When Lucas' sister, Tameka, was in her senior college year, she convinced their parents to participate in hosting a short-term language exchange student. Tameka's interest in Japanese blossomed like one of those cherry trees in full bloom. The group of foreign students her college could host was a mix of males and females. Lucas, who studied at university and had a current girlfriend, dismissed the whole process, believing his family would score a male to host, who might be of interest to Tameka and of concern to their parents.
This raised the question: why had they allowed their daughter to get involved in the process from the start.
Asahi was eighteen and from Kyoto. Her arrival date was planned for about a month before the second semester commenced. No photo. She was female. Lucas was slightly more interested now. Still, he wasn't expecting something like those Anime schoolgirls with large blue eyes, fake harsh Asian blondes, and short, so short school dresses, so stylised as to be fantasy unreal.
A month is a long time, and Lucas broke up badly after his long-time girlfriend cheated on him and then dumped him anyway. Asahi was arriving soon. Lucas was counting dry days. He had already gone too long without pussy action.
Asahi would have to be frigid for Lucas not to consider her.
Tameka and Mum picked up Asahi from the airport. Lucas casually hung around in the longue with the Xbox engaged in the male need for speed: one of those Fast and Furious titles.
He heard them come in through the front door and hallway. He would check her out of the corner of his eye. The usual male once over, check her out, did she have any potential.
His Dodge Charger flipped and smashed, and the Xbox control went limp in his hand.
She could have been a glamour model. The exchange student exuded the look, the bitch. Asahi had it. Had it all. The sultry brown eyes and full lips. Awesome clear skin. Chiselled but soft features. Her long dark hair split into two ponytails behind her ears. Her fringe was sexually fatal. Then, there was the pale pink beret resting on her hair. Black leather jacket, classic white t-shirt and skin-tight blue jeans. So much for looking out the corner of his eyes, Lucas stared.
That's too polite. He was male ogling. Actually, he was close to salivating.
The exchange student would quickly sum him up as deviant, degenerated and perverted in another three seconds, believed Lucas, trying not to look. The boy, though, couldn't stop looking.
Asahi summed him up very quickly: typical young randy male.
The stunning Asian beauty just stood there courteously with her luggage. Lucas noticed her shoes were off. Japanese polite. She was waiting to be introduced. Tameka got around to it in Japanese. The bitch, thought Lucas.
Asahi just smiled, politely extended her hand, repeated her name, and neutrally got out the name Lucas as she did the well-bred, nice to meet you.
Then Tameka and Asahi were sniggering.
"Okay, Tameka, what did you tell her?": Lucas demanded as mum went into the kitchen to make lunch for them all.
"Only that you were a bent, twisted kinky arsehole; that should keep her away from you. "
"Oh great, so I suppose her English isn't good enough for me to save my reputation."
Asahi, in clear English, joined in, "What reputation? You wanted to strip me as I came through the door."
Fuck, an intelligent, beautiful woman who knew they were beautiful and bright.
Shit, thought Lucas.
Fuck them: that was the right word. The damage of the initial poor impression.
Lucas had his work cut out here. Tameka sabotaged him.
No, he had stared too openly and for too long.
Tameka excused herself for the toilet.
"Do you have another set of controls? I'll join your game," said Asahi.
"You should go down easy, seeing how you smashed up as I entered the room."
"I'm all concentration," said Lucas, "let's see what you can do. Ready?"
Lucas was determined to star on his home turf. At least win at something and put a girl back in her place if he couldn't have her.
The exchange student's beret and jacket were off. Her breasts were fulsome and round under her t-shirt, and she knew it. She was focused on winning the race and engaged in distracting Lucas.
A simple thigh-to-thigh rub caused his first crash.
