Chereads / Sensual Bytes / Chapter 146 - Mrs Chalmers

Chapter 146 - Mrs Chalmers

MILF know-how with a young lad, reminiscence of virginity lost, plus the girl who should never have been left behind

"Josh, I need to get spare parts from across town… you'll need to manage here without me for about an hour …okay."

"Right, Bob. No problem," Josh said, keeping his head under the bonnet of the Toyota he was fixing.

"Polish that Toyota when you finish," were Uncle Bob's parting words.

Josh was enjoying his apprenticeship at Jackson Motors. His uncle was relaxed, and well, not super old, probably fifty. Still, he was fair, knew his engines, and passed on the skills of the trade with a genuine awareness of how to teach and share industry tips.

Josh appreciated how Uncle Bob shared a beer with him Friday afternoon when they knocked off at four. Josh then had plenty of time to clean up and hit the local nightclub for action. 

Besides, he could modify and customise his own panel van here after hours and at weekends. 

Old Bob was okay, as the sexist pin-up calendar in the lunchroom indicated. His boss liked big-boobed women astride motorbikes.

The three co-workers told regular rough jokes, including Harvey, the senior mechanic, who was absent today, recovering from gastro but more likely as the swell and fetch were ideal, had faked a sickie and had gone surfing down the coast.

Josh knew his van was shaping up well as a regular shaggin' wagon, but he still needed to score more in this town. 

He'd had a couple of good long gropes of tit and some finger teasing and pleasing in one beaver with local chicks who were obviously fairly pissed on Friday nights. 

Still, he needed to get them in the back of his van. 

His new mates assumed he was getting pussy regularly with the van. However, Josh's only taste of pussy in life was back in his hometown of Melbourne.

Quickly becoming a distant memory, which is not appealing news to a young man.

Brittany had wanted him, and he had taken the alluring tart in the back of his van. 

A true shagging wagon christening. 

The little college minx had blonde hair and matching pubes. She removed her bikini quicker than a bloke can minimise a porn website when his girlfriend enters a room. 

Brit went straight down on Josh and massaged his prick into a steel rod with her locked lips. She was so relaxed he knew she'd done this plenty of times before. 

She guided Josh's hand between her legs, where he felt her up and increased her wetness; he didn't have to start the process. 

Brit eased Josh back on his thin air-inflated mattress and guided his unprotected cock straight into her moist pussy.

"I've got condoms," Josh blurted out. 

He didn't intend to be a dad at eighteen.

"The Pill. Relax, Josh," and Brittany commenced humping away to her own internal rhythm.

All that went through Josh's head — she's fucking tight. 

However, he actually had no reference point. 

His mates all talked about pussy as being tight. 

So Josh being a virgin, thought, oh pussy is tight. 

Everyone in the neighbourhood assumed Josh and Coral, his long-term girlfriend, were getting more than their youthful fair share in this van. 

Josh just went along with his mate's jokes about ripping Coral's virginity and the sighs of girls who wished it was them. He had the muscular good looks of a man in his late teens.

Josh wanted Coral; he believed Coral was destined to be his first. 

Coral was kissing heaven.

Still, Coral wanted to keep her virginity till they graduated college.

Put pussy in front of a young man, and chaste love disappears quicker than the last available cavity, male or female, at a Roman orgy. 

Brittany understood the advantages of being open and naughty with the guy of her choice. 

She knew how to maximise her pleasure when on top. She smothered his hot sausage in her copious girl sauce.

Josh felt a bit used, but it was fucking awesome.

His cock was happy, bouncing. Brittany appeared even happier, and finally, Josh was happiest overall, as a wad of jizz exploded inside his first pussy and not across his hand.

As he polished and finished the check sheet on the Toyota, he went for his lunch break. 

Miss March had great knockers. 

Sheez — thought, Josh, will I ever get to bury my head between a set like that? 

He recalled the minx Ruby's petite breasts; she would never titty fuck anyone. 

That brunette Siren of her desires had lured him into Brit's arms to capture Coral.

Wait for Coral; he should have!

He really wanted Coral. However, Coral, did she want him back? She probably lay wrapped in Ruby's arms under the brunette's doona.

His Golden Girl, Coral, break up, makeup, they had done it for ages, but there had never been another sex partner between them.

Josh reflected as he made a coffee; that was the totality of his sex life.

Miss March was looking straight at him. He wondered what a titty fuck was like.

"Well, Hello!"

Fuck, thought Josh — is Miss March talking to me. 

No, but sometimes fantasy turns into reality. 

Miss March — had an elder sister?

No, she was more like her mother — standing in the doorway. 

The same boob gene gift.

Josh was ogling a stacked rack. This lady was over endowered; her cleavage would have buried Josh's cock. Her chest stack had instantly dominated his mind and had already swallowed his tongue.


No, Josh didn't usually stutter; he was caught in the glare of her twin headlights, and it was daylight, and she was still clothed.

"Sure… I'm having trouble starting," said the woman

Josh couldn't image her having any problems getting started on a bloke. He thought — she was a classic cougar — without knowing what a yummy mummy root was even like.

 But he was more than willing to find out.

"Where is it?" Josh asked, referring to her vehicle, but his eyes were locked on her hooters.

"It's Lucy Chalmers. It's nice to meet you. It's parked outside…outside the garage."

"I'll drive it in," said Josh, but he was thinking about the outside chance of driving his cock between the MILF's legs or, more realistically, he would accept touching those two gorgeous, barely restrained, naturally fully inflated inner tubes.

She was sitting in the lunchroom with her legs crossed as Josh returned. Her breasts, however, were as prominent as matching supersized beach umbrellas, and Josh was thinking jelly, wobbly and supple quivery softness.

