Chereads / Gameldritch / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1


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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

The sun hung high at 2:00 pm, casting a brilliant glow over the uncharted terrain. Amidst this unfamiliar backdrop, a man of medium stature, sporting a pair of glasses for improved vision, stood in a bustling, unfamiliar place. His face bore a vivid expression, a delightful mix of surprise and curiosity. He wore a welcoming smile, which made him appear all the more innocent. His beaming countenance was a testament to his eagerness to explore something entirely new. He had come here in search of the unknown, a quest to unravel the mysteries of a place called Wannindu.

But destiny had its quirks, and as he took his first steps, an imposing crowd loomed before him, an insurmountable human barricade. With his bag clutched tightly in his hands, he stepped towards the first driver and inquired, "Wannindu?".

These were the very guardians of his passage – taxi drivers, gatekeepers to Wannindu. Yet, a peculiar silence seemed to shroud their lips, as if the word "Wannindu" held a secret of such magnitude and mystery that it robbed them of their voice.

Undeterred, the man approached the second, then the third, fourth, and fifth drivers, but none of them were willing to offer a clear answer. Yet, they all met his plea with enigmatic silence, a collective hesitance that only deepened his intrigue. His words emerged as mere whispers, lost in the clamor of the crowd which surprised and terrified him further.

Frustration welled up within him as he muttered, "What in the world could be concealed within Wannindu that renders these drivers mute? What the mystery could be burried in Wannindu that sealed their lips? What should the worst sight of Wannindu that caused those drivers freeze by just hearing it's name. What is it? What is it? What on earth could be so extraordinary about Wannindu that even these drivers are rendered speechless?"

As time passed, the crowd in front of him continued to grow, slowly and steadily transforming into a horde that seemed intent on preventing his passage. He even contemplated walking to Wannindu. "I would rather go by foot," he whispered. But the sheer density of the crowd made that option seem impossible.

Amidst this chaotic theatre, a voice suddenly broke through the chaos, crying out, "Anyone heading to Wannindu?" The voice belonged to a girl, her face obscured by vibrant red and blue hair, which cascaded like curtains. Her hair, straight as slashes, appeared like a character in Anime, her body language simple with a height of five feet and a bit smartness and fitness framed her youthful, 25-year-old features.

The man, still fueled by his determination to reach Wannindu, maneuvered through the crowd to reach the source of the voice. As he drew closer, he spotted the girl and was struck by the unconventional, yet not horrifying, nature of her appearance. Instead of feeling fear, he felt a strange sense of comfort.

At long last, he found a way to escape the perplexing crowd and follow the girl to Wannindu. However, as he left the scene, the crowd grew increasingly horrific, with people in it turning against each other in acts of violence, unleashing violence and cruelty.

The girl, maintaining her composure, led him to a waiting car, her voice a gentle reassurance. "Don't be afraid," she comforted, "they are our own."

Approaching the car hesitantly. As the car doors swung open, he was greeted by a shocking sight. The passengers inside had a satanic appearance - their mouths were smeared with blood, their eyes bloodshot, and a single disturbing tattoo marred their lips.

The man's reaction was visceral. "Whoa!" he shouted in surprise and fear, abandoning the idea of getting into the car. Instead, he fled, weaving through the now nightmarish crowd.

As he ran, the once-unified crowd descended into chaos. People began to attack each other, indulging in acts of grotesque violence, with some resorting to cannibalism. The taxi drivers he had encountered earlier had transformed into bloodthirsty cannibals.

His escape path led him to hidden corners, where he found cloaks suspended mysteriously out of sight. But, ultimately, he was confronted by the same menacing figures he had glimpsed in the car - their faces covered in blood, tongues hanging out, and the same ominous eye tattoos now visible on their tongues.

In an even more horrifying revelation, a figure with a third eye tattooed on their back became apparent. Panic set in as he realized the extent of the horror surrounding him.

