Chereads / Crossover Naruto Fanfics / Chapter 89 - Chapter 11

Chapter 89 - Chapter 11

Amanda sat across from Eiling with a stern look. She put up several images on the screens, the aftermath of the Thanagarian invasion. Eiling wasn't bothered by the numerous alien bodies that littered the desert floor and even with the interference from the Justice League, property damage had been minimal so the General didn't see why Amanda seemed so angry.

"What do you see in these stills?" Amanda asked.

"The best kind of enemy, dead ones," Eiling responded.

"What don't you see?" she continued and Eiling frowned. He wasn't interested in games nor was he here to prove something to her.

"You should just tell me so we can get to the meat of the issue, Amanda." Waller didn't outwardly respond, not even her body language changed. Internally, however, she was displeased. She knew Wade was anything but a fool so when he refused to be anything more than a bludgeon it annoyed her. She could have selected any of the generals for Cadmus, finding one hawkish on protecting America from the Justice League would not have been a difficult task. She chose him. She sometimes regretted it.

"The person or persons that killed all those Thanagarian invaders. Not one satellite image, no witnesses, nothing. POTUS just tore me a new one because of how much we don't know."

"He's scared," Eiling concluded. The General couldn't blame him, more and more freaks were emerging from the shadows and almost none were patriotic enough to submit themselves to government so they could be properly directed and controlled. They wanted to be free from oversight, only interfering when they chose. It rankled the officer.

"Yes and I can't even tell him if he should be or not but clearly there is, at least, one unknown metahuman with some incredible powers. I think we should forgo trying to obtain the plans and weapons Lex had stored and just go straight for the asset."

"Is your suicide squad up for that?" Eiling asked, not remotely confident in trusting such an important mission to criminals and freaks.

"We don't have a lot of choice. We are woefully unprepared, the Thanagarian invasion showed us as much. Why wouldn't the Justice League seek to one day supplant us if we can't defend ourselves? Let alone this other entity that has no qualms with lethal violence. Guns and butter, General. That's all government is."

"And regardless of our defense spending, we don't have the guns," Eiling concluded. "Fine. When will you retrieve the asset?"

"Week's end. No point in waiting, we have to accelerate all of our plans and smoke out this new threat.

"How likely is it your former student was involved in yesterday's events?" Ra's asked Slade. The mono-ocular man was called into the Demon's Head's study to give his assessment of yesterday's failed invasion. Slade, of course, didn't know if Naruto was involved. He suspected. It wouldn't be hard to argue that the aliens had it coming and "having it coming" was Naruto's sweet spot for lethal violence. Ra's didn't really care if his student swapped hands with some bird people. No, he was salty the Uzumaki screwed his play to disband the European Union.

Slade may be partially responsible, he was quite smug when he speculated Naruto's involvement as a kind of tax for Ra's taking Vandal. That Naruto likely figured out his scheme in a few hours displeased the man as he prided himself on his ability to manipulate the shadows. Slade advised his "leader" to do as the kid's say and charge it to the game but someone telling Ra's he might have to eat a little shit was unthinkable.

His pet ape, Ubu, looked as if he wanted to attack him for daring to suggest Ra's was not god of this world and thus immune from consequences. The one-eyed man wished the gorilla would have tried, he'd have blown his head clean off without a second thought but Ra's called the muscle head off before hostilities could truly arise. The former merc was disappointed but he knew Ubu would give him a reason, eventually. The conversation petered out after that and Slade thought he was finished discussing his former student, someone who called him Sensei as a sign of respect and fondness, but the results of the invasion necessitated further deliberations.

"Can't say. The boy I trained would have gotten involved no questions asked. But he was a boy."

"Surely, you have some read on his character," Ra's pressed. If it weren't unbecoming, Slade would roll his eye.

"I'm also not your only source."

"Ah," Ra's exclaimed. "As you know, he enjoys being opaque when it comes to our current subject and I doubt I can trust him. I can trust you, though."

