(Titans tower)
Naruto was in his room, looking over some information on his computer, when he saw a video call on his computer that had a cat symbol on it.
Naruto sighed at this, and answered, showing it was Selina.
"Hey Ka-chan, how have you been?" Naruto asked with a smile.
{"What's this I hear about you getting a girlfriend?"} Selina asked with a smile.
Naruto groaned at this. "Who told you?" he asked.
{"Your little green friend, Beast Boy,"} Selina said with a chuckle.
"That gossipy idiot," Naruto said, while pinching his nose.
"You know me," Beast Boy said with a smile, as he poked his head through Naruto's door.
"Beast Boy!" Naruto yelled, not sounding amused with his friends' antics.
Beast Boy quickly ran, while he laughed in victory at getting Naruto.
{"Forget him. For now, which of your teammates are you dating?"} Selina asked with a smile.
"I thought that you said Beast Boy told you," Naruto said with a raised eyebrow.
{"He said to ask you, so that I can embarrass you some more,}" Selina said with a chuckle.
"I'm gonna have you stuffed and mounted on my wall, you idiot!" Naruto yelled out of his bedroom door, before he slammed his door shut
{"Now tell me, which one is it? And don't make me ask again sweetie"} Selina said.
Naruto sighed at this, as he sat down in his seat. "It's Starfire Ka-chan" he said, as he pinched his nose.
{"Awww, the innocent one huh?"} Selina said with a grin.
"Yep, that's her," Naruto said with a sigh and a smile.
{"What's wrong?"} Selina asked, wanting to know what was wrong with her adopted son.
"Well, I wanted to take her out on a date, and I don't have any idea where to take her," Naruto said, leaning forward with his hands on his chin, and his elbows on his desk.
{"Well, she likes to see new things on earth right?"} Selina asked, as she'd heard some things from Bruce about Starfire.
Naruto gave a nod at this, wondering where Selina was going with this.
{"Well, is there an event or something in your city?"} Selina asked him.
Naruto took a moment to think about this. "Well, the Carnival is in town," he said with a shrug.
{"Oh, that's perfect for a first date"} Selina said with a smile.
Naruto nodded at this. "Thanks Ka-chan," he said.
{"Have fun sweetie, but not 'too' much fun"} Selina said with a teasing smirk.
Naruto blushed at this, before he punched the off button on his computer.
"Now then, where's that green friend of mine, that I have to skin" Naruto muttered under his breath, as he left his room.
(In the common room)
"Hey guys, you know where I can hide for a little bit?" Beast Boy asked his friends, who were all doing their own thing.
"What did you do?" Terra asked, as she looked up from her book.
"And what makes you think I did something?" Beast Boy asked, with an offensive look.
"Cause you're you" Cyborg said, as he played his game, without looking at Beast Boy.
"And you have a tendency to be a moron too," Raven said flatly, as she meditated near the wall.
"Ok, I told Naruto's mom that he's dating Starfire" Beast Boy said
Raven opened her eyes at this, as she glared at Beast Boy.
"Kill that bitch!" a demonic voice yelled in her head.
"Wow, you have a death wish don't you?" Cyborg asked over his shoulder.
"I don't understand, why is this bad? On my planet, if someone is courting someone else, the parents should know" Starfire said.
"You tell your parents?" Terra asked, as she tried to distract herself with her book.
Starfire paused at this, before she smiled sheepishly.
"I'm on safari!" Naruto could be heard yelling, before he did an imitation of an elephant for emphasis.
"Hey Kole! There's a carnival in town, let's go see it!" Beast Boy yelled in a panic, as he grabbed Kole's hand and dragged her out of the room.
"How long do you think it will be, before he realizes he just dragged Kole off on a date?" Terra asked.
"10 bucks says as soon as they get there" Cyborg said with a grin.
"Please, what is a carnival?" Starfire asked curiously.
"It's where I'm taking you, since we need to go on a first date," Naruto said, as he entered the room.
"Why are you carrying an old school hunting rifle?" Raven asked him flatly.
"It's not loaded," Naruto said, as he threw the rifle out of the room, and when it hit the ground, they heard it go off.
"Oh glorious! Our first date!" Starfire squealed excitedly, as she flew to Naruto and hugged him.
Naruto chuckled at this, and hugged her back.
Raven watched this, and felt her powers surging, before she stood up and left the room.
Terra said nothing but lightly glared at Starfire, before she felt the earth starting to shake a little, before she started to take deep breaths and calmed herself, just like Naruto taught her.
"Ok, let's go out. Are you ok to keep watch?" Naruto asked Cyborg, as him and Starfire started to walk to the door.
"Yea, we'll be fine. Go have fun, you crazy kids" Cyborg said with a smile.
Naruto gave Cyborg a thumbs up, as Starfire dragged him out.
Cyborg chuckled at this, before he saw Raven and Terra glaring at him. "Uh, did I say something wrong?" he asked.
Terra said nothing as she clenched her fist, and made Cyborg's arm hit himself in the jaw.
"Now you learn to manipulate metal" Cyborg groaned in pain.
"Huh, so that's how you do it. You have to be unmovable mentally" Terra said.
Cyborg groaned at this, but before he could say anything else, he noticed Raven was gone. "Uh, where is Raven?" he asked.
Terra looked around, and saw that indeed Raven was gone. "Oh jeez" she said, as she had a idea where she went.
Cyborg's eyes widened, as he too realized where Raven most likely went. "Wait, she wouldn't, would she?" he asked.
"It's probably what I would do too. So let's go to this carnival, and make sure that she doesn't destroy the place" Terra said with a sigh, as she ran towards the door.
"I hope this isn't gonna be a theme going forward" Cyborg thought, as he followed after Terra.
(With Naruto)
It was nighttime at the pier, as Naruto and Starfire were walking around the carnival
"Wow, there's so many things to see," Starfire said with a smile, as she looked around at the carnival with excitement in her eyes.
