Aetheria is a kingdom inhabited by all kinds of magical creatures. Within this kingdom, all creatures live in peace and harmony. However, that peace was threatened when an evil organisation called Crimson Eclipse appeared.
When it first appeared, Crimson Eclipse made small attacks on several villages in Aetheria. However, the attacks became more frequent and more violent, culminating in a massive attack on the royal capital.
Amidst the chaos, a young man named Zero stood in the middle of the crowd of people running here and there. He looked towards the sky, where dark black clouds covered the sun. He knew that those were the signs of the Crimson Eclipse attack.
Zero was a brave and talented adventurer. He had travelled extensively throughout Aetheria, and he knew that he had to do something to protect the kingdom he loved.
Without hesitation, Zero ran towards the direction of the capital city. Along the way, he met some people who were also trying to fight the Crimson Eclipse. They joined forces and walked together towards the capital.
When they arrived at the capital, the scene they saw was horrifying. The streets were filled with Crimson Eclipse soldiers who attacked anyone they met. Buildings were destroyed, and people were running here and there in search of safety.
Zero and his friends joined the army of heroes of Aetheria who were fighting against the Crimson Eclipse. The battle was fierce, but Zero and his friends managed to defeat many of Crimson Eclipse's guards.
However, they knew that this was only the first of many attacks to come. They must get ready to fight the Crimson Eclipse and stop their evil plan to destroy Aetheria.