Helpless and overwhelmed by the nightmarish scenario, he dropped to his knees, tears streaming down his face. It was then that the girl, the same one he had encountered before, returned to his side.

"Get up," she urged.

As he looked up, he saw her once again, her presence providing a glimmer of hope in this nightmare. "They are our people. Don't be afraid," she reassured him, referencing the monstrous figures in the car.

With her guidance, he summoned the courage to rise, and she led him back to the waiting car. "Get in the car; don't be afraid of them. They are with us," she urged, offering a flicker of solace in the midst of the horrors of Wannindu.


She introduces herself as Lilith Obsidianbane.

"Lili... Lil... Lily Obsidian," the man tries to pronounce her name but fails.

"Not Lily Obsidian, it's Lilith Obsidianbane," she interjects, "you can call me Lily."

The man introduces himself as Oliver Meadowbrook, "you can call me Meadow or Oliviar."

"Hmmm," Lily murmured.

"You did not introduce the rest of the Queue," Oliviar points to the back seat with his thumb.

She introduces the one with curly, disturbed hair, a slight cut on his right eyebrow, and his left eye slightly in, as it was damaged in some sort of Satanic war, but his sight is clear. "Liam Evergreen," she introduces him.

The other sitting in the middle continuously stares at Oliviar, trying to horrify him with his look. He has no shirt, and the horrific man tattoo that Oliviar noticed on other Satanic figures is apparent on his body. With a bald head, his tongue hanging and gasping continuously. She introduces him as Finley.

She turns to another Satanic figure who seems normal, looking down, nodding his head. "It's Noah," she introduces. He looks upward when he hears his name, his eyes shedding tears. It appears to Oliviar that he wants to say something. Only he is the only one Oliver sees as normal. But when his tongue comes out, Oliviar concludes that he is the same Satanic figure.

"Do they understand our language?" Oliviar inquires.

"Yes, I mean, no," Lily is a bit confused about what to say, "I mean, sometimes they understand but they don't react."

On the way to Wannindu, Oliviar's curiosity about what will be there is overshadowed by fears that if these Satanic forces can occupy a place containing a larger ratio of humans, then how difficult it will be to survive on their land.

"It's already too late. We have to get there by 7 p.m," Lily speaks.

"Why 7 pm?" curious Oliviar asks.

"Only 7 pm can save us," Lily utters, "if we're late, we will have to wait for the next 7 pm."

"What is at 7 pm?" Oliviar becomes more curious.

"I can't explain," Lily says.

At least Oliviar gets hope that 7 pm can save them. "Means she might have planned something," Oliviar murmurs, "7 pm. There will be no fear or there will be her guidance."

"She sent her message before she appeared there," Oliviar, overshadowed by various hopes, speaks.

"Why are we preferring Wannindu? We could have found shelter in a safe place occupied by normal people like us," Oliviar tries to convince Lily not to go to Wannindu.

"What?," Lily appears a bit surprised.

"I mean, how can one be so foolish to drive themselves to their death? Death is waiting for us there. Then why Wannindu."

Oliviar doesn't realize that his fate has something in store for him. He is too confused and horrified by those appearances that he even forgets why he is here. In the beginning, he was curious to explore the new place, Wannindu. But he is now overshadowed by fear and does not want to go there. Actually, the inner conflict within him, the part of him that fights the monsters, wants him to travel to Wannindu, but that monster within him is sleeping, and he is in his senses, which is why he demands to seek shelter in a safer place. His destiny is taking him to Wannindu, the land of Satans, not his own choice.

"It's not only the place we were in, but it's a kind of...," Lily takes a moment to gather her thoughts, "it's a kind of disease, a spreading epidemic throughout the world. A time will come when no humans will be left on the surface of the Earth. The world will then belong to these Satans. Someone has to take risks. I don't know if we will be alive by then, but at least our descendants might enjoy their lives."

Oliviar, in his own senses, does not know what is going on around him. Why is he among them? Why do they need him? Many questions enshroud him. He is not himself, and this is the reason he does not fully understand what is happening.

