Chereads / Crossover Naruto Fanfics / Chapter 68 - Chapter 5: Impact

Chapter 68 - Chapter 5: Impact

Tala had to admit, if only to herself, the entire penthouse Naruto had purchased was very impressive. It was large. Very large. There was plenty of room to do just about anything from lounging around to working on her own work in the magical arts. She actually had an entire room, a very large room, specifically customized just for her talents in all things deemed mystical. Her lover had apparently spared no financial expense in order to claim the largest and clearly most expensive penthouse available in Metropolis.

"Hello fellow lover of Naruto. I am Starfire!" greeted the tamaran woman who gave Tala a surprisingly gentle hug without the creaking of bones from the receiver of said hug by the tamaran woman since Naruto had told her in advance such hugs could really hurt if she didn't restrict her strength further.

"Yes. I know. His description of you was quite accurate. Including the hugging," replied Tala while she accepted the hug from the alien woman despite her not really being what most would call a hugging person.

They were sharing the same Godly deity after all.

"I was hoping we could spend some time together. Lover Naruto feels the best way for us to not cause problems is if we have the "girl bonding moments" to further our friendship," said Starfire with Tala thinking it over in her head for a second before nodding.

"Might as well," said Tala knowing there was nothing else she could do right now until Naruto got back from dealing with her former employers.

(Cadmus-At the Moment)

"Given how all of us but Tala are here once again means we now know who sold us out to that ninja assassin," remarked Lex Luthor calmly while General Lane and Amanda Waller were not amused.

Probably because they didn't suspect Tala in the slightest when considering the potential list of traitors within their organization.

"It gets worse I'm afraid. We just got word a few hours ago that Galatea is also missing too. Her handler and several other agents meant to observe her are all dead too," said Dr. Hamilton while looking over the report.

"So we have a traitor and one of our weapons is on the loose. Did you activate the hidden tracking implant we made sure was surgically implanted in her neck?" asked Amanda to Dr. Hamilton who was nodding.

"We did. But there was no signal when activated. Some kind of interference we have yet to solve on our end. Its almost as if she is not on the planet, but no one who knows about her has the means to do such a thing," answered Dr. Hamilton while Amanda scowled and General Sam Lane looks serious.

"I told you we should have kept a tighter leash on the alien clone. We only had enough of the original DNA to make one copy of Supergirl. Now it will be extremely difficult to try getting more of it," remarked General Lane at Amanda Waller while the woman glared at him.

"There are always ways to get more alien DNA from our target General. It will just take time to plan and orchestrate the means to do it," said Amanda while General Lane was not convinced.

"We should have captured Supergirl early on and bled her body dry so we could make more like Galatea when we had the chance instead of just playing nice with the Justice League," said General Lane coldly.

"And risk Superman and the Justice League tearing the world apart to find her when that happens? Discovering just how deep the rabbit hole is regarding Cadmus and its secrets? You think only of the reward and none of the risk resulting from your actions General and at this stage of the game, it is the last thing we need right now," said Amanda while General Lane just scoffed at her.

"And you are too set in your ways of being covert Waller. You are acting like we should be walking on eggshells when we should be crushing our enemies without fear of the so called consequences," countered General Lane while clearly itching to take the fight to the Justice League rather then being stealthy like they were now.

"Stealth is necessary in this stage of the game General. Besides, it won't be long before Galatea resurfaces. When she does, her tracking chip will relay a signal to us, and we can send a team to capture her before she is properly...retooled so this won't happen again," said Luthor with General Lane nodding.

"And if she can't be retooled as you said?" asked General Lane while glancing from Lex to Amanda.

"Simple. We liquidate her. Literally. We take the genetic material we still have from her body and start all over again. A new clone and new means of containment. Of controlling her. She is a weapon after all. It would not be beneficial for Cadmus to let such a weapon we own go around without some kind of collar and leash designed to make it heel," said Amanda since she believe in total control and submission of things under her command no matter the individual.

The only reason Galatea had any leeway here was to see if they could have her being a field test of being their sleeper cell assassin when called upon to serve while blending in with the public.

"And this is why assholes like you shouldn't be given any kind of power," said a figure above them.

"What the Hell?!" questioned General Lane when he looked up and saw a masked figure hanging upside down with his feet on the ceiling while looking down at them.

"I mean do you even hear yourselves when you talk? Or do you just ignore it for the sake of hearing someone else talking about the same crazy shit you are all planning? How far have you shoved your heads up you ass to the point where you have become nose blind to all the shit that's in there?" questioned the masked figure before he fell down toward the round table and landed on it dramatically right in front of the High Council Committee members.

"How did you get in here?" demanded Amanda Waller with a scowl on her face.

"I would think the answer to that question is quite obvious considering your down two members with one being dead and the other is MIA," replied the masked figure with Amanda and General Lane scowling further.

"Tala. So the sorceress sold us out," said General Lane while the figure laughed at him.

"You make it sound like she did it by choice," remarked the figure now standing up fully with his arms crossed in front of him.

"Are you saying she didn't betray us?" asked Dr. Hamilton curiously.

"Well...not at first. Of course considering how I gave her the option of telling me about you guys or removing a limb or two...I think you can all imagine what she chose to do," said the figure before he flipped backward and landed in the empty seat once belonging to Tala.

"So you tortured her for information," surmised Amanda with the figure nodding.

