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Chapter 1 - CHAPTERS


Non Renewable Natural Resources

Man Made Resources

Purpose of Raw Materials Display Centre

Activities and Functioning of the Raw Materials Display Centre




1. Background:

Mineral elements are elements of the periodic table in pure forms.Every naturally occuring thing on earth that has mass and occupies space is a raw material. Raw materials are minerals not found in their pure state but as mixtures of other raw materials found as ore or in crude forms. Any area of tne earth that a particular mineral is found in concentrated form as ore(solid state) or as crude(liquid state) is called the mineral deposit. The extraction of mineral from it's deposit is called Mining. Natural occuring minerals become resources only after extraction and it's economic value has been mastered. The natural resources are normally seen as source of wealth that occur naturally.


There are two different kinds of wealth resources namely:

a. Natural Resources.

b. Man Made Resources.

Natural Resources are further divided into two types namely:

a. Renewable Natural Resources.

b. Non Renewable Natural Resources

Renewable Natural Resources

Renewable Natural Resources are natural resources which will replenish to replace the portion depleted by usage and consumption, either through natural reproduction or other reocurring processes in a human time scale. Renewable Natural Resources are found as renewable energy source.Biological material resources are renewed by regeneration process and are mined as Bio-waste deposits.

There are six major renewable energy sources namely:

a. Food Production:

Agricultural Resources are renewable and includes, Agricultural commodities which means those plants and animals useful to human beings, produced by agriculture and includes, but is not limited to, forages and sod crops, grains and feed crops, field crops, dairy and dairy products, poultry and poultry products, cervidae, livestock, including breeding and grazing, equine, fish, and other aquacultural products, bees and bee products, berries, herbs, fruits, vegetables, flowers, seeds, grasses, nursery stock, mushrooms.

b. Solar energy from the sun.

c. Geothermal energy from heat inside the earth.

d. Wind energy.

e. Biomass from plants and animals.

f. Hydropower from flowing water



Natural Resource Deposits(Raw Material) are, with the exception of water, all solid, gaseous or liquid mineral raw materials that occur in natural deposits or accumulations (deposits) in or on the earth, on the sea bed, in the sea bed or in sea water and which are economical Worth it.

In deposit science , mineral resources are referred to as raw material deposits . If they occur in concentrated form, so that they can be extracted underground or in open-cast mining , they are referred to as deposits. Mining is done only from places where there are mineral deposits.

Non-renewable resources are usually found in very limited amounts, and the Earth can take ages to reproduce new ones. That is why the non-renewable resources are valued the most.

The non-renewable resources are found as solid deposits(ore) or as liquid deposit(crude oil)...

The solid non-renewable.

Mineral resources can be divided into two major categories - Metallic and Nonmetallic. Metallic resources are things like Gold, Silver, Tin, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Iron, Nickel, Chromium, and Aluminum.

Nonmetallic resources are things like sand, gravel, gypsum, halite, Uranium, dimension stone, kaolin,lignite,clay,

The liquid non-renewable mineral deposits are found as crude oil.

Crude oil is a mixture(not a single compound) of many substances such as gas, petrol, diesel, kerosene, lubricating oil, paraffin wax, etc. i.e Crude oil is a mixture of many compounds like gas, petrol, diesel, kerosene, lubricating oil, paraffin wax, etc.

Crude oil are classified as follows:

Types of Crude Oil.

Class A: Light, Volatile Oils. These oils are: Very light oils – these include: Jet Fuel, Gasoline, Kerosene, Petroleum Ether, Petroleum Spirit, and Petroleum Naphtha. They tend to be very volatile, evaporating within a few days which in turn evaporates their toxicity levels.

Class B: Non-Sticky Oils. These oils have a waxy or oily feel. ... Light oils – These include Grade 1 and Grade 2 Fuel Oils, Diesel Fuel Oils as well as Most Domestic Fuel Oils. They are both moderately volatile and toxic.

Class C: Heavy, Sticky Oils. Class C oils are characteristically: Medium oils – These are the most common types of Crude Oil. They generally have low volatility and a higher viscosity than the light oils which leads to higher toxicity and a greater environmental impact during cleanups.

Class D: Nonfluid Oils. Class D oils are:

Heavy fuel oils – These include the heaviest Grade 3,4,5 and 6 Fuel Oils along with Heavy Marine Fuels. These are the most viscous and least volatile Crude Oils as well as the most toxic.


Man-Made Resources

Man-Made Resources are invented and innovated through Science and technology. Man made resources materials are obtained through the application of Science and Technology unto Natural Resources to create an hybrid or refined state of the natural raw material resource.

a. The application of Science and Technology unto Renewable natural resources is done by Preservative Inovative Systems.

b. The application of Science and Technology unto non-nenewable solid ore(minerals); metallic and non-metallic natural resources is done by Manufacturing Inovative Systems.

c. The application of Science and Technology unto non-renewable liquid crude oil(minerals); mixture of gas, petroleum, diesel,kerosene,lubricating oil,paraffin wax, natural resources is done by distillation Inovative Systems.

d. The application of Science and Technology unto non-renewable polar metallic element or polar gaseous element obtained from their natural resources is done by Magnetic Inovative Systems.

