Chereads / Crossover Naruto Fanfics / Chapter 211 - Chapter 1

Chapter 211 - Chapter 1

Summary: Naruto after having the Kyuubi sealed inside of him is gifted with gifts from the Shinigami and Hagoromo before he is taken away and reborn to Izanami and Odin as part of a treaty between Asgard and the Shinto. Needing to earn his place among his family, Naruto is given to Richard and Mary Parker, watch as Naruto Parker, becomes Earth greatest defender.

Hagoromo watched as Kurama was sealed away watching with a frown as the masked Uchiha with the creature that has been ruining his legacy watched and vanished

"They'll be back." Shinigami said reaping the souls of Kushina and Minato as Hagoromo looked at the deity, "Congrats, Sage of Six Paths. You've ruined another life to the billions of humans, already.'

"I didn't mean for this to happen," Hagoromo said sadly,

"Then make it right," Shinigami replied

"How?" Hagoromo asked

"Lady Amateratsu has given up on this world. The humans here will not corrupt the Child of Prophecy, he will go on to live in a new world, to be the bridge between two groups of people. He will be the Maelstrom." Shinigami said

"Forever breaking the cycle of Indra and Asura." Hagormo said getting a nod from Shinigami, "What about Kurama?"

"His power has been given to Naruto, Kurama will be back later to raze everything to the ground."

"I will give him my power so he can protect himself," Hagoromo said

"The least you can do. I will give him the Sharingan of Indra along with the memories of the best Sharingan user this cesspool has known. Along with the knowledge of the strongest users Taijutsu, Genjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Kenjutsu, and Ninjutsu." Shinigami replied as Hagoromo floated forward and after a clap of his hands he placed his palms on the belly of baby Naruto whose eyes flashed red with slit pupils, "Time to go."

Hagoromo gave a yell of surprise when his power was drained completely and he was grabbed by the Shinigami and eaten

Chewing on the soul that had eluded him for so long, Shinigami gave a refreshed sigh before he opened a portal and vanishing with young Naruto who turned into an orb, before an explosion of red chakra formed and turned into a fox that immediately charged up a Bijudama and sent it to the village in the distance as around the world right more roars occurred and the Biju began to destroy the Elemental Nations while the Shinobi learned that their chakra wasn't working the way it should.

Universe N-2018934, Asgard, October 10, 1989,

Asgard is a small, planetary body that serves as home to the Asgardians, a race of beings recognized on Earth by humans as the deities of their Norse mythology, such as Thor, and their ruler, Odin. It is about the size of a small state.

It is not round like the Earth, does not spin on its axis, and does not revolve around a star. It is a flat, asteroid-like mass that has a top surface with a gravitational pull, similar to that of the Earth, in order to keep the citizens and their cities from floating into the void. The matter on Asgard is also denser and more durable than the matter on Earth. There is an unknown force that keeps the surfaces of Asgard from eroding and from allowing its bodies of water from drifting off into space. Asgard has unknown intervals of day and night; it is unclear as to whether it uses the sun as a source of light. It likely has seasons of some sort and varied weather conditions such as light snow.

The Asgardians are the inhabitants of Asgard. They are a race of extraterrestrial beings similar to human beings possessing a highly advanced form of technology resembling magic and sorcery, which their entire civilization is built on.

The Asgardians are a brave and a powerful warrior race whose passion for adventure is their religion, and their reputation as one of the mightiest races in the universe has earned them the respect and fear from other races.

Having interacted with humans in Scandinavia centuries ago, they informed their culture and religion and thus share many characteristics with the ancient Norse. For example, it appears that an Asgardian surname is their father's name and the child's relation, similar to old Norse tradition (and even today in modern Icelandic tradition). For example, Thor, the son of Odin, has the surname, Odin.

Today was a cause for celebration on Asgard as a new prince was born to the Shinto Goddess Inari, and Asgardian King Odin, sealing a treaty between the two species of higher beings. Prince Naruto Odinson was showered with love before he would be sent to do his trial.

As per the treaty, a son born of two different races had to earn the right to join them, this was added to prevent a power-hungry, and arrogant powerhouse from being a danger to the universe.

Come tonight Naruto would be stripped of his immortality and sent to Midgard, where his trails to becoming a Nobel warrior that would earn a place amongst his family would take place

Shinigami smirked as he watched Naruto be handed to his watcher Lady Sif who would be in charge of taking care of Naruto from a distance before the Bifrost was activated and they were sent off

"Did you complete your task?" Amaterasu asked

"Yes, I expedited Kurama's resurrection and freed the other Biju, before taking all of the human's chakra," Shinigami said getting a nod from Amaterasu who looked at the retreating form of her Child of Prophecy

Earth, Japan

CIA agents Richard Parker, and his wife Mary were in Japan looking into the Masters of Silence, the mission was accepted by them as Mary needed something to get her mind of the miscarriage they suffered just a year prior, they've been called home as they couldn't find anything on their targets so here they were packing to return to New York