"Of course, sir. I wouldn't be surprised if Naruto was involved. He has a need to protect the innocent. And if I couldn't rid him of it and Lex couldn't I doubt anything short of divine intervention could. So, yes, he probably got involved." Slade watched Ra's turn around in his desk chair, now showing the mercenary his back as he stared into the fire.

"As you know, I've been looking into an heir. I once thought it could be Gotham's detective. His intellect, his tenacity, he had the elements necessary to lead. Except, his rigidity when it comes to murder and other nefarious acts. He can make sacrifices but not enough. I'd hoped to show him that his measures would always fall short but he's remained steadfast so I must move on."

"I thought the mob war in Gotham was another test," Slade said.

"No, no more tests for the detective. This mob war is just one part of my plan to permanently break the Batman. I was thinking of starting over with your boy."

"That's a bad idea," Slade responded dryly.

"Why so?"

"He has billions of dollars and is a citizen in good standing. There isn't too much he couldn't influence legitimately. What can the League of Shadows give Naruto that think tanks, NGO's, Super PACs or private security firms couldn't?"

"Vision, direction, purpose," Ra's answered. "He is still a young man and while he may know much he doesn't know all. I can reveal the truth of this world, demonstrate why my work is necessary and must be continued. Besides, he had a strained relationship with his adopted father, maybe he's subconsciously looking for a replacement"

Slade stood there in stunned silence. It would serve the old fool right to try his games with Naruto and then suffer the consequences but as much as he wanted Ra's dead he still needed the members alive. He couldn't lead a league of corpses. "Certain interested parties will not be happy about this. However, if that's what you want then my advice is to approach him straight up. No games, no tests. Maybe he agrees or maybe he doesn't but if you try your pulling strings from the shadows stuff with him it won't engender him to your cause."

Ra's turned around to once again face Slade. "I've never once allowed a student to dictate what I teach them, I will not start now." It was then Slade was certain his coup would work. Ra's was going to die and he didn't have to lift a finger to cause it. "I need you to supervise the next shipment to Gotham and make sure Black Mask isn't killed. Any questions?" Slade said no and exited not minding taking orders from the fossil for the first time in months.

"Spiraling Maelstrom," Pam said as Naruto was responding to emails.

"Huh," he replied in confusion.

"Your name, it means Spiraling Maelstrom," she said.

"I am aware." She rolled her eyes in that cute way she would when she thought he was being a bit thick.

"I was curious.," she defended. "I don't meet too many Narutos and I wondered if it had an interesting meaning. Doesn't really fit," she added.

"Excuse me?"

"It doesn't really fit. You're so normal, well for a multimillionaire captain of industry."

Naruto laughed. It was times like this he almost wanted to share his abilities with her. He remembered promising himself it'd be soon. He just had a few more preparations to make and then he'd tell her everything and hope she could understand. His thoughts ended and he teased that her name must be latin for pinup model. She tossed a pillow at him in faux indignation, which sparked swift retaliation and the start of the bedding wars.

'I want to meet your girl,' deep voice awoke Naruto from his memory.

'Kurama, would you consider recording an R&B album?' Naruto asked, ignoring Kurama's proclamation.

'What?' the bijuu asked in confusion.

'I think the world needs your dulcet baritone just being smooth and crooning. Thoughts?'

'...I rather liked that Death Metal we used to hear in your dorm,' Kurama admitted.

'Buddy, why didn't you tell me? I'll get you all the Death Metal you could want and rig something up so you can listen to your heart's content.'

'Fine, you can do it when you bring your girl here today,' Kurama concluded and cut the connection before Naruto could point out that Kara wasn't his girl.

'Damn bossy fox,' Naruto thought in fondness. As he shifted to sit up his Kryptonian bedmate negated his attempt using her plant person strength to do so.

"Bad pillow," she said as clutched him tighter.

"Sorry but I need to get up."

