' Uuuh... Why can't I put any money in.. '
Being bored as he was, there was nothing else to do than check his own abilities.
And the one he had in front of him right now, the store from 'Erotic Card Maestro' , showed items that he really desired at exorbitant prices that he couldn't even dream to reach without using his credit card.
Be it cards to summon new characters, or even just their shards, experiences potions capable of giving a whole level above the level 40, packs with set of items in it, or even the sex toy boxes seemed good enough to put a cent in.
Yet, in his current situation, his credit card was nowhere near him or even in this world, and he didn't have the option to recharge his credits either, and in fact, some things that would only cost real money was now able to be bought with in game currencies.
Coins and credits, there wasn't a specific name for them and it was kept simple even with the whole fantasy setting, coins could be obtained more easily and just by hunting monsters, while credits were rewards of affinity level and quests accomplished.
Of course, he wished for the last one.
Staring at the store window to see if he missed anything, like a small update or something, besides the fact that there was no options to pay in dollars anymore, it was still the same store he saw in the game.
As for the reason he even wanted to buy a sex toy box when he already got one ?
It's just that he got unlucky.
Staring at the item on the table, a metallic straw with what seemed to be small beads spreaded equally on it, he never thought to even put something inside of his crotch in the first place, and he wasn't willing to try.
Through his gameplay, he obviously knew of characters that would like that kind of things, but he wasn't willing to be summoning those guys as of now either, leaving him no choice but to put back that item in his inventory.
Laying down his upper body on top of the table, how he wished to have another girl he could summon to play with, or even sending her instead of Mariane... Or not, realistically, he would've sent them out both anyways.
If it meant finding a city faster, it was the obvious choice to do, now, what he didn't wish for was to actually be alone in this world with just his cards, or to be so far from civilization that there would be just monsters around.
Thinking about what would be his course of actions in that case for a moment, just to prepare himself better, it seemed that his worries were but useless.
" Master, I am back, and brought back with me great news. "
Getting up quickly as there was finally something happening, he went ahead and opened for her the door of the cabin.
Even if she was empty-handed, her gears probably put away as she was back to the cabin, he knew that she had been cautious from the way there wasn't a single speck of dust on her maid outfit.
" You can just come in next time, you don't have to wait or do your report outside. You're no stranger. "
Walking back in, he didn't wait for an answer as she would probably said that it was her duty as a maid or something similar, though what he didn't know, was that she took his current words to the heart.
" So ? What's the great news ? "
Facing her, he didn't hesitate to ask about it, and even if he tried to stay calm outward, he really wanted her to say everything already and not have to wait or ask her.
" While walking through the woods, I ended up following tracks of a small path leading to a bigger road out of the forest. "
" The road itself seemed to be frequently used and after following it for some time, I saw a city wall standing not that far away, if we head out now, we should reach it in a few hours. "
Listening to her explanations, he didn't wonder about how a trip of a few hours for him was shorter than her time outside of the cabin, after all, she was a card and a warrior at that, her speed far surpassed a normal human adult, especially being a beastkin which is supposed to have low magic but higher physical stats.
" Alright, let's do a small stop at the pond on our way there and we'll get going. "
Feeling thirsty after eating the fruits, even if some were filled with juices, his body still needed water as of now, so with no choice to it, he had to make a stop there to drink or he'll fall unconscious on his way to the city by walking for a few hours under the sun.
" As you wish, master. "
Smiling at her answer, he headed out first, taking the opportunity to feel the breeze hit his skin as he had been waiting for far too long inside.
It's not that he couldn't go outside before, but he wasn't stupid enough to head out without company as he could be attacked by monsters from the forest with how close the cabin was to it.
Mariane stepping out behind him, she was carrying the small box containing his previous pyjama and the only book there was on top of it.
" ... "
Even if he wished to tell her to just put them back in here, he didn't know what would happen if someone were to come across it, even more so for the book which contained the details of his abilities or the fact he came from another world.
So closing the door of the cabin with the thought of not going back here after a long time if possible, he took the wooden box from her hands and like earlier, had her take the lead in front of him.
' I hope that the small pouch of money will be enough.. '
With a single thought about the gift that the creator of the game left him, he followed the woman with wolf attributes inside the forest.
- Guard's POV -
" Do you have a piece of identity ? "
Standing in front of him, was a young man accompagnied by a maid.
The city being in the middle of a plain, he saw them getting closer since earlier, and while he waited patiently for them, they didn't seem in a hurry as they took their time, walking along the road.
Heading to them as they almost reached the east city's gate, he would've waited under the shade of the gate usually, but with such a peculiar sight, he couldn't hold his curiosity and got wary of them.
It wasn't that they were dangerous, a man carrying a small wooden box under his arm and a beastfolk walking by his side, didn't look that strange when said like that.
But a young man with clean clothes, a maid with her dress in perfect condition, they weren't armed, yet they walked to the city as if taking a stroll around, not even driving or being led here by a carriage.
" No, we do not. "
And receiving an answer from the man which he somehow expected as those two were probably troublemakers, his consciousness forced him to ask a follow-up question.
" Can I know where you two are from and what do you intend to do here ? "
" I can't answer the first question, as for the second one, we intend to first find an inn for the night and something to eat. "
Listening to his response, the more he listened, the more he doubted the words from the man.
At this point, either the man had malicious intentions, or it was a noble's son that ran away from his home and wanted to have some fun with his maid as his only company, such were his thoughts about the duo.
Of course, he didn't question the maid's identity, and if the young man wasn't being so secretive, he would have followed his gut and trusted the last option, because after seeing a proper maid outfit of such quality, and the woman being so beautiful, it wasn't a lie to say that only someone filthy rich could buy something like that.
Even so, he decided to try to enquire further about them.
" What's inside the box then ? "
" Just some night clothes. "
The man, opening the lid of the box in front of him, easily exposed a grey outfit which seemed to be a pajama, but compared to what he was wearing right now, it seemed of way higher quality, something so soft only a prince would wear it, and besides that, it was also branded by an unknown name.
Feeling affraid and glad he didn't offend a noble by accident, after that, he decided to welcome them in and even recommended an inn for the both of them.