"Please close the door… Thank you".
"What happened?".
"I found some information… about my parents death".
"I'm listening" I said with a confused look.
"I'll get straight to the point. I was right that it wasn't an accident".
"Explain it".
"I did some research on the internet and found out that not only my parents died, but more than 20 people died. Apparently, there was an eyewitness who wrote and uploaded a report about it. The only problem is… the site is constantly blocked when you want to look up".
"What do you mean by blocked?".
"The page exists just like the report, but apparently someone is blocking access to this page".
"I have a question, then how were you able to read the report?".
"The page wasn't blocked immediately, I was able to read it for a few minutes, but after I went to get something to drink, I couldn't access it anymore. I then went to my PC to write down what I had read there. Then an idea popped into my head, what would happen if I tried to open this page on the PC".
"And the page opened?".
"Exactly, it opened. I immediately copied everything and saved it somewhere on my PC so that I could read it without getting blocked. I was able to find out more information such as the date, time and location of the accident".
"Was the page blocked again afterwards?".
"Yes, I was lucky that I saved it".
"I think there's something bigger behind than we know, because you can't tell me that the page is constantly blocked for no reason".
"Someone is behind all of it and is trying to hide it, but they're pretty shit about hiding it".
"Maybe, but now tell me, what was in there?".
"Our town has a laboratory, right?".
"My mother works in the laboratory".
"Did she ever tell you anything?".
I thought for a moment.
"Yes, when I was younger, she told me about her discoveries and research, but then she suddenly stopped talking about it, she said if she talked about it, she could lose her job".
"Interesting... What I wanted to say is that something broke out of the lab and wreaked everything in the area, and my parents were just in the wrong place at the wrong time".
"Something broke out… Do you want to tell me something broke out?".
"It was written in the report".
I looked at Haru and didn't know what to say. "Something broke out" that sounds like something from a series or something.
"Haru, I don't want to be rude or anything... but I think this sounds impossible".
"It could also be complete bullshit, I'm aware of that, but how about we visit the scene to look around for clues or something".
"I can ask the others if they would like to come along and help us.".
"I'd rather not Ace, I can trust you the most and I don't think they'll take it seriously".
"Alright, I'll go there with you".
"Great thank you, you're really a good friend. When are we going there?".
"I think straight after school on Monday would be fine".
"All right, I'm totally okay with it".
We both went back to the others and sat down. The girls talked and I noticed that the two of them got along pretty well. Haru and I just listened and pretended to understand everything. Is that true? That "something" broke out of the laboratory? We chatted and played a few board games. After a while, Casy gets up and says.
"I think we should go, its already late".
I looked at the clock and it's already 10 p.m.
"Ace and I can accompany you if you want".
"Oh, that would be nice of you!" says Anna.
We quickly cleaned up and left the house.
"Oh wow, look there is a full moon!" Anna yelled and pointed to the sky.
"You're like a little child Anna" says Casy.
Anna turns completely red.
"Where is the little shy Anna, hmm?"
Haru and I laughed while Anna tried to hit Casy. But she's right, the sky is so clear that you can see every star. My grandpa told me when I was little that there was a planet out there somewhere where people also lived and did exactly the same things we were doing at the moment, almost like a parallel universe but more like a parallel planet. We first went to Anna's dorm because she is the youngest and lives the closest to me.
"Here we are, thanks again for accompanying me!".
"No need to thank us" I told her.
"Before I go, can I have your number Haruka and Ace? Thanks!".
Anna went up to Casy to give her a hug, then ran through the door into the dormitory.
"You've found a pretty interesting girl Ace, reminds me of a little sister I've always wanted to have".
"What do you mean?" asks Haru.
"I can't really describe it"
She's an only child just like me.
"Let's get Casy home," I said.
It's nice to see the town at this time. It feels so peaceful, no cars driving, not a soul anywhere. Some would say it's scary, but I don't think it's scary. After a few kilometers we arrived.
"Thanks again for being there".
"Oh, no need to thank me".
"I was nice spending the day together" says Haru.
"Yes, I think so too. Hey, do you also have the feeling that we've known each other for a long time?" asks Casy.
"Yes, I feel the same way, I think it's nice that we got close so quickly".
"I think so too" says Haruka, patting me on the shoulder.
Casy laughs.
"How about we meet every weekend?".
