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Spirit King Kai - The Complete Series

The epic fantasy story follows Karuro Ashren, a driven young man seeking to become the next Spirit King and avenge his parents’ deaths at the hands of the devil lord Barakmaa. Karuro enrolls in Olympia Spirit Academy to train as a Soul Slayer, forming close bonds with his teammates while overcoming dangerous trials and enemies.

Chapter 1 - Spirit King Kai - THE ROOKIE SAGA

Arc -1 Olympia Spirit Academy (O.S.A.) Training 

Scene 1 - Karuro's House

Karuro finishes packing his bag for Spirit Academy as Kaya enters his room.

Kaya: Hey Karuro, almost ready to go?

Karuro: Hey sis. Yeah, just double checking I've got everything. Feels weird leaving home.

Kaya: I know, but you're going to do great things.

Karuro: You think so? I don't want to let you down.

Kaya: With your talent? No way. But remember being a Soul Slayer means more than just power. Use your skills to help others.

Karuro: I will, That's why I'm doing this - to protect people from evil spirits. Like the ones who... took Mom and Dad.

Kaya: I know. They'd be so proud of you. Just please take care of yourself.

Karuro: I will. Thanks, Kaya. I'm going to miss you.

They hug. Karuro grabs his bag and heads out.

Scene 2 - Arriving at Spirit Academy

Karuro walks through the front gates of a grand academy building, gazing in awe. Other students chatted excitedly around him.

Karuro: Wow...I can't believe I'm here. This is where the great Soul Slayers get their start. I'm gonna make my mark here at Olympia Spirit Academy.

Karuro strides proudly towards the entrance, ready to begin his destiny.

Scene 3 - Orientation Ceremony

Headmaster Glogen stands on a stage, addressing the incoming class. Karuro sits among hundreds of other students.

Glogen: Welcome, students, to Olympia Spirit Academy. You have been selected from among many hopefuls to study the art of becoming Soul Slayers. This journey will challenge you in ways you cannot imagine. But with hard work and discipline, you will emerge as protectors of this world.

Karuro listens intently, hanging on the headmaster's every word.

Glogen: You will be assigned teams and mentors shortly. But know this - your fellow students are now your family. You must support each other through the difficult trials ahead. Now, let your journey begin!

The students applaud. Karuro's eyes shine with excitement for the adventures to come.

Scene 4 - Team Assignments

Students mill around a bulletin board posting team assignments. Karuro scans the list eagerly.

Karuro: Let's see...where am I... Ah, here! Team 38 with Kotashi as our mentor. And my teammates are...Nozz, Talia and Daigo. Hmm, don't know them yet but hey I'm sure we'll get along great.

Karuro heads off down the hall to meet his new team.

Scene 5 - First Training Session

Karuro stands with Nozz and Talia as Kotashi addresses them.

Kotashi: Welcome Team 38. I'm Kotashi, your mentor. You four show great promise, and I have high hopes for you. But your training will be pretty damn hard. Are you up for it?

Karuro: Absolutely, sir! I'm ready for whatever you have in store.

Nozz: You bet! I can't wait to start learning some crazy moves, Maybe I'll be super strong who knows?

Daigo: You could be strong, just not stronger than me.

Talia: I look forward to your guidance, sir.

Kotashi: Great. Now, let's begin with some basic energy manipulation drills. Focus your soul energy on this training orb.

They get to work channeling their energy. Karuro strains as he tries to activate his orb.

Kotashi: Relax, Karuro. Don't force it. With practice, it will come naturally. Deep breaths.

Karuro nods and regulates his breathing. His orb begins glowing with energy, but then it starts glowing a lot and breaks.

Karuro: uh that wasn't supposed to happen was it?

Kotashi smiles.

Kotashi: Nah it's cool, you just need to work on controlling your energy flow

Karuro: yeah it's weird, sometimes I can access my soul energy with no problem, other times it can't do anything.

Kotashi: that's pretty normal, it seems like you train your physical body a lot, and that going to create limiters in your body but it's for the best, you won't run into that problem once your body and spirit are actually in sync with one another.

Karuro: OK Thank you, sir.

Kotashi: it's what I'm here for.

Kotashi checks on Nozz

Kotashi: you're doing good but your orb is a little dim, most of the energy you are using is psychic.

Nozz: but that's my thing, how am I supposed to do things without my psychic energy?

Kotashi: if you wanna learn how to make your psychic energy stronger you have to learn how to effectively use your soul energy. Try to put more of your body into it and less of your mind.

Kotashi checks on Daigo

Kotashi: Your orb is pretty lit Daigo, but try to dim it a bit more.

Daigo: Why? Isn't the point of this drill to see how strong your soul energy manipulation is?

Kotashi: Not to see how strong it is, it's to see how much control you have. But it is impressive that your orb is this bright, still focus on control, not strength.

Kotashi checks on Talia

Kotashi: OK your orb is pretty lit, not too much and not too little. Good job.

Talia: thank you, sir. I'd been training for a while before I joined Olympia.

Kotashi: I could see that all of you have to an extent. You all did well today, rest guys.