"Ohm!," Oliviar murmurs unconsciously.

"But, why? What are these Satanic forces? Where did they come from? What is their origin? What should be their background? Why are they trying to occupy land inhabited by humans? Are they powerful enough to rule us? Why?," Oliviar, on the way to Wannindu, shrouded by different thoughts, asks.

"Well, it is just because of human," Lily explains, "one sin committed by a human can destroy the whole community. The curiosity and greediness of one person can lead the entire community to suffer."

"How can a single act committed by a human lead all of humanity to suffer?" Oliviar delves into another aspect.

"It's in human nature," Lily replies.

"Do you want to tell me that nature is cruel?" Oliviar asks.

"Yeah... I mean," Lily takes a moment to gather her thoughts, "in some respects, it can be cruel. We make it cruel. Nature is us, we decide when to make it cruel and when to make it normal."

"How can these beings help us if they are on their side? Would it be foolish to expect their help?" Oliviar asks, looking at the back seat.

"You know, Oliviar," Lily turns, "Human is the most powerful creature. In the Quran, a holy religious book of Muslims, human beings are referred to as 'Ashraf-ul-Makhloqat,' the most powerful of all creatures. We have the power to rule, to conquer, to destroy. All powers are given to us."

"Then why don't we unite against them?" Oliviar interjects.

"One reason is that until it directly affects you, people may not take action. Unless I am comfortable, I may not do anything," Lily introduces the sometimes selfish and greedy side of human nature.

"Then why are you doing this? Don't you belong to the same species?" Oliviar questions.

"Ah!," Lily takes a deep sigh and replies, "I do belong."

"Then why?"

"I'll tell you later."

Distracted by Oliviar's questions, Lily unconsciously enters the territory of Wannindu. An attack occurs. The car is hit from behind. "What is this noise?," Oliviar turns back and notices a queue of ghost-like figures behind the car, their tongues hanging outside, inked with blood, with eye tattoos on their tongues just as he noticed earlier. Their bodies bear the same satanic appearance with an eye on their foreheads.

Horrified by their sight and their overwhelming numbers, Oliviar cries out, "What the heck! We are finished. We are finished."

"Heck!," Lily is shouting in frustration, "what time is it."

Oliviar looks down at his watch, which has become useless upon entering Wannindu. "heck," he cries out in frustration, "it doesn't work."

"We need to move back," Lily takes the car in reverse, but it's too late as

"We need to move back," Lily takes the car in reverse, but it's too late as they are surrounded by the nightmarish figures on all sides.

"We are blocked. There is no way to escape," Lily shouts in fear.

"What do you mean by 'no way to escape'?" Oliviar's voice trembles with fear.

"We have to fight," Finley utters from behind, his tone filled with desperation.

Oliviar is shocked and speechless, looking at Finley.

Finley opens the car door and instructs them not to come out until he returns.

Finley steps outside to confront the nightmarish horde. A strange, tiny blade-like object appears, bearing the same satanic appearance. He chews it and throws it at the crowd, causing them to go temporarily unconscious.

Surprised by the turn of events, Oliviar laughs, "What! It's... I mean, we can leave."

But the happiness is short-lived, as another voice from behind warns, "Wait... They will become even more horrific."

"What... What does that mean?" Oliviar, in a horrifying tone, asks.

Lily calmly absorbs the scene, takes Oliviar by the hair, and shakes him gently. "Just stay quiet."

An attack on their car occurs, shattering the front mirror. Oliviar starts shouting in panic.

Noah and Liam, who were unconscious, regain consciousness and join the fray. They show their tongues, identifying themselves as allies. The nightmarish figures remain silent.

Meanwhile, Finley, who had been fighting them, loses his ability to continue and falls unconscious.

Another attack on the car takes place. The nightmarish figures have multiplied. Oliviar and Lily are the only ones left conscious. Oliviar is shouting in desperation, and Lily is trying to calm him down. "Just calm down. Calm down."