"Sure, but not every time at my place".
"I know".
"How about next time at my place?" suggests Casy.
"It's small but four people won't take up too much space".
"Sounds good, what do you say Haru?".
Haru pondered, "Why not".
"Okay then, next week at my place!".
"I'll make a group chat for us today so we can text each other".
"That's a good idea," says Haru.
"Ok, I'll go in then! Good night, guys!".
"Goodnight!" we called after her.
"Well now you have to take me home." says Haru, laughing.
On the way we talked again about the theory that something had broken out of the laboratory.
On Haru's doorstep.
"Thanks for accompanying me, will you get home safely?".
"Yeah, don't worry, I'll text you when I get home!".
"Okay, then head home safely" Haru offered me his hand to shake.
"Good night!".
I looked at the clock and saw it was almost midnight. I should hurry up. Even though no one is home, I had better get home quickly. I find it so calming to walk in the silence. Who would have thought that the city could be so quiet. The moon shines so brightly that the entire path is visible. In the distance I saw a person searching for something on the ground. Should I go across the street or help him? I don't think I have any other option than to go through it. I was walking past him when I suddenly.
"Excuse me, can you help me for a moment?".
I was jumped a bit and turned around very slowly.
"W-What can I h-help you with?" I stuttered in fear.
"I lost something here, could you help me find it?".
I just looked at him and couldn't think of an answer.
"Eh... W-What did you l-lost?" I asked him.
"When I tried to pull out my phone out of my pockets, my key fell out".
I thought for a moment and helped him look for it. I think if I were in a situation like that, I would ask for help in the same way.
"All right, I'll help you look for it".
"Thank you, that's very kind of you".
We both searched.. He had almost given up hope.
"I don't think we can find him anymore". "We will, I will stay until we find it".
He looked at me with his gray eyes and replied.
"You're right".
After a while my right hand hits something metal. I felt again in that direction and tried to find it. And sure enough… it was… The Key!
"I found it!".
He immediately turns to me, and I gave him the key.
"Thanks for your help!".
"No problem".
"I'm very glad you helped, I have to give you something to thank you".
"Oh no, that's fine really". I told to him that I didn't want anything, but he just didn't accept it. We walked to the nearest gas station because no store was open at that time.
"My name is Ethan, nice to meet you".
"My name is Ace".
If he says exactly the same thing as everyone else the-.
"Ace? Quite an unusual name".
I knew he would say that. Why does everyone have to say that when I introduce myself?
"Yes, I know, an unusual name".
"It sounds really, really good" he replies.
"Your hair is also somehow special, it's completely white".
"I don't really know how I got the white hair, I've never really seen my father and my mother has darker hair".
"It could be that one of your grandparents had white hair"
I don't know if my grandparents had white hair.
"You're something special". "
Oh eh… if you say so".
"When I think about it… could it be that we have already crossed paths somewhere?" Ethan asks me.
Have we ever met each other?
"No, not really, why do you ask?".
"It's not that important, just forget it".
"Ok?" I answer with a very confused look.
Why is he asking me that? I've never seen him anywhere. When we got to the gas station, he quickly went in to get me a drink as a thank you.
"Here as a reward for helping me before" he says.
"It was really nice of you to help me earlier, I don't know what I did without you".
"No problem, I'm always happy to help".
"Give me your number and we can meet up sometime".
I gave him my number.
"Alright thanks, Ace was your name, right?".
"Well, I'm not the type of person who can remember everyone's name".
"It's okay, my name is simple anyway".
"Yes, you're right".
He offered me a handshake and we both went in different directions. It was already half past two. I should get home as quickly as possible. After what felt like an eternity, I finally arrived home. The house was completely empty. An unusual feeling coming home alone at this time of day. A lot happened today, first Anna and then Ethan... could that be a coincidence? No, that's not possible, I should stop thinking about it. I locked the door, ate something and got dressed for bed. When I lay in my bed, I couldn't really fall asleep. The idea that "something had broken out" as Haru said, really sounds like a scary story that people tell their kids to tell them you can't go out at night. But on the other side... he meant that the people who work there have to keep it quiet. My mother also has a duty of confidentiality... and works in the same laboratory... is my mother keeping secrets from me? My head is really spinning when I think about it. I'll go there with Haru tomorrow to find any information. But I don't think we'll find anything good...