"Ready to go?" Richard asked

"Yeah." Mary nodded before they both jumped as outside their safe house, a tower of rainbow energy struck the ground

Grabbing their weapons the two spies made their way outside, the tower of energy dissipated and their eyes widened looking at the woman who held a baby in her arms

That was the day the legend of Naruto Parker began

5 Years Later, December 25, 1994, Queens, New York

5-year-old Naruto was watching Game of Death with his new pair of nunchucks excitedly as his father was on the phone in the kitchen while his mother read a book smiling as she kept an eye on him

Naruto began to spin the nunchucks before he clocked himself in the back of the head causing the boy to hiss and massage his head, instead of given up Naruto watched Bruce Lee intently unknown to him his eyes turning red with one tomoe on each eye that began to spin around his pupil as he watched intently

Mary looked up at her son and watched shock as he began to mimic Bruce Lee perfectly, and quickly got Richard who watched in surprise as well before the sequence ended and the two began to clap

Blinking his red eyes away back to his ocean blue, Naruto turned and smiled excitedly at his parents as they applauded him. The two had learned early on, that Naruto lived action movies instead of the usual child-friendly shows

Naruto was the highlight of the last 5 years for the family, it was easy with them being in deep cover to lie nd say that Naruto was their child and was named after a close friend they made while in Japan. They loved him and quit doing field work, with Richard going onto become a scientist at Oscorp and Mary running operations for S.H.I.E.L.D

"Amazing." Mary smiled walking over to Naruto before she knelt before him, "Time for bed."

Immediately the smile on Naruto's face vanished, he has never told his parents about the dreams he's had about being in a war and killing people with superpowers, which is why he has never slept for more than 2 hours and spent the rest of the night imitating any training he saw in his dreams, like pushups, situps, and walking up walls though whenever he fell from the wall and his parents would come and investigate he would act as he fell out of bed,

Mary tucked Naruto into bed and kissed his forehead, "I love you." she said

"I love you too, mom." Naruto smiled watching as she got up and turned the lights out before closing the door

Naruto waited till he couldn't hear his parents, before he got out of bed before he walked to the wall and laid down placing his feet against it, a blue glow originated from his feet before he began to slowly walk up the wall

Midtown High, April 18, 2006

The gym was shaking from the cheering of the crowd, as Midtown High's star player ran up the court before with a leap he dunked the ball before the buzzer went off

16-year-old Naruto landed with a grunt before he was rushed by his teammates causing him to laugh, as he met eyes with his best friend Jessica Campbell

It's been 12 years since Naruto's parents dropped him off with his Uncle Ben and Aunt May before leaving because it was something they had to do. The pair died shortly afterward in a plane crash

As Naruto grew older his training grew in intensity, now that he was no longer afraid of his dreams he could fully use them to guide him through his powers, and learn control,

Naruto, after heading to the showers and getting dressed, walked alongside Jessica, "Good game, Naruto!" students walking by said as Naruto nodded

"Thanks," Naruto said before Jessica wrapped an arm around his neck

"You know it wouldn't hurt to say more words to your friends," Jessica said

Jessica was like Naruto an orphan having lost her parents and little brother in a car crash before she went into a short coma but was awoken during a fight between the Fantastic 4 and Galactus,

Naruto helped her through it and was always available for her and whatever she needed, she currently lives with Trish Walker a child actor

"You're my friend, these guys just want to get all chummy because I can put a ball through a hoop," Naruto replied

"That's not all you can do." Jessica whispered having been told and shown by Naruto what he can do after he saw her use her own strength, "Can you?"

"Sure." Naruto smiled before the two went into an alley and Jessica was picked up in a bridle carry before Naruto ran up the wall and began to jump from rooftop to rooftop with Jessica smiling largely the entire way

Naruto and Jessica reached her home and ate while talking, "You know you can join the Fantastic 4." Jessica said

"You sound like Uncle Ben." Naruto scoffed as he sipped his shake

"How so?" Jessica asked with a fry

"He's been going on about giving up basketball, and going into the military, 'You can be the next Captain America', I just want to be happy. There's nothing wrong with that, right?" Naruto asked

"I don't think so. If you don't do what makes you happy, what makes life worth living?" Jessica asked

"Wow, that's very philosophical," Naruto said smiling

"Shut up." Jessica smiled before the two looked up when they saw a few squad cars speed by

"Someone is having a busy night." Naruto said before he sighed, "I should go before May the bloodhound starts hunting me down."

"See you tomorrow." Jessica smiled before with a smile Naruto dropped off the roof

Parker Residence

Naruto entered the kitchen and saw May at the table, "Hey Aunt May." he greeted kissing her cheek as he placed her lottery tickets in her apron pocket, "I brought an extra with my numbers."

"Told you about gambling young man. I'm making spaghetti and meatballs, have you eaten?" May asked

"Yup, but I'll always have room for your cooking." Naruto smiled as he began to wash his hand

"How was the game?'

