Chereads / Milkman In The Apocalypse / Chapter 2 - Yuma At Your Service

Chapter 2 - Yuma At Your Service

(Milkman agency)

(Mother's office)

Mother had long black hair, semi-pointy ears, and dark orange eyes. She wore a long black trench coat, and she was smoking a cigarette. She sat in a chair, looking at a bunch of screens around her, in which those screens showed the inside of the Milkman agency from all points.

She sighed, "Please tell me we have a bunch of Pure flowers?"

*Pure flowers - flowers that assist in creating the Milk. Pure flowers can be found in any zone, but mostly Yellow zones. They contain supernatural properties of manifestation and purity once mixed with a liquid, and certain Milkmen at the agency use their own skills to create the Milk with perks alongside it. Those people out in the world who put in milk orders have to pay upfront with a certain number of Pure flowers.*

Beside her, was her assistant, Jormun. He had short frizzy gray hair, and gray eyes. "We do, Mother. Seven hundred new batches came in a few minutes ago while you were taking a shit."

"Tch. You didn't have to say all that, fool."


"Anyway, I want to put that adorable brat Yuma on another mission after this but.."

"You don't wanna overwork him?"

"…He's the strongest Milkman here. He's the biggest asset we have. Sure, everyone here is almost as strong as Yuma, but Yuma is different. He came here on his own accord after his parents went missing, most likely they're dead. He was frowning when he showed up, and I didn't even know how he knew where to find us. But when we ran tests on him, he had seven hearts, all looking different from one another. Which is why I think those otherworldly bitches are here to take those hearts from him, either way, he has something to do with all of this, I'm sure of it."

"Oh, so we're thinking the same thing?"

"He's powerful…way too powerful, which I fear could get out of control. If anything happens, it would take all of the Milkmen to fight him. I would even have to go all out, and I only did that once to save my own ass."

"You care about him.."

"I care about all my children, my name is Mother, obviously, fool. Yuma feels more close to me than anything in this shitty world. I guess I won't overwork him today. I'm getting so many orders left and right, we've never been this busy. My children need rest."

"Let them rest, maybe recruit outsiders who are lone survivors trying to make it like the rest of us."

"No. I can't do that. No way in hell would I allow an outsider to do our job. We can't trust anything or anyone that's not our family."


"Also, check up on Fenrir also. I wanna make sure he's alive."

"Going somewhere?"

"Yeah, to take a shit. And to make a call to The Archive Sanctum. Apparently they got some lore for me or whatever."

Jormun thought, 'The Archive Sanctum, sometimes Mother will pay them in milk for Lore and information on either Yuma or the creatures and beings coming through the realm portals themselves. But sometimes, they don't have what Mother asked for at the moment, so she's always waiting.'

(Red Zone)


Yuma was pedaling and pedaling, as he had washed his uniform in water, and all the dirt and blood was wiped clean. They wore special types of suits that are embedded with supernatural properties that get rid of curses, stains, or blood when soaked in water. But some water in the Red Zone isn't safe for anything, and could damage the Milkman suit itself. Yellow Zones have dirty water, but are cleaner; and Green Zones have healthy water but could be inhabited by fierce water based beings and creatures.

Yuma was humming across the desolate area, and a few feet behind him, Kaija was following.

Kaija was trying to be stealthy, following Yuma as he slid and hid behind every broken car, rubble, tree, and monster bodies.

'He can't see me, right?! He definitely doesn't know I'm following him, right?! That kid..that Milkman..I always heard stories about them, and how strong they were. Once the apocalypse started, my parents were doing their best to fight off some kind of red and purple demon humanoid thing with long horns, and then the Milkmen showed up, but only two of them showed up. I didn't get to see them fight, because my parents casted me away from the fight. They always taught me to keep those who protect me close, and to thank them wholeheartedly. I wanna carefully thank this Milkman for saving me, but WHAT IF HE RIPS MY HEAD OFF?! Okay, Kaija, you're definitely overreacting. He doesn't kill humans, right-?'

"You there! Milkman brat!" A group of bandit looking men were standing in front of Yuma.

Yuma stopped his bike, and smiled, "Hey guys! Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Give us those cartons of milk! Now! Nice and slow!"

