the story begins in the vibrant city of Salt Lake City, where our protagonist, Alex, a hardworking marketing director, is yearning for a break from their non-stop work. They've been putting in extra hours and feeling burnt out.
One day, Alex decides to take a much-needed escape to the beach. They pack their bags, hop in the car, and hit the road. But fate has other plans in store. During the journey, their car breaks down on a remote, rainy road. Talk about bad luck!
Desperate for shelter, Alex stumbles upon an old, eerie mansion nearby. With no other options, they cautiously enter the mansion seeking refuge from the storm. Little do they know, this decision will change their life forever.
Inside the mansion, Alex encounters a mysterious stranger named Lily. There's an instant connection, an undeniable spark between them. But they soon realize that this affair is dangerous. There are secrets lurking in the shadows, and their relationship could have dire consequences.