The nightmarish figures are now almost on top of the car, trying to harm them. Lily, in anger, opens the car door and kicks one of the figures. But as soon as she steps out of the car, the nightmarish figures disappear.

"Ah!" Lily sighs in relief and instructs Oliviar to stay in the car. "It's 7 pm, and we are almost out of danger now."

Noah and Liam, who had been unconscious, regain consciousness and get back into the car. Oliviar asks them, "What were those?"

They look down and remain silent, refusing to engage in conversation.

"Strange," Oliviar mutters.

Lily carries Finley on her shoulders and places him in the car.

"Before it's too late, we need to find shelter somewhere," Lily says.

Oliviar, surprised, exclaims, "I thought you would have planned something before your arrival."

"Just shut up," Lily retorts.

Oliviar looks down in frustration and notices that his watch has started working again. "Oh my God! It works."

"Only until 8 o'clock," Finley responds from behind.

"Meaning we have only one hour to find shelter," Oliviar says, looking at Lily. "I can help with that." He takes his laptop out of his bag and turns it on. Lily takes the laptop and throws it. "What?" he shouts in frustration at Lily.

"We don't need it," Lily replies.

"Heck!" Oliviar punches his knee in frustration.

When he becomes even more desperate, Noah touches Oliviar's mind with a sort of rod from behind, and something happens to Oliviar.

He enters a different state, crying, shouting, his body shivering. He calls out, "Mom! Dad! Mom! Mom! Henry! Theo! Brighto!"

Oliviar, in his altered state, repeats the guidance to the outside world, which is being followed by

Lily. They drive through the mysterious and perilous land of Wannindu, the place that seems to be under the influence of these Satanic forces. As they journey deeper into Wannindu, the eerie surroundings become more unsettling. They encounter bizarre landscapes, bizarre creatures, and strange occurrences. Despite the danger, they press on, hoping to reach safety before 8 PM.

In this altered state, he is guided by a voice, with Lily following his guidance. "Five meters straight, take a right, follow D-block, go straight, straight, right, there is a light on your left, you are now in a safe house."

"Where am I?" he questions when he regains consciousness.

"You are safe now, my kid," a man in his early sixties with glasses and a white beard stands before him, smiling.

"Who are you?" he inquires.

"Theo," Lily adds as she approaches him.

Seeing Lily, he becomes fully aware of his mission. "Lily, are we safe now?"

"Just here and only during the minutes between 7 and 8 PM, we are definitely safe," Lily smiles.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Oliviar says, "Let's find shelter quickly."

Lily agrees, "Yes, before it's too late."

Oliviar, still filled with questions about the nature of these Satanic forces and their origins, attempts to strike up a conversation with Noah and Liam. He wants to understand more about the enigmatic world they've entered.

"What are these creatures we encountered earlier?" Oliviar asks.

Noah and Liam remain silent, avoiding eye contact, as if they are unable or unwilling to share the secrets of Wannindu with him.

As the night descends upon their shelter, they huddle together, Oliviar's minds filled with questions and uncertainties. What lies ahead in this strange and menacing land? How will we survive in such nightmarish land? " The mysteries of Wannindu are far from being unraveled, and we are determined to uncover its secrets and face its challenges," says Oliviar.

The journey will become increasingly treacherous, and they have to navigate through obstacles and challenges. The dark, ominous atmosphere will grow more oppressive as the minutes tick away.


The house appeared to be in a dilapidated state, as if it had been ravaged by a terrible storm, worse than anything anyone had ever seen before.

"What the heck?" Oliviar exclaimed as he settled onto the sofa, surveying the state of the house. "I've never seen anything quite like this. It's incredibly run-down."

While Oliviar's background remained shrouded in mystery, his words hinted at an upbringing in a lavish environment. He made his way toward the door, leading to the kitchen, and inquired, "Where does this door lead?"

Theo, who was looking at him curiously and excited to meet him for the first time, replied calmly and with affection, "It leads to the kitchen." There seemed to be a unique connection or bond between them.

