Chapter 6 - Extra


Extra: Crush - Glorious Purposes


Xiomara Rojas a.k.a Crush Pov

What the fuck did I do in my fucking life to deserve this?

 I was floating in the void, not a single thing in sight. Not a single ray of light. Pure darkness, darker than any other. There was no sound here either. No sound, no light, no smell.

My thoughts were so loud that they were deafening. I could not see my body. I didn't even know if my eyes were open. I couldn't feel the weather, I couldn't even feel the ground.

Did I even have a body? No, at least I couldn't even feel my body, it was as if it didn't exist. All I could do was watch the darkness around me and try to make sense of everything that was fucking happening to me.I couldn't even talk out loud to entertain myself.

There was no matter for sound to travel. Fuck, I didn't even know if I was making the right movements to make the sound.

I took everything for granted. All my senses, no heat, no cold. It was worse than the worst torture. I would rather listen to music than be in this shitty place.

Eventually, my confusion and fear turned into the unbridled rage that had been with me since that fateful day when the world changed.

Why the hell should I be the one living in this hell?

I fucking hate it!

I did not deserve to suffer so much. After overcoming my desire for revenge against him, I should have lived a good and satisfying life.

I have fought so much, gone through so much, and yet this is my reward!!!? An eternal hell worse than any other? Why don't those who killed my parents get this treatment!?

It's so fucking unfair.

I don't deserve it.

I continued to curse, but I didn't care anymore, right now I just needed a way to vent all the frustration that had been building up inside of me.

All my life I had been knocked down.Every time I tried to get back up, I was knocked down again. No matter what I tried to do, they would spit on me and stomp on me like I shouldn't have been born in the first place.

I should have been right. I was a fucking heroine, beating up bad guys with a good moral high ground, so to speak. Whatever happened, I always tried to take the high road to make my parents proud of me.

Fuck this shitty world.

Life decided to spit on me from the moment I was born. Not only did it give me small tits while all the other whores in the league looked like cows ready to be herded by a big dick, but luckily I made up for it with a big ass that I knew was hot.

I'm pretty sure the only thing keeping me sane here is my sheer anger and outrage. It's the only thing that has allowed me to hold on to my ego and my memories so that I can give myself a little discouragement.

Once again.Why did this happen to me?

The last thing I remembered was that I was about to punch that monkey's smug face before my danger instincts went completely out of control, and then ....

And then I felt a new emotion that I'd honestly never felt before, not even when I was doing secret half-human fights and making enough money to get by.




When he attacked me with his fist surrounded by some kind of red energy, for the first time in my life, I felt like I had to run away to save my life.But in the end...

I died!

He had completely humiliated me, defeated me, and then killed me without me being able to react in any way. He was on a completely different level that I couldn't even understand to say how strong he was.

So this is the end?A pathetic ending that suits me....

Was I too pleased with myself?

Why did I deserve this situation?

Why did I get so angry?

I remembered when I found out the truth about myself from a stupid show on the news, when I saw Lobo fighting Superman. And as much as I admitted that I wasn't the smartest person on the planet, it didn't take long for me to realize that he was also my father and that I had to be a Czarnian like him.

From that moment on, my whole fucking life went downhill....

Because of me.

I remember how angry I got at my parents for insisting that Lobo's cruelty and amorality were not reflected in who I really was. 

After accusing them of lying to me all my life, I ran away to find a way to vent all the anger inside my body. I've always been like that, when something didn't feel right, like an angry brat, I'd go out and hit someone to make myself feel better about my life.

But when I returned to our trailer, I was horrified to find that my parents had been killed and the trailer where I had lived all my life had been set on fire as worthless junk with no value.

I remember falling to my knees as hundreds of emotions overwhelmed me and my eyes unintentionally began to tear up as I cried out in pain and rage.

 It was the worst day of my life.

But in the end, after mourning the death of my parents, all I wanted was revenge for them. And I was not going to let anyone take that personal satisfaction away from me, even if it meant committing a massacre.

I found out that my parents' killer was a drug dealer named Ezikiel, from whom David and Lisa had stolen drugs. But he, like the piece of shit he was, had offered to forgive their debt if they would sell me to him.

But my parents really loved me, and so, as expected, they refused, and so Ezikiel had just killed them in cold blood, since they were no longer needed for his future plans. I was furious!

So I cornered Ezikiel and seriously considered killing him with a slow, painful death, but luckily my friend Djinn reminded me of what my parents had told me:

[Picture ---> Djinn]

Being a Czarnian did not mean being a murderer like Lobo.

She was right.

Her words had saved me from a dark path that would have turned me into what I hated most. Someone like Lobo, who cared about nothing more than fighting and having fun at the expense of all the other people he hurt.

And with great difficulty I let Ezikiel live and handed him over to the local authorities, it was better for him to stay in his hole for the rest of his miserable life. Otherwise, the next time I saw him free, I would not have been so easy on him.

And after that episode, that was the beginning of my, new beginning to try to do my best with my powers.

Did I join the Justice League to kick my dad's ass and prove myself?

No, I wanted to prove to everyone else, and most importantly to myself, that I could do the right thing and that I could use my powers to help someone so that they wouldn't have to go through what happened to me.

