Chereads / Papuru Star / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Welcome to the Papuru Galaxy

Papuru Star

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Welcome to the Papuru Galaxy

A massive swirl of violet energy crawling with fingers of purple lightning, the supergiant celestial sat in complete darkness. No other stars could be seen, even by the most sophisticated viewing devices, thus the thirty million kilometer satellite spun lazily and alone in the cold vacuum.


The Papuru Star. Not unique in its size, its differences become evident the longer it is under observation. For though it spins on its axis, it remains stationary. Despite it's size, depicting at least one hundred million years old, the star was in fact no older than a thousand fifty. Surface temperature of twenty seven thousand degrees, and a solar mass of five, the Papuru Star is a conundrum. As the ruling body of its own universe, the star is seen as both beautiful and ominous, a scientific anomaly, a sign of fear and the unknown. Lightning rapidly plays across its surface which could be seen millions of kilometers distant as bright flashes. Even the farthest planetoid in its orbit can witness the glimmer of the purple disk in it's cold blue sky. Seventeen such planetoids make up the Papuru Galaxy, each as distinctive from each other as mutual and it's on the eighth planet from the star that the most spectacular, monumental, galaxy shaking event, a decade of anticipation and a thousand years in the making, is about to commence.

Year 1050

Day 1

A human male wakes up and springs from his bed, flipping through the air to land lightly on his feet. He yawns deeply, rotating his arms and shoulders, and stretching his back until he felt the satisfying pop. He began humming happily to himself as he strode to the cooling unit and the food it held, graciously provided by the hosts.


Kane Urasa, age twenty five. Born in the city of New Zurham in the state of Lina, located on the outskirts of the sky country of Hope on the planet known as Earth.

Kane opened the waist high unit's door and froze upon seeing it empty. He stood there, mouth agape as if he hoped some food would just hop in, before his eyes narrowed in revelation.


Those damn...What am I supposed to eat for breakfast?

Slamming the door shut, he walked to the shuttered window, pressing a switch next to them, causing the thin metallic shutters to fold up. The bright, slightly violet sunlight bath the room. Outside his first floor suite stood a crowd of Humans and Dycordians who then broke out into a chorus of screams, cheers, and claps. A security gate held them at bay around thirty meters distant, but could hardly prevent the most desperate of fans to reach out futility in his direction, hands grasping at air. He saw a "Marry me Kane" among other signs waving above their heads and merely raising his hand in greeting prompted a frenzy of excitement. He smiled at them in turn before that smile started to fade once he noticed how bright it was. He quickly checks the time on his nightstand, which read 6:03 UT.


I know they didn't do what I think they did. Holoview on!

A ten inch bar floating twenty centimeters from the lush carpet, responded by displaying a five foot image showing the local time to be much later then the nightstand said. The holoview switches to a camera shot of a comet streaking over the skies before panning down to a massive sea of blue skinned Dycordiens crowding the avenues. Among them, like scattered islands, were various other races ranging from Humans to the bird like Tilris. All of whom were cheering maddeningly at the camera above. A male reporter's voice-over also held an edge of excitement to it.

Reporter 1

The Dying Star comet over the skies of Dycord ushers in the new year and Coalition Carnage is here at Topaz City and with it comes the fandom or Carnies as they are so often referred to. I can see visitors from many worlds within this throng of mortals, all seeking to catch a glimpse of their favorite Superstar. I have to say, I'm eagar-

But Kane had long since gotten dressed in a whirlwind of speed and was out the door of the Papuru Inn in less then five seconds, startling a Dycordien couple holding hands with his gust of wind. The lovers never saw the cause but had they been heading outside, they would have gotten as clear a look as those fans who had managed to stop him. Twenty meters from the hotel, Kane stood looking down at his left ankle and the crackling static like energy extending from a small sewage drain to his leg.


A soul trap?

Male fan 1

It's him! It's really him!!!

Several humans within the crowd to Kane's left emerge along with some coming from around the side of the hotel and one, a pink haired woman from the sewer grate. This one was yelling at the approaching fans.


Wait! He's mine! I brought the traps and it was my idea to cover every exit so I get first dibs!

