Chereads / Star Wars The Deceiver / Chapter 4 - Interlude The Adventures of the Death troopers

Chapter 4 - Interlude The Adventures of the Death troopers

The Imperial Class II Star Destroyer Devastator Hanger Bay Death Troopers Pov:

Commander Desmond is in front of four of the best Death troopers under his command. He is sending them out on a special mission.

Commander Desmond clears his throat and the four Death troopers stand at attention "You are going on a important mission to the Mustafar System all relevant information has been given to Delta who will be your commanding officer on this mission the Lord Inquisitor is relying on you to complete this failure is not an option."

Delta and his squad salute, "Sir, yes, sir." Commander Desmond nods, "Good, now off you go. Remember you are to deliver it personally to the Lord Inquisitor." They nod and enter the modified ITS (Imperial Transport Ship).


Inside the Modified Imperial Transport Ship:

As the Deathtroopers make themselves comfortable and the pilot sets course to the Mustafar system, they review the information.

Beta looks at Delta. "So how does it feel to be promoted, Boss? Does it feel as good as you hoped for?" Beta waits for Delta's response.

Delta: "It's not a promotion. It's temporary until we return and don't get comfortable. We have no idea what defences Lord Vader's Castle has." Beta shrugs

Beta: "Don't worry. With Lord Vader gone, the defences are probably lacking, and we have authorization to use the Lord Inquisitor's clearance to help bypass most of them."

Delta shakes his head "I don't like it. You don't know what Lord Vader was like, go and ensure the rest of the squad are ready. I need your assurance, Beta that no funny business is to happen." Delta looks at Beta, and he nods.

Beta: "Don't worry, I promise I'll wait till we're back at the Devastator for that." Delta sighs and gets back to reviewing the plans Beta walks away and goes to talk to Scorn and Alpha.

As Beta makes his way to Scorn and Alpha he reminiscences his past one of the first Deathtroopers including Delta as well but he and Delta's trained by the Arc-Troopers the fun they had once you got past Delta's tough exterior.

But he's such a bore when it comes to missions you'd think being friends for decades he'd learn to relax but no,

Ahh here we are Scorn and Alpha the last Commando troopers alive, kept on cryogenic preservation on Kamino until we found them when the rebellion on Kamino happened.

The door opens before I can open it, and scorn is standing there. "What do you want, Beta?"

Wow is no one in a good mood? "What went,up you're exhaust port." Scorn scoffs,

"My life, but today, you what do you want? Alpha is tired, I am trying to get some rest before the mission." Beta looks inside and sees Alpha holding a set of cards and a bottle of Corellian whiskey, I snort,

"Yeah totally, listen I won't snitch on you to the boss and, in return you'll, let me join yeah cool." Beta pushes Scorn aside and waves at Alpha,

"Oh, Beta, you here to play." Beta nods "Yes you're much better than Delta or Scorn." Scorn presses a button, and the door closes.

He makes his way to his chair and grimaces before looking at it. Beta "Sorry about that, I just don't like how we're travelling half the galaxy on a fetching quest."

Beta waves his hand "Don't worry about it now how about we play yeah and Alpha stay off the whiskey we are going to need our wit's for the mission." Scorn nods and they start to play.


Modified ITS Mustafar System:

Delta and his squad gather around the holo table "Alright we're going to sneak as far as we can to the fortress and if we get spotted we're going to hit back hard Alpha as are demolitions expert your going to plant charges along and inside on the structural foundations of the castle after that your going to link up with me and Scorn." Alpha nods and starts looking at his options of explosives.

Delta: "Beta you're going to be are eye's on the ground use your sniper to pick off any threats and identify any threats" Delta looks at Beta and Beta nods.

Delta: "Scorn your coming with me if anything gets heated down there you and your heavy repeater will clear the way the ship will land as close to the castle as possible but afterwards it's going to stay in air as air support and recon is that understood."

"Sir yes sir." They all say, Beta nods and gets ready double checking his equipment and sniper, Alpha double checks his explosives again, Scorn cocks his gun.

The pilots voice comes through the speaker's "T-minus two minutes till landing."

Everyone is ready standing near the sliding doors of the ship holding on to the straps hanging out.

Delta: "Alright stay safe be smart and remember the plan." The ship lands after a few moments and they nod as they jump out the ship after the bay opens they all go off to complete there tasks.

Delta: "Alright Scorn let's go." Scorn nods.


Mustafar System Beta's Pov:

As I ascend the rocky mountain overlooking the castle, I spot a small group of stormtroopers. I make a note of their location and monitor their movements. In the distance, I observe an old ship, which I mark as a point of interest. Additionally, I notice Alpha setting a few explosives and entering a sewage tunnel.

While Scorn and Delta advance towards the landing platform, they skillfully neutralize two stormtroopers without making a sound.

I swiftly neutralized a stormtrooper who was closing in on their position. Shortly after, I picked up Delta's communication over the comms.

Delta: "Good Job Beta."

I see two Tie Fighters fly overhead, that's not good. I quickly contact Delta. "Delta, it looks like we have two Tie Fighters here. They haven't spotted us. Orders, sir."

The Tie Fighters make a long sweep over the castle and towards the landing platform. I hear static and then Delta's voice, "Beta, what are the Tie Fighters doing?"

Beta: "They've left the Tie Fighters for refuelling." I hear Delta sigh

Delta: "Can you hit their fuel pipes and make it a death trap." I line up my shot and hit the pipes

Beta: "They won't be having another happy flight."

