystals for Professor Oak to try summoning Professor Westwood. He unfortunately failed, but their efforts weren't completely wasted as he managed to call Professor Juniper, who researched Pokemon origins and evolutions, and two others Leon recognized on sight, a mature Gary Oak, Professor Oak's grandson, and a powerhouse in the Pokemon world, the stylish, golden-haired, silver-eyed, all-black-wearing Champion, Cynthia.
Though it was easy to assume that Gary and Cynthia would be useless without Pokemon, they had high growth rates for Endurance, Spirit, and Luck. Cynthia even had the [Martial Progeny] and [Dragon Taming] Skills, the former being a Skill she shared with Miu. It would take some time, but by training, increasing her grade, and defeating unique monsters, she had the potential to become a powerhouse all over again...
"I knew you would give in eventually," mused Mordred, relaxing against Leon in the bath, unbothered by the revelation he had fucked a Pokemon. Instead, she asked, "So? How'd it feel...?"
"It was intense..." responded Leon. "The...texture wasn't much different from any other woman, but the suction felt like she was trying to drain the fluids from my faux cock..."
"How did your other Pokemon react...?" asked Mordred.
As his mind flashed back to the scene of Sylvie getting pouty, the usual luster of her pelt becoming visibly muted, Leon exhaled a tired sigh and confessed, "Sylvie got super depressed, laid down, and refused to move, so..."
"Oh, you dog..." mused Mordred, turning around, straddling, and linking her arms around Leon's neck and shoulders with a mischievous gleam in her narrowed, emerald-green eyes as she asked, "You fucked her, didn't you?"
"And it felt incredible..." Leon admitted, causing Modred to snicker before leaning forward, tightening her arms around his shoulders, and initiating a protracted makeout session. She didn't strictly approve of the fact he had fucked a Pokemon, but it had annoyed her how 'frightened' he was by the prospect when it was something he had full control over. At least now she didn't have to worry about him stressing himself out over nothing. And, as Pokemon were 'extremely' loyal to the person they directed their affection toward, she didn't have to worry about them scheming against him...unlike a certain blue-haired seductress...
Returning to the Fifth Floor at night, with Miu in tow, Leon didn't have to bother teleporting them to the plateau and village as an invisible figure flew into him at high speeds, tackling him to the ground and invading his mouth with its tongue.
Though she remained invisible, Leon recognized the shape and weight of Latias's body and the invasiveness of her tongue, compelling him to grab her where a normal woman's butt would have been as they spent several seconds making out, much to Miu's amazement.
"So, you're the one..." said a deep, masculine voice, followed by a larger, color-swapped version of Latias with sharper features and an azure blue coat appearing out of thin air. It was very clearly Latias's brother, Latios, but Leon didn't have the chance to greet him as, despite only being apart for a few hours, Latias had anguished over the possibility he might never return.
Looking away from Leon and Latias, Latios directed his ruby-eyed gaze to Miu, stating, "Descendent of the Masters...let me peer into your mind..." as his eyes began to gleam with shimmering, green, blue, and pink light. The same glow replaced the blue of Miu's eyes, but only briefly as her much-higher-than-average Spirit stat allowed her to break free from the mental probe, surprising the Latios quite a bit.
"You possess a strong mind, and the one you serve is no ordinary man..." remarked the Latios, lowering himself to Miu's level and moving close enough to extend his head and neck, ostensibly permitting her to pet him. She did so tentatively at first, but when she saw the Latios close his eyes, seemingly enjoying her caress, she relaxed and rubbed both sides of his head and the fluffy tufts framing it, remarking, "You have really soft fur..."
"Thank you..." replied the Latios, his voice sounding similar to a bashful and nervous teenager as he asked, "Can I smell you...?"
"Uh...okay...?" replied Miu, followed by a startled, high-pitched yelp as the Latios abruptly shifted forward, lowered its head, and nestled its pointed snout deep into the fabric of her bodysuit, aggressively sniffing her pussy. She instinctively pressed down on its head to inhibit its movements, but it was like a fixed point, only moving as the Latios willed.
Swooping low and raising its snout, several centimeters of the Latios's nose sank into the fabric of Miu's bodysuit as she was briefly lifted into the air, screaming, "Leon! Help me...!" as she got the distinct impression she was about to be ferried away.
Though the Latios caught her by the pits of Miu's arms, it didn't attempt to fly away with her. Instead, it set her carefully onto the ground, stating, "I'm sorry if I frightened you...I just wanted to confirm whether or not we were compatible..."
Covering her breasts and pussy, Miu half-turned away from the Latios, glaring at it over her shoulder as she poutily asserted, "I already have a boy I like and a Master I serve...sorry, but it's not happening..."
Leaving Miu wishing she could beat him, the Latios promptly looked away in response to her words, snorting loudly as it said, "You don't even smell good..." in a snobby, tsundere-esque tone. However, as it had a bright red, knotted erection, its words weren't very compelling...