Once Oliviar had disappeared, Theo turned to Lily and inquired, "How was your journey?"

Lily was about to respond when a cry from the kitchen interrupted her. They rushed to investigate and found Oliviar unconscious, with a strange creature huddled in the corner.

This bizarre creature had black and blue spots on its body. Its body seemed mostly human, but its head was nightmarish, resembling a pig's head with two eyes in the usual position and a human-like eye on its forehead.

Lily, determined to confront the creature, cried out, "Who are you?" but the creature remained unresponsive. She attempted to attack it, but Theo intervened, calling for her to wait.

Theo calmly addressed the creature, named Ekchoti, with, "What are you doing here?"

Lily interrupted their communication, insisting on getting answers. "Before we ask about this creature and its story, I noticed a ghost whispering in Olivia's ear. Can you tell me who else is living here?"

Theo took a moment to collect his thoughts. He walked towards the sofa and then back towards the kitchen, instructing Ekchoti to retire to his room for the time being, "we will call you when we need you."

Confused and bewildered by the chaos, Lily asked, "What is all of this?"

Theo, while beginning to explain, suddenly attacked Lily, grabbing her by the neck and attempting to strangle her. The others in the room, who had been silently listening to the conversation, sprang into action to help Lily. Noah shouted and rushed to aid her, but Theo grabbed him from behind, forcing him to release Lily.

Lily, now freed from Theo's grasp, struggled to catch her breath and coughed, her face turning pale and her body trembling as if on the verge of death.

Noah and Theo engaged in a fierce fight, but Theo managed to grab Noah's throat. Despite Noah's attempts to resist, he was overpowered and strangled. However, Noah's resilience allowed him to counterattack, punching Theo in the nose and causing him to release his grip.

Theo, now enraged and bloody, prepared for a second attack. Realizing the danger, Noah ran towards Finley, a member of a mysterious monster tribe who supported humans from the satanic tribe. Finley, surprisingly, was still sleeping amid the chaos.

Noah, pursued by Theo, reached Finley to wake him for assistance. But Theo caught up with him, strangled him again, and Noah was on the brink of unconsciousness.

Liam Evergreen, who had been taking care of Olivia, rushed out of the kitchen and noticed Noah in a life-threatening situation. He threw a rod at Theo to force him to release Noah, and Theo lost consciousness.

Noah was left struggling to breathe and survive. Liam rushed towards Theo to assess the situation. Strangely, Finley was still sleeping despite the chaos in the house. Liam shouted in Finley's ear to wake him up, and Finley, surprised by the situation, asked, "Oh my God, when did this happen?

Lily, Noah, and Liam stared at Finley in silence. He noticed their strange looks and asked, "Why are you all looking at me?"

The situation remained tense, and then Olivia arrived. He was equally surprised and exclaimed, "Oh my God."

No one spoke a word until Olivia noticed Theo lying unconscious. Finley rushed to Theo's side, instructing Olivia not to touch him. Finley used some sort of incantation or gesture to awaken Theo, who regained consciousness but was bewildered.

Theo, after regaining consciousness, noticed the deteriorating condition of the house. Frustrated, he muttered, "Heck, I thought I was becoming normal, but I'm still a monster."

Finley, in a calm and reassuring tone, tried to comfort Theo, saying, "It's okay, these things happen."


Lily, with a mix of frustration and concern, turns to Theo and confronts him, "I came here based on your reference. I was told that Theo, the great, would help us. But all you seem to be doing is tearing us apart."

Finley, in his usual calm demeanor, approaches Lily and reassures her, "It's okay, none of us are thinking straight right now. The stakes are high, and nature has thrown us into this turmoil. We need to unite and save our planet."

Oliviar interjects, "We're fighting among ourselves instead of focusing on the real threat, the Satans. We need to establish clear guidelines on what to do and what not to do. It's a shame that we're battling each other instead of the true enemy."