"Well, there are lots to do at a carnival: food, rides, games. What do you want to do first?" Naruto asked her with a smile.
"Oh! I want to try the carnival foods!" Starfire said with a grin, as she flew over to a food stand.
"Thank you Bruce, for the big allowance" Naruto thought, as he knew Starfire had a big appetite.
Meanwhile nearby, Raven was watching them from a dark alley.
"Traitor" a demonic voice in her mind yelled out, as she watched Starfire feed Naruto some cotton candy.
Naruto chuckled at Starfire, as he watched her try what looked like a giant piece of fried dough, with sugar on it.
"Mmmm, this is wonderful! What's it called?" Starfire asked Naruto with a grin.
"I think it's called an elephant ear," Naruto said.
Starfire's eyes widened in surprise at this.
"Not literally Star. It's called that, because it looks like one" Naruto said with a kind smile, as he explained
"Ah, that makes sense. They do look like elephant ears" Starfire said with a nod, as she finished her snack.
"Want another?" Naruto asked with a knowing smile at her.
"Mmhmm" Starfire said with a nod, and a smile at her boyfriend.
Naruto returned the smile, as he bought two more and handed one to Starfire, before he took a bite of the other one in his hand.
A little later, Naruto and Starfire were walking down the pier, and Starfire was hugging Naruto's arm with a happy smile on her face.
Naruto smiled back at Starfire, before he noticed Beast Boy and Kole nearby by the arcade area.
"Oh ho, it looks like Beast Boy is on a date too. I smell a great prank opportunity" Naruto thought,as he smirked a little.
["That's a little evil of you, isn't it?"] Kurama asked
"Consider it payback for telling my mother I'm dating Starfire" Naruto thought back.
["Hey, I'm not complaining. Do it! Do it, do it, do it!"]Kurama chanted with a mad grin.
"Calm down Luci," Naruto thought with a chuckle.
"Oh, wonderful! Friend Beast boy and Kole are on a date too" Starfire said with a smile, as she spotted what Naruto was looking at.
"Crap" Naruto thought, as he knew if he pranked Beast Boy, while he was on a date, she wouldn't approve.
["Ha! Only a few days, and your already whipped!"] Kurama said with a cackle, as he swung his tail, like he was using a whip.
"Oh, go chew on your ass," Naruto thought with a grumble.
Starfire grabbed Naruto's arm, and dragged him towards the arcade area.
"Hold on Star, we should just let them have fun first, before we interrupt them" Naruto said with a smile at how excited Starfire was to greet their friends.
Starfire nodded at this, as she looked with Naruto and watched as Beast Boy and Kole walked up to the dancing machine. The two of them stepped onto the machine, and watched them as the upbeat song started to play, while the steps started to appear on screen.
The two young heroes quickly placed their foot on the step with the glowing green mark, before moving onto the next one.
The motions came in slow at first, like a tutorial, but it wasn't long until the song really started to pick up pace, making Kole and Beast Boy really need to work it.
Beast Boy moved his feet across the floor, with Kole outpacing him at every step, when an idea popped into mind.
"Okay Kole, check this out!" Beast Boy shouted, as he suddenly changed into a bunny, hopping from step to step, then changing into a turtle as he landed in the middle of the area, with Kole laughing as they both spun around together.
Next, Beast Boy shifted into a large octopus, and played his tentacles on each step as they lit up. While someone would call him out for cheating, Kole simply laughed and giggled enjoying the fun.
"Huh, who knew Beast Boy could dance," Naruto said, as he folded his arms.
"Oh, this is most impressive. Is dancing a regular dating activity?" Starfire asked him, with a curious tilt of her head.
Naruto froze at this, before he instantly walked over towards Beast Boy and Kole.
["Ha! You're still scared of dancing, even after dancing with that blonde with the ear splitting voice"] Kurama said with a laugh, as he rolled about on the floor.
"Kitten doesn't count! It means more to dance with a girl that you love!" Naruto thought to him.
Kurama smirked at this. ["So you do love her"] he said with a large toothy grin.
Naruto blushed at this, and tripped as he face planted at this, while Kurama cackled at him.
Kole noticed this, and smiled as she saw Starfire float over. "Hey Starfire, are you enjoying your date?" she asked her.
Starfire gave a nod at this, with a large smile. "Indeed, friend Kole. Are you enjoying yours?" she asked her.
This made Beast Boy and Kole blush at this.
"I-is it?" Kole asked, as she looked at Beast Boy.
Beast Boy's skin went from green to bright red at this. "Um, w-well, if y-you want it to be" he stuttered out.
Kole noticed that Beast Boy was just as nervous as her, and soon composed herself a little, as she gave a nod.
"Well, if you want, we can double date sometime," Naruto said with an encouraging smile, as he finally got up from the ground, and dusted himself off.
Beast Boy blushed at this, while Kole nodded at this with a small smile.
The two couples then continued to enjoy the carnival, with Naruto and Beast Boy winning a few prizes for their girlfriends.
Meanwhile Raven was watching this, but before she could do anything, she felt a presence behind her.
"What?" Raven asked Cyborg and Terra, as she continued to watch the two couples.
"Raven, are you sure you're ok?" Cyborg asked her.
Raven's powers sparked from her forehead, from her chakra gem, which caused the power in the area to go out.
"I'm fine" Raven said, as she made a portal and left through it.
Terra sighed at this, as she could understand why Raven was upset.
(The next day)
Everyone was in the common room, since it was a quiet day today.
It was lunchtime, and Naruto and Starfire were actually cooking together. They were making spaghetti bolognese, and Naruto was helping Starfire chop the mushrooms, by standing behind her and guiding her hands.
"I'm starting to think you know how to do this, and just like me being close" Naruto said with a chuckle, as he helped Starfire.
"Maybe" Starfire said with a grin, as she turned around and kissed his cheek.
Raven's eyebrow twitched at this, but she said nothing, as she returned to reading her book.