She was now just behind him very quickly. The brush of her arm on Lucas's, and he went spinning through an oil slick as her red Ferrari passed him. Then Lucas got really intense, zoned for revenge on the track, using every skill he had. He was tailing her tight and had a tricky corner where he always took out tough opposition and set up his usual win. Her hand was suddenly on his arse, and Lucas' vehicle flipped and was twisted metal. Asahi was over the finish line before he could make up the gap.
"Not bad, "she said.
"Hell, you caned me," he replied.
"No, your arse, stupid," and she didn't say any more as Tameka was back in the room.
The rest of that first afternoon after lunch was frustrating for Lucas. Tameka and Asahi had girl-on-girl time, unpacking, and just the closed guest room door was all that greeted his forlorn face.
Tameka had team basketball at five o'clock and invited Asahi. However, their guest indicated she would instead shower and rest before dinner. Mum took Tameka. Dad wasn't home till later. So, Lucas actually had a super spunky Asian chick in the house all alone.
Still flirting with a guy you just met and really getting it on or hopefully really getting it off are totally different worlds with a girl.
Lucas realistically expected fuck all.
Asahi, though, came out of the guestroom in a silky short bathrobe kimono. Wow, it was high on her thighs. They were thighs to die for. The lad gawked, of course. The V at the neck of the robe was deep and, combined with the crossover of the material, accentuated her now bra-free breasts.
Just jiggling slightly, bouncing softly, her boob sway showcased the beautiful wiggle and bobble of femininity. The kimono was secured in a generous tied bow across her petite waist. His stupid, vacant gawp just expanded as she passed him. So teasingly close but no touching. Closeness without touch, though, triggers the need to touch the untouchable.
He entered his room, leaving the door open to savour her eventual return view. Still a girl in a bathroom, that would be ages.
"Lucas, Lucas, can you come here," came Asahi's voice at the top of her vocal range from inside the bathroom about a minute later.
An intense tone.
He hesitated on the hallway side of the door; "Asahi," he asked, "What's the problem?"
"Lucas, there is a spider in the shower; come in, right now," she had that near to-petrified high girly pitch.
Well, an invitation into a bathroom with a girl already present. Of course, Lucas went in.
It was hairy; that was the first thing he saw.
Her dark, gorgeous pubic mound.
His primary rescue task disappeared, lost in primal urges and desires. Lucas, next, took in her prominent, shapely breasts and her free-flowing brunette hair. He was transfixed in looking. The lad glimpsed the hint of the crinkly, flappy pink flesh between the heaped, long, straight pubic strands, which splayed out to direct male attention to the cute bits.
Lucas stalled, mesmerised. Unexpected guy captivated sexual encounter trance state. Male nirvana bliss in the presence of feminine wonder.
Base cuntsruck, actually.
"Lucas. Lucas, the spider," insisted Asahi, also suddenly realising her most important 24/7 accessory was on full display in her moment of fear, and her host was doing the male thing: staring.
Lucas now took in the spindly, long-legged spider. Your average 'daddy long legs,' to be precise.
One quick stomp finished the spider, and a water jet cleared the mess. What a fuss girls make about spiders. Still, the commotion was well worth it for Lucas.
Asahi now had a towel wrapped around her body. Still, Lucas already knew he would never look at her the same way again. He had seen her complete naked form, and it was instantly memorable: remarkable, unforgettable and fetchingly impressive.
What a hot, charming body.
Lucas was determined to see it again and seek even more of it. Touch and fuck it, basically.
Lucas saw the towel hiding what he wanted. His mind's eye was only catching Asahi stunningly naked. He could only picture her wearing her skin.
"Alright, Lucas," said Asahi, "You were going to get in later, maybe in a day or two. After I teased you to death. Here it is now, with the house to us. Alright, let me see what you have in your pants. Drop your pants and rub your cock, while I play with my pussy. No touching each other yet. Alright?"
A strange way to start, thought Lucas.
