"Come and brandish your weapon, instead of cowering behind your army of unholy thralls, you cretin!" Juujou shouted as she chased after the feeling cube in a business suit, continuously teleporting from numerous locations of the lakes, all while sending torrents and water spikes coated in blackwater magic.
"I have absolutely no idea what you're saying, ma'am!" Sisyphus shrugged, letting out a creepy laughter with his deep and distorted voice. Every time he was hit, his body appeared visibly buffered and corrupted until his body stopped overlapping with the harmful objects, making him practically immortal at first glance. "We're too far away from the rabbit-eared individual, the universal translator isn't working!'
Juujou cut down many of the tesseract-headed thralls as they all prevented her from getting close to the floating Sisyphus.