Chapter 197 - Chapter 191: The Wild Brats

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The Protagonist's Sister Is Actually The Strongest

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Fantasy Story Online: The Crippled Vampire Prince Walks The Heavenly Demon Path


"Waeeeh! Waaaheee!"

"Waaah! Nwoo!"

Rainbow Eyes and Kalana were playing around in the garden, using little sticks they picked up and pretending they were swords or maybe big clubs.

They were quite adorable, truth be told, and even after a month of accelerated growth, giving them the appearance of children over a year of age, they were already running around dexterously.

Their bodies were well developed, growing larger than most kids their age. I think Orion and Athena weren't as big as they were at this age at all, because despite their age, they looked to be over three years of age already.

Mostly in appearances, the big bodies of orcs and the primal humans develop faster and become larger by nature, so they will become even larger adults once they actually grow up fully.

It was a bit ironic that their younger siblings might end up looking older than them in the future, but I don't think Orion and Athena minded.


Little Rainbow Eyes caught Kalana, who was running away from him and then jumped over her. Kalama quickly pushed him away, as she had a lot of strength herself, and then made him roll around the garden.

"Heheh! Gotcha!"

They were already learning several new words but couldn't quite make complete sentences like my other babies; despite that, they were developing very fast.

"Nuuuhh! Nuuuh!"

Rainbow Eyes was a sore loser, complaining as he started hitting the ground while trying to free himself from Kalana climbing his back.

"Heheh! Heheh! Gotcha!"

"Nooohhh! Nouuh!"

At the end, Rainbow Eyes dropped his sister after standing up. Kalana hit her head into the ground but quickly stood back up like nothing.


At first I was worried of how rough these two played, unlike Orion and Athena, who were more delicately playful and only did playful bites and scratches like dog puppies. Orcs and Primal Human children like playing rough since they're born.

I tried to stop them quite a couple of times in their first days, but Mursha and Fiery Hair stopped me, saying that the kids like playing rough and that they're very tough, so nothing bad will happen to them either way.

"It's just how we orc children are," Mursha shrugged. "It's our instinct to pick up mock fights since we're babies. I used to do the same, but there weren't any kids when I was a child, so I used to just play with mom and dad instead. Kalana is lucky she got a lot of siblings."

"Babies like playing! Let them play," said Fiery Hair. "Tougher than rocks! They'll be fine!"

"A-Alright then…" I nodded.

I was at fault for not knowing very well their morphology and culture, and also their instincts. Despite being very humanoid, they at the end aren't the completely the same humans I know.

"Mama! Mamaaaa! Mamamama!"

As I was glancing at them, I noticed Kalana running towards me and hugging my legs.

"Hm? What's wrong, my dear? Did you find something interesting?"

I kneeled, kissing her little forehead and caressing her hair.

"Wook! Wook!"

She showed me something she grabbed around the garden—a huge black beetle.

"Waw wis?"

"What's this? Oh, this is a beetle! A bug!"

"Bugo! Nam!"

Then she opened her mouth and ate it whole.

"Nam, nam, nam! Ewww…"

And then she spit it into the ground; it wasn't tasty.

"Haha, don't eat bugs like that, Kalana, dear; they aren't tasty like mama's dishes."

"Ewww…! Bleegh…"

She made a very wrinkly face as she spit all the things inside her mouth.

I sighed as I giggled a bit.

"Haah… Hahah, come on here; let me wash your mouth. Open your mouth."


She opened her mouth obediently, as I quickly conjured some water by manipulating the Heaven and Earth Element of my Inner Realm and washed her mouth with it.

"Now spit."

"Pwah! Oh wow! Bitew now mowe!"

"Here, eat some fruit. Don't eat bugs, alright?"


The little, green-skinned baby girl grabbed a few strawberries I gave her, and she ate them; they were sweet, and she loved them.

"Who's my little cute green apple?" I giggled, caressing her little head and kissing her forehead and nose once more; she was too adorable to resist.

"Gween apwe!" she said, hugging me and rubbing her face on my chest. "Nam!" Before playfully biting my neck. "Nam, nam, nam! Raarr!"

"Hahah! Are you imitating your brother Orion now?" I giggled. "I can play rough too! Raarr! Nam!"

I quickly bit her little neck gently as she giggled, tickling her.

"Hehehe! Hehehe!" Then she started climbing my body, grabbing my hair, and pulling it around. "Hahaha! Mamamamama!"

"By the heavens, this girl's crazy!" I sighed. "Athena was so much calmer."

"Come on now, don't be rough with your mama!" I said, giggling anyways. "Come here, you!"

"Gyaah! Hehehe!"

I grabbed her and dragged her to the flowers, where I attacked her by tickling her little green belly; she giggled while giving me kicks and punches.

"Hya! Hayayayay!"

She attacked as if it were a natural instinct of her! Mursha is so calm I couldn't have guessed her kind had fighting in their nature since they're babies.

"Hahaha! You're one of a kind, my dear! Do you ever get tired at all?"


She stood up and began running around me.

"Kawana! Kawanaaaa! Ohhh!"

And then Rainbow Eyes showed up; the cute and handsome boy with long flame-like silver hair appeared.


She ran towards me and greeted me.

"I hope you didn't eat bugs like your sister?"