"You sound almost appalled by the idea of me doing that," commented the figure with Amanda narrowing her eyes at him.

"Considering she was a member of Cadmus, yes I am appalled," answered Amanda while the figure scoffed at her.

"Hypocrite. You say you're appalled by my actions, but if it was someone who is part of the Justice League I did it to or if I was part of Cadmus, you wouldn't give two shits if I tortured someone for information. Hell, you would ask me to continue my work so long as Cadmus prospered from it. So don't act like you are on some moral high ground with me you stuck up arrogant bitch," said the figure coldly at Amanda, who didn't take kindly to his choice of words.

"Speaking of working for Cadmus, how would you like a job under our employ Mr...?" asked Luthor to the shock of the others.

"Call me Juubi. And no its not my real name," said Juubi with a knowing smirk hidden behind his kitsune mask wearing face.

"Luthor! Are you mad?! This ninja set us back several years for what he did in Arkham and killing Dr. Hugo Strange. Not to mention kidnapping Tala and possibly the main reason Galatea is no longer under our control!" exclaimed General Lane while Amanda seemed to be considering the idea.

"All the more reason to employ him General. This masked individual could do wonders for Cadmus just as much as he has hurt us," countered Luthor while glancing at masked ninja before them.

"He's not wrong. A person of your skills could give us an edge against the Justice League and turning things in our favor," added Amanda with the masked ninja tilting his head at her.

"True. This place does seem to have some on hand. None of which are legal in any sense of the word. Nor meant to be known to general public given the moral ramifications if known. I suppose I could consider myself a part of your group and get in on the ground floor of this place...for a price of course," said Juubi with a smirk that was behind his mask he knew they could sense was there.

"A price? You expect us to pay you?!" demanded General Lane angrily since he despised mercenaries with a passion and this ninja was just like them.

"Nothing in this world is for free General. You know that. I don't believe in your cause to fight against the Justice League. I don't like any of you to be honest. I look at everyone here and in my eyes I see the antithesis of the Justice League," said Juubi and it made the four members of Cadmus scowl.

"Says the cruel sadistic murderer in the room," said Dr. Hamilton with the masked ninja laughing at him.

"Yes, I am cruel sadistic murderer. You got me there Dr. Hamilton. But what about the rest of you? Do not talk to me like your own conscious and soul are clean here. None of you here walked into this room and out of it clean. Every single one of you is just as dirty as me, if not dirtier!" countered Juubi in a cold and fierce tone.

"And how do you come to that conclusion?" asked Amanda while hearing him chuckle again for a brief second.

"Its quite simple. Everyone in this room is either a betrayer, a murderer, or has ordered the death of someone they deemed to be a threat to their plans in the past. So do not think for one moment that I am the only real villain in here. I can lay all the sins each of you has committed at your feet. Amanda Waller here has been in charge of several Black Ops programs, the questionable 'Suicide Squad' program included, and thrown away loyal soldiers once they were no longer useful to her. General Lane, you have tried to petition to the President of the United States on multiple occasions the creation of a meta-human military drafting program. A program designed to get meta-humans drafted right into the military to be turned into weapons with you as the military officer they ultimately answer to in the end. You planned to one day use such meta-humans to do secret unauthorized and unsanctioned military operations. Even manipulating some of these meta-humans into starting a war and where you could use them to their fullest potential to end it. You would order them to infiltrate other war torn countries to further stir up so much trouble that the United States would have to get involved in order to secretly acquire the rights to the resources of those various regions within the ruined nation in exchange for such aid," said Juubi while both individuals mentioned frowned at having their own dirty military history and laundry aired out in front of them.

Not that they cared if it was since they didn't regret their plans or desires for the future. It was just they didn't like someone judging them for their actions.

"Meta-humans are dangerous. Even you can see that," protested Dr. Hamilton with the masked ninja focusing on him now.

"Don't get me started on you Dr. Hamilton. You betrayed Superman after the incident where Darkseid had successfully brainwashed him into being an invader of the planet, and he had asked you for help," said Juubi while Dr. Hamilton looked like someone had slapped him in the face.

"He held me by my lab coat and lifted me off the ground. The man looked like he wanted to kill me!" exclaimed Dr Hamilton with a hint of anger in his voice.

"And you are surprised he did that? You refused to treat his severely injured cousin of her wounds and refused to help him when asked politely. You knew he was telling the truth about being brainwashed by Darkseid. You knew he wasn't the villain everyone had made him out to be from the event. Yet you said no to him. After everything he had done for the planet and sharing Kryptonian technology with you personally, the ever intelligent Dr. Hamilton showed his true colors...and said no when a friend was in need of help. Not for himself, but that of his cousin. His only remaining family left in the Galaxy at large by blood and you wouldn't even lift a finger. All to save your own pathetic skin from the fear of being persecuted for it," said Juubi while Dr. Hamilton looked away since it was true.

"I did what I thought was right," whispered Dr. Hamilton with the ninja scoffing.

"You did what you did to save your own ass. Nothing more. And now look at you? You side with Superman's enemies. You betrayed his trust by making a more lethal version of Supergirl to be used against the Justice League. I would think a man of your intelligence would have realized siding with everyone here in this room was quite possibly one of the most stupidest things you could have done. Especially when one of the people in this very room is Lex Luthor himself!" exclaimed Juubi while pointing a finger at Luthor.