"Uhhh, haha, I don't think I can do that?"

Kaija watched, thinking, 'Ohhh shit! Oh shit this is out of nowhere! Muggers and bandits…those types of bastards in the apocalypse are always roaming, trying to salvage things from the aftermath of battles, and trying to rob anyone they see coming around them alone..will Yuma react, but I'm sure he won't since he seems pure.'

Yuma said to the bandits, "Are you those people they called bandits and muggers Mother was talking about?"

"Don't disrespect us kid, we're just trying to survive! Even if it means by killing a little Milkman brat in the process-!"

Yuma was already cycling past them with a smile, saying, "Have a good one!"

The bandits just stood there, shaking in their place, and their bodies split in half and dropped to the ground in a pool of blood. Then, red crystal vines came out of their bodies, and dragged their bodies up into the sky, twisted around and around, and exploded, evaporating them.

Kaija watched, his leg shaking, "Shit! I didn't even see him move! That speed..those Milkmen are no joke.."

"Who are you talking to?" Yuma was standing behind Kaija, and Kaija screamed.

Kaija staggered back, pointing at Yuma, "Howwww did you get behind me all fast and stuff??"

Yuma laughed with a smile, "Haha! I just walked over here! You didn't see me when you were talking to yourself like a crazy person?"


"You don't have to be scared of me. I can hear your heart pounding. But I'm not a scary person. I fight to protect people and stuff. But if anyone threatens me with murderous intent like those bandits, then I have to thrash them easily."

Kaija thought, 'Can I blame him? This world is full of untrustworthy people, even awakened people can't be trusted. But not once has anyone heard of an untrustworthy Milkman. They're praised like, all the time. Even when they deliver the milk orders, they sometimes stop to help people in need. I should lighten up.'

Kaija sighed, and stuck his hand out to Yuma, wanting to shake his hand, saying, "I wanted to say thank you again for-."

Yuma grabbed his hand and flipped Kaija on his stomach, saying, "Are you trying something?"

Kaija exclaimed, "AGHH! WAIT! WAIT! IT WAS A HANDSHAKE!"

Yuma laughed, "HAHA! I know, I'm joking. We're friends now! You're my first friend who's not a Milkman!"

Yuma helped Kaija, and they shook hands.

Kaija looked at the smile on his face, thinking, 'This kid…the smiling Milkman…what's his backstory?'

Yuma got back on his bike, and said, "Welp, I don't wanna be late! See ya! Hopefully we can catch up again when I come back on another mission! Do you have anywhere to go?"

Kaija nodded, "Yeah! Don't worry about me."

"Mmmm. Okay! Get to a green zone! Fast! Do you want a map?"

"It's okay! I have one! I'm headed towards a green zone now!"

"Okay good! Because Mother said we can't bring any outsiders into the agency, for good reasons, ya know!"

"Yeah I get it!"

"It's like three rules we have to follow as a Milkman! Please don't be mad at me!"

"Don't worry, it's fine!"

Kaija thought, 'Haha, this kid is something else. I'll probably run into him soon.'

Yuma sped off, as Kaija watched him.

As Yuma was cycling, with his bottles of milk clanging in the back, he rode past another Milkman, a girl named Seraph. She had dark pinkish purple hair, and dark yellow eyes with a blush. And she had a large pair of sharp pink scissors strapped to her back.

Yuma waved, "Seraph!"

Seraph waved, "Husband!"

"Haha, come on. We're too young to be married!"


"Where are you headed?"

"I just finished a delivery! Heading back to see if I can get another mission from Mother! can be a husband and wife mission, then I'll wait for you.."

"You're always flirty with me, Seraph."

"After this apocalypse is over, remember we're getting married!"

"Haha! Okay okay!"

Seraph thought, 'He gets even more adorable every day I see him. Even though I'm a year older than him, he acts so mature and childish at the same time! He must know I'm in love with him, right?'

Yuma said to Seraph, "When I get back to the agency, do you wanna watch a movie? I have a great movie in mind!"

"Crap. I don't knowww. I have to help cook with the other girls."