Still, he got to see Asahi naked again, touching herself and giving himself pleasure, too, while he watched her build pleasure as well. Lucas gave up trying to define typical pleasure building in foreplay. There were two people at the moment, and what took their individual or combined mutual fancy. Desire compounds desire. Desire feeds desire. Desire removes all inhibitions.
Lucas wanked in front of a phenomenal breathtaking horny girl who was touching her own fleshy pussy pleats while looking him in the eye and taking in his growing throbbing cock. His want stick became his need stick. Such an insane tease. He was cranking his pecker fast, and his one-eyed wonder weasel was close to popping.
Lucas took in Asahi, frigging herself really fast. The exchange student raced to ecstasy intoxication.
He was worried that she wouldn't leave him anything to do.
Suddenly, she stopped and moved in on Lucas.
"Sorry," she said quietly, "I hate guys who get into me when I am not wet, alright."
Lucas' hand was guided onto her mound, and his fingers steered themselves into her wet cleft. It was her own personal juicy hydroponic nutrient solution of pussy readiness. A gentle seeping flow like a natural drip line.
The only thing missing was a throbbing cock. Lucas' pecker intent on a straightforward seek-and-find pussy mission was, however, detoured through Asahi's hand. She sculpted tension everywhere; gently around his cock head, firmly around his shaft and delicately around his ball bag.
A bit of side action courtesy of deep French kissing, breast fondling and arse grabbing, and the premiere event was in full swing.
It was basic standing sex.
Lucas's dry, throbbing flesh stick meets Asahi's sticky, warm, moist flesh folds.
The lad stuck his flesh rod into Asahi's folding mould. The young woman's body shaped her grip to the beef stick inserted and created a cute personal pussy cast in an instant. The mutual pleasure was linked in an instant. Then, reciprocated pleasure flowed through multiple instances. Two bodies pumped out pleasure. Then, the two bodies were bustling as productive pleasure factories constructing orgasms.
Lucas took in Asahi's enveloping furry protective femcoating, and Asahi delighted in the hardness of Lucas's cock really filling her. From two separate selves, a matrix of sexual explosion built. The tempo driving ever onwards to unsustainable pleasure spasms seeking dual release.
They both had the delicate shake and shiver of rippling, flaring personal bliss. The anticipation of hot orgasms generated by youthful sexual heat. Lucas came in convulsions of male sperm happiness. His load shooting in jagged waves deep in her soft yet tight pussy.
Asahi's warm juices flowed just as quickly as she orgasmed immediately after Lucas. It was a girly thigh and knee trembler. Lucas had to hold her. She gave a universal sigh of intense sexual satisfaction.
Language: no barrier here.
The exchange student swapped bodily fluids. Lucas's cock was covered in a mix of femcum and his own semen. Asahi went down on her knees and tenderly feasted on their combined emissions. Finishing their lust session with cute cock kisses, just for Lucas.
Asahi thrashed Luke on the Xbox, her Mustang way in front of his Corvette when Mum and Tameka returned.
"Lucas, I'm impressed you took the time to entertain Asahi," said his mother.
Lucas, with that contended, dreamy, unoccupied male after-sex smile, well, he just beamed vacantly at his mum.
Knowing the sleazy Lucas and her boyfriend's smug, vague, empty-headed, self-satisfied expression after a good root, Tameka suspected much more interaction under the term 'entertained.'
Asahi invited Tameka to take her on with the Xbox Pro circuit.
Luke, she realised, wasn't much competition in his still preoccupied, slow male brain processing what his cock just took for granted: hot lucky sex.
Lucas was initially amused as he sat back, watching the girls bumping each other, trying for a game advantage.
Then, he was quickly and randily aroused as Asahi engaged in light Sapphic nonsense. She deliberately drifted in on Tameka's body.
The real shock came as Tameka strayed physically back into Asahi's space. They were both focused on the Xbox game with their eyes.
Still, their bodies deviated deliberately and sensually into each other.
Lucas knew that more than culture and language would be exchanged in his home over the next few weeks with Asahi.