"Scored a triple-double, and lead the team to victory so pretty good." Naruto smiled before Ben entered the kitchen with a box of trophies

"Ben Parker, don't you even think about leaving that filthy box in my kitchen," May said as Naruto sat on the corner wiping off his hands with a napkin that he tossed into the trash across the room

"These are my bowling trophies," Ben said

"Oh, then by all means, please, leave that filthy box in my kitchen," May said sarcastically

"Hey, where's the flood?" Naruto asked noticing his uncle's bare feet as he tracked water in behind him

"Follow me, I'll show you," Ben said walking to the basement

"You serious?" Naruto asked

"Yes!" Ben yelled causing Naruto to sigh

"Give me a minute," Naruto said running up to his room and taking off his shoes, and socks along with his pants leaving him in a fresh pair of shorts before he met Ben in the basement and took the tray from his uncle's hand as they looked at the AC unit

"I think it's the condenser tray," Ben said

"No, too much water for the condenser tray or the heat exchange tubings, this is gotta be the filling. That's the only thing that makes any sense." Naruto explained

"Can you fix it?" Ben asked

"No, not tonight. I'll go by the hardware store tomorrow." Naruto said putting the pan on the counter as Ben began to fill a box

"Good deal. Hey, before you come up, see if there's anything else worth saving." Ben requested

"Alright," Naruto said before he began to look around and paused when he saw a familiar leather briefcase and picked it up

Ben and May were debating about hiring a plumber when they saw Naruto with the briefcase and paused sharing a glance, "I forgot all about that thing." Ben said as Naruto glanced at him, "It was your dads. He asked us to keep it safe."

"Keep it safe? There's nothing in here." Naruto said as Ben sat at the table

"Sentimental value. He saw it in the window of that old leather shop over on 9th Avenue." Ben replied with a nostalgic smile as he thought of his brother, "He was 19, you believe that? What does a 19-year-old kid, need with a briefcase?"

"Nerd." Naruto laughed sadly

"Guess who sold it to him."

"Who?" Naruto rose an eyebrow

"Your mother. That's how they met." Ben smiled as Naruto looked back to the briefcase

"Sentimental value, huh?" Naruto whispered

"Your father was a secretive man, Naruto," May said as Naruto opened a pocket and a photo fell out of Richard and a one-armed man

"Any idea who this is?' Naruto asked showing the picture

"Some guy he worked with," Ben said sitting back as Naruto frowned slightly and showed the photo to May who shook her head

"Right." Naruto sighed putting the photo back and walking off, "Lost my appetite."

Ben and May watched Naruto head off with May covering her mouth as tears filled her eyes

Day Later, Columbia University

Naruto and Jessica got off the bus, with Naruto looking off into the clouds his headphones in his ears and his hood halfway on his head as he appeared bored, while the teacher addressed the class, "Midtown High seniors. No wandering. Proceed directly to where you're supposed to be. Remember, it is a privilege to be here. We're guests of Columbia University's Science Department. So behave accordingly. Let's not have a repeat of our trip to the planetarium. Come on, stay together. Proceed up the steps and into the building."

Jessica elbowed Naruto getting his attention as she nodded toward the class before he joined her in following, as a Rolls Royce pulled up,

"Dad would you ask Hoskins to drive around the corner please." Harry Osborn said

"Why? The entrance is right there." Norman asked

"Dad these are public school kids, I'm not showing up for the field trip in a Rolls," Harry said

"You want me to trade in my care for a Jetta just because you flunked out of every private school I ever sent you to?" Norman asked

"It wasn't for me," Harry said

"Of course it was. Don't ever be ashamed of who you are." Norman instructed

"I'm not ashamed of who I am." Harry said before he sighed, "It's just..."

"Just what, Harry?" Norman asked

"Forget it." Harry said and got out the car seeing Jessica and Naruto, "Naruto!"

Naruto and Jessica paused and turned to see Harry run over, "Sup Harry." they greeted

Harry was an acquaintance not quite a friend as he hung in the popular circles and Naruto was more of a loner with a small group of friends

"Hey, guys. What's up?" Harry smiled before Naruto nodded behind him


"Harry! Won't you be needing this?" Norman asked with Harry's backpack

"Thanks, Dad. Um, Naruto, Jessica may I introduce my father, Norman Osborn." Harry said

"Pleasure to meet you." Norman smiled shaking Jessica's hand and turning to Naruto, "Naruto, I've heard so much about you."

"Good things I hope, sir.' Naruto said

"Harry tells me you're quite the science whiz." Norman smiled, "Y'know, I'm something of a scientist myself."

