As the next six months passed, Bash was appointed temporary Noble of the Southern District of Ottawa as the Ghost sought out the Blood Dragon. New Ottawa was helping rebuild Ashfeld after the rocky last six months they'd experienced. Noble Pat had been promoted to Overlord of Ottawa, overseeing relations between New Ottawa and their allies. Bubba had replaced him as Noblemen of the Eastern District.
Tempest and Spencer had gotten engaged as they watched over young Kett. They helped Blades run the new tavern in the Southern District, Kiwanis Tavern. Together they smiled and enjoyed memories together as New Ottawa experienced prosperity and fortune they'd been seeking since the New World Order ripped their lives apart.
As the Iron Country rose to power, they became aware of things an a regional scale. The Church of Humanity had subjugated several villages and held the Kingdom of Balruth under their firm grip. Demon Lord Kazuto and his people were driven from their homes by the church and made New Ottawa their home. Overlord Pat welcomed them with open arms as they arrived in New Ottawa. While Ashfeld was recovering from the events of Coronation Day, The Republic of Stegis was becoming an increasing problem for the various Kingdoms in the region. Stegis was made up if several empires that had combined into a single government that was made up of powerful magic wielders. They saw the existence of the magicless New Ottawa as an affront to humanity, and the fact they allied with demons didn't sit well with them either.
While the Republic of Stegis and the Region of Avay began their power struggles, the far Eastern Continent had been enveloped in wars long before the arrival of the New Ottawan. However, the conflict had ended with Undead Sorcerer Yaldabeth coming out on top with a vast grip over the entire continent.
It was as if this mythical civilization was on the brink of chaos. Everyone seemingly went about their business while leaders planned their next moves accordingly as they pushed for better lives for their countrymen.
In the Ashfeld capital of Bloomshire, stories of the Ghost and his friends were the muse of people as a bard brought their story to life.
Come one! Come all and hear the tale of Ottawa! A mighty leader, a spirit of vengeance and the eyes of many. They fought and fought doing their best to overcome a great evil, fighting to preserve their lives, their home, their friends...Come one, come all, hear the tale of how small town Ottawa defeated the might of the New World Order! Hear the sound of the Spirit's boots as he crushed the head of the mighty devil of the Order! Hear the flags waving as the leader hoists them high upon his shoulders! Come one, Come all! See the Glory of the Arrow in full as they bled, as they put their lives on the line for everyone only to be betrayed! Hear the anger of the Spirit as it was forced to leave their home behind, hear the sounds of a vast ocean soaking up the tears of the outcasted heroes, hear the call of adventure, sounding it's last cry for the heroes from beyond the barrier...
Citizens loved to hear the story of New Ottawa and how they ended a world conflict, despite all odds. The Watcher sat and listened as many of the citizens smiled and cheered at each verse.
Well Ghost, we gave these people something to cheer for, even if it cost us an irreplaceable piece of your soul.
As the bard finished, the Watcher stood up and walked to the castle, smiling as he went, knowing those who'd lost their lives fighting in the war against the New World Order could rest easy as their stories were being told and memories preserved in immortal legend.