Terra took a breath at this, but said nothing as she knew Starfire and Naruto weren't to blame. She returned to playing Mario Kart 8 on her Nintendo Switch.
Cyborg shook his head and smiled at this, as this was a regular thing now with Naruto and Starfire. And most recently, Beast Boy and Kole were watching a movie on TV together, with Kole resting her head on Beast Boy's shoulder, while hugging his arm.
They then heard a bell sound, which caused everyone to stop what they were doing.
"We have a doorbell?" Beast Boy asked curiously.
"Oh wonderful! A guest to join us for lunch" Starfire said with a smile, as she floated towards the door.
"Hold on Star, I'll go with you" Naruto said, as he followed after his girlfriend.
"Ugh, are couples always this nauseating?" Raven asked.
"Most likely" Cyborg said with a nod.
"Hey, don't judge. I'm happier than I have ever been" Beast Boy said with a smile, as he patted Kole on the head affectionately.
"BB, trust me. You're luckier than you realize" Terra said with a small frown.
Before anyone could respond to this, Naruto and Starfire returned.
"Uh Terra, you have a guest" Naruto said, as he led an older teen male into the room.
He looked to be about 21, with short brown hair and brown eyes, and he wore a suit.
Terra's eyes widened when she saw the young man.
"Hey sis" the young man said, as he looked at Terra.
"Sis?!" Cyborg and Beast Boy yelled in surprise.
Terra ignored them, as she looked at the older teen. "Hello Brion. What are you doing here?" she asked him, as she folded her arms.
"I have come to end this game that you're playing here in this city. It's time for you to come home" Brion said with a slight frown.
"Uh, what's going on?" Beast Boy asked curiously.
"Yes, is friend Terra not from here?" Starfire asked with a raised eyebrow.
"You didn't tell them?" Brion asked with a quirked eyebrow.
"Well, it's not exactly easy to explain that you're a runaway princess," Terra said with a scowl at her brother.
"PRINCESS?!" everyone yelled out in shocked surprise.
"It's not that big a deal. Starfire is one" Terra said with a shrug.
"Yeah, but she's an alien one that was kidnapped. While you're one that ran away from home" Naruto said.
"Yea, with a good reason. Ain't that right, brother?" Terra asked, with a hard look at Brion.
"Tara -" Brion said, before Terra held her hand up to stop him.
"Don't Tara me. You and the rest of my family only cared about me when I left. And you just let everyone treat me like crap, because I didn't have control of my powers" Terra said, as she scowled at her brother.
Naruto scowled at this.
"Look, you know we aren't the best with meta humans -" Brion was trying to explain, before Terra interrupted him.
"Yea, no shit Sherlock. Now, what do you really want me back for? Cause I know there is more to this, then what you said" Terra said, as she crossed her arms.
"Look, after you left, things went bad back home, and we barely were able to stop some invaders. And now that the fighting is over, we want you home" Brion said to her.
"Yea well, nice to hear that you finally realized I left. Now, kindly leave the way you came, and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out" Terra said, as she turned around.
"Jeez, she really must hate her family, if she's cursing at her own brother" Cyborg said to Beast Boy, who gave a slight nod of agreement.
"Tara I'm not asking you, I'm telling you to -" Brian was saying, before he felt someone grab his shoulder.
"I believe Terra said she's not interested in going anywhere with you," Naruto said with a glare.
"This doesn't involve you. She doesn't belong here playing hero, so stay out of this" Brion said, as he frowned at Naruto.
"She is our friend, and if she says no, then that's all she needs to say" Naruto said, as the other Titans got up, in case Brion tried something.
"You would make an enemy of Markovia?" Brion asked with a raised eyebrow.
"That's where you're from?" Cyborg asked curiously.
Raven thought about this, and her eyes widened in realization. "He wants Terra, so that they can end the Civil War in his country," she said.
"Huh? I don't get it" Beast Boy said, with a look of confusion.
"Sweetie, his country has been in a civil war against a rebellion for the past 6 months, and they are not doing so well" Kole said, trying to keep it simple for him.
"Oh….oh! They want to use Terra as a weapon!" Beast Boy said, finally getting it.
This caused everyone to glare at Brion, with Terra turning around to give him a piercing glare.
"That is not true. We have been trying to end the fighting peacefully" Brion said, as he raised his hands to calm everyone down.
"If you think, I am gonna come home after the hell you all put me through, just because I have powers, you're crazy" Terra said with a hard glare.
"Look, you don't belong here. You're the princess" Brion said, as he tried to calm her down.
"I have three other brothers, besides you. You don't need me to keep the family line going" Terra said.
"Yea, unless they want a family of metahumans, to fight against their enemies" Naruto said with a glare.
"Stay out of this, peasant," Brion said, as he glared at Naruto.
"Peasant?! He's the one who actually helped me gain control of my powers, unlike you and those shit heads back in that hellhole!" Terra said angrily, as she shoved her finger in Brion's chest.
"I won't listen to you insult our ho -" Brion said, before Terra shoved him back.
"Then leave! That shit hole can burn, for all I -" Terra was saying, before Brion raised his hand.
The room was then filled with silence, as Terra held her face which was red and bruised, as tears appeared in the corners of her eyes.
"Friend Terra!" Starfire yelled, as she flew to her friend's side, along with Kole and Raven.
"Oh, you are so getting thrown out," Beast Boy said with a glare, as he turned into a gorilla.
"Get in line. I'm gonna put footage of this online. Let's see your country defend this" Cyborg said with a glare, as he went over to the computer.
Brion's eyes widened at this, before he looked at his hand and grit his teeth.
"You're out of here, either on your own feet or by force. Choose wisely" Raven said with a glare, as she used her magic to heal Terra's cheek.
"I won't be threatened by a witc -" Brion was saying, before he got interrupted by Naruto grabbing him by the back of his neck, and slamming him on the table.
"Ok, I'm done playing nice" Naruto growled as he held him down.