The short young woman with pink hair had his face plastered on her ample chest, boarded in the blue gold colors of Coalition Carnage. She wore a huge grin on her freckled face.


You need to stop running from your fans, Kane Urasa.


I have no time for this, Katy. I'm late.


This won't take long. All we need is your hair.

The six humans, all wearing Superstar Kane shirts, held shears in their hands.


I keep telling you, I'm not donating hair to that freaky doll of me. Also I don't authorize this fan club of yours.


Don't insult the fan base. Shave'em, people!

The seven members of the unauthorized Superstar Kane fan club surge forward, not quite maniacal expressions on their multi-cultured faces. In less time then it took for them to take two steps, Kane's left hand shone a silver hue and he knelt to chop at the static. It dissipated with no resistance. At this point Katy and her merry band of Carnies could have been confused with world champion sprinters, closing with the speed of desperation.


Next time, cra-lady.

Some onlookers thought ten meters, others thirty, but whichever height Kane was able to leap, was enough to not only clear the incoming posse, but the sixty or so onlookers. Upon landing, Kane immediately moved like a blur down the semi clustered streets. A massive blue hunk of quartz towered over the sprawling metropolis.


Topaz City is so named for the naturally formed jewel that rose eighty kilometers into the sky. It is the world hub, or capital city, of the planet Dycord. Billions in goods and currencies travel through the bright metal canyons and is considered by many as the perfect host city.

Kane weaves in and out of the foot traffic, noticing in passing some Dycordians showing signs of Coalition Carnage spirit, others not so much. Neither noticed the blur of humanity pass them by. Above, many Dycordians traverse the city via anti gravity technology rather then navigate the many parties and get togethers on the surface. Kane hurdled a hover cart that had broken down in his path and landed amongst a group of children with balloons and other Coalition Carnage memorabilia. The parents are shocked at first, but Kane's familiar smile put them at ease.

Human child 1

Good luck, Superstar Kane!

Dycordian child 1

But our Superstar is going to win.


He just might, kid. Where'd you get the cool balloons?

Human child 1

That carnival over there. Our school took us.


Thanks! Hey, cheer for me too, okay?

Both kids


Kane was off like a shot, garnering the normal "ohhhh's" and "ahhhh's" when normal people see him use his Quickening up close, headed in the direction indicated.


The cathedral would be considered small in most cultures on most planets, but in this particular city of half story dwellings, it was the largest. The only two story structure in the city, it's solid white surface and curved roof gave it the appearance of an egg.


This is Beacon City, the holy city and capital of the World Voice. Among the hundreds of religions spread across the seventeen planets of the Papuru Galaxy, the World Voice is the most prominent, both politically and with the Dycordians.

Inside it's metal walls and stained glass windows with stylized graphics of the planets, Dycordians milled about in their ceremonial robes of green.


The World Voice number over a billion galaxy wide and make up a third of the Dycordian race. Known as the Spirit Caste, Dycordians born into the World Voice are trained from birth to communicate with the spirit within their world.

A hooded woman walked down a spacious corridor, green robe with gold trim signifying her as a Seer.


Just as with the Govern and Guardian Castes, the Spirit is made up exclusively of the bloodlines of certain families. Whichever caste one is born to is the caste they spend their lives serving. Never in their recorded history has a Dycordien switched a caste.

The woman walked on beneath an artistic archway into a bare room lit by a lone candle. A Dycordien sat cross-legged, hands together in prayer. He wore plain green clothing and no footwear. She stopped behind him.


Until now. Claude of Styfe, age twenty five, originally of the Govern Caste.


Opening ceremony starts in one hour, Claude.

Claude rose smoothly to his bare feet and smiled kindly at her.


Thank you, Seer Vassi


Any word?





The two leave the room and walk down the corridors, sunlight cascading through the windows. A muscled Dycordien stood inside an archway eyeing them with animosity as they pass.


When they see your skills their feelings for you will change.


I have long since stopped caring about what others think of me. Being Superstar is a Guardian thing, I understand that. But I was chosen by the Lords to be Superstar and I will do my world proud, even for those who wish me ill.


Starting to sound like your friend. You must be excited.


It has been seven years.


Do not get complacent. I have seen strong Superstars die due to lax thinking.


I understand what I am to do.