"From the tone of your voice, I take it you have something against me?" asked Luthor while noticing General Lane was discreetly reaching for his side arm underneath the table.

"I do actually. I find your presence to be the second most revolting one here. Surpassed only by Dr. Hamilton, who I consider to be lower then trash for his betrayal to Superman, and Supergirl for joining Cadmus. You I can understand joining. You have wanted to kill Superman for years. The Justice League, which Superman helped create with the other Founding members, falling into a ruined form of nothingness is just icing on the cake. I know everything there is to know about you Luthor. I know every single crime you have committed. I know who you bribed in the courts and other key places to stay out of jail when the time came for a trial. I know who you hired in terms of contract killers to take out key witnesses to any potential trial when bribery failed. I know of your fear of death and you can't bare the thought of someone like Superman, who is essentially a living God made flesh, from another world, another civilization once far more advanced then yours, outliving you on your own planet," replied Juubi with Luthor now scowling and showing some serious anger on his face.

"That alien has no business being on Earth, much less alive for the things he's done," said Luthor with the masked ninja laughing at him.

"All Superman has ever done, the incident with Darkseid not counting, was helping other people in this world with little to nothing, and foiling your every attempt at committing a high level crimes. The selling of advanced weapons to a third world dictator currently on the U.S. 'do not trade' list being one of them. What about trying to sell deadly biological weaponry on the black market knowing when unleashed will kill hundred of thousands if not millions of innocent lives once exposed? And for what? All so you can make several hundred million in profit under the table and the prospect of doing future business with these animals seeking to butcher more people for whatever their stupid reason is in life. How many lives were ruined due to your business deals Luthor? How many people died so your company could make a shit load of money, which you pump back into your R&D Weapons program designed to kill more people? Superman included," questioned Juubi while Luthor felt his hands become fists and feeling anger seeping into his mind at being judged by someone else.

"You like to throw around a lot of dirty laundry at us and what we plan to do if given the chance to do it. But what about you masked ninja? What makes you so righteous and so high and mighty? Especially since you kill people for money. You killed people not that long ago in Arkham. You have no right to judge us when you are just as guilty for ending other people's lives!" said Luthor while the masked ninja tilted his head at him for a brief second, as if thinking about the bald man's words over in his head.

"Yeah I killed people recently at Arkham. I admit it. But don't talk to me like they don't deserve to die. You look at each file on each and every inmate and prisoner I killed. How many did they kill after escaping Arkham? How many suffered because people like you wanted to keep them around to manipulate, control, and one day unleash on the Justice League? How many innocent lives are all of you here willing to sacrifice? Just to win against an organization designed to protect innocent lives from such people?" challenged Juubi while staring at all of them with narrowed eyes behind his mask.

"As many as it takes until Cadmus wins. Innocent lives are always killed in wars and as far as I am concerned, we are at war with the Justice League. I will wipe out an entire city if it means we win!" said General Lane while Amanda nodded in full agreement.

"And for that reason, I will not join you," said Juubi with his tone indicating his choice on the matter was final.

And seconds later following the masked ninja's words, General Lane quickly drew his side arm from its holster. The man had an angry look on his face that told everyone here in the room that he didn't like people disrespecting him, what he did, or how he did it.




Three shots aimed perfectly at the masked ninja dead on with pinpoint accuracy of two in the chest and one in the head. Only a handful of people could have dodged those bullets. One being the Flash, Superman (if he wasn't invulnerable to ordinary bullets), Wonder Woman, and possibly Batman (if he had anticipated the attack before it happened) given his own reflexes.

But the masked ninja didn't dodge the bullets like one would expect him to do. Instead, he let them hit. Or rather, the masked ninja let everyone think he was shot.

"Damn freak of nature. Probably a meta-human. We should dissect him right away and see if we can't duplicate whatever powers he possesses into some loyal soldiers," said General Lane confidently, but was shocked like the others to find the ninja turn his head at him, and seemed to be completely unharmed.

"Are you done?" asked Juubi to the shock of everyone since they were sure one of the bullets was a headshot.

"How are you alive? I shot you in the head!" exclaimed General Lane while aiming his gun again at the ninja's head.

And got a kunai thrown into the gun's barrel to jam it. Another kunai was thrown and hit the General's wrist holding said gun when the man brought the gun away from aiming it at the ninja. Crying out in pain, General Sam Lane managed to drop his gun on the table without it going off, and preventing the risk of a ricochet from the result hitting him in the process.

"As you can see, I'm more then just a handsome masked face," said Juubi with a chuckle to match his kitsune mask he wore.

'His power allowed him to warp the area around him. Like the Martian. Could he be one of them? Or does he human, but have the ability? Could it be duplicated?' thought Lex while believing with such an ability mastered under his command, he could actually kill Superman, and the other members of the Justice League.

"Now, the reason why I came here, aside from kicking dirt on your shoes and airing your dirty laundry at the feet of your soulless bodies, is to put you all on notice," added Juubi while the four Cadmus members in the room disliked being talked to like that.

"On notice? That sounds like a threat to me," countered Amanda while she hit the alarm underneath her table and waiting for the armed men to come into the room to detain this man for further questioning.

And further experimentation and possibly manipulating him to the point of obeying her if possible.