Brion swung his arm at Naruto, but Naruto caught it and squeezed his arm, making him yell in pain.
"Y-you can't do this!" Brion yelled out, as he glared at Naruto.
"Watch me, dipshit!" Naruto growled, as he dragged Brion to a window which soon opened, before Naruto threw him hard out of the window.
"Uh, you do realize that we are 4 stories up right?" Raven said as she continued to heal Terras cheek
"The tides in" Naruto said with a shrug, as they heard a splash outside.
"We are gonna need to do something, in case he tries to have Terra deported" Cyborg said, as he crossed his arms.
"If he wants a fight, he shall have one!" Starfire said, as her eyes glowed green, while clenching her fists.
"Star, it means making her go home," Kole said.
Naruto looked at Terra, and saw that she hadn't thought of that, as he saw the fear in her eyes.
Naruto then nodded at her. "Leave it to me, I'll take care of this" he said, as he left the room.
The other looked at each other, wondering what Naruto's gonna do.
(Naruto's room)
Naruto was at his computer, getting ready to call someone.
After a few rings, Batman answered.
{"What's wrong, Kitsukage?"} he asked.
Naruto sighed, as he gathered his thoughts. "Bruce …. I need a favor" he said with a firm voice.
Batman raised an eyebrow at this, since Naruto almost never used his first name. He always used a nickname, which means this was important.
"Terra's brother showed up, and -" Naruto was saying, before Batman held up his hand to stop him.
{"Ah, Prince Markov showed up to take her home?"} Batman asked.
Naruto's eyes widened at this. "You knew?" he asked.
{"I looked into all of your friends Naruto. I wanted to make sure they had no skeletons,"} Batman said.
"Bruce, I don't need you to do that," Naruto said with a small scowl.
{"Obviously you do, if you didn't even know she was a runaway princess"} Bruce said with a slight scowl of his own.
Naruto clenched his fist at this, before he sighed. "Look, this isn't about me, this is about Terra. She wants to stay here, and -" Naruto was explaining, before Bruce interrupted him.
{"And you want me to get her citizenship, so that her family can't have her deported"} Batman said.
"Can it be done?" Naruto asked him.
Batman looked at Naruto in the eyes, and saw that Naruto really needed this, before he nodded.
{"It will require her to renounce her citizenship to her home country, but I can get it done"} Batman said with a nod.
"Do it," Naruto said with a nod, and a sigh of relief.
{"I'm surprised that you're calling in a favor this big for her. I thought you were dating an alien,"} Bruce said.
Naruto went red at this, before he fell over. "I take it that Ka-Chan told you" he said into his desk.
{"Yea, she did"} Batman said with a nod.
Naruto lifted his head up, and looked at the computer screen. "Look, it's not like that with Terra," he said.
{"And if she was forced to leave?"} Bruce asked with a raised eyebrow, as he folded his arms.
Naruto froze at this, and his whiskers became more defined and his eyes slitted.
Bruce sighed at this, as he rubbed his forehead. {"Naruto, you need to really think about your feelings. That's three girls that you're getting close to. Four, if you include the mini Catwoman you ha -"} he was saying, before Naruto held his hand up to stop him.
"Oh kami. It was one time, damn it!" Naruto yelled out.
Batman sighed at this. {"Whatever the situation, your friend will be a citizen by tomorrow. I'll send the paperwork"} he said, before he hung up.
Naruto sighed in relief at this, before he paused in realization at what Batman said. "Wait, he said four. Does he think Raven likes me?" he asked out loud.
["Like you?! Ha!"] Kurama yelled, as he started to cackle madly.
"What?" Naruto asked, not getting what was so funny.
Kurama said nothing, as he continued to laugh.
Naruto shook his head at this as he left his room, and headed back towards the common room.
"Naruto! How did it go?" Beast Boy asked, as everyone looked at Naruto.
"It's done. She will have citizenship by tomorrow" Naruto said with a smile.
"Wow. What did that cost you?" Cyborg asked, as that wasn't an easy accomplishment.
"Nothing, but Terra will have to renounce her citizenship with her old home," Naruto said.
"Done," Terra said with a nod, as she stood up from the couch, where Starfire, Kole and Raven had been sitting with her.
"You gonna be ok?" Naruto asked, as he could tell this wasn't easy for her.
"I'm fine Naruto" Terra said, as she walked past him, and out of the common room.
Naruto watched her go, before looking at Raven. "How is she, really?" he asked her.
"I healed her. She's more emotionally hurt, then anything" Raven said.
"Thanks Rae. I'm glad that we have a healer here" Naruto said with a nod at Raven.
"Hey, if we have a sexy nurse uniform, maybe he will dump that alien bimbo!" Love yelled out lustfully.
Raven then heard a clanging sound and a thud.
"Wow. Happy dropped a safe on her" Brave said, sounding impressed.
"Looney Tunes teaches a lot," Happy said with a smile.
Raven said nothing, but mentally sighed. "My mind is a madhouse now" she thought with a sweatdrop.
"Is friend Terra gonna be ok?" Starfire asked Naruto.
"Hey, don't worry. I'll go make sure she's OK" Naruto said with a smile, as he patted Starfire on the head to comfort her. "You guys get dinner ready. It's almost done."
"You made veggie sauce for the spaghetti, right?" Kole asked.
"Of course. I know that BB would go nuts if we didn't" Naruto said as he left the room.
Beast Boy smiled at Kole at this, as she smiled back at him.
"If you two stop being sweet to each other, we all may get diabetes" Cyborg said with a chuckle.
(Titans Tower rooftop)
Terra was sitting on the rooftop, watching the sunset with her knees under her chin, and her arms wrapped around them.
Naruto walked out to the roof, and saw she was sitting watching the sunset, and sighed before he walked over and sat next to her.
"Hey, Terra you ok?" Naruto asked her.
"I said I'm fine Naruto" Terra said, as she clenched her fists.