"Nhmm mmm," she mumbled into his chest causing his lavender eyes to roll. "At least when you used to wake me up before it was needed you'd be sweet about it."

"Well, to make up for my lack of customary sweetness, what if you hang out with me for the day? I've got a friend that wants to meet you," Naruto bargained.

"You playing hooky today?" she asked as she finally looked up and was alert.

"No, I was going to send out a mass alert giving everyone the day. I figure if you survive an alien invasion you should get a paid work day to decompress. But my phone is over there," Naruto pointed to Kara's dress which was across the room from her bed.

"Uh huh," she acknowledged as she returned to her original position.

"So, you have to let me up. That's how distance works."

"You keep sassin' me and I'm going to beat you up one day. Besides, can't you just move the phone with your mind or something?"

"Electronics don't like to be magnetized and I don't have telekinesis, so no," Naruto explained as he attempted to get from under her but she had other plans, applying even more force to keep him still. "Seriously?"

"If pillow wants to move then pillow should be stronger. But Kara is the strongest there is. Which is why if you make me, I'll beat you up." Naruto chuckled.

"Except I've seen you fight so I'm not worried."

"Says the man that is currently my unwilling pillow," Kara sniped back.

"You sure that's what I am? Absolutely sure?" He asked in a teasing tone.

Bzzt! Bzzt!

"Jerk, I owe you one," Kara called out in mirth. Naruto was headed downstairs but heard her clearly. Letting the genjutsu slip with the alert from her phone was a bit inspired, he thought. Besides, he needed to get out of that room before he could make a poor decision. As Naruto made his way downstairs he felt the tension, a feeling that didn't dissipate even as he heard Shayera depart.

Clark was seated at his table, looking uncharacteristically exhausted. Though he wasn't so out of it as to not greet Naruto, which he did with a quick, "Good morning,".

"Hey," Naruto replied as he sat across from the Kansan by way of Krypton. "You look like you've been through an ordeal,".

Clark mustered a halfhearted chuckle, "Something like that," he responded but his tone was unsteady and he felt unsure of himself. "The League is going to have to make a decision about Shayera though I convinced them to leave it for a few days so we don't act on pure emotion. Honestly, I don't know what I'm going to do," he confessed. "This would be the time to offer some advice," Clark said after several seconds of silence.

"I guess, before you decide anything, you have to ask yourself how much loyalty she owes you."

"I'm not sure I follow," Clark admitted.

Bzzt! Bzzt!

Naruto took a moment to look at his phone and laughed at the text. "Queen Kara, first of her name, wants pancakes," he relayed. Clark looked at him expectantly. "I'm a guest."

"I can't cook," the hero confessed.

"What do you mean you can't cook? Everyone can cook," Naruto protested.

"Well, I can't."

Naruto scoffed and Clark would swear he heard him mutter, 'shameful bastard'. He decided to keep a straight face and not risk the pancakes as his and Kara's scheme was paying off. He watched the younger man gather the tools and materials needed, his movements as precise as when he fought.

"Why a tech mogul? You don't seem to like business all that much," Clark observed.

"Why not become a chef or a professor or any number of things that keep me away from the billionaire set?" Naruto asked, rhetorically. "Impact. A chef running a respectable spot might see a few hundred people, if they are lucky, a night," Naruto answered as he weighed his ingredients, a blueberry concoction already simmering in a sauce pot, and melted butter cooling in the microwave.

"Yet, with the resources I command I can improve our food system by marrying the production power of industrial farming with the prioritization of quality and labor fairness found in smaller settings. Same reason I'm not a doctor when I can build hospitals. One may give me more satisfaction personally but I'll have a larger impact doing what I'm doing now."

"And a similar logic applies to why you won't be a hero?" Clark questioned, Naruto having moved to whipping egg whites into stiff peaks.

"Something like that. Even now, I have to marshall my influence carefully. But none of this is what you wanted to talk to me about."