"Threat? No, its no threat. I'm being civil with words being spoken and informing you of certain things. If I had wanted to threaten any of you, I would get out of this chair, walk behind your own, grabbed you by your hair or skin in Luthor's case, pulled your head violently back, and put my sword to your throat to the point where I draw a trickle of blood to get the point across. THAT Amanda Waller is a threat. Oh and in case you are wondering why no one is coming in here to save you from me possibly killing you, the alarms are temporarily disabled, and the men outside of this room you would try to call upon for aid are all dead," replied the Juubi while the idiot people around him finally understood who they were dealing with.

This was someone who took his profession of not only killing people, but being in control of other people surrounding him very seriously. He didn't let others with their supposedly superior strong minds, bodies, or anything else in terms of power intimidate him. This masked man in front of them made sure that when the time came to show his own hand to others at the card game...he always had the winning hand.

Like he did now.

Aside from General Lane, no one had been armed at this meeting. No one was expected to be armed except the General since he was a military officer. And even now, the man was trying to keep himself from bleeding to death from his injury with his gun having become completely useless to anyone thinking of using it against the ninja.

"What do you want from us?" asked Amanda knowing this man held all the cards, had all the power, and had all of them at his mercy.

"Nothing much. I want you to back off in hunting me. Don't bother looking for either Tala or Galatea after this. I killed them both. And yes I do have the power to kill Galatea. It is actually not that hard if you know what to look for in terms of a weakness and bring about a means to make it lethal. One was a loose end and the other...well I felt it was the right thing to do. Don't like it? Tough shit! Next, no more cloning, or experimenting with alien DNA for your own sick devices. FYI, I took care of your little experiment several levels down with the big, mean, and spiky monster you made down there along with all the data research material along with it," said Juubi with Dr. Hamilton going pale in the face since Project Doomsday was in its infancy, and meant to one day combat Superman in an all out fight.

The ultimate deterrent against the Man of Steel was now lost.

"Fine. What else?" asked Waller while seeing General Lane looking at her in horror over the fact she was giving into him.

"Second, you leave the Justice League alone. No hiring criminals, mercenaries, assassins, psychopaths, meta-humans, and certainly none of your 'suicide squads' either. As far as I am concerned, Cadmus is on life-support, and I can pull the plug on you anytime I see fit," said Juubi with Amanda frowning and part of her wanted to protest like the others wanted to right now.

Only to be silence before they could even speak when the ninja pulled out his sword from behind his back and let the sound of it being unsheathed echo throughout the room. The move was sending a message to these people loud and clear about what the alternative was if they said no to any of his terms.

"And the third condition? There is always a third condition," questioned Luthor while the masked ninja let the chuckle he let out this time become darker.

"My third condition? Oh that's an easy one. I want the life of one member here among Cadmus's High Council Committee members in this room," answered Juubi with all of them going tense.

"You can't be serious?!" protested Dr. Hamilton while Amanda frowned, General Lane grit his teeth, and Luthor looked at him with calculating eyes that glanced at the exit from time to time.

"Deadly serious. Don't like it? Tough shit! BUT, to show I am not entirely without mercy or generosity, I will let you all choose who among this group of ambitious morons gets to die for the whole collective. Who here is willing to prove their patriotic worth and give their life so the others may live to see the next sunrise? Which three here are willing to sell out the fourth person in their group they all believe is expendable above all others?" questioned Juubi while he looked at each member of Cadmus here and waited for three of them to sell out member number four.

Amanda Waller was gritting her teeth hard. So hard, she was sure the majority of them were going to crack under the pressure and need to see her dentist soon after today. While the other members of Cadmus in this room looked at each other, she didn't. Amanda was by far the sharpest mind of all the members of Cadmus's High Council Committee. She had made it her business to be smarter then everyone around here and everywhere else. All in the off chance those who worked with or under her here at Cadmus plotted some kind of coup against the woman for the seat of power she possessed.

Already she knew her position was secure. She knew too much, seen too much, and was a woman with considerable influence in various branches of the United States government.

Both the real ones few knew about and the ones off the books were even fewer people knew even remotely existed.

General Lane was not expendable. Though Amanda would be lying if she said it wasn't a distinct possibility given his temper and injured state making him at least be considered an sacrifice if no one else here was considered lower on the hierarchy totem pole. The man was a four star General and had many military contacts within the government like herself. But his desire to start a war with the Justice League early caused friction to arise between them at times. He believed military muscle and recruiting or forcing anyone with powers to his side was the way to win.

Next, she glanced at Lex Luthor with narrowed eyes. She would be lying to herself in saying the bald business man and mad genius of sorts didn't deserve to die. The man always had an agenda when it came to Cadmus. Beyond the killing of Superman and the destruction of the Justice League. She never could find out what it was since Luthor kept such secret plans close to the chest that few, if anyone around him did know about them, knew his true objective in providing the main funding for Cadmus. But if Luthor died, Cadmus would be crippled further from their main source of income being cut off with their other private backers, which Luthor got involved, would abandon them after they declared Cadmus as a lost cause.

And finally, Dr. Hamilton himself. Former friend and ally of Superman. He was also the key scientist and geneticist for Cadmus, who made Galatea, and was working on the top secret military weapon codenamed Project: Doomsday. Unfortunately, if what the ninja told them was true, Galatea was lost somewhere, and Doomsday was destroyed along with the means to make another one of him. Amanda got the distinct impression that if Dr. Hamilton were to try in making another Galatea or Doomsday, their masked ninja assassin would kill them all.

