Looking her in the eyes, he noticed that she was entirely sincere, in her struggling.
After a second of them staring at each other, she said, with a slightly red face:
"Fuck you staring at me like that for?"
Kagare was enraptured by her sharp teeth.
Wanting to say "yes, I'll help you" and "I like your teeth", he jumbled his words.
And he told her this:
"I like you."
After a moment, with a strangely heavy atmosphere, Kagare realized what he just said.
With a completely blank face, his murky green eyes widened.
Even if he wanted to clarify what he meant, it was too late.
"I apologize for the misunderstanding, I meant to say th-"
Itachi interrupted him.
With her hands on her cheeks, she backed away from him, while blushing heavily.
Lost in his accidental "confession", her thoughts were befuddled, as she said:
"Woah… I mean… I don't even know your name..! I should beat your ass for saying that… but maybe… I mean, you are pretty cute..!"
Looking at her blankly still he was surprised by the complete shift in personality.
He tried to remedy the situation they were in, by pushing past what he said.
Butting in to her ramblings he said:
"…My name's Kagare Kei. I'll try to help you with the test."
Grabbing his pencil and paper, Kagare stood up, grabbed her shoulder and guided her back to her seat.
Standing next to her seat, she returned to reality and her normal personality; before saying:
"What..? O-Oh… so… you are gonna help me finish this stupid ass test..?"
Kagare grabbed the chair of the seat in front of Itachi's, then spinned it around to face her.
Both of them sat down, with him putting his paper on her desk.
Even though she got past the initial shock of being told that he liked her, she was still confused.
As he started getting into the questions she was stuck on, with the seriousness of a teacher, she thought:
"How the hell is this guy so calm about this..? Is he some sorta robot..? It's like he forgot he even said it!"