Once outside, they continue to the edge of the cathedral's walkway. They reach a booth with several hanging disks, with Claude taking one. He tosses it to the stone ground, where it hovers in place. He jumps atop the disk, which never wavers an inch, before sitting cross-legged in the center.


Remember my teachings and those of the planet spirits.


I will. Goodbye, Seer Vassi.

The disk whisked Claude into the distance. His flight takes him over the ocean over which the House of the World Voice cathedral stood sentinel on a bluff. The trip would take several minutes, as Topaz City lay on a junction of the Wild Lands that jutted over this , the Serhipoth Ocean. He is in his meditative trance and is unable to witness the man made water sculpture some artist created a few miles off Beacon City's coast. Using unseen anti gravity devices to make the ocean water swirl and flow through the air as if inside invisible tubes, it's unknown what the artist's intent may have been, but whatever it was, it interested Claude not at all. What did, however, was a shuttle entering the atmosphere a great distance away. The image of a Human woman with a blood red locket hanging from her neck and making grandiose gestures with her hands could be seen playing on it's hull as if it were a flying holoview. Braloor's chosen Superstar was coming in on a landing vector.


The streamjet given to her by the Superstars' Guild as Braloor's representative was designed by those experienced with using magic all day every day. If they knew The Dawn would be Braloor's Superstar they would have left out the magically appearing stewardess, the charm chamber for relaxation, or the bed of massage hands. She took advantage of none of these during the trip here instead opting to sit at a desk protruding from the bulkhead of the main cabin and writing in a book. A male Tilris entered and spoke in a professional tone.


We've touched down on Dycord, miss.

The Dawn


She took her pen, removed the cap, then proceeded to pour the ink onto the page. She drummed her fingers on the book, which began to glow. The pilot cleared his throat sounding like a baby bird. The Dawn looked at the book and was satisfied to see the words "The pilot cleared his throat sounding like a baby bird. The Dawn looked at the book..." fading into the page. Turning toward the pilot, she flipped her hood over her head and walked from the cabin.


The Dawn, age twenty five, hailing from the planet Braloor and its current Supreme.

The Dycordian delegates were three males and wore the gray robes of the Govern Caste. All wore ceremonial headgear that made them resemble the pen she was using earlier. The Dawn walked down the streamjet's ramp, which descended from the left breast of her holographic photo displayed on the side of the ship.

Delegate 1

Welcome to Dycord, Superstar The Dawn. I'm sure you have been to our home world before, so-

The Dawn

Wrong. Never been here.

Delegate 2

Well then, allow us to introduce you to our wonderful city.

The Dawn sighed audibly and entered the waiting hover car they were gesturing her toward. It was spacious enough to sit the four of them comfortably and soon took off from the landing bay into the city proper. The Dawn immediately tuned out during the puff piece of the delegates as they talked up their city and its wealth, gazing at the colorful buildings they passed; many of which bore decorations of Coalition Carnage. Dycordians milled about, some eating at an outdoor restaurant, a few were window shopping with family or walking various types of unfamiliar pets. She wondered if they were as excited about the coming festivities as some of the others she'd seen in her few moments on the world. During one of the delegates long winded explanation of something she didn't care about, The Dawn suddenly squealed so loud the delegates all screamed and jumped in fright, one even clutching his chest.

The Dawn

A carnival! I see a carnival over there! I want to go!

Delegate 1

We...can do that, I guess. But after the opening ceremony. The Lords of Continent have something-

The Dawn was no longer there.


Composed of makeshift structures that could be erected or disassembled at a moments notice, the carnival would have covered two city blocks back in Kane's hometown. Floating and ground level booths selling food or offering games of chance competed for the senses while street performers of various races entertained attendees. Kane's stomach rumble forced him into focusing on the food venders, but his itchy palm diverted his attention to the gambler's booth. It stood around four meters and housed a robotic skull attached to a pole descending from the top. Four skeletal hands moving freely about the space typed unknown information on multiple keyboards.

Serve-tek 1

Good morning, gentle sir. How may I assist you?

Though no one was close by, Kane adjusted the hood of this jacket anyway and closed the gap with the booth. So far he had been left alone since entering the carnival, but that didn't mean someone might not recognize him from a distance.