"I read all your research on nanotechnology," Naruto said

"Really Brilliant. You understood it?" Norman asked surprised in slight awe

"Yes, I wrote a paper on it." Naruto nodded

"Impressive. Richard would be very proud." Norman said causing Naruto to frown slightly

"Thanks," Naruto replied

"Hey, you three! Let's move!" The teacher yelled

"Nice to meet you." Naruto and Jessica said

"Hope to see you again." Norman nodded before he left and the teens headed for the building

"He doesn't seem so bad," Jessica said

"Not if you're a genius. I think he wants to adopt you, Naruto." Harry said causing Naruto to scoff before they joined the class and split up with Harry going to his friends and Jessica going to some of hers

Naruto put his earbuds in, and allowed his eyes to roam, "There are over 32,000 known species of spider in the world. They're in the order Araneae, divided into three suborders. This is the most advanced electron microscope in the eastern seaboard. Arachnids from all three groups possess varying strengths which help them in their constant search for food. For example, the Delena spider, family Sparassidae has the ability to jump to catch its prey."

"For the school paper?" a kid with a camera asked getting a nod before he began to take a picture but Flash Thompson bumped him in the back purposefully

"Next, we have the net web spider, family Filistatidae genus Kukulcania. It spins an intricate funnel shaped web whose strands have a tensile strength proportionately equal to the type of high tension wire..."

Naruto saw the kid try to take another picture and be shoulder bumped again, "Leave him alone." Naruto said

"Or what?" Flash asked

"I break your jaw." Naruto glared which Flash returned and he made to speak but the teacher appeared

"What is going on? The next person who talks will fail this course. I kid you not." the teacher threatened before the students followed the scientist

"This grass spider hunts using reflexes with nerve-conduction velocity so fast that some researchers believe it almost borders on precognition. an imminent awareness of danger. A spider-sense."

"Those guys are jerks." the kid said frowning

"You got to stick up for yourself, Pete," Naruto said

"I'm not like you, Naruto. I'm not athletic, handsome, or popular."

"You mean loner." Naruto corrected as he didn't consider himself popular, "And stop caring about what others think about you. It's easier to be yourself that way, besides look at it this way, in the future, you may be their boss."

Peter smiled at the thought of that before he saw a spider, "Hey, look at that spider."

Naruto and Peter walked to a glass case as a spider slept on its web, "Some spiders change colors to blend into their environment. It's a defense mechanism."

"Peter, what makes you think I'd want to know that?" Naruto asked walking off

"Who wouldn't?" Peter smiled following his new friend

"Over five painstaking years, Columbia's genetic research facility has manufactured its own spider. With these DNA blueprints, we have begun what was once thought impossible. Soon the spiders will be able to transfer RNA to encode an entirely new genome combining the genetic information from all three into these 15 genetically designed super-spiders."

"There's 14." Naruto and Mary Jane corrected causing the two to look at each other

"I beg your pardon?" The scientist asked

"One's missing," Naruto said watching the scientist make her way over

"Yeah. I guess the researchers are working on that one." the woman said before she leads the students away but MJ walked over to Naruto

"Hi, Naruto." MJ smiled which Naruto returned

"Hey, neighbor." Naruto smiled seeing that Peter was awestruck, "Pete here was going to take some pics with a student and the creepy crawlers, want to volunteer?"

"Sure, yeah." MJ smiled at Peter who gulped

"Great," Peter said shyly

"So, where do you want me?" Mj asked walking beside a case of the spiders while Naruto smiled and stepped back and watched, before he sensed something lands on his hand and immediately looked to see a large red and blue spider and with a wave of his hand, it flew off into the distance


After the trip was over the students returned to school and were in the cafeteria for lunch as Naruto was sitting by himself when a joke deciding to be funny throw his pizza at Naruto who dodged causing the pizza to hit Flash who was behind him

"Parker!" Flash yelled jumping to his feet as Naruto sighed while Flash ran over and swung at Naruto who dodged by sliding out of his seat, "Think your pretty funny don't you?"

"Flash it was an accident," MJ said

"Yea, my first breaking his teeth. That's the accident." Flash said

"You don't want any of this." Naruto started hands in his pockets, "Walk away."

"Not a chance," Flash said swinging at Naruto who leaned to the side, before he tried a left that Naruto leaned away from as well, and Flash tried a wild hook that Naruto spun around before he kneed Flash in the back and after he stumbled Flash turned around and met Naruto's elbow to his jaw sending him to the ground

Kong, Flash's best friend ran at Naruto for revenge but Naruto sidestepped the large teen and a right kick to the back of his knee caused Kong to lean down into the left roundhouse from Naruto that knocked him unconscious

The students all looked shocked before campus security arrived


Naruto entered the house and saw May, and Ben on the couch waiting for him, "Let me guess, the school called." Naruto said

"You think this is funny?" Ben asked standing up, "You could've seriously hurt those boys."

"But I didn't. I was defending myself, what you wanted me to do let them punk me?" Naruto asked

"Naruto, you should've walked away and got a teacher," May said

"And when has that ever worked?" Naruto asked raising an eyebrow, "Being a coward and a snitch will make them think that they can do it again without any authority figures around. My way gets them off my back."

"Listen to me, okay. You really are Naruto, and that's a good thing. But your father lived by a philosophy, a principle really. He believed that if you could do good things for other people you had a moral obligation to do those things. That's what's at stake here, not a choice, responsibility."

