Chereads / Danmachi: the Great Devourer / Chapter 174 - C174: New Broken World.

Chapter 174 - C174: New Broken World.

C174: New Broken World.

Alt Title Teaser: Mascot

Overall Word count = 2064 on 1/4/2025.

A/N: as we enter this world, know I will make a dictionary at the end for anyone who doesnt understand some terms. Also beware, there is alot of cursing ahead so anyone who doesnt like reading that, then you can wait, until we get past this world.

Accidentally finished this whole thing yesterday after dying of sleep on thursday and thus getting no work done then..


(unknown pov & world)

(8 months later)

In an unknown location, in an unknown alleyway, a group of 4 people in green outfits with white pieces of armor just used a smoke bomb as they keep running out of it whilst one of them is transporting a fifth, unconscious person, Bullets fire through the smoke but most miss except for one which hits one of the 4 escaping people in the leg.

"Fuck, my leg" he shouts but with all the stimulants he had injected himself, he keeps running and soon they arrive at the white box with red, blue and black accents. A notable symbol of a single red line down and 2 more red lines cross the first. A symbol likely related to the organization these 4 belong to. Or rather 5 as a fifth person in semi matching uniform peaks his head out from where he is and the captain of the team yells at this new person


"Aye Aye captain, engines already hot and ready. Lifting" As the whole team gets inside and closes the door, the 5th member, named Blaine, initiates take off as their colorful little box continues to get shot at by the people chasing them on the ground. Yet that eventually stops and so does the diagnosis that the doctor of the group does on the unconscious person.

"Diagnosis?" the captain asks the medic of the team.

"Heart pumping again like it should, a bit faster maybe but that will just help wash these stupid chems[1] he took away. I also gave him a neuralizer tonic for some of the more potent shit he shoved up his ass. Who knew getting fucked up the ass with chems there would make him go catatonic, weird huh?" The medic response is not shocking to the team as they already had this persons vitals from a while ago and guessed that the patient was drugged up to hell. Though the docs words might appear crass, it's just because he doesnt actually give a shit about this person.

Eta Blaine?"

"48 seconds till we arrive and offload the dead weight."

"Good, this is the end of our shift boys, enjoy your day off tomorrow"

"Hoorah" x 3. The final voice is still digging a bullet out of his leg and is too focused on anything the team is saying.

The medic looks to the silent man who is struggling with the bullet wound.

"Hey Randall, want some help? I'll only overcharge you 300%." The doc asks, clasping his hands together like some angel in disguise.

"Fuck off Mitchell, even a bd [2] dancer high out of her mind, wouldnt take that offer" the man, Randall curses out his partner.

"Alright team, settle down. We're here.

Ding Ding

"Oh my god Blaine, turn off your damn sounds."

"Oh captain, you know that sound only goes off when it's something that makes me happy, gotta get that dopamine somehow.

"Alright, You pavloved Gonk[3], what's the news this time around? A junky from the shit hole of an alleyway we just left blew you a red rose kiss?"

"Nah, our little boy wonder just put down the Soviet champion, which means his next target is the local here, before he is to be named World Champion and the second thing is he just gave us our bonus for christmas."

"Agh, Hallelujah, I can practically see Ms Clause strip dancing in my house" Randall yells out after finally getting the bullet out and begins suturing the wound shut and bandaging it. The rest of the crew, including the pilot, blow up into laughter as their good moods are restored at the mention of both news.

The group lands at their headquarters, shoves the patient over to the inhouse doctors to finish the checkup and any aftercharges that can be placed on them. A 4 minute and 23 second rescue in full since he was labeled as catatonic and in need of rescue.

The team begins to disassemble their gear back into their respective lockers before they hit up a local joint for a drink. The amount of eddies [4] they got ensures that they happily blacked out AND had enough for rent. They even got to watch at least half the entire 9 hour fight between a blue haired boy and a steel covered trash can borged[5] out Soviet who finally ran out of gas and got taken out by a few taps to the face.

(1 month later)

"GOOD MORNING Night City, I'm your sport Host, Michel Gree, and i'm here to tell you that the reigning champion, Razor, has just lost to a 10 year old child. Yes this is the up and coming star, the boy-wonder himself, Axel G. Ram."

"For those of you tuning in for the first time and learning about this, know that Young Axel was found less than a year ago during a Trauma Team event involving a runaway gang of netrunners and the Animals[6]."

"The child was surprisingly found 100% pure[7] and after being rescued and released, he soon showed up 3 months later and started going one by one, challenging every boxing Dojo in night city until he was scouted and began to travel internationally until a month ago when he won against the soviet champion Dimitri Vortega."

"He has made his impressive record through pure endurance, once he started going on a global scale. Now it has to be mentioned that the young fighter has continued to be Pure his whole carrer thus far, as such, Mr Ram's fights typically lasted around 8 hours at the least, this had made watching his matches live, not very entertaining but the mortal coils that drive this boy are hellbent on ensuring he became World Champion."

