Later that evening, after they made camp just outside site of the city, the glow from the number of fires could be see on the low clouds in the night sky. Kyra was speaking into a small bowl of water. The water was completely still when she spoke. Waiting for a response, she looked into the bowl, ripples began to form in the center moving outwards in a ring, a low voice heard as the ripples formed. If you truly believe, in his skills to that extent, have Teish take over and start evaluating his arcane skills. Start with the basics, of protection and healing, then on to the enhancement spells. Have you made it to Pentagrass yet? Master Avostad elder and guild master asked.
We are camped a few miles from the city. I felt it wise to camp here and find a barge down river in the morning, in lew of a night spent in the city. A few seconds passed and Avostads voice was heard again, do not forget this is also for him to gain experiences of the wider world, Kyra. Corllion might have Acquitted himself as a good swordsman, but his Arcane powers must match, and he can only do this by interacting with the world around him. Yes master Avostad, I will keep that in mind for the future. Ok, take your leave first sword, it seams your little group had a full day and have earned there rest and so you should as well.
With that the water in the scrying bowl went mirror still. Kyra packed the device back up and took to her bed roll, and sleep found her quickly this evening. Early the next morning, Kyra sent Tish to find Teish, then she returned to packing up her bed roll and travelers pack. Teish announced herself and entered Kyra tent. You wanted to speak with me? Yes thank you for coming so quickly, master Avostad wishes for you to take over instructing Corllion in the arcane. Yesterday proved he is very well versed in his swordsmanship skills and want the other side to keep pace. Mind you , are not to baby sit him. Just take a more active roll in his day to day. I will not presume to tell you how to conduct his training, but we must have something to report each day, so first he needs a good assessment of where he stands. Also Avostad wants his protection and healing to take a for front. Each night when I report to the guild I want you here as well to give your own words. Tonight he may give you further or different advice altogether, depending on your assessment. Teish nodded and said yes captain, understood, and quickly turned and exited the tent heading for Corllions tent.
When she got to where his tent should have been, the area was vacant, she looked to the fire pit and saw him speaking with Tosh and , Brosh. She walked over and said to him, Corllion since you are well versed with your blade I will assess your arcane knowledge and we will come up with a plan for furthering your craft. Corllion replyed to Teish, with a simple nod of affirmation. With that done Teish went and finished packing her belongings up and got ready for the rd. Once they had all packed and Tish and Tosh had packed up the rest of the camp, they hit the rd and made the outskirts of town in a few hours. Once there, Kyra instructed Tosh to restock there provisions, and gave Tish a list of other items she wanted picked up for the river journey. Undoubtedly. They could get them once to the coat but the price would be far more expensive there, in Hornagord. Keeping the guild masters word in mind she gave everyone leave to stock up their personal stores and if they wished to grab a drink it would be over a fortnight before they made land again. Teish approached Kyra, and said he is we versed in a host of cantips and minor spells. And all can be cast single handedly. Most don't even need components. Once we are on the barge I'll really start testing him. Kyra nodded to her, let's hang back and then follow him and see how he does on his own. Said Kyra, she used a minor spell crafted just for the members of the guild to be able to speak silently amongst themselves, to inform the rest of the party to allow Corllion to venture off on his own, she wanted to see how he interacted with the townsfolk, unknow to her the use of the spell, even though it was cast with the Intention of leaving out Corllion, because she had said his name, he felt the vibrations of a magic that hinted at him for some reason. He didn not let anyone know he had felt this and not for the first time either. Each night he could feel something nagging at him magically. And over the last few days he had also figured out it was Kyra reporting on him , each day, so this felt similar, he now knew he was going to be watched. He also knew someone else in the group was using the same type of magic around the same time as well. But it felt slightly different than when Kyra was casting her version.
Corllion walked the markets looking for nothing Inparticular, more so to source out who was as attempting to watch him.
Having grown up with this ability to sense certain types of magic when cast directly on him or to affect him or if an area effect that would end up affecting him, being able to feel these magic so profoundly, it's as if he had honed his senses to the point of certain magics felt like they had different flavors or textures, and after some trial and error, he could quickly learn who had cast it. As if the magic had a different style for each caster. He had tried to explain this depth of understanding to his tutors, years ago. They had dismissed this saying no one his age could have that depth of feeling of magic, since they could not themselves perceive it that way. With there knowledge and understanding, only the creator of a given spell would impart that type of feeling in a spell , and there for everyone that cast that spell would do it exactly the same, so it would all feel like the original caster. A simpler way of saying it was a fireball was a fireball. It wasn't pink or red because a woman cast it nor was it blue or forest green cast a man had cast it. It was simply a fireball.
To Corllion he could tell when kyra was talking about him through magical means, by way of what he had come to know about her she was forthright and unassuming, her casting would be of the same manner, straight and to the point. He could almost imagine Teish's casting as light and with extra flair but a softness to it.
Corllion moved around the market restocked a few items he wished to have, and got a bottle or two of wine for the trip, and headed to the docks.
Seeing that Silversword was avoiding and area that might cause some conflict, Saltor ran ahead to the docks and paid a few of the salty dock workers looking to make a few extra coin.
As Corllion entered the dock area the hired thugs started to shadow him on both sides sizing him up and waiting for the best moment to strike.
As soon as he made the first turn Corllion had already spotted 4 burly men watching him and following him parallel on either side. He noted none of them where armed with any traditional weapons , by his count three had clubs, and one had a hook of some sort , most likely to hook into a soft bail of good to load up on one of the barges, they all had small knives at there waists.
As Corllion entered a small area that was clear of shipping crates and vendor stalls, he came to an abrupt halt.
And spoke aloud, I do not approve of being spied upon, let yourselves be known, and if you intentions be ill, I must warn you, things will not go as you plan. For I do not wish to harm you, fellows. Men that I have not even met to have been able to offend.
As he spoke, the dock hands walked for their hiding spots and showed themselves as they encircled the young elf.
The smallest of the group sneared, and said we don't like your kind around here! And what kind is that pray tell? Corllion asked.a Elf? There are a dozen of us within sight, a male? All but a few here are males. Please tell what kind am I? High born scum! Is what kind another of the four answered from over Corllions left shoulder.
I can tell you I did not choose my birthright, nor did any of us here has a choice in to what family we where born. If it where to make you feel better I have forsaken my family and have vowed to walk a different path, Stated Corllion.
Ain't that rich, only a high born could choose what life he wants to live. When we have to break our backs just to put food on our tables each night. Enough talk we aims to give you a good bashing, and pawn off all your Rich's you have on you, and we might even be able to lay off work a few days with what we get from you! Said the leader.