And the masked ninja made it clear he disliked (or rather hated) Dr. Hamilton the most out of all of them here.

"Dr. Hamilton," said Amanda Waller coldly out of the blue while seeing everyone look at her.

"W-What?! Why me?" questioned Dr. Hamilton while he gawked at the woman, who so callously spoke his name, and essentially offered up his life over the others.

"Because you are expendable. While a great scientist, you are not the only brilliant one in the world today. Cadmus can replace you," said Amanda heartlessly while the other two in the room glanced at her before looking at Dr. Hamilton and nodded that they agreed with the decision too.

"Your talents can be replaced Dr. Hamilton. As such, you are the most expendable," said General Lane with some effort to block out the pain.

"I agree. I know half a dozen scientists in my company alone who could replace you. We only chose to let you join because of your past connection with Superman and the data provided about the alien. But that currency has long since been spent in terms your being valuable to us," added Luthor while Dr. Hamilton started to sweat.

"N-No! Wait! Please! You can't be serious?!" pleaded Dr. Hamilton while getting up from his chair and saw each member of Cadmus in this room looking at him with firm eyes.

They chose him to die. They chose him to be sacrificed for their own survival.

"Well, you know what they say...majority rules. Goodbye Dr. Hamilton," remarked Juubi before he threw a kunai at the man's head and watched it pierce his skull.

"Satisfied?" asked Amanda while the ninja looked at the now dead man before his gaze turned to look at her.

"For now. But you would do well to keep this organization on a tight leash in not doing anything to provoke the Justice League. If anyone here does, regardless if it is done in the name of Cadmus, or your own personal ambition...your next! Oh and to prove I'm not bluffing in the slightest..." replied Juubi before he was gone in a flash and the sounds of explosions on different levels of the base could be heard followed by the many different alarms going off.

'Damn him. We need to get this preverbal sword to our throat removed and bring Cadmus back from this situation. But how?!' thought Amanda while seeing soldiers finally enter the room and several Medics managed to treat General Lane's hand.

Luthor in the meantime was frowning at what he had just seen from this assassin and was already scheming to find a way to make that power his own.

(Metropolis-Moments Later)

Naruto appeared via Kamui and threw off his masked ninja attire in its entirety. In fact, the Nidaime Juubi was now literally naked at this point, and didn't give a crap. He had just spent a good chunk of his time hearing those idiots go on and on about how they had to plan on taking down the Justice League. Then, Naruto hears them talking about finding out who he is behind the kitsune mask, and ninja gear all so they can use him (plus all his powers) to crush their enemies. Only to kill one of them after putting his big ass booted foot to their throats and made them choose which one among them got his throat crushed.

Now he was feeling bloodthirsty and overall...very horny. He needed to get laid. Now! Hence why he quickly entered the living room to see Tala and Starfire during there "girl bonding" moment with one looking completely shocked by his sudden naked arrival into the room while the other was also shocked, yet highly aroused upon seeing him naked.

"Naruto, what are you doing back?! And why are you suddenly nake-hmp!" exclaimed Tala, who had her questioning of him being in the penthouse, and being suddenly naked was interrupted by Naruto kissing her passionately.

She didn't even let out a muffled complaint when he ripped her dress clean off moments before he thrust his cock into her pussy. All Tala could do was moan and then cry out his name while Naruto thrust into her repeatedly while standing there in place. His hand was firmly on her butt, another was on her breast, and he was currently leaving a mean hickey on her neck.

To the side, Starfire was finding herself burning with desire at seeing Naruto claim Tala in such a dominate manner. It made the sexual attraction she constantly felt toward him grow considerably and Starfire wanted her lover to do the same thing as he was doing to Tala to her own body. Even now, what little clothing she had on had been removed from her orange skin on instinct, and was floating nearby with desire burning in those green eyes to join at the right moment.

As if sensing her sexual desire and plight, Naruto focused on making a strong Shadow Clone for Starfire, and unleashed it on the happy tamaran woman while he returned his attention back to Tala. Now the sound of moaning, grunts, and cries of passion echoed throughout the room twice, if not three times as loudly. The two women in his (and the clone's) arms were holding on for dear life as he thrust into them, enjoying the sexual act clearly done on an impulse of sorts, or possibly biologically driven based on what they knew of Naruto's plans for the day prior to now. They didn't know, but honestly they did not care why Naruto was having sex with them.

They were just glad he was having sex with them.

Naruto came hard in both women while said women did the same and trying to milk him for all he was worth. When the feeling of the orgasm died down, Naruto (plus his Shadow Clone) grinned at the two women panting heavily, and gave them another thrust to show he (plus his Shadow Clone) was still hard. Before Starfire or Tala could say anything in protest, not that they wanted to say anything in protest, Naruto (plus Shadow Clone) were at it again, and soon made their way over to the (soon to be replaced) couch.

Starfire cried out again while riding him, as Naruto's mouth made it to her breasts, and she found his sharp pointy teeth on her tipple. The tamaran woman loved how Naruto was so controlling of her, the sex slave training the Gordanians put her through was now in full gear. Even now, the mental commands imprinted in her mind long ago through the painful mental programming was currently telling Starfire to do everything in her power to pleasure this man before her. That he was her Master. He was the Boss. He was her owner. She was his slave. She was his personal property. She was to obey every single one of his commands he gave her. She was his bitch meant to be mounted whenever he desired sexual pleasure from her body.

