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Teen Romance, and painful goodbyes.

Chapter 1 - Miss Korean meets Rude Jerk


Miss Korea meets Rude jerk.


" Trust me honey, you are gonna do great and make lot of friends, remember Sun hae is going to be there with you", Mom said and passed me my bowl of Ramyeon.

" Gomawo", I muttered in Hangul and picked my food. The thought of going to a new school in a new country is really overwhelming and one would probably wonder why I wasn't excited, that will probably be because I didn't like the country nor the school. I never wanted to be here in the first place.

I am from South Korea and also a citizen of the United States of America. My Mom was an American tourist in Korea when she met my dad, what they had wasn't love at first sight but full blown lust since the one time they actually slept together, it was so hot that a bun entered the oven… which is obviously me "Kim JI ah".

My Mom only found out she was pregnant when she returned to America and kept it a secret from my Dad until I was four years old when it became hard to remain a single mother in her country, hence Dad was contacted and on hearing about my existence, he flew immediately to America, bundled me off to Korea where I had remained ever since then.. (Note that my Dad told me this story, so it is definitely true)

My Dad unfortunately decided to sleep on after a tough illness, he was laid to rest a few weeks ago, since I was legally underage, Mom was contacted and once again, I was bundled but this time back to America.

You are probably wondering who Sun hae is right?

Well, she's my best friend which happens to be a dog..yeah I know right .. she will be attending school with me. Mom said new students were allowed to bring their emotional support pet on their first day at my new school as long as you don't bring a crazy wild animal.

I probably haven't mentioned my age, you are going to find out later Or not….lol.

"Angel, you haven't eaten anything" I heard mom say. Angel was the name she gave me, but don't call me that, stick to Ji ah.

"I'm not hungry"

" Don't tell me that…. I took out time to learn a Ramen recipe and you won't even have a taste of it? Not cool" she made a pouty face as though she was going to cry, I know she was just being dramatic, Ramen might actually be the simplest Korean dish. Mom knew I missed Dad and Korea so much so ever since I got here, she has been going crazy trying to transfer Korean cultures here to make me feel welcome, she decorated my room with BTS and park Seung Jo's pictures, I was a fan of Seung Jo and she probably knew that because of my phone's wallpaper. But as for BTS, I don't know who gave her the idea that every Korean girl was obsessed with the dreamy musicians.

Did I forget to mention that Mom was already married? She is actually five months pregnant and also has a step daughter who is around my age.

Don't get me started about Mom's step daughter, she's a perfect reference for the word "WITCH". She's a bit taller than me, and very pretty, I mean American pretty with blonde hair. But then, she hates me and I hate her too. Her hatred intensified when she heard I was going to attend her lame school.

" I'm off to school" little witch announced walking down the stairs….-you speak of the devil and she appears-..

"Aren't you going to have breakfast?" Mom asked her.

"Not hungry" and with that, she was out the door.

"I think I should be going as well" I said and stood up, pushing my chair back.

"You haven't touched your meal"

" Mom in Korea, eating on your first day at a new school brings bad luck" I lied and picked up my school bag.

Mom laughed, she knew I was lying…

"Just hang on a minute, let me get my coat so I can drop you off"

I rolled my eyes… how awkward would that be? Adding awkwardness to my 'un-excitement' would only make things complicated.

"Mom there's really no need for that, you have filled the paperwork, they have my details and I can find my way" I forced a smile "Najung-e bwayo" I then left the house and went outside, little witch had already gone since she had a car, typical American teenager, I had a bike though with a basket at the front for Sun hae.

Speaking of Sun hae, where is she? I brought out a dog whistle from my bag pack and blew it, few seconds later, Sun hae ran out the front door.

" There you are girl" I picked her up, kissed her furry skin, then placed her in her basket and then turned on my GPS so I could locate my school…. 'PEACHES HIGH SCHOOL'

"Let's go show them Korean magic" I muttered to Sun hae and...…

Approximately twenty minutes later through the help of my gps, I located 'PEACHES HIGH'

I might have to change my initial thought about this school, it wasn't really bad if I was being honest. The buildings were huge and beautifully painted, high quality sculptures were seen being displayed in the premise, students dressed in the school's peach color uniforms walked around, they are not all American, I could tell just by their skin and faces.

I quickly found a parking spot, parked and had my bike chained, I did that in Korean as well for security purposes, Sun hae jumped down wagging her tail excitedly, one would think she was the new student and not me.

After parking, I started walking to the main building…arrggggg… I closed my eyes and stood transfixed to the spot waiting to be knocked down by the car coming in hot. The driver honked severally and that caused me to open my eyes….. I wasn't dead yet..