Oliviar's advice, despite his inability to fight or save himself, gains the group's attention because of his genius mind, which excels at making critical decisions in crucial moments.

Theo, on the other hand, sits restlessly, his mind racing. He admits, "I'm ashamed of what's happened, but some of this was beyond my control. A few years ago, when the Satans occupied half of our territory, I suffered. Then, for a while, I didn't encounter any human beings and thought I was normal. But today, for the first time, I met a human, and this chaos ensued."

Liam reflects thoughtfully, "So, this chaos has a close link with humans?"

Finley hesitates for a moment before responding, "It's about revenge."

"Revenge? What do you mean?" Oliviar asks, surprised.

Theo proceeds to explain, "A sin committed by a single person can harm the entire community. We can see the example of Adam; we're still suffering from his actions. Our ancestors always left us with challenges, constantly introducing new situations and then leaving us to deal with them."

As Theo shares this story, a disturbance comes from outside, and Oliviar recognizes the voices. "Those are the same voices we encountered earlier, the voices of monsters, or perhaps Satans."

Lily inquires, "What time is it?"

Oliviar checks his wrist and is alarmed to find that his watch has stopped. "Oh my gosh, it's really late."

The horrific voices grow louder, and Theo urgently instructs everyone not to leave the room and to stay in their positions. He searches for something to shield them from the outside.

Oliviar, seated against the wall, suddenly notices a glass window, and his fear escalates. He cries out and starts running.

Finley rushes after him, urging him not to make noise, as the creatures outside might break the glass. But despite his timidity, Oliviar spots a figure right behind him, trying to climb the glass, and he can't help but panic, fearing it might devour him.

Theo, finally returning with a cloak, covers the glass with it and gestures for silence. The voices outside gradually fade away.

Once the silence returns, Oliviar offers another one of his genius insights, "You might not have noticed, but I did. The minutes between 7 and 8 are dangerous here, as that's when the monsters within us emerge. But, but, but," Oliviar pauses to gather his thoughts, "we shouldn't stay outside for around 23 hours. We have just one hour to delve into the Satans, locate their empire, and destroy it. This plan will serve two purposes: it will keep humans away from Theo during the dangerous 7-8 period, and we'll pinpoint the Satans' stronghold for eventual destruction."

Theo smiles and acknowledges, "That's a good plan."


They will now remain in the house for the next 7 PM to come. "Come on, guys! We need rest too," Lily utters.

They have come a long way and are very tired from fighting, almost losing their ability to combat the situation. "I need food," Liam insists. In response to his question, Finley aggressively turns toward him, his tongue hanging outside his mouth. As a member of the Satanic tribe, and since it is now 8 o'clock, he transforms into a Satanic or monstrous form. When he looks at Liam, it seems like he wants to devour him. He moves towards Liam, but Theo interrupts, saying, "Relax, Finley. They don't know what is going on around us. We need to cooperate."

Theo turns to Liam after calming Finley down, saying, "Everything falls short here during the monsters' 23 hours. Nothing works."

Hearing Theo's statement about the uselessness of humans for 23 hours makes Oliviar worry. He says, "Are they going to take this one hour too? I mean, we still have time to fight, whether it's one hour or one minute, we do have time. Before they proceed further and take this one hour from us, we need to humanize everything again the way it used to be."

"What?" Lily asks in surprise.

Oliviar moves gently to have a seat next to Theo, who is sitting on the sofa. "Lily," as he takes a seat, he addresses Lily, "Do you remember? You told me that if it's not cured in time, they will spread like a pandemic. They are occupying humans minute by minute. If you might notice, there were still 13 minutes to go before 8, but before it turned eight o'clock, they arrived."

Theo, sitting next to Oliviar, gives an intimidating look and smiles at his accuracy. Liam Evergreen, who only knows how to fight for the greater good, laughs out loud, sarcastically commenting on Oliviar's logic.

Everyone looks surprised at him, but Lily orders him to be quiet and just listen, not to interrupt.

