Chereads / Prince of harvest / Chapter 26 - Chapter 26: Negotiation for Dummies

Chapter 26 - Chapter 26: Negotiation for Dummies

Chapter 26: Negotiation for Dummies

The princess came storming in with accusations in no time, although they were true. I couldn't help but awkwardly look back and forth between her and Alora who had just walked in with her. Alora appeared equally displeased.

I don't know if that's a good sign or a bad one, the good part is that she might be jealous. The bad part is that she might hate me.

"Oh? I thought you said you weren't interested in making harems? If that's not the case my offer still stands. In exchange for a 15 fold markup on our other partners."

"25. No wait, no deal. I'm happily engaged." Just then number 2 walked in, she was a few years younger than number 1 but I still couldn't make that deal. Harems are a pain. I'm also not into anyone below 20. So there's that.

"I have more daughters. At least 6 more from my concubines. I'll offer all 12 for a 10 fold markup."

I looked at his majesty the king and I looked back at Alora, who was clearly about to lose it. When I looked back at the king again, and then back at Alora, now she definitely wants to kill me. So I look at number 1… no point there, she definitely wants to kill me.

I had my answer, "I am engaged."

"You were happily engaged a minute ago."

"I am engaged"

I gave Alora a thumbs up and even number 1 and 2 were starting to give her pitiful looks. Now she definitely wants to kill me.

"Oh well, let me know if you change your mind."

Number 1 looked upset about this, I guess she was still upset about how I put her to sleep. I have no idea why, she seemed so stressed. Now she looks so lively.

After those 3 walked away I was now stuck with an angry Alora, she had a strange way of expressing her anger. She would always just follow you with her eyes without turning her head that much while giving you a menacing glare. 

"You're so cute when you're angry."

"Are you trying to flirt with me?"

When she gets really angry, she starts tapping her feet against the floor. Why do I mention that? Well that's because she's doing it right now.

"Have you thought about tap dancing?"

Ah she's getting faster! Not good, I might actually die…

"The deal went well, he hasn't accepted yet but he doesn't have much of a choice right now."

"What about the colossus?"

Fortunately she's good at getting side tracked, especially when violence is involved. It's weird that violence actually calms a demonoid down but it does and thankfully it's a good distraction. 

"I turned him down, we weren't interested in throwing our troops away for nothing and then fighting the empire after that. Besides, if that thing dies then his country will have another source of revenue from the neighboring continent. We like our allies rich but not richer than us."

She was back to tapping but at least she was thinking about something else, she really is easy to distract. 

"What about your little harem?"

Crap! She's tapping away even faster! She's at critical mass!

"Ah that? Just jokes between two royals. Why would I need any other woman when I have someone else?"

She started walking over to me really quickly, and now she's looming over me like the grim reaper. Sometimes I forget she's a little taller than me.


Huh? What does she mean, who?! She's now breathing down my neck and not in a good way, although… Never mind.

"I was talking about you!" Kowai! This is seriously scary! Now I know why number 1 pissed herself. The bloodlust from a demon lifeform is terrifying. I'm doing everything in power to stop myself from shaking. This is kinda hot.

"Oh, I see."

That's it?! She's a yandere isn't she? If I so much as look at another girl I'll probably die, won't I? I'm ok with this. 

She stepped back and calmed down, I thought she would start wagging her tail but unfortunately that didn't happen. It just remained wrapped around her waist the whole time. I'd like her to wrap around my waist sometime… oh crap. I'm getting distracted.

I looked at her for a few seconds to see if she had calmed down but if anything I feel like I need to calm down more. Maybe I should use a light paralysis on myself? No, I don't want any permanent complications to happen to my little buddy. 

I coughed briefly to distract myself and asked, "Wait what were we talking about?"

She looked back at me in confusion, "I can't remember either."

I'm truly disgraceful. For now we'll head upstairs and relax until King Del comes to terms with the deal.