"So here we are at the Night City Sports Center would like to give our heartfelt congratulations to the young champion"

The tv which shows the broadcast is closed as a tall tanned man in a black jacket and black armored pants presses the remote to turn the futuristic tv off. His blond hair strangely organized to be perfectly aligned with his face, though when he tips his head a bit backwards it appears to look like a horse's hoof.

(A/N: if it's not obvious. Welcome to Cyberpunk 2077-or is it? oooh)

"Axel, why don't you just tell them your actual last name? That seems to dumb to be called G ram" The man says as he then stokes the fire in the half broken barrel drum between them.

"If I wanted your opinion Maine, I'd have drunk your whiskey. Because I'm currently not drunk enough to care about your complaints. Also giving people the Ram special is now an iconic move, you should try it out next time we are on the job."

"You're a kid, you're not supposed to drink and don't be telling me to do weird things. Im not fucking moon walking just to spring back and punch a guy in the face. It's redundant." The tanned man, now identified as Maine berates the young boy who is our 'hero' of the story.

Making himself look more childish and placing limitations on himself, he had taken the world of Cyberpunk by drizzle with how slow the fights are.

"Well, don't you worry your balding little head about me Maine, ill be getting a few small upgrades soon enough"

"Oh lord, have mercy for anyone who gets in the next ring with you once they found out that your special 20 lb punches are now 21 lb punches.

"At least I know how to fucking punch, you still have a bullet in your left ass cheek from the last job"

"How do you know about that??!!" Maine asks, confused.

"Dorio told me, though it doesnt take a genius to know you flinch like a bitch every time you sit down."

"Nuh uh, that's a damn lie, I don't flinch. And Dorio wouldn't sell me out either" He rejects the second conclusion

"Your shitty synthetic eyebrows twitch. If that's not a flinch then go get a ripper[8] to fix you up so your body can heal properly. "

"Too rich for my blood"


A credit chip[9] hits him on the face which he quickly catches with more enthusiasm than should be normal before plugging it into a port behind his ear. His eyes, which are hidden behind implant glasses, nearly flash green as if a money sign appeared in maines eyes, at least just before running out of the building.

Sigh, "Dorio, remind me in 3 hours to slap Maine upside the head" Axel says leaning back into his chair, kicking his feet up.

The tall short haired blond, muscularly androgynous woman shakes her head wearing an open chest trench coat just finished brewing a pot of tea that she sits down in Maine's seat as they enjoy it together.

"Ah, this is the Corpo[10] life, right here." She says as she takes a sip of hot tea, a true commodity that they only have gotten only a few select times once Axel joined their group as a mascot of sorts, especially when the tea itself lacks a major component, synthetic leaves. This stuff in her cup is real tea leaves, and she couldn't be happier to enjoy it, though she wishes the others were here to enjoy the pot. "And don't pay Maine any mind, he is just looking out for you"

"I know, and I'm trying to make sure he is safe and healthy too. Cant let the few people I know randomly die out." His words echo with Dorio as she too is trying to watch over Maine. She soon reaches for a piece of trash to throw into the flame when a new heat source appears between them. A floating fireball.

"Kid, I still have no idea what that is, or how you pull that out of your butt, but i won't be complaining right now. The Winter is getting cold."

"Rare for it to ever snow in these parts. Don't remember anything like this early in the year. Barely a breeze back then" Axel states as Night city which is based on the border of North and South Free states of California rarely gets snow.


Alt Title: Welcome to Night city, Maine Crew mascot. Snow

Drop a comment if you wanna judge my writing or the story. Ill try to respond, especially if you're confused or anything.

[1] Chems = Drugs

[2] BD = Brain dance, a type of hollow dance that people with an alternative form of glasses can wear to watch the perspective of others or just to watch movies. (there is lots of pron for it (swap r and o)

[3] Gonk = Idiot, fool, retard, and other slurs

[4] Eddies = EuroDollar, the 'modern' day currency

[5] Borg= when a person has so many implants that they looks more machine than man.

[6] Animals is a gang of people who are crazy implant cultists that replace entire chunks of their bodies and even faces to be more machine. If 40k was here, people would assume that they are Adeptus members

[7] 100% pure = not a single implant or mutated blood.

[8] Rippers = Ripperdocs, technically these are illegal doctors who perform surgeries and help people get implants of all sorts. Yet in 77' these are your staple doctors who implant all sorts of upgrades into you.

[9]Credit chips are essentially disposable credit card holding money.

[10] Corpo = refers to people who live and work in via corporations and thus typically make tons of money from undermining everyone else. People described as corpos are typically in business suits, working high end jobs or at least look like it. It has to be noted that Corporations essentially run the world of Night city.

As for the boxing stuff. With all sorts of implants, rules would have been revised and timelimits likely canceled since it then just becomes a matter of who has better Gorrilla arm implants

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