Coalition Carnage odds.

A series of numbers and words appear in the air projected from the skull's glowing red eyes. Kane scanned the info, his own eyes growing wide.


100 to 1! That's crap. Top five favored to win. SRC and fan fav both.

The information made Kane groan.


No Kane Urasa?

Serve-tek 1

Superstar Kane is at the bottom of both lists.


Betting on ones' self is illigal, is it not?

Kane turned at the familiar voice and a broad smile played across both faces.


Claude! My boy! How ya been!?


Kane, my friend. It has been too long.


I know, right! I had been meaning to contact you once I got in last night, but dude was I tired.


I thought Soul Style users never get tired.


I don't keep it turned on. Anyway, the SRC says you're a Hearer in the World Voice now. Congrats.


When I heard Earth chose you as their Superstar, I thought my hearing was impaired, thus was about to make another career change.


That supposed to be a joke? And what about you? A holy man involved in something like this?


Time to pray, time to fight.


I get that. How's the kinfolk?


Mom is fine. She started a book club. Dad is still a tax collector.


How'd he feel about your new... career change?


You have met him. Enough about that, what have you been up to all these years?

The two friends catch up as they walk through the carnival grounds. If any of the partakers noticed the galaxy famous Superstars, they made no fuss over them. A group of Dycordien and Human children run by them nearly bowling over an elderly couple.


Wish Earth was more like this. I go out in public there, I'm mobbed up to my eyebrows.


We Dycordians honor privacy or have you forgotten?


It's been a decade since I've been here. Never realized how much I miss it till now. By the way, how did you know I was here?


I just knew.


Want to vague that up a little more?


Remember that shooting game I had?


Puzzle Shot? Yeah, I'm still champion.


If I remember correctly, it was 139 to 137 my way.


Like hell. You can't take my championship away after all it took to get it.

Claude points behind Kane to a rectangular booth with a row of plastic guns and targets.


Winner take all?


Games are for friends to bond and kick each others ass. Let's go.

The two are enthralled with shooting harmless beams of light at floating targets, with Claude gaining a narrow lead. They noticed simultaneously a third competitor, the only other person playing, quickly catching up in scores. The two start to get serious when they saw she hit her mark every time she pulled the trigger. Before long, she had won the game. She pumped her fist as the serve-tek gifted her with a stuffed polar bear.


Your aim is impeccable, ma'am.

The Dawn

Damn right! Whoo! I love stuffed animals!




Hi, I'm Kane and this is my friend, Claude.

The Dawn

They call me The Dawn.


Oh, you're Braloorian. I'm an Earthling.

The Dawn



What's that supposed to mean?

The Dawn

You suck.


What!? Well maybe you had a little extra help in the aiming department. A cheat code.

The Dawn



You people can't breathe without pulling a rabbit from somewhere.

The Dawn smiled, hugged her stuffed bear tightly, then was in Kane's face, standing nose to nose.

The Dawn

Do you want to fight? Do you?


This got intense fast.

The Dawn glanced at Claude then back to Kane. Another second passed before she turned and walked away.


You see why people don't like Braloorians?


I like her.


You can do better.


Seriously, why the animosity between the two planets?


I have no clue. I used to research Braloor back in the day, but never came across anything that might be the cause. They just hostile.


You did use the term "you people".


I...okay, you're right. I didn't mean it like that though.


Apologies are fruit for the soul.


Yeah. Guess I should.


The Dawn walked with her polar bear, pretending it roared at the other patrons and laughing at their discomfort. The humongous building in which the carnival sat in the shadow of, loomed before her, seemingly much closer then three miles. She was supposed to be there soon for the opening ceremony, yet she had a feeling she would have more fun here. A slight vibration against her breastbone erased her smile. She then began looking around her surroundings, black and silver hair whipping about.

The Dawn

What? What?

No one acknowledged her odd behavior, too absorbed in their own lives, yet some did give her a wide berth. She also noticed a few of the carnival goers looking around the crowd as they proceeded to enter one of the makeshift buildings. She didn't know what the building served for; it was decorated in celebration of Coalition Carnage like every other building she saw, nor did she recognize the four men other then their race. Under normal circumstances, a Dycordien, Human, Tilris, and an eight foot, heavily muscled Dagon in a group would not grab her attention in the way it did now. Their suspicious glances and the hum that she considered her new normal helped make them stand out to her like they were buck naked. They entered the building and she knew she would be following. The prospect of confrontation changed the look in her eyes. She handed the stuffed toy to a Dycordien woman walking by before heading towards the building.