"What should we do now?" Lily asks curiously, turning toward Theo and Oliviar.

"Before it's too late, we need to utilize these 47 minutes. These bloody forty-seven minutes. We need to proceed," Oliviar responds.

"With fighting them?" Lily interjects.

"Ah!" Oliviar takes a moment. "The way we are here, the way we fight mini battles, the way we survive – can't we fight one grand battle, just one? We definitely can. It will be fun. Aye toh waise bhi hein, ab ya marenge aur ya marenge. Cuz there is no way to leave," Noah gets up and walks towards the sofa where Theo and Oliviar are sitting, looking at Oliviar. "Do not strangle me again, or you might lose one of your grand fighters for the grand battle."

Theo smiles and apologizes to Noah for what he had done.

"The question is how to fight?" Lily expresses her worry.

Oliviar gets up, followed by Theo, and walks toward the window glass, which was covered by a cloak, to see what is going on outside. "Do not remove the cloak," Theo stops Oliviar, but it's too late now – he already removed it. After the removal of the cloak, a sudden sharp cry comes from the corner of the house. "Did you hear that?" Noah turns to Theo.

"What was that?" Lily asks, surprised.

Oliviar, who removed the cloak from the window's glass, is no longer in his senses. He loses himself in the scene, trying to analyze their way of walking, their body language, their style, and their adaptability to different situations. He just wants to find a way to fight them and overcome them.

Lily and Theo go upstairs to find out what the shout was for. "Wasn't it Ekchoti?" Walking upstairs, Lily inquires. "She does come out very rarely, I would say when she needs food," responds Theo.

Absorbed in the problem and searching for a solution, Oliviar notices something. A figure is trying to climb over the glass and then slip, then try to climb up the glass again and slip. Instead of trying to break the glass, they are attempting to climb the glass to find their way to them. "Yes," Oliviar shouts in excitement. He takes his bag, a diary, and a pen to note down their weaknesses.

First: They do not use their intellect, which means they are being manipulated. If they were using their intellect, they would never have tried to find their way but would have attempted to break the glass.

Second: A powerful force from outside is manipulating them to act in such horrific ways. If they find that powerful force or source, things will become easier, and they will triumph over the bloody forces of the Satans.

Third: Time does not matter. Whether it is 11, 5, or any other time of day or night, even 8 PM, it is irrelevant. They move at an extremely slow pace, making them unable to fight aggressively.

Fourth: They give up easily, as Oliviar noticed when they tried to climb the glass but left after a few attempts. But before adding the fifth point, I should add one more thing that, if I am right, and adding this fifth one might be a bit risky, we should be careful.

Then he proceeds to add the fifth point.

Fifth: After encountering the scene on the glass, I am saying that they hate slim objects because the glass badly defeated them.

Upstairs on the first floor, Lily and Theo are searching for the source of the earlier shout. The second floor is not as dilapidated as the first ground floor, which makes Lily think, "Was it a restricted area?" she asks. Theo is no longer with her; he goes to the bedroom to search, so she doesn't get any response to her question. There are three locked rooms with lockers, but Theo is strong enough to break the locks. Lily, heading to another locked room, kicks a small ball. She bends down to see it, takes it in her hands. The ball, when she takes it in her hands, slips out and hits her nose, causing her to bleed.

On the ground floor, the group is split, with Finley sleeping, Liam wandering, Noah observing Oliviar, and Oliviar focused on analyzing the situation.

The strange ball after hitting Lily leads to a horde of monsters bursting out of locked rooms, attacking her.Liam and Noah, who were relaxed, suddenly shout and rush upstairs as they realize that Lily is being attacked. With Oliviar's guidance, they realize that the monsters won't fight aggressively and focus on survival. They also learn that running is an effective tactic.

"Strange," Oliviar looks up in surprise and then absorbs himself once again in his assignment of collecting facts and figures.

