Chereads / Danmachi: the Great Devourer / Chapter 191 - C191: Round 3. Magic

Chapter 191 - C191: Round 3. Magic

C191: Round 3. Magic

Alt Title: Bringing the heat

Date published: 2/20/2025.

Sorry everyone, forgot to post this chapter after finishing it. Next chapter will still be on the next scheduled day, aka the 23rd


The second match continued on like canon where Zeus himself, the chairman of the gods, takes the stage and fights Adam, the first human. Their battle was a very close one at least until Zeus unleashed Adamus, his technique that he stole from his father Kronos. A technique that allows him to punch time and cause it to freeze while he strikes but Adams eyes allow him to copy the technique fast enough to interfere with the frozen time. Due to Zeus' impatience to kill Axel he made the mistake of not drawing the fight out.

While Adam does eventually lose his sight, he is successful in delivering the final blow against Zeus and earning the 2nd official point on behalf of Humanity. This causes a massive uproar as his own family cheers for him with tears in his eyes. Axel on the other hand also begins to walk out, clapping as he does so. 

"Congratulations, you have overturned your fated death" Adam stops at Axel's words as he asks back with a solemn voice . "Was I fated to die here, to Zeus?" 

"You were, just like then, you would have overdrawn your eyes and your body broke down from a dramatic prolonged fight. Your mortal endurance reached its limit and fell to Zeus" Axel exposes the original fate of Adam who can't fight again on behalf of Humanity as his match is now over. As a gift to the human, Axel waves his hands, a green glow is emitted from said hands as the bruises and injuries on Adam begin to rapidly heal and he even opens his eyes once again. 

The eyes witness the green light but Adam instinctively knows that he could not copy the technique that Axel showcased just now unless he delves into the mystic arts of the world. A world completely foreign to most of the inhabitants of Earth due to focusing on physical arts.

While the audience is confused on what was spoken between the two, the green glow attracts everyone's attention as Axel retakes the stage once more. Waving his hands at the cheering human crowd. Heimdall reintroduces him to the people while the gods grit their teeth in rage towards Axel, the humans love his performances as he always delivers a proper surprise each time. 

Be it the large variety of abilities he seems to have access to, or the in depth origins and power of the sources of his power. Axel always surprises them in unexpected ways. They very quickly got over his inhuman form due to technically securing another victory for their survival, even if not an official point. The few philosophers and Psychologists amongst the humans can easily see that Axel's actions cause mistakes to arise in the gods' performance which is just a slippery slope to their own survival. 

As compared to Axel's casual stance, the other side is less calm due to the presence of Morrigan attempting to exit and fight Axel and showcase that she could defeat Cu Chulainn too and that her loss was a matter of unknown circumstances, in other words, a fake win. Yet her presence is stifled by the rising heat of the room, the minor gods who were holding down Morrigan begin to rapidly sweat while the warrior goddesses' aura begins to rise with the heat, as if she found another outlet for her rage.

"It is unbefitting for a goddess to mourn a demigod, especially one she lost to. Pathetic, get out of my way so I can destroy that filth." The source of the heat states. A tall man of 7 feet tall (2.1m), built like a perpetually scowling, tanned Kwon Tae-Joon from Tomb Raider King. With short black hair, thick tanned muscles and golden adornments (necklace, gauntlets that end at the wrist and greaves) of Egyptian nature, this is no ordinary god but the true lord of the Egyptian Pantheon. A warrior with the very power of the sun at his control, Ra-Horakhty. 

Sitting on his shoulder is a completely metallic bird made of pristine gold, though it appears rigid and bulky this sentient mechanical construct is actually the god Ra's own divine weapon, Horus. After saying his piece Ra begins to make his way to the arena entrance, bypassing the screaming Morrigan who claims that Axel is hers to kill. Yet as Ra makes his appearance in the Arena, the sun bright over his head, he is stunned by the sight laid out before him.