"You said I have to decide how much loyalty Shayera owed the league, what did you mean?"

"That all of you have loyalties outside of the League. You knew Shayera was an alien and came from somewhere. You know Space Cop is a Lantern. Diana is royalty from ancient society of warrior women. Don't you think there was going to eventually be a conflict between your mission with the League and these other entities they were responsible to?"

"It wasn't at the forefront of my mind. We just want to help, to do right," Clark defended, weakly.

"Understandable and thus far it hadn't been a problem," Naruto offered as he poured some batter into a lightly buttered skillet. "But knowing you all are compromised to some extent, does it change anything? That's ultimately up to you."

"What would you do?" Clark asked, more curious than anything.

"I can't answer that. By rights, she should want me dead for slaughtering her people; even if they were in the wrong."

"But if you were me, in this situation; a quasi-leader of a team of heroes who all feel betrayed and hurt. What would you do to keep the team whole while being just?"

Naruto plated two pancakes, drizzling blueberry syrup over the lemon ricotta cakes. He stopped to answer after sending a text. "I wouldn't want to kick her out. She had an impossible choice but when it became clear the Thanagarians were going to cause catastrophic harm she tried to warn you even with possibly everything she'd ever been taught telling her to shut up and follow orders. Could you turn on fellow Kryptonians so easy if you had the choice?"

Clark watched as Kara bounced into the kitchen and took the prepared pancakes. Could he ever turn on her even if she were in the wrong? Why did it feel so wrong to even ponder the question? His thoughts turned to Shayera and he wondered what kind of torments she was still enduring at having broken away from her home. An impossible choice but she made it. He didn't break free from his thoughts until a plate was sat in front of him.

"Just so you two know, neither of you are slick," Naruto said from the kitchen.

"It appears we've been found out, Cousin," Clark joked.

"My life of crime can begin and end at pancakes, I'm alright with that."

"Smallville," Lois said in small horror. "You can't make a guest cook, I know Martha and Jonathan raised you better." As she settled, she was met with her own short stack.

"Thank you, Ms. Lane. Though, I doubt he was the architect of this little scheme," he said as he looked pointedly at Kara. She shrugged and continued to shamelessly enjoy her ill gotten spoils.

"Really, you two," Lois admonished as she cut into the pancakes.

"Just try them," Clark said but Lois rolled her eyes. She felt that was beside the point. Regardless of how good they were, those two should have-

"Damn," she said after she finished her first bite. As Naruto sat down with his own stack, Lois felt compelled to ask, "Where did you learn to cook? Lex wasn't much for domestic skills."

"I had a caretaker for a few years when I was younger with Lex keeping me secret and all. I was also hyperactive as I hadn't started to control my abilities and had too much energy but Ms. Ella noticed I could focus on physical activities. So, she had the genius idea to teach me to cook. Short and simple stuff first but I really liked it so she'd help me learn more and more techniques, how to plan a menu, how to shop, proper etiquette."

The rest of breakfast was kept lively with light conversation but Lois couldn't turn off her investigator brain. Lex managed to raise a very un-Lex like, young man. Was that his goal? Did Naruto overcome Lex's conditioning or was it something in between? Smallville trusted him and even if the younger man may deny it, the feeling was mutual. Anti-hero but trusted the superhero. An enigma that hid in plain sight.

Batman stared at the screen and willed the frustration away. The amount of information he had on Naruto Uzumaki was severely lacking. Gaps in his history, minimal information on his abilities, and few potential allies. He didn't have enough to come up with a preliminary plan should the Luthor heir turn against the League. He didn't even know if Naruto was invulnerable to physical damage as none of the League members managed to touch him and he didn't have any signs of injury during his massacre of the Thanagarians.

Superman considered him paranoid, or worst yet, wrong about the red haired mystery. He'd yet to get to the bottom of the relationship, on the basis of why Superman trusted and believed in the Uzumaki so. What had Superman seen? What had the Uzumaki done? Any intel he could get from Superman ended on the Luthor Towers' rooftop. His primary service to the team was his diligence and forethought. If he saw a potential threat in Naruto then he should be given all he'd need to formulate the proper contingencies.

