In a magical world, a boy was born his name is Goffu he was the next ruler of the kingdom and his father general wanted the throne.
SO the Kings general killed the king now the general is the king the queen saw him and said what happened to the king?He said that he killed her husband and he will kill her the queen. The queen ran to the baby she took him to a heeding place in the Palace . After20 years of traning martial art goffu learned magic from his master who is hiashyi in the night when his master was sleeping Goffu snuck out of his room to claim his throne he packed food and water and ran away. AFTER 20 days Goffu reached the kingdom Goffu fought the evil king the battle was fierce and then goffu used a special move named camahamahaa on the evil king the king used his magical shelld to block it so Goffu tried a new move called domain expansion destruction diabolo so he used a cursed technique called demon punch that defeated he and was crowned king