She asked, "Can you inspect … now."

Josh would have preferred an invitation to inspect her huge funbags. However, he went out and turned the engine over. 

Yep, it was the starter motor or the brushes, which were very sluggish. 

He flipped the bonnet.

Josh was bent over, looking carefully at the engine: when Lucy's hands, both of them, grabbed his butt cheeks.

She said, "Tight cheeks, stud."

Josh's head nearly hit the bonnet. 

However, she spun him around, quicker than upping the speed on her vibrator. 

His overalls unclipped, flopping at his ankles. Only his boxers hiding his prick now. Not for long. His boxers joined his overalls below his knees.

Lucy's lips joined his throbbing cock, and Josh's real sexual education began. 

She licked, sucked, spat, rubbed, and deep-throated him without gagging. All skill and timing. She teased Josh's cock to insane levels of pleasure yet held him back. 

She spat on and then sucked his balls. 

Her finger rimmed his arse. He didn't even think it was kinky or inappropriate. Whatever she did was a total delight. 

How Lucy got naked while pleasuring his balls, Josh didn't care. 

Suddenly, his cock was buried as he had hoped between her mammoth breasts. 

She was on her knees and using both hands to push her breasts together with Josh's cock between them. Josh felt more male than he had ever felt in his life to that point. 

This was exquisite, this was life, and this was the nest where a cock should find itself more than occasionally. 

The gap between her breasts, where his cock felt it was actually in heaven, was softness personified, yet fleshly enveloping and humanly encompassing at the same time. Kinkily, sexily nurturing!

Before Josh had time to enjoy anymore and maybe cum before he got inside her, Lucy stopped. 

This was no tease. 

Timing is all for the sexual aficionado, and the truth is maturity brings plenty of experience to sexual opportunism. 

Lucy guided Josh's body onto a handy mechanics under car trolley. 

She straddled the trolley, squatting opened legged, which gave Josh a full view of her rhythmic up, down motion as she rode his cock — deep.

Then she rose to the edge of his glans repeatedly. 

He noticed she had a neatly trimmed box as his finger strayed to unfamiliar territory, her starfish. 

Josh was confronting powerful desires; his own, a mature woman's and their combined force. 

"Rim it, sweetie, girls of any age want the butthole attention."

With no reference point, Josh enjoyed circling her fluted, puckered indent.

"Attaboy, but spit on your finger and slide it in."

Josh found it difficult as a novice to multitask in sex but managed the deed.

He slipped his index finger so quickly into her inflexible firmness.

This was a tight hole. A peephole worthy of further investigation.

"Ooh, yes, ooh, yeah! Slide it in and out."

And Josh did that. Strangely now enjoying a double prod. His pecker in her pussy. His finger in her arse.

Josh knew he couldn't last much longer.

Mrs Chalmers realised it, too.

She released his quivering inflexible hard rod and positioned Josh for the ultimate titty fuck; maybe the best of his entire life. Sometimes, the exceptional happens at the tender age of eighteen.

Lucy's breasts were softly fulsome and surrounding. He was enveloped as neatly as if he were still in her pussy. 

Josh stared at her perky nipples and even looked at his own hard cock, aching and tensing between her twin peaks. 

The youth came fast in several long spurting waves, the jizz flicking as far as Lucy's face; such was the force of his orgasm. 

A few waves of man seed went god knows where in the workshop.

Josh was relaxing on the mechanic's trolley. He watched Mrs Chalmers redressed. 

Suddenly, Josh saw the workplace clock. 

Damn! his boss was due back five minutes ago. 

Josh was flustered but got his gear back on. 

Lucy sat in the lunchroom, having made herself a cup of coffee.

Josh got busy fixing her starter issues.

Bob arrived back with the spare parts.

"Nice to see you, Lucy, "said Bob, "Howard, still away?"

"Yes, away on business — nothings changed —until next Thursday. Your nice young man sorted me out."

It took about thirty minutes, and Lucy's car was ready with a new part. 

Lucy clearly included her address and phone number in large numbers and block letters on the payment - warranty docket.

"Thank you, young man. I'll book in for a regular service soon," she said, winking at him. 

Then, casually, she said, "If you have time, our lawn mower engine needs a check. Come around soon."

And her buttocks strutted away.

Bob wondered what the fuck was smeared on the Toyota as they were cleaning and packing up at the end of the day. 

What sort of car polish had the kid used, he wondered. 

Then he realised exactly what it was on closer inspection.

Bob said as Josh got ready to leave, "Howard's not home till next Thursday. Don't visit her Saturday afternoon or next Tuesday night."

Josh didn't understand, so he had to ask, "Why?"

"Those are my bookings, you prick. Now wipe that jizz off the Toyota and get your pecker out of here."

As Josh re-polished the Toyota, he saw Bob wistfully flip Miss March and take a good stare at Miss April. 

She was wearing a yellow bikini on a classic black Harley. 

She had long hair — golden Californian poppy hues, like Coral. 

Was life fair for putting pussy like Brittany's directly in the face of a young man when he has a girlfriend?

He had done the wrong thing. He twinged slightly because he had.

Still, Josh sensed Coral was the girl he had lost. The mermaid at the jetty he had let get away.

However, Coral wasn't present.

He could ring her?

She probably would hang up on him after delivering one of her famous sprays.

Make that phone call?

Accept Coral's fuming disappointment — apologise with his heart.

He entered the office.

Hell, he was eighteen.

He rang the MILF and was invited around to fix the lawnmower.

Josh let the delectable, passionate Coral, his true soulmate, drift into the unreachable, like his uncle's fantasies about Miss April.

Availability and uncomplicated women are everything for a young cock. He followed his aroused knob to Mrs Chalmers.