"No you're not Terra. I have never seen you this mad before" Naruto said.
"Yea well, I don't exactly like my home country" Terra said, as she glared off into the distance.
Naruto was silent at this, and sighed looking at Terra. "If you want to talk about it, you can tell me. I promise I won't tell anyone, if that will make you feel better" he said, as he got up to leave, just in case.
Terra was silent for a moment, before she looked up at the stars. "I didn't always hate my home. It was only after I got my powers, and everyone started treating me like a monster, or being afraid of me, that I started to hate it there" she said.
Naruto looked at Terra, and sighed. "I kinda had the same problem, back in my old village because of Kurama" he said, as he sat back down next to Terra.
Terra turned to look at him. "So, how did you cope with it?" she asked him.
"I found friends, who actually cared about me," Naruto said with a smile.
Terra smiled at this, as she thought about her friends here at Titans Tower. "I guess I'm doing OK then, huh?" she asked, as she leaned her cheek on her knees.
"Oh, absolutely. And if anyone from your old home tries anything, we have your back" Naruto said with a kind smile.
Terra smiled at this, as she nodded at Naruto.
"Now let's go eat. I think we have your favorite dessert in the fridge: apple pie" Naruto said, as he got up and offered his hand to Terra, to help her up.
Terra chuckled at this, and grabbed Naruto's hand, so he could help her up, before they walked towards the door off the rooftop.
(With Brion)
Brion was in his hotel room, looking at a picture in his hand, which was of him and his family.
"Why would she hate her home so much? Was it really that bad for her?" Brion asked himself, as he ran a finger over his sister's happy face.
Suddenly, his laptop started to buzz on the desk, from a call he was getting.
He went to the laptop, and answered it and saw an image of an older man, who had red hair that was slightly gray along the edges and a red beard.
"Uncle Baron" Brion said seeing the face of his uncle
{"What happened?"} Baron asked in a harsh tone.
"What do you mean?" Brion asked in confusion.
{"We just got a message from the states, alerting us that Tara has just renounced her status as princess, and is now a citizen of the US"} Baron said with a glare.
Brion's eyes widened at this. "S-she refused to return, but I didn't expect her to go this far" he said.
{"How did she get the pull to make this happen?"} Baron demanded, as he slammed his fists on his table.
Brion thought about this for a moment, before he glared. "It must be that leader of her team," he said.
Baron nodded at this in agreement. {"Ah, Kitsukage. I believe he's an apprentice of the Batman,"} he said.
"And the Batman is a member of the Justice League, which has the pull to do this," Brion said, as he clenched his hands.
{"Well, it would seem that girl finally grew a spine, if she's willing to defy us like this"} Baron said with a frown.
"I won't accept this. I'll do what it takes to make her come home" Brion said, slamming his fist on the desk.
Baron smirked at this. {"Good. I have already sent someone to help you gain what you need, to make her come home"} he said.
Suddenly, Brion's door opened and a woman entered the room. She was wearing a lab coat, glasses and had her brown hair tied in a ponytail.
"Helga," Brion said with a frown.
"I believe you said you were willing to do anything, to have the power to make your sister return home" Helga said, as she took out a small jar that was labeled as tar.
Brion paused at this, before he clenched his fists. "Very well," he said with a nod.
"Good. It may take a few months for you to learn to control whatever powers you'll unlock, but I have a facility ready for us, if you follow me" Helga said.
Brion nodded at this, as he followed Helga out of his hotel room.
Before Helga left, she looked at a file she had, and pulled out a picture of Naruto. "So you're the one who took one of my children from me" she thought with a scowl.
(A few days later)
Raven was in her room, reading an old book that she'd found in an old shop, during one of her trips into town. Which she had been doing a lot since Naruto started dating Starfire.
Today, she was doing some extra reading, since she needed to calm down some more, as she saw Naruto and Starfire heading out on another date.
"Hey Raven!" Beast Boy's voice yelled out, from outside her room.
Raven sighed at this, and closed her most recent book and walked over to the door to her room, before she opened it slightly to see Beast Boy and Cyborg. "What?" she asked with a flat tone.
"Well, since Naruto and Star are out on a date, I thought the rest of us could hang out," Beast Boy said with a smile.
"And why did you think I would want to hang out?" Raven asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Well Rae, you have been more reclusive lately, since well…." Cyborg said, as he rubbed the back of his head, trying to pick his next words carefully.
Raven's eyebrow twitched at this, before she used her magic to slam her door in their face, with such power that her door cracked, and the force sent Beast Boy and Cyborg flying backwards slightly.
"Hey! What's your deal? We were trying to cheer you up!" Beast Boy yelled, as he got up and yelled at Raven's door.
"BB, let's just leave her alone," Cyborg said, placing his hand on Beast Boy's shoulder.
"Feh, whatever. It's this creepy attitude that probably made Naruto not be interested in her" Beast Boy said with a frown.
Cyborg looked at Beast Boy, and paled slightly. "You are the Dalai Lama of morons, to say that where she can easily hear you" Cyborg said, as he shook his head slightly, while walking away.
"What did I do? It's true, isn't it?" Beast Boy asked, as he followed Cyborg.
"It's called having tact, you moron," Cyborg said.
"Hey, I have tact," Beast Boy said with a frown.
"You're as subtle as a freight train," Cyborg said as he shook his head
"I'm hearing this from the man that calls his pen pal girlfriend his spicy luchador?" Beast Boy said with an evil smirk.
Cyborg face faulted at this, before he jumped to his feet, as Beast Boy ran off laughing.
"You're dead, you green freak!" Cyborg yelled, as he ran after him.
(In Raven's room)
Raven sat at her bed hugging her book to her chest as she thought about what Beast Boy said
"Is that why Naruto didn't notice me? Am I too creepy?"Raven askedherself out loud, as she had heard some people calling her that, when she was in the city sometimes, but she didn't really pay them any mind.
"That's ridiculous" a voice said from Raven's book.