But in the end, what did I prove?

How weak and insignificant I am?

How I let my parents die.


How ironic and this ass world.

Everything I do turns out to be completely useless. I say I will try to get along with others, but I never do. I hypocritically take one life and save another. 

I was just a coward. A coward who runs away from strong people and does nothing else. No, I am worse than that...

I am useless.

Why did all this happen to me?

Because reality is unfair!I know why. Because I was weak. I was so damn weak that even someone like Robin could beat me in a fight without even trying, or so I thought.

That's why I needed more power!

Everything means nothing in the face of power. Everything means nothing if someone stronger than me can just crush you and take everything you hold dear.

I didn't want to lose anymore, ever!

Morality means nothing to me. Power is all that matters. And that's why I have to work as hard as I can to achieve my goal, and someone stronger can just snatch it from my hands, and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

Nothing matters if I don't have the power to protect it.

As ridiculous as it sounds. If I were strong enough, I could have known that my parents were in danger, and I could have saved them. And if I wasn't so weak, I wouldn't have died here for an overgrown asshole who killed me like I was a fucking insect in front of him.


That's all that matters. I didn't want my life to end like this.

Not for me!

But for my parents, I couldn't afford to die like this!

I could feel my body finally starting to regenerate again, as if I had finally discovered something about myself that I couldn't understand before and had taken a step forward in my life.

 And I could finally feel my original body cells gaining new vitality, which honestly made me feel like I was slowly returning to in life.

My thoughts raced like an engine, everything began to connect in this haze of death. The puzzle pieces scattered in my mind began to fit together. All my attention was focused on one simple, single task

.To regenerate my body.That was enough.And finally, after a period of not caring, I was able to open my eyes. I could hear several voices concerned about me. "Crush, are you okay?" A worried Kori threw herself at me, just to get a hug from me.

 The girl was always eager to hug everyone.

I accepted of course, "Yes, I'm fine, don't make a big deal out of it," An involuntary smile appeared on my face as I observed my surroundings, trying to understand my situation.

"We were worried about you, we thought we had lost you forever..." Robin admitted in a heavy tone, making the whole team nod, "Luckily, after a few minutes, you began to regenerate from your blood.

"Yes, it was indeed a surprise pleasure that allowed us to stay calm from doing something stupid," Cassie let out a sigh of relief, "But we thought that as a human-Czarnian hybrid, you would not possess this ability like Lobo.... But luckily, everything went well"

I realized that we were not in the same place as before, and more importantly, she was naked.... With only a cloak covering my figure from being seen as the only man on the team.

"If you look, you're dead!" I said in a clear voice that left little room for debate, but at least my message seemed clear when I received a thumbs up indicating he good intentions.

"But thanks for the cape..." But after saying those words, I was greeted by Robin looking in a certain direction with a bit of nervousness on his face.

And finally, I saw the monkey bastard who killed me standing in front of the blonde Kryptonian cow, and they seemed to be having some kind of conversation that I honestly didn't give a shit about.

And before my brain could make any kind of plan, it was like my body went on autopilot and I was heading towards them. But before I could take a step forward, my body was stopped by magic.

"Let me go!" I growled, wanting to go a second round with him. I honestly didn't care about beating him, and I didn't think I could, but I wanted him to at least acknowledge my presence in a way that would make you at least consider me a threat.

"The previous lesson wasn't enough for you," the perverted Goth told me in a tone that calmed my emotions. "Do you really want to die a second time? No, so why don't you sit down, calm down and let PowerGil take care of him."

And all I could do was grit my teeth as I observed what was in front of my eyes, making sure to imprint every detail of his figure in my brain.

From his sharp, animal face to his red, bright, piercing eyes. And his expression was that of a detached being looking down on the world, while every muscle in his body seemed sculpted like a true god, born for the sole purpose of fighting.

I would never forget how he looked.

The next time I would be able to stand in front of him and look into his eyes as a fucking threat that he would have to face with all his might, no matter how much I would have to train myself to be able to reach him.

"He is mine"


A/N: I hope you enjoy this chapter.

This chapter is meant to give Crush's character some personality, as she is seen very little in the various stories, and for that reason I wanted to give this story some space.

And since she is a little known character, I wanted to show her past and her motivations and goals for the future seems like a natural thing to do to try to make this story as complete as possible for you.

I also find it very interesting the dynamic that could be created between MC and Crush, as they have some similarities between them that I would like to show their development for the future character development of the characters in the story.

Crush will have a clear goal in this story, as I tried to show in this chapter, to gain strength and experience to become a better version of herself, and to try to prove to herself that she can be so much more if she really wants to.

On the other hand, if you want to see something specific in the next chapters, or even just have some good advice for the story as a whole, I am always willing to read a comment if it is constructive criticism.

If you see any mistakes, I would be grateful if you would point them out to me, so that I can correct them when I have some spare time, and make the story as complete as possible for myself and especially for you.

To facilitate a clearer understanding, I've retained pictures of the respective characters. Your feedback is always valued, and if you have any suggestions for the upcoming chapter, please feel free to comment—I'll be sure to respond as usual.

Please leave a review if you like the story.