It frustrated Gotham's hero, to constantly have to defend his process when the results should have been proof enough. How many times were they successful faster; come out of a dangerous situation safer, because of him? Countless. His methods worked. The insistence that he not work from the mean but the outlier assumption was irrational and he refused to bend to such demands.

"Sir," Alfred said as he brought down a tray of tea and snacks. He watched the man look at the screen and take in the details about the subject. "Come to any new conclusions, sir?" he asked.

"None. I still don't have enough information. Enhanced speed and strength, illusions, empathic, and elemental attacks. Should be enough but I have a feeling that's just scratching the surface. He's dangerous, Alfred. Wealthy, well-educated, well trained and lethal. Either his suite of powers or his upbringing could make him a force but he has both."

"Does he scare you, Master Wayne?"

"Yes," the detective answered with zero hesitation. "If Superman believes Naruto could replace him then he has his reasons; one having to be access to great power. He toyed with five Justice League members but if he'd have other designs, who knows. He beat down Bane just to prove a point to me, managing to track me down in the field to do so. And then the invasion," Batman put the aftermath of Naruto's assault on the screen.

"My dear," Alfred said at the fallout. Corpses of the fallen strewn about like litter. "He did all that?"

"Yes, alone. I also suspect he was helping Supergirl but she refused to speak to me about it."

"You didn't make the greatest first impression with her, sir."

"No, I didn't and she'll either get over it or she won't but I refuse to apologize." Batman took a sip of the black tea, lightly sweetened.

"No, I didn't expect you would," Alfred said with a bit of mirth. "As for Mr. Uzumaki, are you not concerned that treating him like an enemy will make him one?"

Batman didn't answer immediately. He'd considered the argument previously and rejected it. He was doing all he could to help people, to protect them. If someone turned evil because of it then they were lacking in character. He felt the argument held no merit but he'd never be outright dismissive of Alred as the man meant too much to him.

"If he truly has nothing to hide then my prodding won't find anything. He may not like it but it would be a small price to pay to categorize him a non-threat."

"And what, sir, could he do for you to not see him as a threat?" Alfred cleared out as Batman pondered the question, taking longer than he was accustomed to arrive at an answer.

"You're much cuter than Krypto," Kara cooed and while he showed slight signs of exasperation, Naruto could tell Kurama liked the compliment by the subtle wag of his tails. He was nervous bringing Kara to his mindscape/private training area. Sure, she was a superhero and an alien so she was used to the unusual but after learning of Kurama's past, Naruto was protective over his friend. He didn't want to expose him to any more hate or derision than he'd already experienced.

It turned out his concerns had been for not. Upon seeing the giant fox, Kara flew over and began bombarding the poor bijuu with endless questions, and that was before she knew he could talk. Naruto believed she'd kidnap the fox if she could, which is why he didn't mention Kurama had long since learned to adjust his size, able to return to his fox kit form whenever he wanted. She'd have him in her arms and halfway to Kansas in a blink of an eye.

"So, Kurama," Kara spoke.

"Yes?" he answered.

"Are you the source of Naruto's powers and if so can you cut him off when he's being a jerk so I can bop him one?"

Naruto narrowed his eyes when Kurama actually snickered, even if it was slightly booming coming from him. "Unfortunately, all the abilities he's shown you are due to his training though I admit he could stand for a good… bop every now and again."

"You break my heart, Kurama," Naruto yelled.

"You'll get over it," Kara said from atop Kurama's head, looking pleased as punch to be there. Naruto fell back onto the grass from his seated position. He had clones working to "install" Kurama's sound system. He felt the new arrival a beat after Kurama.

"Kurama-kun, Naruto-kun and guest," Hagoromo greeted.

"Uhh," Kara said in confusion.