"Get off the road" the driver yelled rudely… like seriously? He nearly knocked me down and instead of apologizing, he was yelling rudely.. I guess I need to teach this rude jerk some manners.. I remained glued to the spot I was standing and crossed my arm.

"Are you deaf? I said get off" Mr rude jerk shouted and opened his car door to get out… exactly what I wanted.

" you are such a.." I choked on my word when I saw rude jerk. He wasn't American ( you know them by their faces) he was literally a synonym for breathtaking and that was all I could say… but even so, he was rude and I was just about to tell him that.

"Stop drooling, it's disgusting" he said said giving me the actual look of disgust… he was damn cute but no brain .. how ironic?

"You must be dreaming to think I'll drool over a rude jerk like you" I snapped angrily "You are not even fit to be given a second glance"

He let out a smirk…. gosh he was so cute…. "You are probably one of those girls who say one thing and mean another…. Now get off the road before I run you over" the smirk had disappeared and there was a frightening look replacing it. He returned to his car.

I bit my lower lip in frustration and away, it was then I noticed I had drawn attention of some students ON MY FIRST DAY!!!

Who in the entire universe is this Rude jerk?

I finally got into the main building of the school and to be honest, it was beyond spectacular. I didn't have time to glare around though cause I needed to locate the Administrator's office to finish up my admission process. Unfortunately gps won't work this time so I asked a guy with glasses…. He was super cute making me wonder if every guy in this school was a Hollywood celebrity.

" Sorry to disturb, do you think you could point me to the administration office?" I asked, and to my relief he smiled.

"Of course… I guess you are new here"He said in a question like manner. His smile was contagious.

"Yeah, I'm a transferred student from Korea" I returned his smile.

"Korea???…. You don't look like one…and you speak English fluently without the Korean accent"

I chuckled a bit.. mainly cause I didn't know what to do, his word sounded like a compliment "I'm partly American and I did offer English in my previous school"

We chatted as we walked to the administration office. He introduced himself as Troy and I told him I was Ji ah.

After a brief meeting with the Administrator, and a few paperwork's, I was directed to my class. Troy had left so I had to walk alone. While walking, my phone rang in my pocket and I brought it out. I smiled as Lee sung mi's name popped on the screen. I made to swipe accept but ended up bumping into someone and my phone fell down.

" oh. I'm so sorry" the person apologized as he bent down to help me pick up my phone.

I murmured a thank you and my gaze traveled from his hand to his face….. OMG.. Rudejerk

"You..??" I called scanning him thoroughly, I couldn't believe rude jerk had changed in few minutes from his grumpy attitude to apologizing.

"Do you know me?" He asked raising an eyebrow, he looked confused and to be sincere, I was too.

"Save the drama rude jerk" I finally said " I'll catch your sorry ass later, I've got class to attend" and with that, I walked out on him.

With a few directions from random students, I located my classroom. The clattering sounds of students welcomed me and no one seemed to notice my presence, worst still, I couldn't find a vacant seat.

"Hey…. It's you.." I heard Troy's voice, my eyes quickly located him, he was sitted on a desk and few students were chitchatting with him.

"Thank goodness" I muttered to myself and smiled before walking towards Troy.

"What a surprise!" A familiar voice exclaimed… the voice came from behind so I had to turn and oh no.. rude jerk again. Am I hallucinating?

"What are you doing here?" I asked numbly

"Don't you think I should be asking you that? You are in my classroom" he said and smirked.

"I see you've met one of the MT brother" Troy called out.

Uh? The what now?

"Hey let me introduce myself" Rude jerk said to Troy and then turned to me "since we already met without a proper introduction, I'll cut to the chase, I'm Miguel" He offered his hand for a handshake but I wasn't dumb enough to take it… I mean minutes ago he made fun of me by saying I was drooling over in… and now??

Then I saw him walk through the door, I mean, I saw another rude jerk walked through the door... I am really hallucinating.

" young Miss... You left my hand hanging" rude Jerk said.

" fuck off"

" whatever" he scoffed and walked away. My gaze rested on the second rude Jerk who just walked in. Are they twins or what?

" snap out of it Ji ah" Troy said, and I turned to stare at him. He had caught me staring at the second rude jerk. "That's Manuel, they are facially identical, but characteristically different, trust me with time, you will be able to tell the difference"

"I sure will" I mumbled to myself.

Few minutes later.

Through , the help of Troy I found the seat and was seated as the algebraic teacher did his thing... I mean teach us… I wasn't really paying attention… who likes algebraic anyway? Probably Manuel cause is gaze was resting heavily on the teacher, the board and his notebook.

Then it hit me, Miguel wasn't the one I bumped into earlier,, it was Manuel, and I had acted rudely, thinking it was Miguel…. Gosh he must be thinking I am saucy I need to apologize.