From nowhere there is now a miniature beach in the previously pure sandy arena. The gods had made mention to change the arena but those changes would start after his own match, yet there is now a beach and Axel is lying down on a beachside chair, leaning back in only swim trunks and surrounded by a moat and fans on the other side of the moat.

"What is going on here!" his patience already being tested as he declares to know the answer when Heimdall pitches in, 

"The human fighter, Axel, had said that it was taking too long for his opponent to arrive as well as being too hot today so he decided to cool down. He spat out a bunch of water from a hose connected to his mouth and then made the chairs and fans appear from nowhere" Axel who was casually lying back in his chair pushes his glasses down as he seems to jump a little in his seat, rapidly licking his ice cream popsicle until he even eats the stick that held it. After a small cough, Axel puts on a shirt and puts away the chair and fans. 

"Hey You, Finally awake huh, trying to cross the border, along with that thief over there" His words earn a look of confusion from the gods while many teens and early adults point at Axel with a chuckle whilst saying, "he did the thing" This earns even them a few strange looks but the general consensus understood is that Axel made a joke. The air seems to heat up in response as the ever scowling chieftain god of the desert steps forward towards Axel. 

Axel also begins to stretch as he speaks up again, "Jokes aside, just like my last match, I have too many things that counter you, so take your pic of the two options: D or M"

"I will not play your childish games mortal, your only role here today is to die at my hands"

"Ok, M for mortal. But just to clear things up a bit, i don't age. I've long grasped immortality but you all who have been alive for thousands of years still fell to me, which side is more embarrassing?" Axel makes his choice of powers as Heimdall announces the fight to start. Axel takes a step forward and from that Ice begins to gather from his foot and shoots out like sheets of metal towards Ra. The god was naturally surprised by the attack but the heat emitted from his body combined with his natural durability, he faces no problem from the ice that melts the moment that it comes in contact with his body heat. 

"Oooh, thats hot. But since you don't enjoy the ice, let's TURN UP THE HEAT" Axel makes a pun before pointing straight up and once everyone traces the sight of his finger, they are shocked by something new. 

There are two suns. 

The first being the earth's natural sun while the other hovers right above the stadium. Ra squints at the second son before sending his weapon Horus at it while Axel brings his finger down and the second sun moves along with it. Halfway through Horus and the giant fireball sun meet and an explosion rocks the skies above the stadium. While the two begin to fight, various Egyptian women start distributing drinks to both humans and gods. Adam finally joins his family to watch Axels match as well. They had congratulated their husband/father for his decisive win but Adam doesnt seem to focus on their words, his interest lies in Axel who has already fought so much and still pulls out new tricks.

From the explosive epicenter, only Horus remains as it lets out a loud Caw, the heat and small reclining red lines coming off its metal frame showcasing the power of Axel's ability. In truth, just relying on his magic powers, Axel has no ice affinity, though thanks to his territory's divine connection, he technically gains all his gods' affinities but even then, they don't have any ice affinities. So what he did was drain the heat and fire from all nearby sources to make the fireball.. That conjured the ice and how it flowed towards Ra. Since it had no magical energy itself, it could not harm the god in the first place while the fireball was the same and only supernatural in application but not power but it had already burned the divine weapon so much. If he conjured a few more fireballs, wouldn't the divine weapon immediately melt into sludge?

Horus soon lands on the ground and begins to shift under everyone's view. Ra then steps onto Horus and the mechanical bird begins to shift until it turns into a proper steel suit of armor. 

"While I am confident in my victory, I will not make the same mistake as the previous gods, You will die here and now" Ra declares as he settles into the golden bird armor.

Wings of Light - Flare Shift

Ra soon explosively accelerates as he appears behind Axel with his fist moving towards the slime-human's back. Yet his attempt is nullified as a stone wall soon rises up from behind. Furthermore, his hand is now stuck in the stone. He struggles but the stone itself moves to hold his armor covered arm but he has more pressing issues as fists form in the stone and begin to batter down on him.

