By the time Lance and I made it back to the house, it was time for dinner, but there was someone waiting for me, someone I had almost forgotten. “Tell Ma and Pop that I’ll be right in.” I slapped Lance on the shoulder, sending him on his way. He’d only nag me to death if he knew what all I’ve been up to.
“Did you get it?” The other man held out a sack for me to take.
“It was easy; she left it in an underwear drawer of all things.”
“Thanks.” I took his offering and headed inside and up the stairs to hide it before heading down to the dining room.
Ma was in her element, having all these people to fuss over for dinner. It’s the Italian in her, I guess, that finds so much pleasure in having a crowded table. I noticed Gianna had remembered my place and had taken the seat next to mine. I’m getting way too into this sappy shit, but it felt good.