"You CURSED?! FOR THE FIRST TIME!" Seraph pointed at Yuna.

Yuma exclaimed, "I-I've been around Mother too much! Forgive me!"

"Haha! It's okay, husband. Good luck!"

"Bye, Seraph!"

Seraph cycled off, and Yuma did as well.


"Hold them back!"

"Shit! I'm hit!"


"Cover me!"

There were a group of awakened humans using their powers to hold off waves of enemies, surrounding them in a circle. The enemies were these other worldly beings that were all women, fully naked with moving black and red tattoos on their bodies, and flowing black hair with a sword sticking out of their faces, with no eyes or nose or mouth. They modified their bodies to attack, making their limbs sharp. They were extremely touch and strong, it would take multiple hits to actually kill them, they were called Hujerns.

Among them, were only a dozen of awakened humans, using their special abilities to fight.

"I'm running low on mana!" A bald man with a bushy beard and red eyes said.

"Me too!"

"Where's that Milkman-?!"


Yuma had slammed his fist into the ground, and everyone blasted into the air and the ground exploded in a harmony of destruction and chaos. As everyone was in the air, Yuma was dashing around to all of the awakened humans, handing them cartons of milk.

"Here! Here! Here! Enjoy the best milk in the world! Created by the best Milkmen in the world!" Yuma exclaimed happily.

"He's here!"

"The Milkman!"

"We're saved!"

"Thank God!"

Yuma then turned around in mid air, and kicked off the air, causing a sonic boom to go off, causing wind to blast all over the place. Yuma started to spin sideways, shredding through Hujern enemies brutally. Yuma then flipped around and grabbed one of the heads, ripped it off, and teleported to the other Hujerns and squashed them stylishly with the head of the other Hujern. They tried to attack him and stab him with their sharp arms and tried to bite him, but Yuma dodged them easily with a smile and kicked them which made them explode into a bloody mess on impact.

Yuma then made his red crystal staff form in both hands, and it sparked red lightning bolts around it, and he made the staff ground to be 100 feet long on both sides, and he spun it above his head like a helicopter blade, and it shredded the Hujerns into pieces, making it rain blood.

The awakened humans on the ground watched as they drunk the milk, saying to each other:


"He's strong!"

"The rumors were true! A Milkman's power is equivalent to a high ranking enemy Monarch's power!"

"I can tell!"

"This milk is delicious!"

"Our wounds are healing!"

Yuma was walking towards them, and he slightly bowed, "Sorry I was late, if you want I can make it up to you with a free carton of-."

"No! You were right on time. Yeah we lost people, but we lost guild members before we made the order to the Milkman agency!"

"Oh..that's still sad.."


"But you were talking about the enemy Monarchs? Has anyone seen any of the Seven?"

"No, rumors say there are Seven enemy Monarchs that led this war on our world, and killing them is the only way to fix it."

"Yeah Mother said something like that too.."

Behind Yuma, the bodies of Hujerns began to merge together, saying, "Curse that brat! He holds the seven hearts! We can't fight him in our normal state, but in our combined state!"

They merged in a nasty way, trying to grow larger, almost forming. But Yuma was already in front of them, and he smiled, "Hi! Did you think I'd really let you transform into your final form?"

"Damn you! I'll be taking those hearts-!"

Yuma pointed at the Hujerns, and a giant red crystal stretched out from the inside of their bodies, killing them from the inside out, dismembering them all over the ground.

Yuma turned back around, thinking, 'Seven hearts..they keep saying that stuff to me. I should definitely ask Mother! She always knows the answers to my questions!'

Yuma stopped by the awakened humans, and smiled, "Make you sure guys get into a green zone fast! I have a map if you want directions to a green zone! It's very very dangerous out here!"

They replied:


"Yeah thanks, kid."

"Yeah we'll take the map."

Yuma pulled a map from his back pocket, and handed it to them.

"Even though you Milkmen are more powerful than anything, brutally killing monsters, you guys have a heart. What's your name?"

Yuma pointed at himself as his smile got bigger, "Milkman Yuma Takahashi at your service! If you're ever in need, give us a call again! Bye bye now!"

Yuma got on his bike, and pedaled away as his upbeat oldies music played.