"That is nice, that's great. It's all well and good, so where is he?" Naruto asked frowning anger searing in his chest

"What?" Ben asked

"Where is he? Where's my dad? He didn't think it was his responsibility to be here and tell me this himself?" Naruto asked angrily

"Oh come on, how dare you?" Ben asked

"How dare I? How dare you?!" Naruto yelled as tears began to fill his eyes before he turned around and walked off

"Where are you going? Naruto come back here, please!" Ben pleaded as Naruto slammed the door behind him causing the glass to shatter and Naruto paused looking back at it before he continued on his way

May grabbed her jacket, "You shouldn't have brought up, Richard." she said

"I was trying to," Ben began

"You're trying to make Naruto more like Richard, you can't force that on the boy," May said before they locked up the house and went after Naruto

"Naruto?! Naruto?!" Ben yelled as he and May walked down the street

Moments Later

Naruto was sitting on a rooftop watching the moon, "Naruto?!" he looked down to see Ben and May crossing the street

"He cares for you," Sif said standing beside Naruto causing him to flinch in surprise

"Wha-who are you?" Naruto asked

"I work for your father. I was chosen by your parents to be your guide on your trial."

"Trial?" Naruto asked in confusion

"Richard and Mary didn't have time to tell you. Have you ever wondered why you're so superior to everyone else?" Sif asked causing Naruto to frown, "You're not human."

"Okay, so what am I?" Naruto asked

"You are the third son of Odin King of Asgard," Sif said as Naruto raised an eyebrow

"Odin, as in the god of wisdom, poetry, war, death, divination, and magic?" Naruto asked getting a nod from Sif before Naruto began to laugh, "Right."

"Your powers speak the truth for me." Sif said as Naruto frowned, "You must earn your place among your people."

"Say I believe any of this, how exactly do I do that?" Naruto asked

"That you must figure out yourself," Sif said causing Naruto to scoff before he watched in shock as Sif vanished


Naruto walked to the counter with a Gatorade in hand, "That's $2.07." the cashier said as Naruto sighed noticing him that he forgot his wallet and all the cash he had was $2.05, "It's $2.07."

"Yeah, I know," Naruto said searching for 2 pennies

"You're holding up the line." the cashier said before Naruto took two of the donated pennies and put them on the counter

"No, you can leave a penny, you can't take a penny."

"What?" Naruto asked

"You can leave a penny anytime, you have to spend 10$ to take a penny. Store policy. Are you gonna pay? You're holding up my line."

"I don't have 2 cents," Naruto said

"You can't afford your drink, just step aside. What, daddy didn't give you enough money today?" the cashier asked mockingly

"How bout I knock your teeth down your throat, phill berry doughboy?" Naruto asked as the cashier lost his mocking smile

Naruto walked off but paused when the man behind him knocked over a small shelf, "Really?!" the cashier yelled before he bent down to get the shelf and the fake jewelry inside it,

Watching as the man took all the money out the register, along with his 6 pack, Naruto and the man caught eyes before he was tossed his Gatorade which he took and with a shrug walked out the store

The cashier stood up but saw the money gone along with his customer, "Not cool, bro." he said

Naruto stood in front of the store, watching the man quickly cross the street as the cashier hobbled his fat ass out, "Hey man, stop! Somebody stop that guy! Hey kid, little help?"

"Chase him, you could use the exercise." Naruto smiled walking away

Ben and May were walking when they heard the cashier, "Somebody, stop that dude!"

Ben and Mary saw the man bumping into people as he lost his 6pack and tripped a gun sliding away before he looked up to Ben and May and went for it

"Hey!" Ben yelled grabbing the gun and the two began to struggle before the gun went off and Ben collapsed

"No!" May screamed causing Naruto who was ignoring the gunshot to pause and look over to see the man raise his gun at May and fire

"NO!" Naruto yelled running across the street as the murderer ran off, stopping Naruto looked at his aunt and uncle, "Aunt May, Uncle Ben?"

"N-Naruto," Ben said as Naruto put pressure of his and May's wounds

"Oh God, help me...Call an ambulance! Someone, call an ambulance!" Naruto yelled tears streaming down his face as a fully matured Sharingan manifested before it morphed into a spiral pattern

Naruto stayed with the corpses of his uncle and aunt when the police arrived he gave a statement and was allowed to go home,

Parker Residence

Naruto immediately walked to his closet and grabbed a black long sleeve shirt, some black jeans, fingerless gloves, and steel-toed boots, before he grabbed his half facemask for the winter and a focusing he watched as his hair turned white and his bangs raise up to resemble horns before he vanished in a swirl of leaves

Naruto appeared on a rooftop across the street from the police department, just listening and waiting, before he saw two cops talking, "They got the shooter. He's headed south on Fifth. We got three cars in pursuit."