"Kara this is Hagoromo Otsutsuki. He's like my ancestral daddy or a Super Grandpa and Kurama's creator. But I'm also the reincarnation of his youngest son, Ashura. He's who trained me in Ninshu, which are most of the abilities you'd deprive me of since you couldn't beat me otherwise.

Super Sage Gramps, this is Kara Danvers. She's a friend, hero, and person that tells me I can't call a journalist's question stupid when they are clearly stupid."

"Hello, Mr. Otsutsuki," Kara said as she flew over to the man of legend.

"It is wonderful to meet one of Naruto's friends," Hagoromo said. "I worry about him. He's an extrovert but shuts himself off from the bonds he clearly needs so thank you for ignoring his more prickly behaviors. It's an act."

"Just trying to avoid ego death, Old Man. My bad!" Naruto grumbled.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Kara asked. She knew what the term was but didn't follow.

"Naruto-kun's passive empathic abilities were an unforeseen consequence of his training," the Sage explained.

"Yep, I'm awash in the feelings of people all day everyday. I could lose track of where they stop and I start if I'm not careful."

"There are ways to accomplish that without pushing all but a select few away, Naruto-kun. Neither Minato nor Kushina would want you hidden in your tower or your office. You need to be amongst the people."

"Yea, no. I'm good on that. Besides, I have Kurama and he's like better than any hundred friends."

"That's objectively true," the fox chimed in.

"Hush you," Hagoromo warned. Returning his attention to Kara, "As I arrived I heard you speak about Naruto-kun needing a bop. As I am here to train him, would you care to join me in humbling him, Kara-san?"

"I'm in," she said as she punched her palm.

"I hate you," Kara muttered as she used a towel to dry her hair, the sounds of Naruto chuckling echoing off the walls. The, for her, impromptu spar had gone well until Naruto started using his water and ice based attacks to annoy the hell out of her and leave the Kryptonian completely soaked. She eventually returned to Kurama and watched the other two get a little more serious. She'd heard fighting compared to an intricate dance but never really saw it. However, seeing Naruto in his element and having fun, she finally got it.

Hair thoroughly dry and now wearing some loner clothes from Naruto after she showered, the two were sitting on his couch at opposite ends, she used his lap as a foot rest. Today had been a good day by Kara's estimation and Naruto revealed more of himself than he had while they were dating. 'And more than he showed Ivy,' she thought darkly. She liked that, savored in having one more thing from him than Ivy would. Some would call it petty and Kara wouldn't disagree.

Pettiness had its place. Pettiness could get shit done. Besides, she was a hero but she never laid claim to being a good girl. She smiled as she started gently rubbing his lap. Back and forth, at first but it shifted into a circular motion. He knew what she was doing but assumed he could wait her out. That she'd get discouraged by his lack of response but she knew better. She knew why he had to get out of her bedroom so fast this morning so she'd play his little game.

That had been the intention.

Batman's arrival ended it. Of the two, Kara believed she was more angered by the man showing up than even Naruto. As he removed himself from the couch, she chose not to allow his presence to be a deterrence. She departed from the living room as the two men spoke on the veranda.

The conversation had been a waste of time and Naruto was genuinely confused as to why the Detective thought it'd be worth a trip to pitch such bullshit to him. His grand bargain was for Naruto to reveal everything about himself, open up his systems to the man and if he found nothing suspicious he'd leave the Uzumaki alone. Naruto told him to fuck off and to never darken his door again. He noticed Kara vacated the living room so he was on the hunt to tell her it was all clear.

She was in his bedroom, which was no big deal.

She was in his bed, which was fine.

Covered up, nothing suspect there.

Until she flung the covers off her.

Naked, curvy and toned.

She said nothing, supremely confident. And damn him if that didn't increase the impact. He turned off the lights while simultaneously pulling at his clothes. They'd figure out what this meant in the morning but that was future Naruto's problems. Present Naruto had more immediate concerns.