As they go upstairs, Lily is being attacked by the monsters, but she is doing her best to survive. One thing that benefits them is Oliviar's analysis and Noah's willingness to listen to him. After noticing that they are impossible to counter, he whispers, "Point Three." He shouts, "Lily, they will not fight aggressively. Run and hit."

Theo, who was busy in a room, suddenly turns horrific and comes out to attack Lily, knowing she is coming upstairs.

Outside, chaos ensues, with Theo joining in. He attacks Noah, grabbing him from behind, but Noah is now confident enough to fight back. After Theo's attempt to grab him from behind, Noah starts kicking vigorously, causing Theo to lose control. Noah frees himself and delivers a powerful kick, bringing Theo down. The aggressive Theo gets up, hitting the ground, and prepares for another fight. This time, Liam rushes to join the battle, landing a hit on Theo, who is once again brought down to the ground.

Lily, who was struggling to fight, is now joined by Liam and Noah. Noah gives Lily a rod and instructs her to be aggressive, advising her to run if she feels she's losing control since the monsters cannot chase her.

A monster coming from behind is hit by Liam's spinning kick. Lily begins fighting with the rod in her hands, successfully taking on multiple monsters. Meanwhile, Noah is protecting something, fighting with his feet and using his open hands to fend off attackers.

Theo, after being defeated by them, goes downstairs with the intention of finding and attacking Oliviar.

Upon reaching the ground floor, he attacks Oliviar, who manages to defend himself and get ready for the fight. A timid young boy who has never encountered a battle is now facing one of the most powerful forces in the universe. In his first attack, Oliviar sustains an injury but manages to maintain his position to save himself in the effort to protect the planet. He knows their weaknesses and is not afraid to fight. He gestures for Theo to come at him. When Theo makes a second attempt to attack, Oliviar runs, climbs over a shelf, and starts throwing books at Theo with intensity. The impact of the books renders Theo unconscious, and Oliviar takes Noah's rod to continue the fight.

As the battle on the second floor concludes, they realize that Theo is not there. Noah shouts, "Oliviar!" and rushes downstairs to save him. Liam and Lily, tired but determined, follow him.

Downstairs, they confront Theo, who was once a timid boy but has now transformed into a violent beast. When Theo attempts to attack Oliviar with the rod, Finley intervenes and stops him. He kicks Finley and tries to attack Theo again, but Lily steps in to prevent further violence.

Upon seeing Lily, Oliviar got Normal, and without saying a word and goes straight to have a seat on the sofa.

"From a timid young boy to a violent beast," Finley smiles at Oliviar, "you've come a long way."

Oliviar refuses to respond to Finley's statement and takes his diary to make more notes. More Analysis




The events that transpired earlier between Theo and Oliviar are deeply perplexing to Oliviar. He is bewildered by why Theo, a seemingly ordinary individual, would launch an attack. Furthermore, he is troubled by the fact that, despite his prior close connection with Theo, he found himself attempting to take Theo's life.

All of these thoughts and more are now pushing Oliviar to the brink of madness. He constantly questions how he could become so violent. Was it inherent in him, or did external circumstances drive him to react so aggressively? What, why, and how is all of this happening? Could he have been influenced by some benevolent spirit within him, urging him to respond to evil in the same way malevolent spirits are swayed by Satan? His mind feels as though it's about to burst, akin to a bomb detonating inside his head, causing him immense suffering. He cannot come to a clear conclusion.

The man whom problems used to fear facing is now confronting a predicament he dreads. He shouts, he cries, and he yearns to rid himself of these burdens, for the first time in his life, he's grappling with a horrifying problem that has driven him to violence. He is even afraid of his own violent tendencies. He questions the term "bravery" that Finley used to describe his actions, for he now sees it as nothing but violence. He is far from content with his so-called bravery, because, on one hand, he attempted to save himself, which indeed is an act of courage, but on the other hand, he succumbed to violence by trying to harm Theo, who appeared to share a close bond with him. "I'm terribly violent," he exclaims while looking down at the ground, clutching his head in pain as a headache consumes him.