Naruto began to hop from roof to roof toward the sounds of sirens and saw the cops following a car, with a glare and growl, he kicked off joining the pursuit

Falling to the street, he caught a street lamp and spun around it before he released it and was sent into the air before he landed onto the car and easily punched a hole into the rooftop and grabbed the face of the driver who responded by shooting off a couple rounds that pierced Naruto's shirt but not his skin

Releasing the driver's face and flipping to land on the hood Naruto growled as he punched the windshield causing it to shatter before he jumped as the car crashed into a gate

The driver who murdered Ben and May climbed out and ran into the abandoned warehouse as the squad cars arrived, making it inside the warehouse with his gun raised the man reloaded a new clip and looked around

"You killed them," Naruto said

"Who's there?!" the man asked as Naruto silently dropped behind him

"Death," Naruto said causing the man to turn with the gun raised but Naruto grabbed the hand and with a squeeze crushed it causing the man to yell in pain as he hobbled back from Naruto who was fully prepared to kill the man who suddenly tripped on a pipe and fell back out the window

Naruto was fast enough to stop him from falling to his death, but chose not to and was content to watch the man fall to his death when the spotlight passed the window Naruto was gone

Parker Residence

Naruto sat on the roof, tears streaming down his eyes again before Jessica, and Mj climbed up and joined him before they hugged him tightly

Time passed slowly with Naruto just going through the motions as he felt extremely guilty, blaming himself for the deaths of May and Ben who wouldn't have been out that night if they weren't out looking for him,

Naruto decided to make amends by going out and stopping criminals, it wasn't the military or police force like Uncle Ben had suggested but it was still helping those in need. Also apparently May and Ben had hit the lottery with the numbers Naruto picked being the sole winner for the 800 million jackpot, he claimed the prize and sent out an order for some gear to make him a suit

Naruto's suit consisted of black no sleeve jacket with 9 red tomoe beneath a red swirl, a black turtleneck connected to a half mask with six tomoe going across his collar bones, with a large hood to cover his hair and cast a shadow over his face, along with a fox mask, a red sash, black Anbu pants, and ninja steel-toed boots,

Naruto kicked his training into overdrive while sending clones to school, his Sharingan helped him learn the fighting styles of Earth, while the memories of some guy named Might Duy he learned of the Strong Fost style along with the Eight Gates, he wasn't a master at either but he loved to work on them

The memories of Madara helped him with Sharingan related issues and added to his ninjutsu repertoire, so did Hashirama's, Tobirama's and Minato's.

The memories of Mito Uzumaki helped him with seals and medical ninjutsu along with Chakra Chains and the art of the sword,

Naruto worked tirelessly on mastering the knowledge that was readily available to him, with great trial and error but he was determined and refused to give up,

Sif has made regular appearances and was a good sparring partner for him, and while she jas kicked his ass more times than he'd like to admit, Naruto was growing stronger at a fast rate

2 months after the murder of Ben and May Parker was graduation, and the school valedictorian Gwen Stacy was giving her speech, "Good morning, esteemed faculty, and families of my fellow graduates. It's an honor to be standing up here today."

Jessica and MJ looked around, "See him?" Mj asked

"No, I'm going to call him," Jessica said pulling out her phone and calling Naruto

Parker House

Naruto stood in front of the graves of his Uncle Ben and Aunt May when his phone rang, "Hello?" he asked

"Where are you?" Jessica asked

"At the cemetery, I'm on my way," Naruto said

"Okay, Gwen is giving her speech make it snappy," Jessica said before hanging up as Naruto sighed with a smile,

"I miss you guys, and promise to make you both proud." Naruto smiled before he vanished in a yellow flash

"I know we all think that we're immortal. We're supposed to feel that way. We're graduating. But, like our brief four years in high school, what makes life valuable is that it doesn't last forever. What makes it precious is that it ends. And I know that now more than ever. And I say it, today of all days, to remind us that time is luck. So don't waste it living someone else's life. Make yours count for something. Fight for what matters to you. No matter what. Because even if we fall short, what better way is there to live?"

Moments Later

Naruto walked across the stage and accepted his diploma before he walked off and joined everyone and tossing up their hats before he, Gwen, and Jessica stood together

"So are we celebrating tonight?" Jessica asked

"Naw, I have-"

"Good, now all we have to do is wait for MJ to drop the brute." Jessica interrupted as everyone looked to MJ as she spoke with Flash

"I don't want to be with you anymore. Here's your ring." MJ said handing Flash his ring

"You know what? Whatever. Your loss." Flash scoffed walking off while Mj headed over to her friends

"So where to?"

"Naruto was going to treat us to Dim Sum."

"I was?" Naruto asked before his hand was crushed, "Yeah, my treat."

