Chapter 7 - It's A Trap!

First of all we had to take a look at what's our win condition at this point... 

Well, pretty much nothing. 

Lux was pretty bad against the tankiness of their team, but she could atleast try to burst down Jinx if we ever get to lock her down. 

Since their composition heavily relied on the the hyper-carry it would be our best shot at winning, if we managed to take her out somehow.

Braum could only stopp the 'Lucent Singularity' in place, not completely absorb it and the 'Final Spark' would go through anyway as it was no projectile. 

The main problem was that their death-ball team comp just beat both Rek'sai and Pyke, who would leave all the work to Sivir later on, which was too much for her to handle. 

But we couldn't win in early game either, unless our enemy played like shit. 

So we needed some sort of new layer that would create some sort of win condition, independent of our other champions... 

Maybe Gangplank?! 

That might have been the saving grace... at least we would have somewhat of a chance then.

Only if Marius was able to play him though. And not just on an okay level, he would have to carry the whole game by his own basically.

Rek'sai and Pyke could cover him from being dove and it would also open up Jinx to get hit by my ultimate and potentially even more of my spells.

Overall it would have been a good call, but I was hesitant.

"What about Darius?" Marius asked thoughtfully, making me immediately shake my head in silence. 

Matchup whise it would have been okay, but flippy, and even if he won his lane it wouldn't much likely end in a win.

"Go Camille and split, I cover you." Veezer was really sure about his call once again. 

If there was one thing I could learn from him then it was this – being confident in whatever you do or say no matter if it was right or wrong. 

While that could be a very big strength since I wouldn't be stuck overthinking everything anymore, at the same time it could also be a big weakness. 

He was the perfect example for the negative parts about it. 

The best was probably to just find a good middle ground of selft-confidence and critical thinking. 

I, personally, was more on the thinker-side, as you could probably already tell.

"But Camille against Renekton sucks," Marius argued, but we all knew how that would go.

"Yea, but you can do it. I trust." A shook expression shot over my face as I heard those words. 

What? Did Veezer just say something nice?!

"Okay, I can try." Marius seemed not to be suprised by the unexpected friendliness, which confused me even more.

Maybe his respect for Marius was bigger than for the others? 

Or rather – even existed in the first place. 

Marius must be a god-gamer then. 

But I don't think he can carry this... There's no way.


The holographic skies painted shades of orange and pink as I maneuvered through the dark forest of jungle. Shadows danced across the ground as the virtual sun dipped below the horizon. 

The first match of our scrim had gone for about 10 minutes and, suprise, it was going pretty bad.

Gregor – or rather, Checker – our ADC, had died 3 times already while Veezer was roaming around the rift whilst flaming him for 'inting'.

„I'm gonna check their blue buff, so we can track his pathing," I called, as I entered the enemy jungle.

I was doing very good at farming, it was probably what I was best at. 

105 cs at 10 minutes was nothing to scoff at. 

As I went around the corner, a strange feeling entering my body. 

It was as if the world around me suddenly came to live, but not in a pleasant way. 

Between all the tree's there was a face... A sinister smile betraying a lurking danger, and my instincts screamed a warning. 

The grip of a tiny hand on top of my shoulder, holding me tight. 

As I turned around I saw a small treant-like creature hiding inside a bush. 

Filled with panic I tried to get off it's grip, but it clung onto me and suddenly-


An explosion illuminated the scene as the sapling burst into many little pieces, which clung onto me, exploding over and over again.

Lukely I had reacted in time and shielded the sustained damage with my 'Prismatic Barrier', also protecting me from the burning effect of his purchased item 'Liandry's Torment'. 

Maokai was still pretty far away, as he began to run – or rather wander at me. 

Why is he so sure about this play? Does he have info about my jungler's position?! But Viktor just went base, he can't-

It was at this moment, I knew, I fucked up. 

A magnetic field built up right behind me, filling the air with a sparkling electricity.

Fuck! They got me! 

It had just been a trick – as Viktor had recalled right in front of me, in the last millisecond of his recall, he must've stepped out of my vision to deceive me. 

These players were on a much higher level than I was used to from my solo-Queue games. 

A beam of energy pierced through the scenery, igniting the ground in echoing eruptions of molten stone benieth me. He had already upgraded his E-ability.

The 'Gravity Field' reduced my options, if I staid to long in there I would have been done for. 

Both instances of 'Death Ray' hit me, as I was throwing a 'Lucent Singularity' at the narrow path in front of Viktor, buying more time for me to escape, but since Maokai was blocking the way it wouldn't be enough to save me.

"I need help!" Finally I had found my voice and said something, but my team was so busy with flaming each other, that nobody reacted to my call.

„I 'cba' laning anymore with this shit!" Veezer declared, frustration evident in his voice. After barely a minute in the bot-lane, he resembled a child growing bored with a new toy – swiftly losing interest and ready to move on.

Well, go ahead then. I don't care," Gregor retorted, his tone in an enigmatic blend of nonchalance. Yet, within that seemingly indifferent facade, I found myself unable to decipher the true depth of his emotions. 

„Ok, bye." Veezer then started following Finn around the jungle, who didn't seem to happy about it either. 

„Bro, just play normal. What's your fucking problem?! I don't need a pesky bitch to babysit my ass!"

„Shut up! Without me you'd have already died 5 times this game!", Veezer yelled. 

If only they had been on the top side of the map, then they could have helped me instead of flaming each other into the ground... 

But I guessed it was my fault for stepping into enemy terriotory without any backup. 

However, if they hurried, then maybe they could be here in time and we would be able to turn around the fight.

We should atleast try. 

Anything would be better than just aruging for nothing while losing the game.

„Guys?" My voice was filled with desperation, but I had asked in such a soft tone, that nobody even bothered. 

I probably would have adapt to their level of communication, if I wanted to ever participate in the debate.

As I was between a rock and a hard place – Maokai apporaching me from the front and Viktor lingering at the other side of the wall behind me, I was only left with one move. 

I sprinted towards Maokai, making him burst out in laugther as if he was mocking me. He must've been thinking I gave up, running into my death and not caring anymore. 

Maybe that was my chance.

I combined my 'Light Binding' with a flash over the wall into top-side river, leaving him unable to dodge it since it flew out of vision at him. 

Rooting him in place, it created enough soace between us for me to get a chance or making it out alive. 

Then, In all the chaos, I heard the distant clash of steel.

What was that?!