Beneath the cosmic tapestry, a fleeting trace, Humanity, a whisper in the vast cosmic space. In the grandeur of galaxies, a mere ember's glow, A speck adrift, where the stellar rivers flow.
Against the canvas of infinity, we stand small, A moment's breath in the universal sprawl. Planets pirouette, stars in silent ballet, As we navigate the night in the humblest way.
In the theatre of nebulas, where stories unfold, Humanity's saga, a fragment to be told. We dwell on a pale blue dot, a marbled sphere, Lost amid the cosmic vastness, both far and near.
Celestial realms paint pictures on the cosmic scroll, While our narratives echo, an infinitesimal toll. Mountains rise, oceans swell, in quiet harmony, Yet, in cosmic whispers, our voices seem a mystery.
Amidst the constellations, we find our place, A transient journey through time and space. Yet, in the grand scheme, we're but stardust and dreams, Particles adrift in the cosmic streams.
Galaxies collide, and comets streak by, As we gaze into the vaulted, starlit sky. A dance of eons, an eternal ballet, Where we are but actors in this cosmic play.
In the silence between quasars' luminous hum, Our triumphs and trials are but a cosmic drum. A symphony of creation, where each note is small, In the grand symposium of the cosmic sprawl.
Majestic is the cosmos, vast and untold, A narrative ancient, in constellations scrolled. Yet, here we stand, on this pale celestial shore, Witnesses to wonders, craving to explore.
In the grand tapestry of time and space, Humanity's story, a transient embrace. For even as we ponder the infinite expanse, Our significance lies in the present, a cosmic dance.
So, let us marvel at the cosmic ballet, Embrace the fleeting beauty, come what may. In the grand scheme, as a speck on the cosmic chart, Humanity finds its place, a work of cosmic art.