MJ and Jessica giggled before they all left, heading off to change and meet up, to go out to eat

Next Day

Naruto awoke with a sigh, he felt relaxed more than he ever had, looking to the side he saw that it was empty before he got up and walked to the kitchen where he saw Jessica wearing his t-shirt

"Hey." Naruto greeted walking over as Jessica hid an envelope behind her back

"Morning." Jessica smiled before she and Naruto kissed each other and when they pulled back smiling Naruto raised his hand showing the envelope

"Something important?" Naruto asked

"It's trash," Jessica said reaching for the envelope but Naruto with a smirk stepped back and read the letter,

"Trash? This is an acceptance letter to USC." Naruto replied looking to Jessica

"I'm not going."

"What, why?" Naruto asked

"Well for one I can't afford it, and I refuse to ask Trish and Dorothy."

"I'll front you the money," Naruto said as Jessica shook her head,

"No, I'm not going to anyway."

"Then why would you apply? What changed?" Naruto asked

"W-We finally moved past the line of friends last night. You've always been there for me and I need to be here for you."

"I won't be the reason you don't go to your dream school. I want you to go." Naruto said before he kissed her again, "You said so yourself if we don't do what makes us happy, what's the point of life."

"So, what will you be doing?"

"I can think of a few things." Naruto smiled

4 Months Later

The people of New York were abuzz with talk of the new hero who they've taken to calling Kitsune, who has stopped a number of assaults, robberies, and other crimes, and he was attracting lots of attention

"Who is Kitsune?" J. Jonah Jamerson asked slamming down his paper, "He's a criminal, that's who he is. A vigilante, a public menace. Why's he on my front page?"

Jamerson's phone buzzed and he answered it, "Mr. Jameson your wife is on line one she needs to know if-" Betty began but Jamerson hung up

"Mr. Jameson there's a page six problem." a man said

"We have a page one problem, shut up. Well?"

"He's news," Robbie said

"These are really important clients they can't wait." the man said

"They're about to," Jamerson replied

"He pulled six people off that subway car."

"Sure from a wreck he probably caused. Something goes wrong and this ninja is there. Look at that, he's fleeing the scene. What's that tell you?" Jamerson asked pointing to the picture of a black figure jumping over buildings away from the scene

"He's not fleeing, he's probably going to save somebody else. He's a hero!" Robbie said

"Then why's he wear a mask, hmm? What's he got to hide?" Jamerson asked as Betty entered and out down a cup of coffee

"She needs to know if you want chintz or chenille in the dining room," Betty said

"Whichever's cheaper," Jamerson replied

"Mr. Jameson it's like this, We double-booked page six. See so both Macy's and Conway's have three-quarters of the same page." the man said as Jamerson was about to yell

"We sold out four printings," Robbie said immediately getting Jamerson's attention

"Sold out?" Jamerson asked

"Every copy."

"Tomorrow morning. Kitsune. Page one with a decent picture this time. Move Conway to page seven."

"That's a problem." the man said

"Make it page eight and give 'em 10 percent off. No make it 5 percent." Jamerson replied

"That can't be done." the man said

"Get outta here!" Jamerson yelled sending the man running

"Problem is we don't have a decent picture. Eddie's been on it for weeks, we can barely get a glimpse of him." Robbie said

"Aw, what is he, shy? We can get a picture of Julia Roberts in a thong we can certainly get a picture of this weirdo. Put an ad on the front page. "Cash money for a picture of Kitsune" He doesn't want to be famous? I'll make him." infamous!"


Naruto moved to Manhattan like he always wanted and brought an abandoned loft complex that he had begun to renovate into his own home/base, currently, Naruto was jogging when he was called and looked around

"Naruto, hey!"

Turning around Naruto smiled before he caught MJ when she jumped into his arms after all they hadn't seen each other in a while, "Hey." he said

"What are you doing around here?" Mj asked

"Working out, I live in what used to be The Little Singer Building, over on Broadway. How about you?" Naruto asked

"I'm headed to an audition," MJ said

"An audition? So you're acting now?" Naruto asked smiling

"Yeah. I work steady. In fact, I just got off a job." Mj said

"Congratulations. Happy you are living your dream." Naruto smiled

"Hey counter girl! Your drawer was short six dollars! Next time that happens, I'm gonna take it outta your cheque!" an obese man yelled as MJ looked down, "Excuse me, Miss Watson? I'm talking to you! Hey!"

"Yes, Enrique! Okay? I get you." MJ yelled back at the man

"It better not happen no more, hear me?. Don't roll your eyes at me." Enrique said walking off

MJ looked down embarrassed before she unbuttoned her jacket to reveal her waitress outfit, "Some dream, huh?"

Mj hissed when Naruto flicked her forehead, "I told you to stop doing that!" MJ yelled slapping Naruto's arm

"Than don't lie to me. We've known each other since we were 6, you should know you don't have to be embarrassed with me." Naruto frowned before MJ nodded with a small smile

"We should catch up sometime. Let's get some lunch some evening." Mj said

"I'll come by and have some of your Moondance coffee some day." Naruto smiled before MJ kissed his cheek and got into a cab

Naruto watched her before he turned to leave but paused when he saw a Daily Bugle paper,

'Reward for Picture of Kitsune.'