As for Tala, she was currently in reverse cowgirl position. Naruto had her head leaning back, and was kissing her while his hands were on her breasts. Massaging, pinching, and pulling those luscious globes while his cock thrust into her hard and fast without showing signs of slowing down. Tala was moaning and screaming pleasurable noises into his mouth while her body had surrendered to his dominating touch.

When their next big orgasm hit, both women were sweating, and panting heavily while the Shadow Clone of Naruto moved the tamaran woman off of him. Despite her weak protest, it had to be done, and the Shadow Clone dispelled after giving her a kiss on the forehead. Seeking his warmth from the sexual afterglow, Starfire found herself leaning against the original, and she moaned when one of his hands reached around to grope one of her breasts.

"By the Gods! That was wonderful!" gasped Tala while she leaned back against Naruto's sweaty muscled chest and sighed at the feeling of his hand on her breast was still giving her stimulation.

"Oh we are not done yet my dear Tala. Starfire, get your head between our legs," ordered Naruto with Starfire obeying within seconds, moving over both their legs, and clearly had an idea of what he wanted her to do when down there.

"W-What?! Wait! I'm not into other women!" exclaimed Tala and gasped in shock when she felt the tamaran woman's mouth on her clit and hands on Naruto's balls.

"Yeah well I am. And judging from the way Starfire knows how to work you over, she clearly does too," said Naruto grinning at hearing Tala gasping, moaning, and even a few choice words about how good Starfire's mouth was down below.

"Yes. I was well trained in pleasuring both male and female sexual areas in the event my Master was in fact a Mistress," added Starfire while she alternated between Tala's clit, Naruto's cock, and his balls with cum leaking down onto them.

All the while, Naruto himself had his free hand fingering her pussy, and playing it like a Master Musician with his nerve stimulating chakra hitting all the right notes.

"Which means we will be doing this a lot more after today," said Naruto with his grin increasing and enjoying Starfire's assault on his and Tala privates while he was getting the orange skinned alien woman closer to cumming with his fingers.

"I...oh...I shouldn't...this is...I...I...BY THE GODS!" exclaimed Tala, as she came hard when Starfire attacked her clit again, and sudden sucked on it...hard!

The internal muscles of Tala's womanhood clamped around Naruto's cock and made the man unleash his load deep into Tala thanks to Starfire adding her own actions adding the necessary stimulation. Starfire herself screamed into Tala's clit when she came hard from Naruto's fingers hit her own with incredibly potent chakra.

"Still think we shouldn't do this anymore?" asked Naruto after a moment before seeing Tala's one hand on Starfire's luscious red hair and petting it lovingly.

"I think...I think we...we should...explore our various...options when it comes to...sexual pleasure," said Tala while moaning at the feeling between her legs.

"I thought you might see things differently now," replied Naruto with his grinning having heard this from her and knew this would be happening many times in the future.

Today alone, Naruto destroyed parts of Cadmus, crippled the organization, killed one of their top members, and put the others on notice. Not to mention he destroyed their future monster of a deterrent/weapon against Superman and had the sexy clone of Supergirl in the Kamui dimension to deal with later on once she calmed down. All before he had sex with these two super hot women in their shared penthouse home.

Oh yeah. He was a total badass and was just getting started.

(Kamui Dimension-Two Days Later)

Galatea glared at the man in front of her. She was on the ground, exhausted from flying around, searching for a way out of this strange place. At first, she thought this was the infamous Phantom Zone she was told about by Dr. Hamilton. But given the description of the Phantom Zone compared to this place made her think otherwise. So Galatea decided to fly around the area, trying to figure out where she was, and how to get out of here.

Only to find out that due to their being no yellow Sun or any Sun for that matter, Galatea could not maintain her ability to fly. She eventually crashed into the ground by the end of the day and finding her powers were getting weaker with each use. Gritting her teeth in anger, the woman screamed in rage, and hitting the sandy ground beneath her, wasting even more energy in the process, and getting weaker too with each angry punch.

Finally, when HE suddenly came here, the very person responsible for bringing her here in the first place, Galatea tried to blast him with her heat vision. Only to find out that her ability to use it was nonexistent due to having spent all of her energy earlier without any of it left to attack. Something she found out when trying to charge him and found herself unable to move beyond normal human speed. Not to mention her punches were just as normal as the next person and no amount of martial art skill she possessed from the time training (under Cadmus's watchful eye) didn't help either. This person, whoever he was, batted her fists away, blocked her kicks with ease, and knocked her back 10 feet with the tip of his right index finger on her forehead.

"Are you done?" asked Naruto casually while seeing Galatea growl at him.

"I will be once I kill you," remarked Galatea with her glare being the only weapon she possessed at this point.

"Yes, because you are so good at killing people when required. Amanda Waller and the rest of Cadmus would be so proud of you...if they thought of you outside of being their loyal pet and weapon," said Naruto with Galatea's glare increasing.

"Shut up! They can't control me," countered Galatea while Naruto scoffed.

"Really? So you are completely fine with that little tracking chip they put in your neck? The one with the ability to lock onto your location within seconds and has a shocking mechanism in it to knock you out by targeting the nervous system? To monitor where you go? Who you meet? Who you sleep with?" questioned Naruto with Galatea looking shocked by this news.

