Chapter 35 - Animal

My boots sank into the ground as I pushed a path through forest. Adrian stood proudly in front of me as we spectated the cabin right before our eyes. The silence between us heavier than the humid air. I could feel his uncertainty radiating off him. Each step he took was as if he was expecting a land mine to blow up at any moment. But this nervousness of his was driving me even crazier.

Slamming the door close behind us, his body jumped up as he gave me one nasty side eye.


"Come, Adrian." , I said, with my arm locked around his, and leading him to the kitchen. Pulling out a glass filled to the brim with a white colloidal like fluid from the small refrigerator, Adrian raised a brow as I presented it to him.

"Drink it.", I insist, his gaze shifting from staring at me to peeping into the glass trying to see if somethings hidden in there.

"Don't worry, honeybee~. It's just lemonade.", I lie through my teeth. Adrian gets even worried now.

"Look, you drink half of it," I propose, while scratching my temple with the knife in a lazy manner,

"And I'll drink the other half. How about that, hm? Are you willing to trust me?

'y..y-yes...', he whispers, almost inaudible to my ears.

His hands reach out slowly and he holds the glass tight and downs half the glass in no time. Reaching his arms out, he offers me my share.

"There, there. That wasn't so hard now, was it?", I snatch the glass out of his hand.

I can feel his gaze. Adrian's eyes are stuck on me and he's almost eye-fucking me with his glare alone. Gosh, I didn't expect it to work this quick , I think to myself as I down the drink, setting it down on the counter.

I could immediately feel it. My body started to feel hot, and my heartbeat started to become noticeably louder. My hand involuntarily crept towards my chest, holding my tits and fondling them through my tank top without even me noticing it. My heartbeat hitched as I let out a gentle lady like burp. Licking my lips, I just started to feel really really warm inside.

'T-That drink you just gave me...t..that wasn't just lemonade, was it..?', a low tone voice pulled me back into reality.

His voice seemed really adorable. Looking at him up and down, and adoring his body, he seemed more manly than ever. It was almost as if my body was crying out, begging for his touch. Maybe it was the aphrodisiac. Maybe it was the intense chase that lead us here.

The air got thick between the two in the kitchen as they both adored each other with an intense animalistic gaze. Slowly lifting her hand, Anita pointed the knife at Adrian, making him squirm.




Anita sat with her leg folded over the other, with a sadistic gaze as Adrian walked into the room while covering his crotch with both of his arms. This cute sight made Anita giggle. They'd made love to one another more than she could count, but this shy side of him still made her feel better. After standing in front of her, Adrian started to settle down, only for Anita to drop another bomb.


Adrian froze. He thought he heard her wrong for a split second there. Before he could even open his mouth to object, Anita resumed, this time with a harsher tone.

"Did I stutter? I said,


You fucking slut."

Adrian nodded in defeat, while his eyes were fixed on the knife held tight in Anita's hand. Making cute noises and whimpers every now and then, Anita enjoyed the show as he became bare naked.

"Even the underwear, now. Come on, don't make this anymore difficult than it has to be, babes.", she signalled her knife up and down which made Adrian, now stark naked in front of her. He stood with a slight blush, yet feeling a mix of scared and horny in his head.

Scared because of the knife. How Anita could kill him if he didn't play along with her.

Horny because whatever that 'lemonade' was, wasn't truly lemonade. Note to self: never accept a drink made by Anita even if she has the most adorable smile in this world.

"Mmm-hmm. Now, start jerking off."

This felt like a strong punch to his gut. He hesitated and considered making a run for it, but he stood still. Adrian sighed in a dejected manner. Seeing no point in resisting , Adrian nodded, while removing his hands as slow as possible trying to delay this humiliating act. But it acted in an opposite way, only building up anticipation for Anita sitting in front of him on the bed.

Gulping hard, Anita's breath rose as she kept her eyes glued on the hands of her lover. She gasped a little after Adrian revealed his rock hard cock, filled with warm blood.

It's sprung up like a big mushroom. How cute, she thought to herself. Adrian would definitely never let her hear the end of it if she poked him like that.

His hands, now showing veins, slithered across his stomach before reaching his crotch. Working his way up and down on his shaft, he closed his eyes in shame.

Anita liked his shy behavior even more as she ordered him further.

"Come closer.", she cooed.

Peeping through with one eye, Adrian waddled a few steps thinking that would be enough, but no. Her knife pointing in his direction made him walk right next upto Anita, to the point where even a simple breath of hers made his cock twitch with excitement.

"There we go. Up and Personal.", she said while putting one hand down on the bed with the knife, and using her dormant hand to start touching her lover's dick.

"I've missed you for soo long~", she conversed with it as if it were a real person, while her nose greeted it with a gentle kiss.

Anita looked at it, viewing it with different angles with her eyes halfway closed.She leaned in and her nose twitched a little, indicating a sniff. Only a small amount made it's way to her lung, but it was too late.

Her head kicked back, and she suppressed a lewd moan while her eyes closed inadvertently.

Huffing hard, Anita finally opened her eyes. That was it. That little preview was enough to make her go crazy. Her violent demeanor had vanished now, only to replaced by the animalistic need to be bred by her mate. Heart-shaped pupils replaced her usual eyes, as she finally started to please him. She made a v-sign with her two slender fingers got a hold of his veiny cock.