In summary.

a. Renewable natural resources are recreated by regeneration and it's viability is retained by scientific preservative initiatives,

b. Non-Renewable natural resources are not recreatable within a life time and it's refinement is produced by scientific manufacturing process for solid ores and are also produced by scientific distilation process for crude oil,

c. Moreso for polar elements of non- Renewable natural resources which are trapped within the solid metalic ores or that which escapes the liquid crude oil in gaseous forms are ionised by scientific magetisation of their polar properties.





Science and Technology

From the Chapters discussed earlier, we can see that Scientific research and technical skills(Technology) only comes to play with Man Made Wealth Resource Materials. Therefore, The purpose of Raw Material Display Center as it affects Science and Technology is focused on displaying the basic Material Resources which are transformable by nan unto a Man Made Resources Materials obtained from application of Science and Technology unto various types of Natural wealth Resources.

This becomes a complex thought out process of determining how to portray the various rudimentary knowledge of transformation of knowledge from natural raw material resources which occurs naturally unto Man made wealth resource materials which are scientifically obtained or created to better the usage of natural resource materials for prolonged life span, portability of usage, easy application of usage, for comfortability, for economic value as per Personal and Commercial usage availability(mass production) e.t.c.

One example to illustrate the purpose of Raw Material Display Center and as it affects the application of science and technology on natural resources is to re-define the way of life, the way of usage of material resources, the way of procurement of resources, the comfortability in usage of resources, the per unit person access to resources, and the economic value of resources.

The example is this:

Before the scientific invention of match sticks for making fire, the natural resource materials are cumbersome to use, apply and generate... a situation where one person may be striking two stones for over an hour to generate fire by friction between the stones, moreso when they eventually sees the lightening spark of the fire, it is still not easy to be maintained, stored for later use, the ignition problems are tiring, the economic value is zero because they can not even sell their skill as professional fire creators that strike two stones.

But with the scientific application of knowledge to such natural phenomenon of striking two stones to create fire we have created match sticks cum lighter which has made the generation of fire too easy for everyone, it is storable for later use, it is comfortable to apply without stress, it is procureable by everyone, it's economic value is super because inventors can sell fire as match sticks or lighter and make a lot of money from it. Therefore the fact that life comes and goes, people with scientific knowledge comes and dies with their knowledge...

The purpose of raw material display center is to showcase various redefining moment in the history of Man and direct cum showcase our young ones how Scientific and Technological application of knowledge redirected and redefined our way of living today for a more comfortable access to life dependant factors. In this case the knowledge of how to create man made wealth resource materials is sensitized in our young ones by the Raw Material Display Centers.




The Functions of the Raw Material Display Centers includes:

a. Sensitizing our new generations(Young ones) on how to create Man Made Wealth Resource Materials through Scientific and Technological application of knowledge unto available Natural resources to produce a redefined better user-friendly Man made Material Resources.

b. To showcase both the natural resources and the Man Made Resource Material that was Scientifically and Technological acted upon to create the redefined or rather refined Man Made Wealth Resources.

c. To Store valuable knowledge of Scientific and Technical know how of manifested production of Man Made Wealth Resources from natural occuring wealth Resources and make it available for all Anambrarians who has the inclination of interest towards mastering the knowledge and skill set.

d. To provide a show room where necessary natural resouce materials are showcased with proper documentations of areas where natural mineral resource deposits are found in Anambra state cum various manufacturing and industrial company that are actually converting those raw materials from natural raw material resource to Man made raw material resource are situated in Anambra State.

The Activities of the Raw Material Display Centers includes:

a. Coding computer programs of Scientific and Technological knowledge that will educate the youths and young ones about how to use various natural occurring resources to create subsequent Man made wealth material resources which should be made available to all primary schools and secondary schools in the form of coded computer learning class games for sensitization of the young ones unto wealth creation through creativity.

b. Excursion Visits to our showroom in the inform physical feeling, seeing and touching the natural resources that was used to create various man made wealth resources also present in the Raw Material Display Center for sensitization purposes and assurance that what they learnt from the coded programes are true and real.

c. Excursion Visits to Manufacturing and Industrial companies that will entice our youths with some industrial and manufacturing processes needed to convert some natural occuring raw materials into Man made wealth Material resources

d. Skill training excersizes with some proto-type formation of man made wealth resource materials

e. Training our young youths on the use of computer code Technology to store data information on the web, in the form of data bank technology.

f. The creation of categorised various online web showrooms via code technology for proper disemination of our Raw Material Display center showrooms to even remote areas in our Anambra State.



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