"What?! You lie!" Galatea shot back.

"Your Cadmus handler lacked a spine when I...questioned him on the issue. I have no doubt he would have bragged to me about being the first to get between your legs if it wasn't for the fact I had him tied to a chair with multiple sharp pointy objects stabbing him in his legs. Though he did comment about you being a dumb blonde whore for a clone of the said blonde alien woman you were made from given the fact he knew you slept with that TV reporter named Lasser from Eagle Network? If it makes you feel any better, I made sure his death was quite unpleasant," said Naruto with Galatea narrowing her eyes at him since she had slept with her Cadmus handler knowing it was a means to have more...leverage in being able to go to certain places she normally couldn't, or rather wouldn't be allowed to go on the organization's strict orders.

Lasser was just a means to an end to draw out Supergirl in the near future for a fight to decide which one of them would live on this planet.

"Actually is does make me feel better. My dumbass handler wasn't even that good in bed anyway. His dick was too damn small in my opinion. Same with Lasser. They were both all talk. No skill. I may not know much about my alien ancestry due to being a...clone, but what I was able to gather based on what Dr. Hamilton could conclude from his own tests on me, our standards for sexual intimacy are high just like our own endowments. I only slept with them because I was bored and was curious about what it felt like. I had to finish myself off when neither one was around. I couldn't have their weak human egos break and risk him reporting to Cadmus. You have no idea just how irritating that was when the need to scratch the itch had to be done by my own hands and I couldn't do it until I was alone," said Galatea with Naruto smirking at her.

"Yeah. I figured as much. I take it you heard the rumors of Superman leaving the planet for another one? Taking Wonder Woman and Big Barda with him?" asked Naruto with Galatea nodding before her eyes widened in shock.

"You orchestrated that?" questioned Galatea with Naruto nodding.

"Yep! My plan is to have Superman 'retire' from the superhero business by redirecting his goal in life to bringing back some measure of the Kryptonian race. Of course, I knew the best way to do it, is on a planet where he is NOT a target of various power hungry people in various governments or organizations. We both know they would use his said progeny against him if the child was ever kidnapped. So I felt the man for his years of ever loyal service to the world deserved a nice retirement package," replied Naruto with Galatea already deducing where he manipulated the Man of Steel into going.

"I have heard rumors of Superman's past from some of the members of Cadmus regarding some alien warrior woman Queen named Maxima. That's it, isn't it? You sent him to her with Wonder Woman and Big Barda to 'plant his seed' there?" questioned Cadmus with Naruto grinning further.

"You catch on quickly Galatea. Do you have a problem with my actions given your high standards? You might be a hot Kryptonian woman yourself, but clone of Supergirl or not, he is still your cousin. I do not think your race practices the likes of incest," said Naruto with Galatea smirked further at him in a more seductive way.

"Nor do I wish to bed him. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure my 'cousin' has everything in all the right places where it counts, and being the right size too for woman he wants to sleep with. But I draw the line in terms of allowing the 'family pen' to dip itself back into the gene pool ink. Double dipping like that is such a turn off to me," said Galatea while she started to eye Naruto's shirtless body and not so subtly licked her lips.

"I can imagine," said Naruto while he saw the look she was giving him, even if was one meant to let his guard down, and do what she wanted in getting her out of here.

"You know...I have to admit, my anger aside for you ambushing me earlier, and sending me to his aren't half bad looking," said Galatea while letting her eyes go to his crotch and felt a certain desire rising within her.

"I am sorry about that. I only brought you here for your protection and until you calmed down. As I said, Cadmus has a tracker in your neck to monitor you at all times. Not to mention I have read several reports on you written by your handler and got the words out of his own mouth before I ended him. He said you have quite the temper when provoked into an attack whether its verbally or physically," said Naruto while Galatea got off the ground and walked over to him with a sway in her hips.

Her one piece white leotard did a good job hugging her body in all the right places.

"Well, the tracking chip is something I could do without. As for my temper, I am feeling quite calm right now. Even more so after getting a real good look at you," said Galatea with Naruto smirking since she was trying to put her charms on him.

"If you want, I can removed the tracking chip from your neck without worry. Though I do feel hesitant to let you roam free back in the world given your...mental connection to Supergirl. You made it abundantly clear you can't stand the idea of her being alive and are having...issues with the connection. Such issues could become a problem for me in the future," remarked Naruto with Galatea frowning now at the mention of Supergirl or his general reluctance to free her from this place.

She would just have to convince him to think otherwise.

"Surely there is something I could do to prove myself to you? Something that would be a pleasurable benefit to us both?!" questioned Galatea while running one of her hands over his muscled yet lean body.

"I think we could work out some kind of...arrangement. The question far are you willing to go to be free from here? From Cadmus?" Naruto questioned back with his eyes showing his lust and the fact he was interested in her offer.

Something Galatea intended to capitalize on.

"Get me out of here with a yellow Sun to bring back my powers and my stamina so I can show you!" replied Galatea with her hand moving to his pants and her smiled widened when she cupped his crotch.

"An enticing offer to be sure. Still, how do I know that you won't try to use your super strength or one of your other powers to hurt me once I take you to such a sunny place?" asked Naruto while Galatea continued to move her hand along his crotch with a sexy smile on her face.

