"So…. are you here for a job?" the cashier asked lazily, and Mercury nodded. She was hoping to get past everything without any trouble. "Hmmm, alright. There's nothing wrong with your resume, but it doesn't line up with your bank account. How did it get so big?" the cashier asked, and Mercury frowned impatiently. "We are monster slayers, how do you think it got that big?" The cashier bowed her head. "Apologies. Proceed to the door on your left. I can guarantee you a spot in the lower circles, and a spot at becoming one of the Leu's, but nothing more than that." The cashier said, pointing a thumb at the door in the distance. Leu? What the heck is a Leu? Sounds like a French pasty or a type of shrub. ("gardener! Make sure to trip the Leu's beofre you have off your shift!") "Uhm, what's a Leu?" Mercury asked, voicing the confusion of the narrator, and the cashier grinned. "I think you know. did you forget? those bird things - black cloaks, black talons?"
"Ohhhhh, right! I forgot! I can't believe my memory slipped like that!" Mercury said, high-fiving the cashier. Yeah, she knew all along! knew all along, my foot! Mercury, you're such a great actor. "Thanks! Have a good day!" Mercury said, hauling Nox and Iodine away. "Hmmm? you have such a weird way with people. Was it always like that?" Nox asked, and Mercury smiled.
"Welp, that's mercury in a nutshell." Iodine scoffed. Mercury frowned at her. "No thanks to you, it's like you never let me forget that I'm the town socialite." Mercury fired, and Iodine sighed, rubbing her forehead. Deja vu??? As they walked down the corridor, Mercury couldnt help but feel worried. just how much would they find out while they were here….?
As they came to a stop in front of the door, Mercury sucked in an uncertain breath, her lungs trembling slightly. She softly rapped on the door.
"Come in. It's not locked." came a voice from the inside of the door.