" Here we are, that's the Angel's stop ! Though it might not have the best qualities over the other inns out there, I can ensure your safety and the quality of our services as well. "
The man, almost as if selling the whole building, couldn't stop speaking, but his voice just went inside one ear and came out in the other, Arthur barely listening as he started looking around.
The street the inn was in was of better quality than the main road of Palsi, and it didn't seem dirty either, as for the building itself ? It didn't show any traces of being in a bad state too.
There were no cracks on the walls, and it seemed really sturdy from the outside, it had proper windows for the rooms, and most importantly, it was a three-story inn.
Already taller than most of the buildings he saw so far in this world, it was still small compared to the used to urban life Arthur, but he decided to not be picky over it.
" Seems alright, shall we go inside ? "
" Of course ! "
Being answered in such a 'merchant way' made him more tired than anything else, and while maybe the man was trying to sell his reputation, or the one of his company he was working at, it was too bad that he didn't have much to offer, but that he wouldn't know.
Following him inside, Mariane following silently behind himself, the three of them entered the Angel's stop, where few people had already gathered at.
" Huh ? Marcus ? It's rare to see you here. "
The receptionist, being a charming and mature woman with brown hair and eyes, couldn't hold a candle to Mariane, but such a sight was already familiar for Arthur who missed the common sense of animes and such.
Of course, he also wished to see beautiful women as receptionists or even being warriors, not only grumpy men everywhere, such was the way of the heart of a man.
Feeling his craving sense for fantasy being somewhat fulfilled with that, his opinion of the inn already went up a notch, even if he wouldn't do anything to that woman.
" Well, I brought some estimed guests with me this time. Do you have any rooms on the third floor ? "
" I do, but.. No, it's nothing, since you brought them here, I'll trust your judgement. "
" Thanks, you're doing us a big favor right now. "
Listening to their chit chat with half open ears, Arthur looked around to fill his curiosity, ignoring the stares of girls and boys around, as he would always do so.
But his attention was quickly grabbed by something else.
It wasn't someone who talked about him or Mariane, nor was it a specific detail in the surroundings, it was just because the receptionist called to him.
" Excuse me sir, may I know about your preferences for your rooms ? "
" A single room with a bed for us to share, will that be alright ? "
Pointing to Mariane who was next to him, he had no reason to feel shy about it, and he didn't want to pay for two rooms either when it wasn't needed.
" Oh-.. Sure, I understand, I'll provide you the best room we have. "
Apparently surprised by his words, the receptionist then sent a glance towards the man wearing glasses, at which he could only answer with a face saying ' That's how it is, don't ask me '.
Although the situation as a whole was funny, to him at the very least, Mariane blushed slightly along with two of the three women inside the inn, and he was sure that he heard some men clicking on their tongue at the back.
" One night is five silver coins, meal and dinner included, may I ask how many nights do you intend to stay in ? "
Surely, it was more pricey than the best inn at Palsi, but at the same time, the quality of it really was different.
" We'll stay.. "
" Wait a moment ! "
As soon as he was about to answer after doing quick calculations, which didn't even took him a few seconds, a voice raised itself from the back of the inn.
His curiosity being picked, he sent a glance towards there, only to see one burly man along with a tall and thin woman get up.
The man was wearing adventurer's clothes, the robust kind which would need more strenght to move around freely, and with a menacing physique and a head higher than Arthur which was already over 180cm, he definitely looked like some mix with a giant.
The woman, contrary to him, was tall enough to just be smaller than him, taller than Mariane, but not having any of the curves that she possessed, nor any of the muscles either, as if she was just some sort of trophy and not a real adventurer.
" How come I should pay ten silver coins for a night, and not even have a meal included, when he pays only five ? Isn't there a problem here ? "
His voice, loud enough to attract attention, was the reason Arthur stopped during his speech, yet, the more he looked, the more the man seemed like some kind of barking dog.
" Our dear guest here is an esteemed person from the company, or a VIP you could say, while it may seems unfair to you, it is only one of the services that this inn has to offer. "
The receptionist, as if used to it, slowly spoke her mind, or maybe the code of this place, to the man, like she was speaking to an idiot.
Obviously so, from her words alone, it was destined to not end well.
As the man swung his fist and hit the counter violently, there was no signs of cracks, teasing him the wrong way, like asking ' Is your strength only worth that much ? '.
" What the fuck is that logic ! I've been inside that inn for a whole month, wouldn't that made me an esteemed guest as well ?! "
Words spouting from his mouth along with sparks of saliva, he clearly showed his anger without any signs of retreating, as if his honor was the one being trampled.
" Please do not misunderstand, while it's true that you are one of our guests, you certainly aren't an esteemed one. "
Like ice on a fire, the sharp words of the receptionist cut him short, showing clearly two differents treatment towards him and the heavy man, and of course, he get to enjoy a nice scene, apparently coming out of a manga.
" ... What are the standarts to be considered as a VIP then ? "
The man, speaking between gritted teeth, showed an hideous smile, his patience visibly wearing thin, to the point that even Arthur thought that he would hurt the receptionist.
" It's pretty simple, you can either be a Diamond grade adventurer or mercenary, one of our sponsors, a noble, or an artefact wearer, of course, the house can make certains exceptions, with the accord of one of the managers, that is. "
The woman who explained the rules sent a subtle glance towards Marcus, which seemed to had lied about his identity, but with everyone being wary of anyone, Arthur, which filled his head with misunderstandings, couldn't resent him for that either.
However, the burly man, hearing the stricts condition to be accepted as a VIP, started to calm down, as he realized that maybe the young man in front of him was really someone that important.
Arthur, which received his stare as he was watching the scene like a movie, understood the hesitation in the eyes of the man as he was accompanied with the beautiful maid.
Yet, he didn't miss a small detail, the thin girl caressing the brute's arm in a sensual way, with a viper like stare, seemed to ask about what he would do for 'them'.
He found out about the inquisitor of such an event as he watched it happen.
" Still ! While I admit that the maid look good, I can't believe that such a frail looking guy would be a Diamond rank, what about his clothes ? He's certainly not of your sponsor or a noble either ! Isn't that just plain favoritism ?! "
Sensing a 'burning passion' next to him, Arthur turned his head to see the eyes of Mariane, which showed the passion and desire to cut such a man for defiling her with his mouth and eyes.
With a sigh, he held up his two arms, asking for the box that she was now holding.
" Don't kill him, and don't shed blood in someone else's place. "
" I will follow your orders, Master. "
Mariane, having received his acknowledgement, transformed the next moment, aiming her shield and not the sword, to the head of the poor guy.
" Huh-.. ? "
And with a sudden sound, the commotion came to an end.