After waking up next to the beautiful girl and enjoying some intimacy with her, it was then the start of a new day.
Arthur, who was finally satisfied to be able to laze around in the bed with someone in his arms, as the awakening inside the tent was quite rash and the day before he actually woke up from her playing with him, cleared his quests once he was done wearing clothes.
' Almost level 3.. It can be reached tonight or at best, the day after tomorrow morning even if I don't try too hard. '
With each daily mission giving a single point of experience, and by clearing twenty quests until now, he was close to the threshold asking 25 points for getting to level three.
But in the end, it was just a small remark and nothing else, and since it was still early in the morning, he decided to enjoy today to the fullest.
" Good morning.. Sir... "
Though, hearing the reluctance in the innkeeper voice, he had to stop on his tracks before going out.
" Mhm ? Is something the matter ? "
Surely, when she came to their room last night, she didn't dare to look up in his eyes and was really embarrassed as she gave him the plates for the night's dinner.
And now seeing her reddish eyes and the lack of vitality on her face, it seemed that she hadn't slept yet, his worry for her not being unfounded.
" .. Are you truly asking ? Or are you teasing me ? "
" Well, we didn't do anything after dinner, so if you heard something late in the night, it wasn't my fault. "
Of course, in front of such a conversation, the bashful Mariane could only lower her head, ears and tail, as she knew that she was the problem from moaning so loud, yet, even if she knew, she couldn't just put the blame on her master for being too good to her, right ?
Also, if the both of them knew that she was somewhat keeping some of it in, both of them would be greatly surprised, so she decided to stay silent until the end.
" That's not it.. ! Geez, can't you be a bit more tactful around a single lady ? "
" What if I don't want to ? "
Answering her with a smirk, maybe his thoughts about him wanting to tease her were obvious, and while he had yet to even think of playing with her for a night, he did enjoy teasing a mature and pretty woman.
" ... How unfunny. "
" Is that so. "
His voice containing nothing but a playful motive behind it, he then headed outside as he was satisfied with that.
" .. Master, have you taken a liking to her... ? "
Yet, a few moments later, it was Mariane's voice that reached his ears, her words filled with various emotions, which made it easy for him to recognize her worries, to which he wouldn't dare tease her about it.
" Not really, while it's true that she's mature and have a certain charm, I don't plan on crossing the line like that, also, we won't stay here for long, a few weeks or two months at most. "
" ... "
As she kept silent, Arthur, who just explained his intentions, stopped walking and turned around to face her.
" Is something bothering you, Mariane ? "
Her expression alone told him that something was wrong, while he couldn't guess where the problem was coming from alone, he definitely knew that she was thinking of a topic that he didn't even approach with her.
" ... Master, do you prefer more mature women.. ? "
She asked a question as soft as a whisper, one which clearly expressed her doubts, and while it seemed that him having experiences with another one wasn't the only problem she was having, but maybe she thought that she would be put aside.
" I prefer womens around my age I'd say, but Mariane, why do you think you got summoned first ? Let me tell you, strenght wasn't the only criteria for my choice. "
" ... "
Unable to give him an answer, the woman he kept staring at lowered her head a bit more, as it trying to hide from him, but even he could see a small and somewhat innocent smile drawn on her lips.
" .. Alright, let's get going, we have a few things to do today. "
" Yes, master. "
Walking away, and being followed by his maid, Arthur started to look around at the city.
Without talking about taller buildings, cleaner streets, or even a few luxury shops, the principal difference with Palis was how there were so many adventurers compared to civilians.
Shop keepers and receptionists were obviously part of the latter, but the streets were filled with people showing armors, be it light or heavy, along with weapons.
Such a sight could be intimidating, but with most people being smaller than him, and with Mariane by his side, he was almost assured that nothing would happen to him, and it wasn't like they would cause a ruckus in the middle of the city either, as during his walk, he saw a few guards patrolling.
' They don't seem too stressed, seems like it's a calm place. '
Leaving that small comment aside, he decided to join the main streets and head towards the adventurer's guild, where a supposed reward for his mission was still waiting for him.
Yet, as soon as he found it, he immediately realized something weird.
' .. Isn't this pretty much the same building ? '
Albeit one set of stairs taller, as if to prove the important population of adventurers, the building, from the style of it, or even the materials used for it's foundation, it could be said to be identical to the one he saw in Palsi.
Would he complain about it ? Certainly not, since at least, it was easily recognizable.
And walking inside, he 'discovered' the same environment he already saw once, just some details setting them apart.
There were more chairs and tables, making the place a whole lot crowded with people sitting here and there, apparently waiting for their groups to be complete, or to form a plan for requests to take.
The counter, which was used to welcome adventurers and save the requests they would take, didn't present a single free receptionists, with three lines being formed and almost reaching the door.
' Should we have come here earlier.. ? '
Thinking about having to wait, he just sighed and took place at the shortest line, Mariane following behind him, but it seemed that no matter where he would go, he was bound to grab attention.
" Shit, that's him.. "
" Do you know him ? "
" Shhh, don't speak too loud.. ! "
" Wow, she's really pretty.. "
" How much would such a maid cost ? "
" Don't ask if you don't know the prices, and you wouldn't find one like that here, maybe at the capital though. "
" Geh, that places reeking of nobles ? Without me. "
" He's really handsome, do you think I have a chance with him ? "
" No way, have you even seen the face of his maid ? "
" ... You're searching to die, aren't you ? "
Yeah, a lot of conversations happened, yet, the amount was still considered small compared to the total number of adventurers inside.
But since he had nothing else to do, he decided to listen, at least for a bit, before he got bored of it as the topics aborded had no value to his eyes.
' Can't they talk about the dungeon or something ? '
For him, who would need such a dungeon to get stronger quickly, as it would spawn monsters without stopping, and even provide various ressources, talks about it was the highest priority, yet, maybe because they were used to such an instance already, there was no one with the 'spirit of discovery' , asking others around in his stead.
Just when he thought about having to explore it without prior informations, he quickly got called by the receptionist.
" Welcome sir, I believe this is your first time coming here, what can we help you with ? "
The voice of the blonde woman reached his ears and pulled him out of his thoughts, and looking at her, he could tell that he was already liking the adventurer's guild here.
Previously, they were hidden behind the backs of others, and he didn't do anything rash to grab even more attentions, like walking to the side and glancing at them, so it was his first time seeing her and her colleagues.
Truthfully to a fantasy setting, all of them were beauties, at least equal to the innkeeper he saw before, a norm that could only be seen in famous hotels on Earth.
" I came to grab a rewards from a mission, would you mind helping me with that ? "
Grabbing his badge from his pocket, he handed it to her so she could check his identity, but she definitely seemed surprised by his request.