There she is.


You sure are useful. Where is she going?


That small building over there.

The two make their way over, inspecting the squat, plastoid composed structure.


I've seen this type of makeshift before. They're used a lot on archeology digs.


Okay, then. Nothing weird about the carnival people using it. Probably storing excess equipment inside.


Unless she works for the carnival, she should not be in there. And she was acting strange, even for a Braloorian.


Let us speak with her before assuming anything.

They enter to find that half the space inside was filled with pile upon pile of dug up earth. A ten foot hole took up the remaining space.


What's going on in here?


I do not know.

Kane edged up to the hole's edge while Claude went around the side of one of the piles of dirt.


Too dark to see down there.


Someone is unconscious over here.




A Dycordien.


You know, Claude, I'm starting to think this Dawn lady's kinda unhinged.


We do not know the whole situation. Should I retrieve a Defence Force officer?


Nah, we're Superstars. We can handle whatever is going on.


Agreed. After you.


I'm a guest on your planet and you're making me go first? It could be dangerous down there.


Almost assuredly. Which is why we should stop the banter in case The Dawn needs help.


Her eyes told me the only help she needs is therapeutic.

The two jump over the edge and proceed to slide down the forty five degree pitch into the darkness below. Ten or so seconds in, a dim green light could be seen at the bottom.


I think I know where we are.

They landed in a softly lit tunnel, guard up, ready to defend themselves, but they were alone. The dirt and stone interior was covered in thin trails that were the source of the greenish glow.


These tunnels run beneath Topaz City.


I remember reading about these. They were created to transport refugees thousands of years ago. Never said refugees from what, though.


School books refer to it as the Luminary Web.


Don't tell me there's giant spiders down here.


These are glow slug trails. They are small.


Okay, okay, so where'd she go?


I can sense her and whole groups of people. Something is definitely going on. No one is supposed to be down here.


Tourists think they can go wherever they please.


The closest group is that way.

He pointed behind Kane to an intersecting tunnel.


The Dawn is in that direction as well.

The two friends travers the connecting corridor and it isn't long before the sound of running footsteps and the clanking of weapons on armor could be heard. Seconds later, after rounding another tunnel, they had half a dozen lancers pointed at them.

Squad lead 1

Halt or die!

The six Dycordians brown patterned uniform, black armor plating, and dark blue skin marked them as members of the Defense Force.

Soldier 1

Face down! Now!

Kane and Claude raised their hands.


I am Claude of Styfe and this is Superstar Kane of Earth. We followed someone down here but do not know what transpires.

The lead Dycordian signalled and the others lowered their weapons slightly.

Squad lead 1

There's been a terrorist attack on the Mag factory, with dangerous material stolen. The terrorists are using the Web to make their way through the city.


How do you know they are terrorists?

He made another hand gesture and the squad continued down the tunnel. He turned back, an impatient expression and thinly veiled hatred, in his eyes.

Squad lead 1

They claim to be members of the Trust and threatened to blow the Tower of Laws along with two other public locations. We know how to do our jobs, even if you do not think so. Good luck in the competition, Superstar Claude.

With that, the squad leader marched off to lead his troops.


So those Trust bastards wanna disturb the Opening Ceremony? Make some type of statement?


What does The Dawn have to do with this?


We gotta ask her. That means follow the defenders.

The two hustle in the direction the Defense Force team took, careful not to get too close. The squad reached a small cavern with two branching tunnels leading west and north. One of the soldiers checks a hand held device and points down the west passage and they were gone. Kane prepares to follow before Claude halts him.


I do not know what type of signal or map they are following, but I can sense a battle taking place further up the north tunnel.

Kane was sprinting in that direction before Claude finished the sentence. Unfortunately, there was another fork he needed to wait for Claude to direct the way. Taking the right fork, they find the first unconscious body not fifty steps in. It was a Dagon, He wore faded and worn body armor and a broken lancer rifle lay next to him.