Raven looked at the book, with a raised eyebrow.
"Yea, it's me. The book you're holding" the voice said.
Raven dropped the book in surprise, at this.
"Ow" the book said in slight pain.
"Oh, sorry. This is the first time I have ever met a talking book" Raven said apologetically, as she approached the book.
"I would think a sorceress with your talent, would have seen a few weird things, that would make a talking book seem not that weird" the book said.
Raven thought about this, and nodded. "Who are you?" she asked.
"I am Malchior of Nol, master of the mystic arts, at your service" the voice said, with Raven getting the impression that he was bowing to her.
"Wait, the same Malchior who defeated Rorek the dragon?" Raven asked, as she had read about him, from the very book that she was talking to.
"The very same" Malchior answered.
"How did you get trapped in this book?" Raven asked curiously.
"Well my dear Raven, when I defeated Rorek, with his last breath he sealed me in this book" Malchior said.
"Wait, this was thousands of years ago. You have been trapped in there that long?" Raven asked in shock.
"Indeed, and it's been quite lonely these past years" Malchior said sadly.
"Well, maybe I can free you" Raven said, as she raised a hand at the book, but the book shocked her.
"Ah! The spell is very strong" Raven said with a frown, as she nursed her hand.
"Indeed, it would take an accomplished spellcaster to free me. But perhaps we can just talk?" Malchior asked.
Raven smiled slightly at this, as she nodded.
(A few hours later)
It had been a few hours since Raven had met Malchior, and started to talk to him.
He had listened to her and showed sympathy for her problems with her feelings for Naruto, especially once he started dating Starfire.
"Sadly Raven, love can be complicated. I, ah felt what your feeling once" Malchior said
"You had fallen for someone, who dated your best friend?" Raven asked.
"Well, maybe not the best friend part," Malchior said with a sheepish tone.
Raven chuckled at this.
"You have a pretty laugh," Malchior said.
Raven blushed at this, before she tried to compose herself. "You don't need to lie to make me feel better," she said.
"I only speak the truth," Malchior said, with an amused tone of voice.
Raven smiled slightly at this. "Is there any way I could free you?" she asked hopefully.
"Well, if you're willing to learn, I could help you learn the magic you would need. But it would require you to learn so much more than you know now" Malchior said.
"I'm willing to try," Raven said with a determined nod.
"Very well," Malchior said.
(A few days later)
Raven was setting up a ritual, to try and free Malchior from his prison, while the book sat on a stand opened up showing a pair of eyes.
"There, you're all set to cast the spell," Malchior said happily.
Raven nodded at this, as she turned to the book, and started to cast her spell.
After she cast her spell, what looked like a man made of paper came out of the book.
"Ah, freedom at long last" Malchior said, sounding happy as he looked at his hands.
Raven reached out to touch Malchior's hand, but before they could touch him, his hand started to fall and become regular lifeless paper.
"Ah alas, it would seem that I'm still bound to the book's curse," Malchior said, as he pulled back and approached the book, which caused his hand to reform.
"At least now you can teach me more effectively, which means eventually I can free you" Raven said with a grin.
"Indeed. I'll teach you all I know, my dear Raven" Malchior said with a kind tone, as he smiled at her.
(A few days later)
Raven was floating into the common room, where the others were, but there were several things different about her.
For one, she was now wearing a white cloak.
And humming happily.
Oh, and smiling too.
"Uh Raven, what's with the new look?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I just thought I could use a change," Raven replied with a shrug.
"Does this have anything to do with your new friend?" Starfire asked with a smile.
"How do you know about that?" Raven asked her.
"Friend Beast Boy told us all about the Malchior who is sealed in a book," Starfire said.
"Is that so?" Raven asked, as she looked at Beast Boy, who was sitting at the couch with Kole and Cyborg.
"Uh, I may have spied on you as a fly," Beast Boy said with a nervous smile, as he turned into a fly.
"Oh really? Well, you seem more like a rat to me" Raven said with a grin, as she looked at Beast Boy and charged some power.
Beast Boy then turned into a rat, and fell to the ground, before he turned back to his human form.
"Y-you warped me" Beast Boy said with a look of surprise.
"Wow, you must be learning some good stuff," Terra said, sounding impressed.
"You sure this stuff you're learning is safe, right?" Naruto asked Raven, as he approached her.
Raven pulled away from Naruto as he approached. "It is none of your concern" she said in a firm tone.
"Hey, you don't need to get defensive," Cyborg said.
"Yea, Naruto is just worried about you, like the rest of us are" Kole said with a nod.
"Yea well, it's not his job to worry about me. I wouldn't want to make Starfire mad" Raven said with a slight glare.
Starfire looked at Raven with surprise at this.
Before anyone could respond, the alarm went off.
"Look, let's just go take care of whatever is attacking the city, and we can iron out whatever is bothering Raven later" Naruto said.
"Whatever" Raven said nonchalantly, as she looked away from Naruto and Starfire, and left the common room with the others close behind her.
Naruto felt Starfire grab his hand, which made him look at her.
"Does Raven….hate me?" Starfire whispered to Naruto, as she frowned.
Naruto shook his head at her, before he squeezed her hand. "I'm sure she doesn't. Don't worry, we can fix this I promise" he said with a comforting smile, before he kissed Starfire on the forehead.
Starfire smiled back at him, as they followed after the others.
(In the city)
People were running down the street, away from an armored bank truck, which had what looked like a living blob of clay on top of it.
This was Clayface, one of Batman's villains.
The villain stood there, and let the cops shoot at him with guns and shotguns, which did nothing but make holes in his body and in the door.
"Thanks for the opening to the case, coppers," Clayface said with a grin, as he used his abilities to squeeze himself through the bullet holes into the armed truck.
Before the police could react, Naruto and the Titans landed before them.
"We have it from here officer," Naruto said to one of them.
The cop nodded at this, and looked to his fellow officers, who all backed up.