Delta: "Good, keep watch Delta out."

There you are, I spot Scorn and Delta climbing through a window in the small building. Luckily, the pilots just left and entered their Tie Fighters and took off.


Boom, the explosion. I see the squad of stormtroopers make their way to investigate, which means, "Delta, you're free to enter the castle. All stormtroopers are making their way to the Tie Fighters, which flew a good twenty-five miles."

Delta: "Good job, Beta."

Alright I wonder how Alpha's doings.


Lord Vader's Castle Alpha's Pov:

Here we go last charge planted I quickly hide from a group of stormtroopers running down the corridor the speaker's blare to life.

"Move Move enemy activity suspected twenty five miles north from the landing platform."

Okay that was good news for me I quickly make my way towards Lord Vader's training room okay type in these codes 22/32, I hope this works.

The blast door opens and I slink my way in okay place a few explosives here and done until something siny catches my eye's

Alpha: "Woah that's a lot of lightsabers." I quickly open my bag and start putting them all in there.


I duck as a purple blade flies over were my head was I see a training droid and i quickly pull out a lightsaber.

/Pssshhew/ I swing a blue blade at it's leg's I mange to clip it but I get kicked backwards.

I see the droid run at me and swing the purple lightsaber at me I hastily block /Kksssshhhh/ Purple and Blue clash together.

The droid it's so strong who the hell trains like this I quickly drop and sweep it's leg's and attempt to drive the lightsaber through it.

But it anticipates my attack and blocks so I quickly use my other hand and pull my trusty D-17 pistol and unload into the droid and while it kicks me again before slumping to the floor.

It's definitely dead now "Wow that was hard, wait does that say beginner level." I breath heavily and quickly decide to leave after throwing the lightsabers in my bag and run out towards the treasury room and link up with Delta and Scorn.


Lord Vader's treasury Scorn Pov:

As Delta and I slowly advance through the castle i blast a few security droids and we make are way into the treasury room and see everything on the list here.

Scorn turns to Delta after checking the hallway and sees Delta packing up everything not bolted to the ground

Scorn: "Uhh Boss how are we going to get this to the ship." Delta looks at Scorn

Delta: "That's why we have you." Scorn looks shocked and then laughs

Scorn: "Hahaha i didn't know you had in it in you can actually make jokes."

(5 minutes later)

Delta has finished looting and packing everything Scorn has stayed on lookout Delta nods and they make there way out but they see a figure making there way towards there location.

Scorn aims his heavy blaster and Delta lifts his DC-17 blaster pistol and brace themselves for combat until they hear a voice.

Alpha: "Hi guy's." Alpha's voice, Scorn and Delta lower there guns and sigh.

Delta: "Goddammit Alpha we could of killed you." Delta's voice reparmainds him as Alpha goes to respond Delta shakes his head.

Delta: "Come on let's go." Scorn and Alpha nod they notice increased stormtrooper activity as they reach the outside the comms blair to life.

Beta: "Hey you finally got out, better make your way to the evac zone now a large contingent of stormtroopers are on the move back to the castle and right towards your location." As Beta finishes Delta lowers his head.

Delta: "Thank you Beta rendezvous at the ship asap." Delta quickly calls for pickup

Delta: "ITS this is Delta respond we need immediate evac."

Pilot: "Sir coordinates inputted estimated time for pickup five minutes." Delta looks up at us "Scorn, Alpha let's go."

As they transverse the rough land of Mustafar they notice a extremely old section of a ship, Delta scans the section "It's dated from two-thousand year's ago." Delta kneels and wipes some soot of a droid "It's a assassin droid Scorn, Alpha stay put I'm going to check if there's any intel stored on this section of the ship." Me and Alpha nod

Scorn: "You know Alpha I swear this droid is familiar." Alpha looks at Scorn and nods

Alpha: "I think so too maybe it's a assassin droid, well at least the Lord Inquisitor will be pleased." Delta makes his way back

Delta: "No good this ship is scrap nothing is worth taking except for the droid come on let's go." Scorn lifts the droid and they start there journey to the ship.

After a few minutes of walking Alpha turns to Delta then the castle then starts positively vibrating and pulls out detonator with a red button and turns to Delta who nods and then presses it.

"Ka-Boom" A bright flash of light engulfs our vision,it feels like time stopped until a massive wave of air hits us slightly burning our armour a ginormous cloud forms over where Vader's Castle used to be and ground shakes making us nearly fall.

Delta looks at Alpha "How many explosives did you put in there." Alpha shrugs "All of them." Delta and Scorn look shocked they both shake there heads and continue walking


Mustafar System Beta Pov:

Beta ducks from the wave of heat "What the kriff was that." He looks up and sees or was Vader's Castle

"By the force."

I see the ITS land and start jogging my way there the door slides open.

I see Delta, Scorn and Alpha jogging here and is that a droid where did they find that they soon enter the ship the doors slide shut and the ship takes off and enters hyperspace.

Beta: "Alpha what explosives did you use." Alpha look up surprised "I had a old nuclear explosive and I was saving it for a special occasion." Ahh he seems sad, we can't be having that

"Hey Alpha why don't we play some sabacc." Alpha nods and we leave the room.


I experimented with this i hope it wasn't a drag and sorry about not uploading in awhile but i think after this I'm going to take a little break not for long.