"And ruin this one chance to have sex with a well hung man who could keep up with me? Do you have any idea how many super powered men there are in the world, who have the ability to handle me without the risk of being crushed under my power? And that counts the ones who will sell me out to the Justice League," countered Galatea while her grin increased.

"Most likely a handful of them. And that's not including those who would sell you out to the Justice League after it was over," commented Naruto with Galatea nodding.

"Which is why I won't do anything harsh to you or this wonderful thing in your pants," answered Galatea while Naruto smirked.

"High standards indeed," commented Naruto before grabbed Galatea by her ass and held the woman close before they left via Kamui.

(Undisclosed Tropical Island)

"Nice location. Where are we exactly?" questioned Galatea while feeling the sunlight from the planet get absorbed into her skin and her powers returning and decided to walk around the beachhead for a bit.

"A nice little location where a former Titan use to take up residence here for something the Justice League had to handle and sweep under the rug. I busted her out of here a short while ago," said Naruto while pointing to the house Starfire had lived in before his own arrival here.

"Well it certainly has its perks. Warm weather. Trees for shade. Descent lodgings not that far away. And a whole lot of sunlight for someone like me needs to recharge my powers," said Galatea while giving Naruto a smirk.

"Is it everything you asked for?" asked Naruto with Galatea's smirk increasing into a grin.

"That...and so much more!" stated Galatea before she charged Naruto, who blocked her punch aimed for his face by grabbing said fist, and throwing her away from him.

"I didn't know you were into kinky foreplay and sex," commented Naruto with Galatea growling at him though it was clear this was getting her excited in fighting such a strong opponent.

"I could say the same for you. You are strong. Very strong. I like that in a man. Hell, I just might strip you naked, and have my way with you before burning your hot delicious body with my heat vision," remarked Galatea with Naruto looking unconcerned by the threat.

"Unlikely," said Naruto before he made a hand sign when Galatea charged him again and saw her fall down at the sudden invisible jolt that hit her body before hitting the sandy beach beneath her.

"W-What? What did you do?" demanded Galatea while she glared at him.

"Oh, I just put a nice piece of Fuinjutsu quite literally on your hot ass before we arrived here since there was always a significant chance you would try to attack me shortly after we got here. So that little number on your butt basically neutralizes your powers if they are aimed at me with hostile intentions. I can give them back to you just as easily and I will in a few seconds. So the way I see it, you can either play nice with me from here on out, or you can enjoy being stuck walking around like a normal person not unlike the rest of the majority of people on this planet," said Naruto with Galatea scowling at him.

"So that's how it is, huh? Let me guess, I give you sex, you give me my powers back, and I keep giving you sex to keep my powers," surmised Galatea while she saw Naruto raise an eyebrow at her.

"I have no problem with giving you back your powers and abilities Galatea. Even without the sex. What I DO have a problem with, is your desire to hurt others without any form of empathy," said Naruto with Galatea frowning in confusion.

"So I all have to do is show restraint and I get to keep my powers," guessed Galatea with Naruto nodding.

"Pretty much, but you will have to be under my supervision until I can deem you ready to walk or at times fly around the populace of the world. Not to mention I need to help you with that mental link to Supergirl and the tracker chip in your neck," said Naruto before he deactivated the seal and saw her get up from the sandy ground.

"So that is how its going to be, huh?" asked Galatea with Naruto nodding.

"Would you prefer I let you go, cause all sorts of chaos, only for you to be hunted down by both Cadmus and the Justice League? Locked away in some top secret prison Batman designs specifically to keep you powerless and weak for who knows how long you are locked up?" questioned Naruto with Galatea huffed a bit, but knew he was right.

"Fine! You proved your point. Well, since I'm here on this island, I might as well enjoy myself," said Galatea before she removed her boots and leotard in front of Naruto to his slight surprise since he wasn't expecting her to strip naked in front of him.

"You have no concept of modesty, do you?" asked Naruto while not looking away and just enjoying the view.

He was a Super Pervert after all. Besides, any woman who strips naked in front of him without even protesting his presence could not complain if his eyes take in such physical beauty.

"Show me what modesty looks like and I'll let you know. Besides, my clothes are covered in sand thanks to you. I can't exactly enjoy myself here like this while wearing them now can I?" challenged Galatea while walking over to the water and letting the waves crash into her feet.

"To be fair, you tried to throw a punch at me first. Not to mention the second time was also unnecessary and thus required you be stopped before you really hurt yourself. You already know I am far beyond anyone else you've met before today. I could seriously beat you in a fight regardless of the seal keeping your powers from being used on me. I also brought you here in the off chance Cadmus tried to track you again and this was the best place for us to be until I get it out," commented Naruto with Galatea glaring at him before letting out a huff and walked deeper into the water.

'I suppose attacking you outright WAS a bit on the stupid side. Next time, I will try out a more covert method. Perhaps when we are having sex,' thought Galatea with a smirk on her face and walked into the water until it was up to her neck

All the while thinking up all the ways she could seduce this man before killing him in the process of copulation that wouldn't result in her powers being taken away.

And who knows? Maybe the sex itself she had with him before killing the man would be good.

"Well, I guess I should join her. She doesn't have any modesty and quite frankly neither do I. Plus I doubt she will mind seeing someone like me naked in the first place," said Naruto to himself before he got out of his sweatpants and walked into the water naked.

Besides, if they did have sex in the water, it wouldn't be the first time for him.