Soon, the doors to the armored truck bulged and burst open, showing Clayface along with the money inside.
"Oh great, another Gotham villain" Naruto said with a groan, as he readied his kunai.
"Ah, Batman's wannabe ninja brat. I heard that you decided to leave, after your little incident with the clown" Clayface said with a toothy grin.
Naruto glared at Clayface at this. "Titans go!" he yelled, before he threw the kunai at Clayface.
Starfire flew at the villain, and fired some starbolts at him.
Clayface just charged at Starfire, and tried to grab at her with his arms. But she fired some eye beams at his arms, cutting them off before either could reach her.
Terra clenched her fists, which caused the armor on the side of the armored truck to come flying off the truck, and try to bind and crush Clayface.
"Dude! You finally mastered metalbending!" Beast Boy cheered, as he turned into a rabbit to dodge some attacks from Clayface, while Kole blasted at Clayface with her wrist blaster.
"Can you try and use your powers on Clayface here?" Cyborg asked Raven, as he blasted him with his sonic cannon.
Raven nodded at this, as her eyes and hands glowed as she started to chant, and soon fired some black aura from her mouth, which engulfed Clayface, trapping him.
Clayface tried to escape, but when he punched the bubble of aura, his fists shattered into globs of clay.
"Aggh! What the hell?! You're making me feel pain!" Clayface yelled in shock,
Raven continued to contain Clayface.
"Aggghhh! It burns! Let me out, I give!" Clayface yelled, as his body started to bubble, as he started to scream in pain.
"Raven, stop! You're gonna kill him!" Naruto yelled out to her.
"I….can't….stop….it" Raven groaned out.
["Kid! My aura can affect magic! Slash at it, and it may break the spell enough, that she can undo it!"] Kurama yelled to Naruto.
Naruto nodded at this, and channeled some of Kurama's chakra into his kunai, and jumped up and slashed down on the magic connecting Raven's mouth to Clayface.
Thankfully, it actually cut through the magic, and when Naruto cut through it all the way, the magic dispersed.
Raven fell to the floor, panting from the spell.
"You evil witch! You tried to kill me! I'm gonna -" Clayface was yelling, before a massive amount of metal encased the weakened villain, trapping him in a metal ball.
Naruto nodded at Terra, and gave her a thumbs up, before he turned to Raven. "What was that?" he asked her, with a firm tone.
Raven said nothing, as she got on her feet. "I'm fine" she said, as she dusted herself off.
"Yea, that's obviously not true" Beast Boy said.
"Friend Raven, are you sure this magic you're learning is -" Starfire was saying, before Raven turned to her with a glare, causing her to stop.
"Stay out of my business, 'friend!'" Raven yelled, while saying 'friend' like she was spitting bile at Starfire, before she used her magic to leave in her shadow.
Everyone was silent at this, while Starfire frowned slightly.
"Something is going on. Everyone, back to the Tower" Naruto said.
Everyone nodded at this and followed Naruto, while the officers scratched their heads at what to do with the metal ball containing Clayface.
(Raven's room)
Raven appeared in her room, and glared at Malchior. "It's dark magic. That's what you're teaching me!" she said, as she approached the book.
"You say that like it's bad," Malchior said.
"It's evil!" Raven said, scowling at Malchior's book.
"Or is it just misunderstood, like us?" Malchior asked her.
Raven hesitated at this, not sure what to say.
"You have come too far to give up now. You're more than ready to free me, and then we can be together. And you can forget that fool, who chose that airhead over you" Malchior said in a comforting tone.
Raven paused at this, as she contemplated what she should do.
Soon she nodded, and started to prepare the spell.
Soon she was ready, and started to cast her spell, while Malchior stood in the circle, which started to pulse with magic.
Soon, he disappeared and the magic boomed, as the spell started to work, which caused a burst of power to send Raven flying backwards.
Raven landed and tripped over Malchior's book, which opened showing a picture of Malchior and the dragon Rorek, which were labeled.
Raven then watched the labels under the dragon and sorcerer switch places, and her eyes widened in realization.
"Malchior wasn't the sorcerer. He was the…..No!" she yelled out, before she turned to the magic circle.
But it was too late, as the magic circle turned green and a dragon's claw slammed down, and a roar was heard.
Naruto and the others approached the tower, with Naruto and Starfire on his motorcycle and the others in the T-Car.
Suddenly, the roof of Titans Tower exploded, and what looked like a black dragon flew out of the tower.
"Dude, is that a…." Beast Boy was saying in shock.
"Hope you have a big form to help sweetie" Kole said, as she watched the dragon fly about, before opening its mouth to shoot fire into the air.
"What's the plan?" Cyborg asked Naruto, readying his sonic cannon.
"You all go after that thing, and go all out on it. I'm gonna make sure that Raven is OK" Naruto said, as he got off his motorcycle.
Starfire got off the motorcycle, and nodded as she and the others followed Cyborg into battle.
Naruto jumped onto the tower, and ran up to the top, and jumped into the destroyed tower.
"Raven!" Naruto yelled out, as he approached what he recognized as Raven's room.
Naruto then heard some rubble moving, and looked over as he saw some being pushed back by a black dome, which then dissipated to show Raven.
"Are you ok?" Naruto said, as he approached her and helped her up.
Raven looked up at the destroyed roof, and heard Malchior's roar. "H-he said that he cared about me" she said, with a look of betrayal.
Naruto's eyes widened at this, as he clenched his fists at this.
["Looks like her trying to get over you didn't go well"] Kurama saidwith a cocked eyebrow.
"Shut the fuck up" Naruto thought, not in the mood to deal with Kurama's bullshit.
"Raven, I am sorry he hurt you, and trust me he's gonna suffer for that. But do you have any ideas on any weaknesses that this guy has?" Naruto asked her.
"He's mortal like other beings. He just has powerful magic" Raven said, as she wiped her eyes.