Naruto raised an eyebrow, "Way to keep busy." he smirked


A guard was unlocking up an armored truck when a gun was put in his face, "Hello." the gunman said before he pistol-whipped the guard and 4 men came out the woodwork

A shadow clone smirked as he snapped pictures when Kitsune entered the scene and kicked two of the goons into a car, and flipped as he grabbed the other 2 goons and slammed their heads into one another before he kicked the last goon in the face as he came down, turning around as the flash of the camera went off Kitsune tied up the men and left

Next Day

Jamerson looked through the pictures, one of Kitsune standing on a wall, another of Kitsune slamming his knee into the torso of a criminal, one of Kitsune stopping a getaway car with his foot on the hood and the back of the car in midair,

"They're crap. Crap, crap. Megacrap. I'll give you $200." Jamerson said going through the last 3 in quick succession

"Nice doing business with you, but I'll be going to the Bulletin," Naruto said taking the photos and heading to the door

"I'll give you 300. That's a standard freelance fee."

"Each," Naruto said

"That's preposterous!"

"Well, no deal," Naruto said about to head for the door

"Fine!" Jamerson yelled writing the check before Naruto handed him the photos, and Jamerson gave it to Robbie, "Tear up page one. Run that photo instead."

"Headline?" Robbie asked

"Kitsune, Hero or Menace? Exclusive Daily Bugle Photos." Jamerson said as Naruto look unfazed, "Give that to the girl up front, she'll see you get paid."

Naruto turned on his heel and exited the office, "Hey."

Betty looked up and blushed as she gazed at Naruto, "Hi."

"The old man told me to give that to you," Naruto said handing the paper to Betty

"Welcome to the Daily Bugle." Betty smiled before she cleared her throat, "I'm Betty. Betty Brandt."

"Naruto Parker." Naruto smiled shaking her hand before she handed him the signed check, "So Ms. Brandt,"

"You can call me Betty." Betty smiled

"Right, so is he always like that?" Naruto asked thinking over to Jamerson who was yelling at a man

"Unfortunately." Betty sighed causing Naruto to chuckle before Betty handed him another paper with her number on it, "In case you need something."

"Right." Naruto smiled pocketing the number, "You have a nice day."

Betty smiled watching Naruto leave

Week Later, World Unity Festival

Naruto exited the elevator as he returned from training room he built, the blonde was caked in sweat and mentally tired as he grabbed a remote and turned on the tv

"Welcome to OSCORP Industries Unity Day Festival. Let's hear it for Macy Gray." the announcer said

Naruto shrugged and put down the remote and made his way to the fridge, and grabbed a bottle of water, and sat down watching the festival when he heard rumbling and looked up in time to see a green armored man on a glider fly by with a crazy cackle

"What in the hell?" Naruto asked getting up as his suit appeared in a puff of smoke before he jumped out the window and followed the lunatic on a glider

World Unity Festival

Mary Jane was with Harry on their first date, when they saw the glider, "What is that?" an Oscorp board member asked

"Must be new this year." his fellow board member shrugged as the man grabbed binoculars

"That's our glider!" the man shouted as the glider passed them by

Kitsune landed on a rooftop watching the figure, "What the hell was that?" Harry asked as everyone watched the glider turn around the jumbotron and head for the VIP balcony and lobbed 2 spheres beneath it causing chaos when they exploded

Kitsune immediately jumped forward darting from a balloon to balloon like a ping pong ball as the green armored man rolled another sphere to the board members who all were reduced to skeletons that collapsed

Mary Jane fell to an unstable piece of the balcony that was tipping back to fall to the street below as Harry tried to regain his footing when the man on the glider rose and looked down at her

"Hello, my dear." the man said causing MJ to scream

Somehow a woman in all the chaos saw Kitsune and yelled, "It's Kitsune!"

The man looked up to see Kitsune appear and nail him with a right cross that sent him flying off his glider that sped through a balloon,

Kitsune landed and saw the balloon falling to a kid who wasn't running even though his other was pleading for him to move, "Damn kid." he said shooting for the boy

"Billy! Somebody help him!"

Kitsune arrived and grabbed the boy before he soed forward as the balloon fell, "Mommy!" the kid said going to his mother as the man rose up surrounded by cops

"Hold it right there!" the cop demanded as Kitsune turned around

"I surrender." the man said before he backhanded cop1 and made to strike cop2 but Kitsune appeared behind him and a suplex sent the man onto his armored head

The man quickly got to his feet and ducked a punch from Kitsune and nailed him in the ribs sending Kitsune sliding back and the man quickly jumped onto his glider and began to shot Kitsune who was unaffected by the barrage of bullets as Kitsune heard Mj scream and growled

Springing forward Kitsune ducked under the glider when the mam had its blade extend to skewer him and he punched it causing it to go out of control as the man used it to get away

"We'll meet again, Kitsune!" the man yelled as Kitsune jumped and ran up the building before MJ fell screaming before with a push of the building Kitsune caught her and landed on a balloon and began to jump away as the people below cheered.

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