"Buwgs… I ate!"

"Haahh… Okay, as long as they aren't bad for you, it's ok."

I couldn't stop them from playing and eating anything they wanted; I mean, Orion and Athena did the same too. They're much calmer and smarter now, but they're still children that like playing as well.

"Alright, let's play!" I said. "Wanna play with your mama?"

"Yeeeeeeehhh!" Rainbow Eyes started jumping happily.

"Pway! Pway!" Kalana also did the same.

The two were grabbing my dress and dragging it around however they wanted; they were sure strong.

"Okay, okay, stop dragging your mother's dress everywhere, hahaha!" I laughed. "Let's play… Chase the prey! I'll become your prey, and you're the hunters…"

"Oooh!" Rainbow Eyes nodded. "Oway! I want to! I want to!"

"Prey? Mama?" Kalana asked.


I floated away and then stood up far away.

"Come at me and try to catch me! Whoever manages to catch me gets a delicious dessert of whatever they want!" I said.


"Hahah! Okay!"

The two ran towards me immediately after I said that their Auras exploding with tremendous power, instinctively boosting their movement speed with a short burst.


My baby Kalana appeared by my left side; her Aura was of crimson color, as strong as the red of blood itself, shaping as some sort of muscular ogre behind her.


My boy Rainbow Eyes emerged from behind me, his Aura resembling a blazing dragon made of silver flames coiling around his body.

Both of them had very unique auras already, and so strong!



I disappeared in a second, as they ended hitting the ground instead.

"Mama? Wewe?" Rainbow Eyes wondered.

"Ah! Mamaaa!" Kalana pointed at the distance.

I was floating above the skies, looking at them from thirty meters above the ground.

"Can you catch me from all the way here, babies?"

I smiled, provoking them to release more of their power and catch me.



Their auras gathered within their bodies, erupting in an instant and propelling them all the way to the skies.




They giggled while realizing the extent of their power, reaching me as they extended their little hands to catch me.

"Heh, not yet~"


However, I disappeared in that instant, appearing in the ground fifty meters from them.

"Hereee! Catch me!"

I waved my hand at them, as the two immediately jumped down towards me the moment they saw me, their auras growing larger as an attempt to adjust to my speed.


"Ehehe! Hehehe!"

They were both adorable and deadly!


With a tremendous landing attack, both attempted to catch me, leaving a small crater in the garden instead and red and silver flames everywhere.

"Nuh-huh! Try again!"

I was right above them.

Their eyes widened, instantly rushing towards me with tremendous, herculean strength.


The ground shook once more; countless cracks spread everywhere as they attempted to reach me by jumping from the floor, shattering it by doing so.


However, every time they were about to get me, I moved quickly, almost looking like I teleported, appearing above, below, to their left or right sides, behind, or sometimes farther at the front.

"Mama! Nwot faif!" Rainbow Eyes got angry, glaring at me by furrowing his adorable, thick eyebrows. His silver horn grew longer out of nowhere as his power strengthened.

"Hmph!" Kalana also got angry, groaning as her eyes reddened, her hair grew longer, waving around as her aura transformed, becoming clearer; it resembled a huge, muscular, red-skinned orc woman with multiple arms.

Oh wow, they're truly strong this time too!

While Orion and Athena were more magical and speedy fighters, Kalana and Rainbow Eyes were completely physical fighters, inborn with gifted, herculean physiques.

"Heheh, this is getting interesting! Alright, my dear babies, give your mama everything you've got!" I said, provoking them. "Come!"



My two little treasures rushed towards me like small meteors, clashing against me with tremendous force, yet the only thing they actually hit was an afterimage using my aura instead.

"I'm here."

I was above them.



They were furious!

But at the same time, they looked very entertained; they had to exercise and have fun after all.

They rushed towards me, constantly destroying the garden of beautiful flowers.

They left huge craters whenever they jumped or fell from the sky, while I evaded them constantly.

Eventually, I let them catch me to finish the game and not make them mad.


Although when they caught me, the accumulated force of their aura hit me like two nukes at once… It generated a gigantic explosion, completely destroying the garden.

"Ah, goodness, I'll have to repair this."

Nonetheless, I was fine.



Kalana and Rainbow Eyes giggled, feeling accomplished; they got me.

"Well done! Are you ready for some tasty dessert?" I said, as I quickly held them both with my arms, carrying them as my babies.

"I waw, I waw, chocowate!" said Kalana, nodding.

"Hmmm… Meawt!" nodded Rainbow Eyes, licking his lips.

"Meat is not a dessert, ahah," I giggled. "But sure, if that's what you want, we'll give you more meat."

They developed sharp teeth and strong mandibles after a week, and they started eating meat nonstop since then; they are really good at digesting it easily too, and Mursha and Fiery Hair just told me to give them a big chunk for them to bite on for the day.

"Lunch is ready, but what the hell happened here?" Mursha wondered, walking in as I repaired the garden.


Can't wait to see what's next? You can join my Patreon: 

And gain access to all these Advanced Chapters:

103 Advanced Chapters of

The Protagonist's Sister Is Actually The Strongest

63 Advanced Chapters of

The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns

17 Advanced Chapters of

Fantasy Story Online: The Crippled Vampire Prince Walks The Heavenly Demon Path