"It's always about this time of night."
I said to myself.
"When the moon is halfway between its highest point, and the horizon. It's completely silent."
The warm breeze of summer came flooding in the window as I looked outside. Everyone in my village is asleep. The wolves aren't howling. There's no birds within an earshot.
We live in a humble home. Just big enough for my mother and father, my sister, and I. Our village is poor, but through trading we're able to stay humble and happy.
I finally close my eyes, and let my dreams take over.
"Kato, wake up. Are you gonna sleep all day?" Said my mother, Lin.
The sun blinded me as I rubbed my eyes and the first thing that came into my vision was my mother holding my breakfast for me. My father, Jay, and my sister, Ash were standing around me wishing me a happy birthday.
"Nine. I'm nine years old today." I thought to myself. Time to start being a man. Taking on new responsibilities in the village.
Friends and family poured into my house like ants. I don't like being around a bunch of people. It makes me nervous. But today was different. Nobody expected anything of me since it was my birthday.
My father stood at the center of the room. "Come next May, you'll be in double digits! You'll get a permanent job around the village, and become a real working member. But every year, every step, and every breath you take is an accomplishment son- Remember that. I'm so proud of you." He said, with a big smile.
Everyone applauded. And brought me gifts. "Happy birthday big brother!" Ash yelled. "Thanks sis." I said. "You're the person that makes this day any fun. The adults mostly talk with each other. I'm glad you're here."
Ash and I ventured outside. The small huts lined up in a row, about 20 on each side. Our village was surrounded by forests and the nearest neighboring village was a days walk. There were people flooding the alley, bartering and selling what little they had for the things they needed.
Ash and I raced up the hill that our town was placed upon. She has small legs but she's almost as fast as I am. And I'm the fastest. Countless days and nights I've snuck out past the borders, and went to explore. And since I was far too young to leave the village, I had to be quick to get back before anyone noticed.
I took her to the top of the hillside. Two miles up the hill, where it seems as if you could see the whole world from there. We stayed and ate food we took from the party, and played games until the sunset.
And it neared that time of night again.
Where the moon is halfway between its highest point and the horizon. Completely silent. Except for a long line of torches I saw a few miles out, slowly getting closer.
My stomach turned in discomfort.
"Ash, go home. Tell mom and dad that there is a group of people heading toward the village." I said.
"Big brother, what's goingâ"
"NOW Ash!" I briefly interrupted.
She ran down the hill toward the village. Knowing it would take her a while to get there, I went down the opposite side of the hill for a closer look.
As I grew closer, hiding in the trees, I started to hear the clanking of metal, and a faint chant of what appeared to be a group of warriors.
My heart sank, and I froze up. "What are they doing coming out here? We don't ever get visitors. Are they armed?" A million questions flooded my mind. I jolted back up the hill as fast as I could. "They're adults, can I really outrun a group of warriors? How long before they get to the village?" A million more questions raced through my head.
From tree branch to tree branch, I ran. My legs started aching, but I couldn't stop. My fear grew too powerful. As I peaked the hill, I tripped and fell, tumbling down the pathway I've taken so many times before. But I immediately jumped up and kept running as if I never fell.
"I can see the village. They're all-" My mind froze up again.
Every man in the village was protesting at the border. Armed with pitchforks, spades, clubs, and whatever else they could find, as if they knew this was coming. The women and children hid inside. My dad, leading the defense, saw me approaching.
"Kato! Get inside with your mother and sister! Stay there and protect the household!" He yelled as I ran past the border, and into our hut.
"BOOM!" A loud crash was heard throughout.
Panic ensued. Deafening screams made its way into every household. I peeked outside-
"What do I do?"
I held my mother and sister, as I froze up yet againâŠ