Prominence Field-Maximum Release

While the beating is strong from the stone arms, Horus is too durable for the stone to properly hurt the sun god. Ra's body begins to glow and the temperature rapidly rises until a bright ray of light is emitted from Ra. The audience soon realizes why they were given water as they have to drink it all down to not die of dehydration due to the sun gods might. The stone wall collapses except for a floating circular block of smooth stone. 

During this time, Axel had turned around and grabs the floating rock.he rubs his hand on the dark stone which most assume is burnt from the heat. Yet it is the opposite. For this stone is the manifestation of his magic spell, Lunar Shadow. The rock soon begins to grow larger as it floats up into the sky. It soon eclipses the sun hanging in the sky, casting a dark overcast on the arena. The shade provided by the rock makes many humans happy as a cool breeze overtakes them.

Yet the arena continues to rise in heat as Ra uses his wings of light to continue attacking Axel who manipulates the water from the beach he made to create barriers and then freeze it. This time around he actually infuses the water with his power, that means that even after it loses all its heat like before, it is not automatically shattered upon contact with Ra."Mng, mhmm mhmm." Axel clears his throat as he raises one of his hands and begins to sing.

"Sapro Timi File Pruma Fritini Ah, pro Inctus No Irido Me Ia, Promu Pamo In, Crudi Derius" (melania blade of miquella phase change lyrics.). Axel begins to chant in latin which interests the various scholars but as they listen, they witness a blood red symbol appear over Axel. It is a simple empty glowing circle with a single bar near the right side of the circle. All people can see the symbol and it's design clearly, even on the other side where the line should look like on the left side, still appears on it's right. As if the contained divinity of the symbol prevents a misinterpretation of the symbol.

It also doesnt help the audience that they start feeling a bit itchy as well as drowsy. Axel is immune to both aspects but the same can't be said for Ra and Horus. He once again activates his prominence field to burn the ice as well as all effects. The ice does not relent though it does heat up, Axel's magic power is holding it in place while the sun god is trapped. From the audience, red markings such as dead skin begin to fly off everyone. These clump up and manifest as Aeonian butterflies that begin to gather below the symbol but above Axel. Their itchiness ends yet the horror has only just begun.

A bloody rift opens before Axel and the butterflies fly into this rift, creating a cocoon that soon hatches out a naked woman. Her body half decrepit as she lacks arms but the butterflies that forged her cocoon shed and then merge together in new clumps at her shoulders. Those then become arms and clothing to hide her beauty. Afterall, even rotten she retains her angelic appearance. 

"I greet the god of gods that has called upon the rots divine light. Whomst is thou enemy" Her voice is pleasant yet for those who are weak, they can't help but seem to envision themselves exploding into the same butterflies that flew off them.

Axel just points with his thumb at Ra. The angel summoned by the '4 Angels song' tilts her body to gaze at the sun god with a hollow expression. She raises her right hand and the butterflies continue to shift into a butterfly sword.

SWISH SPLURT "ARGHHHH" With the sword in hand, the angel cuts herself which causes an eruption of blood which all instinctively swims around Axel and onto the sealed god. The ice rapidly melts as the rotten blood pursues the sun god. At just the slightest touch of the sun god's metallic frame he yells in pain and unleashes his power full force. 

Prominence field- Maximum Output (different than Maximum release), compressed beam instead of all around release)

From the exposed part the previous prominence field is compressed to his hand armor covered hand, which is touching the bloody rot, The beam is aimed at Axel and the angel. Axel is about to create a stone barrier to block the attack when it is released faster than he expected, the angel immediately moves, swiping with her sword into the incoming beam, Her sword shatters from the impact but the blood red and black butterfly sword begins to contaminate the beam as it is stopped in place and proceeds to spread across the entirety of the beam. 