Naruto's eyes widened at this. "Did he make you cry?" he asked in surprise, as he had never seen Raven cry before.
"N-no, of course not" Raven said, as she composed herself.
Naruto growled at this, before he channeled Kurama's chakra over his body, and took off out of the roof with a jump.
"Awwww, he cares about us!" Happy yelled, before squealing in excitement.
"Make sure that you kiss him on the lips, as a reward for defeating that dragon jerk!" Love yelled out.
Raven said nothing, she flew after Naruto, ready to stop Malchior.
(With the others)
Malchior was in the city trying to attack it, but he was being distracted by the rest of the Titans.
"You're all getting annoying!" Malchior roared, as he swung his claws at Starfire, who flew by him while throwing some starbolts at him
"Good, that means we're doing our job!" Cyborg yelled out, as he fired some rockets at Malchior's chest, pushing him back slightly.
"If you're gonna use a mystical form, now's the time!" Terra yelled at Beast Boy, as she threw some massive boulders at Malchior's head, making him roar in slight pain.
"I think I have a good one for this guy, but I only have 3 minutes. After that, I'm gonna be helpless!" Beast Boy said, as he dodged Malchior's stomp.
"Me and Kole have your back, so give him hell!" Cyborg yelled, as he fired his sonic cannon at Malchior.
Kole nodded at Beast Boy, before he transformed into a massive Yeti, while she transformed into her crystal form.
Beast Boy picked up Kole, and roared loudly before swinging her at Malchior's leg.
"A Yeti is mystical?" Terra asked Cyborg with a raised eyebrow.
"Well, people have said they have magical powers," Cyborg said with a shrug.
"Well, it gets the results" Starfire said, as Beast Boy slammed Kole into Malchior's head.
"That's enough! I refuse to be humiliated by you fools!" Malchior yelled, as he fired some green fire from his mouth.
"Who is more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?" Naruto yelled out, as he slashed at the dragon's neck, making him roar in pain as he stopped breathing fire.
Malchior glared at Naruto, and noticed the demonic aura around him. "Ah, another demon. Are you pathetic and needy, just like that foolish witch?" he said, before he started to cackle madly.
Naruto glared at him, before jumping up and punching him in the eye. "That's for making Raven cry, asshole!" he growled out.
As the dragon roared in pain, Naruto ran down his body and with a spin and a roar, Naruto used his claws to cut off his wings.
Malchior roared in pain, before Starfire slammed her fist into the top of his jaw, before kicking him especially hard in the teeth.
"You dare hurt my best friend? I'll tear you apart!" Starfire yelled, as her eyes and fists glowed green.
"Dude, Starfire is a thug when mad" Beast Boy said, as he was on the ground, with a tired look on his face.
"Well, she values her friends," Terra said with a sigh, as she could see why Naruto chose her to date.
Raven landed in front of Malchior, as her hands glowed with magic.
"Raven! Save me from these brutes!" Malchior yelled in a panic.
"Oh, I'll save you alright. By sending you back where you came from" Raven said, as she held up the book.
"No! I would rather die!" Malchior yelled in fear.
Naruto growled, as he stomped on his spine, making an audible crack. "I'm more than willing to do that. Just say the word Raven" he growled out.
Raven shook her head at this, as she looked down on Malchior. "He's not worth it" she said, as she opened the book, which started to suck Malchior back in.
"Damn you! I will get free someday, and I swear I'll make you and your friends suffer!" Malchior yelled out, as he disappeared into the book.
"Now, let's break out the matches, and have a little fire going" Naruto growled, as he walked over to Raven.
"It's fine. I have a place to hide this. He will be lucky if anyone finds him" Raven said, as she warped the book away.
"You ok, friend Raven?" Starfire asked, with a worried look.
Raven looked at Starfire, and still felt some jealousy, but sighed as she nodded. "Yes Starfire, I'm fine. Don't worry" she said.
Starfire nodded at this, before she pulled Raven into a hug.
Raven sighed at this, but let Starfire hug her.
"Ugh, she makes it hard to hate her, even for me" Rage growled out, with her arms crossed.
(The next day)
Raven was in her room after the tower was fixed, and reading a book when she heard a knock on her door.
She sighed and closed her book, before she walked over to her door and opened it, revealing Naruto.
"Yes?" Raven asked, trying to fight down her blush.
"I wanted to ask if you're doing OK?" Naruto asked her.
Raven sighed, and let Naruto into her room. "I'm doing fine now" she said, as she sat down on her bed.
"You sure? I can't imagine how much that… dragon hurt you" Naruto said with a scowl, as he centered himself.
"I am over him Naruto, so don't worry," Raven said to him.
"Good. I'm sure there is someone out there that will treat you right. Otherwise, I'll gut him like a fish" Naruto said with a scowl, as he spun a kunai on his finger.
Raven chuckled a little at this. "That Kurama or you talking?" she asked with a grin.
Naruto chuckled at this. "No no, I meditate so that I can have more control of myself, when I use his power" he said to her.
"Oh yea, he mentioned that…..would you like to meditate with me sometime?" she asked.
"Oh sure. Starfire said you're a great teacher. So yea, let's meditate" Naruto said with a grin, as he sat on the floor, cross legged.
Raven smiled, as she sat down next to Naruto, cross legged and they both started to meditate.
"Eeeee! Our first date!" Love yelled excitedly
"Technically, it isn't a date," Knowledge said, pushing her glasses up her nose.
"I'll take what we can get. Now pin him down, and ride his -" Love was saying with a pervy grin, before Brave raised a pan over her head.
"Thank you Brave" Raven thoughtwith a slight blush.
"No problem," Brave said with a grin.
"Wow, she left a dent in that thing," Happy said, looking at the pan.
"She's obviously thick headed then," Knowledge said.
"Just like my thick ass," Love groaned out.
"Now stay down!" Brave yelled, as she brandished the pan.
"Maybe I should consider therapy" Raven thought, as she gained a sweatdrop.