"Oh right, why were you acting as a bodyguard anyway? I thought you wanted to participate?"

She glanced back at me and answered back ruefully, "Dad was right I'm not cut out for this, I should just do what Aunt Majo does."

Aunt Majo? Oh, that's one of Sir Makoto's wives. I met her briefly, she is probably scarier than Sir Makoto himself. All she does is glare at everyone… including him now that I think about it.

Yeah, the harem path is not for me… 

"She's his bodyguard right? You want to be my bodyguard?"

She had a look of determination on her face, like she was prepared for the future and all future enemies I would face. 

"You know your father wants you to be a wife not a bodyguard right?"

"Same thing."

That's not the same thing at all! Wait, does she mean she'll protect me from enemies… or women? That's kinda hot, but no. That's no way to live.

"Not everyone I meet is going to be an enemy, please try not to be hostile to everything you see."


I wonder if she gets it? We got to a spare room and I left her at the doorway thinking she would leave, but she didn't.


"I need to protect you at all times."

She's getting way too into this. She's supposed to be my fiance, not my bodyguard. I got fed up with her staring at me so I did the only thing I felt like I could do.

"What are you doing?!"

"Seeing you so angry and possessive has gotten me into the mood, and since you're staring I thought it would be a fun future husband and wife activity."

Alora had her hands over her face and she was redder than a tomato, for some reason she's way more pure than you would think considering she's from the demon race.

"I don't need to see that! Keep that to yourself!"

"I was… did you think I was offering? I mean if you want to, but I figured we would wait for our honeymoon."

She closed her eyes and started tapping on the floor really quickly. She thinks she's scaring me but really this is just material for later.

I thought she would rush over here like last time but instead she left me with two words before heading off.

"Go die."

Uh oh, that is the worst kind of anger. It basically means 'I'm too powerless to stop you so I'm just going to ignore you,' type of anger. That would be fine normally if it weren't for the fact that I like the attention…

"She really gets me."

I look outside to see some of the girls peering through the door from the other room looking at me with my little buddy out and about. 


They quickly shut the door before screaming profanities and who could they blame?

Oh well. I got up from bed and decided to just relax by the gazebo when I noticed Sir Makoto sitting on the bench relaxing with a cup of tea in his hands.

"Master, I have a question."

He looked at me before he poured himself another cup of tea for me. He didn't reply back so I just took it as a yes.

"What do you think my odds are?"

"Jess, I can't tell you your odds of sleeping with my daughter. Also, it's not very high."

I blinked for a second and realized what he meant, "That's not what I meant old man, I was talking about the deal. I almost screwed it up today, I tried to get him drunk but he saw right through me. If I can't pass this test grandfather has given me how I am supposed to conquer an entire continent?"

Sir Makoto looked at me briefly and answered, "People fail. Things happen."

That was reassuring. 

"Hmm, I don't know if I can help you figure all that out but I do have some advice."

I'm not looking forward to any of his advice, he's just as helpful as his daughter.

"You're not him."

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion, I didn't understand what he meant at first but I think I get it.

"I'm not my grandfather you mean."

"Negotiating is a lot like martial arts, there are many styles to them. Back there you chose brute force with a bit of trickery. If he were an idiot, you probably could have gotten him to sign a soul pact but unfortunately he was not."

I see, so I just have to choose a style that works for me. "What about you? What is your style?"

"I don't have a style, I possess a monopoly. If people want their items in good condition and safe passage then they go to me. My ships are indestructible. Why would I need a style? I just name my price and people come running."

Well that's helpful, but I don't really have a monopoly on anything, at least not yet.

"What about grandpa?"

Sir Makoto let out a slight chuckle, "He can just force his opponents to sign a thousand soul pacts."

I can't compete with that.

"So basically because he has power."

"No that's not why. It's because he is the supreme ruler of our world. Whether they know it or not. He is king."

So, complete and total domination?