It felt like forever in that plane ride. The kids were really well behaved ofcause with the help of 7 kid's tablets I found in one of my diaper bag. I was beyond shocked. The kids were busy watching cocomelon and when it came to eating time they ate without a fuss.
Though after take off this dude from two sits in front of us threatened the hostess that if my kids distracted the dude's work, she'll be fired... I reassured the poor hostess that the kids will behave .
During one of the changing sessions since all the kids were in diapers, I spotted Andy and Gina at the dude's sit. They were talking in hashed voice and I could hear a deep chuckle.
I called, "Andrea and Georgina! Here right now!" They came running and apologized. I asked the to apologize for disturbing the dude and Andy said, " But he looked sad like when you are leaving us. We mad him happy."
"Go apologize. And that's the last warning. I don't want to punish anyone on our first day in our new home." They went and apologized and now I him say," it's ok lovelies... Your mommy is the grumpy bean though." They all laughed and I rolled my eyes.
I called the kids back coz I couldn't leave the rest alone. I was busy finishing up and 3 hostesses came to help... I was thankful but they said they were following orders. I was confused but didn't ask more than that.
One guy helped connect the seven carriers an they placed my babies inside the carriers. I went out to wait for the cab when a limo drove by the stopped. I was not supposed as I knew some people like riding in luxury...
A guy came out and asked,*Miss Taurel?" I looked at him then asked, " How may I help you?" My boss asked me to give you a ride to wherever you want to go..." I just stared at him stupidly." And he said if you ask I just tell you it was the complainer from the aeroplane."
I turned down his offer and called a lift for 8 people. I give him the direction and I was shocked to see a 2 story house. I got the kids out and then took them to the house as the guy helped with the bags...
I didn't let him help past the door though. Things were really good though I have to apply for a job as soon as possible. I left the kids in their trolleys and went up to unpack. After 3 long hours, I was done with everything including the four rooms. Jacob and James will share a room so is Nelle and Paul... Gina, Andy and Lia will also share a room.
I went into the sitting room only to find the twins only I started calling to the girl and found the watching cartoon in a room I didn't know existed . Wow... This place is awesome. I went back to the other kids and woke them up for dinner... It was almost 7 so yeah...
After dinner, I went ahead and applied for a genitor position... I had my portfolio filled and I send them to their mail. After the kids fell asleep, I decided to write a little an as I was doing so,an email popped up on my screen.
It was from delpart... Well,I got an appointment for the interview... All I had to do was show up the following day at 12. I finished 2 more chapters then called it a night.
I woke up early the following day and tried to look for a babysitter. I chose three baby sitters since i know the kids can be hectic around someone new.
They showed up two hours earlier so we can go through everything about the kids... Amanda was with Jacob and James, Emma was with Paul and Nell and Christine was with the three older girls.
When I got to the company, I was taken to the waiting area on the fiftieth floor which was so scary to me. I waited with other ladies and men who looked the part and others looked way past the part... More like they screamed seduction.
The problem was, we entered two people every call. I rolled my eyes seeing that I was put with a bimbo. She had black hair but I could tell it had highlights on.
My hair was black, curly and really soft that I can't get it braided or any other braiding style. I had put it in a ponytail with gel holding it in place. When we got in, I saw two people. Well, two females wearing like men.
I went and waited to be asked to sit down only to see the bimbo sited with her legs crossed showing off her panties. The skirt was that small.
Everything was going smoothly until they asked about our families. The bimbo who's name was Terry jumped saying, "Ok like my father is a doctor, my mother is a nurse. My brother is in prison as a warden and now me... The princess of the family."
I like seriously rolled my eye and felt like I was gonna have a headache. I sat there listening to her go on and on. After, I said,"I am the only child. And I have kids."
Then the other woman who was quite the whole time asked, "married or single?" Ofcause the bimbo screamed single. I smiled then said said, "married." I didn't want the drama people bring for being single in a company like this one.
We were done and we were told that they'll call us back. I left and called the baby sitters... The kids were doing great. As I was going back into the building, I heard two people arguing. The girl was being a bitch putting the poor guy's esteem really down.