Chapter 2

"Hey, Tetsuya. I have someone here that I want you to meet. It's a very attractive young woman who goes to this school and she has a pet baby unicorn. You'll love seeing them," I said to Tetsuya. Tetsuya flapped his wings in excitement as a held him in my hands. The case he was sealed inside was now converted into a little bed for him to sleep in.

After school, I introduced Tetsuya to my girlfriend Naomi and her magical pet unicorn, Kira.

"Nice to meet you," Kira said.

"Aren't you just adorable," Naomi said, stroking Tetsuya's tiny wings. They were just as amazed as I was, and we quickly became a tight-knit group. "By the way, Taka, here's that present I've mentioned," Tetsuya responded.

It was a glowing artifact called the Element Prism. "This prism gives you all of the powers of the planet's main elements, like water, fire, and grass. Make good use of it."

"Hmm... I think I've seen stuff like this in comics," I said, strapping the prism to my belt. Kira also gave Naomi her own prism with healing powers called the Lavendar Charm, which she stores on her bracelet. However, little did we know, our lives were about to take a dramatic turn.

"Guys, hold on," Tetsuya said.

"Is something wrong?" Kira asked.

Tetsuya sensed a dark energy in the air, and before we knew it, the demon servant from the evil doctor's lab appeared before us. I knew I had to protect Naomi and Kira, so I told them to run and hide while I faced off against the demon.

"Naomi, Kira! Take cover! I'll handle this," I instructed.