Good guy or bad guy?


Bad, most likely.

They venture deeper, the glowing slime lighting their path. They hear the unmistakable zwing of lancer beams and sped up to discover The Dawn delivering a vicious roundhouse kick to the helmeted head of a Dycordian, whose lancer gun dropped from his limp hands and his body crumpled. Bodies were strone around the spacious chamber The Dawn stood victorious in.


Nice form.


What are you doing down here?

The Dawn

Breaking jaws, isn't it obvious.


Are you aware of what is actually going on?

The Dawn

No, but some guys were acting shady, I followed them, big guy saw me, took a shot, dropped him on his head. Got here, heard the word bomb, so I started dropping bombs.

She began shadow boxing and kicking the air. The two friends took a step back then she posed, as if awaiting applause. Kane cleared his throat.


You know any of them.

The Dawn

Cannon fodder? Who cares?

Mercenary 1

We do!

Various types of men and women, dressed similarly to the man at The Dawn's feet, appeared from tunnels lining portions of the chamber. There was seven tunnels and each held at least three people, all of whom had lancer pistols or rifles.

Mercenary 1

You been interfering in Trust affairs which ain't healthy.


Tell us what you want so we can discuss a solution for the betterment of all involved.

Mercenary 1

Betterment? Is that a word? I don't care. Ice them!

Over two dozen lancers open fire.


The Dycordian Defense Force squad lead was speaking into a receiver in his helmet, when one of his subordinates came up to him, making hand signals.

Squad lead 1

I sent the wannabe and his buddy packing, but have encountered no resistance. Have any of the others had luck?

The sub was more adamant in his signalling and the squad lead silently hand directs his unit.

Squad lead 1

The planet spirit may be shining on us now. Squad out. What is it, lieutenant?

Soldier 2

The energy signature has been picked up again. It's moving slowly towards us.

Squad lead 1

Get ready.

The squad assumed offensive positions, advancing forward. Soon, the steady sound of tapping could be heard.


What I do here today will forever be remembered as the true blessing.

The squad lead pressed his hand to his helmet comm.

Squad lead 1

Who is this? How did you get this channel?


Simple really. Radio waves are easy to manipulate, at least for one such as I. Like so.

The squad lead and his unit grabbed at their heads, yelling in pain. They each dropped to the stone floor. Several minutes pass before the source of the attack and the rhythmic tapping, an elderly Ksush supported by two canes, walked up to the unconscious unit. The Ksush's third arm curled over his head like a scorpion's tail and had a steel box clinched in his fist. His tan skin held wrinkles of time pass, but his stooped frame had tone muscles beneath his loose gray tunic. He smiled wrinkled lips, showing dull yellow teeth.

Old man

After all, I've had a lot of time to perfect my techniques.

The old man, never pausing in his trek, began speaking.

Old man


Mercenary 1

Ran into three Superstars! Getting overwhelmed!

Old man

No need to shout in panic. I will be there shortly.


Bodies and broken weapons littered the cavern and Kane's fist added one more Trust goon. The red-black line of lancer fire from the gun men's leader drew Claude's ire. Leaping over the line of death, he landed next to him before connecting his bare foot to the humans head. The Dawn looked around, at least a dozen beings, unconscious, lay at her boots.

The Dawn

That's it?


Would have thought more of the Trust. These guys were weak.


Amazing how similar you two are.

The Dawn

Nah, he weak too.


We came here to help, rude ass.


And to apologize, remember.


Screw the apology.

The Dawn

Want to go a few rounds? These Trust chumps wasn't enough.

Old man

They are merely hired mercenaries and not an indication of the truth of the Trust.


Who said that?


They do not seem to be present in this chamber at the moment.

The Dawn

The nearest waking soul is twenty meters north-northeast of us.


That is correct.



Old man

My mission is of great importance and if that means your deaths, then the fans of this ridiculous competition will have to forgive this old man.

Noise assaults the three Superstars eardrums, forcing them to grab at their heads, struggling to stay upright.


What the hell!?

Old man

I am Fiaster, Soul Master of Sounds. Telling you to turn back would be futile. Instead, I'll just kill you.

End chapter