Axel clasps his hands together in prayer for Ra. The heat he extracted from the beach water that froze into ice manifests as a fireball in Axel's hand. It rapidly begins to contract and shrink before Axel adds a bit more of his power and the bright red and yellow flames shift to blue. In the meantime, the angel summons a second sword in her left hand this time around. With a small hop, she initiates the waterfowl dance that procedurally cuts through horus and begins to injure Ra-Horakty. He was already being infected by the infected blood which seeped through the gaps of Horus-armor. Even now his energy was being contaminated by the rotten sword. This erosion will soon enter Ra's body as well and begin to contaminate his entire body until he is nothing but a pawn of the Goddess of Rot. 

Axel continues to idly work on the now blue fireball as he adds one fire spell after another into the orb, amplifying its power while the angel continues to ravage the sun god as if he was no different than a brand new tarnished in the lands between. While the scene is quite calm, the grunts and screams elicited from the sun god drain the blood from everyone as they go pale in fright. Even more so as the angel seductively approaches the sun god and blatantly kisses him.

"Well I do think this fight has gone on long enough. I do apologize but I don't really want the gods of rot to interfere with this world, so you will have to go too" Axel says and the angel turns to look at Axel with a frown while Ra himself has his veins strained as he musters all his might to fight off the rot yet it will all be for naught. 

"SuperNova" FWOOM. Axel releases the fireball which has now been compressed by gravity and layered with multiple Solar flare spells as well as multiple other of his original fire spells like: Firestorm, Wind blades and his Primal Fire. The combination causes the blue glassy orb to burst to 100 ft circular radius, the color of which appears like a mirage as it alternates the colors of the rainbow. From there solar flares of blue, yellow and red shoot out from this circle up to 50 ft long in varying directions since the targets of the fireball are already inside the supernova. Explosions rock the supernova as Ra and the angel turn to ash at the initial burst and the rest is just to cleanse all traces of the angel in the arena. 

From inside the supernova, Axel gathers green-blue energy as he cant be harmed by his own mana. He releases the bright Turquoise ( #17d4dc if anyone wants to take a look for comparison i found) and the light spreads out from all the gods and humans watching this. The light heals them of the rot affliction they became couriers for due to his summoning. 

Truthfully, He has never used the angel spell before except to learn it. During those olden days, he was under the belief that he would spawn creatures loyal to Raikou or Christian god, yet after gaining immortality, he knew that he was not limited to just those gods. So with his attempt here in the arena, he learned that control of the angel is gradually stolen from him, this is why he prepared the Supernova spell as a contingency plan. It also didn't help that [Raphael] told him that his body was unable to absorb the power of rot into his body and add it to his overall list of powers. This is likely due to either his own race that is immune to rot or that Malenia or the outer god that granted her her powers fought back to prevent Axel from getting it. None of the possible choices are pleasant so he just deleted her and any of her influence as the final choice. 

The supernova soon ends and the arena has returned to it's original sandy form as the beach water was half used for the ice to trap Ra while the rest melted under the miniature suns explosion he conjured. Axel begins to walk out of the arena, perfectly unharmed as Ra wasnt even able to touch him. High above, the lunar moon breaks down revealing the suns light shining down upon Axel as he states,

"The god of the Sun died by the sun. Good night everyone" He walks out and leaves the stadium as the fight would have typically gone on for longer, at least until the 4th human fight ended. Axel's own multiple smaller inclusions caused the timeline to change as now the first day ends after just 2 of the humans fought while Axel himself has fought 3 times thus far. In the crowd, the various egyptian women, the goddesses amongst them : Isis, Sekmet, Hathor and Bastet cry at the loss of the god Ra. 


Alt Title: Cant Stand The Heat?, Wrong Angel, Inferno

Word count: 3365

Drop a comment if you wanna judge my writing or the story. I'll try to respond, especially if you're confused or anything. 

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