Scene 6 - Late Night Study Session

Karuro is in his dorm room late at night reading stacks of books, clearly exhausted. There's a knock at his door. He opens it to find Talia.

Talia: Hey Karuro, you're still up studying? It's nearly midnight.

Karuro: Oh hey Talia. Yeah, I want to be prepared for Kotashi's lesson tomorrow on soul energy types.

Talia: You can't learn if you're burnt out. Here, I brought you some tea. Take a break.

Karuro: Oh, thanks. I have been hitting the books pretty hard, huh?

They sit together sipping tea.

Talia: We're teammates, so let me know if you need any help. Get some rest.

Karuro: Will do. Appreciate you looking out for me. That's what being on a team is about.

Talia: You got it! Goodnight, Karuro.

Karuro: 'Night, Talia.

Karuro closes his books, finally ready for some sleep.

Scene 7 - First Mission

Kotashi briefs Team 38 on their first field mission.

Kotashi: There have been reports of mischievous fox spirits causing trouble in a nearby town. This will be your chance to put your training into action. Approach with caution and work together to contain the threat.

Karuro: We won't let you down, Let's do this, guys!

While arriving in the town they discuss their abilities so they have an idea of what to do when they arrive.

Karuro: OK we probably should tell each other our abilities so we can work together and work around each other if we need to.

Nozz: OK that makes sense, well mine is pretty straightforward. Im just a psychic so I can read minds, manipulate brain waves, and my basic soul force is automatically really strong just because im psychic.

Talia: Im nothing too special, I just control shadows.

Daigo: Well my Spirit Ability is a little bit complicated so pay attention, when I touch any object and I can home them onto anything, I can change its size from however big to however small I want. I can even coat them in metal and myself in metal too.

Karuro: That wasn't hard to understand at all...

Daigo: OK then, what's your Spirit Ability then?

Karuro: It's pretty simple, My basic soul energy has an affinity for lighting so I can control that. But my main Spirit Ability is I can copy others by either looking at it or being affected by it. I can even combine them to.

Daigo: Wow... so you steal other people's techniques?

Karuro: it's not stealing if I make it my own.

Daigo: I guess...

They arrive at the town and find it in chaos, with spirits flying around causing damage.

Karuro: Alright Daigo I need you to gather the fox spirits, Nozz and Talia, let's surround them and combine our abilities. I'll use Lightning Burst to stun them. Nozz, get ready with Psychic Net. Talia, finish them off with Shadow Strike.

Daigo: And who made you the leader, Ashren?

Karuro: Do you have a plan?

Daigo: their just fox spirits, you don't need a plan.

Karuro: Whatever let's just go.

Talia took the lead, her arms outstretched as she summoned inky black tendrils from the shadows around them. The dark tentacles snaked out, lashing at the darting fox spirits. The fox spirits were mischievous tricksters, zipping through the air and teleporting away from Talia's grasping shadows. But she was relentless, the dark tentacles multiplying and contorting to cut off their escape routes. Nozz joined in, his eyes glowing as he used his psychic powers to sense the fox spirits' movements before they happened.

Nozz: There! By the fountain!

Karuro turned and raised his hands, calling on his lightning abilities. With a crack of thunder, a bolt of electricity lanced out, narrowly missing a fox spirit but serving to herd it back toward Talia's enveloping shadows.

Daigo: Let me help before this turns into a fiasco!

He smashes the ground, grabs the rubble and hones the rocks into the fox spirits. The combined efforts of the four teammates began to efficiently corral the fox spirits into a tighter space in the village square's center. When the last one was captured, Nozz raised his hands and wove his shimmering psychic net around the trapped tricksters.

Karuro: Lighting Burst!

electricity was arcing between his fingertips. He let loose a massive blast that surged through Nozz's net, finally stunning the ornery fox spirits into submission.

Kotashi: Excellently coordinated! Talia's area control, Nozz's spatial awareness, Daigo's quick thinking, and Karuro's planning. You all brought something to the battle.

Talia raised Karuro's hand in a gesture of respect.

Talia: Karuro's planning brought it all together. We make a great team.

The four teammates exchanged grins, having passed their first real test as Spirit Slayers of Olympia Academy.

Scene 8 - Rivalry

A few weeks after their successful first mission, tensions were running high within Team 38 during a rigorous training session. Karuro struggled with a new energy manipulation technique while Daigo seemed to pick it up effortlessly.

Karuro: How are you doing that already? I've been at this for hours.

Daigo: What can I say? I'm just a natural at this stuff. Maybe you're not cut out for it.

Karuro: What's that supposed to mean? We both got accepted here, didn't we?

Daigo: Yeah, but some of us have more raw talent than others.

Fed up, Karuro shoved Daigo hard in the chest.

Karuro: Don't start acting like you're better than me. We're supposed to be teammates!

Daigo roughly shoved him back.

Daigo: Don't dish it out if you can't take it, Copy-boy.

Karuro: I can take whatever you dish out any day!

Daigo: Then prove it, I know a spot not too far from Olympia where we can go all out.

Karuro: Fine by me...

Nozz and Talia look at each other knowing that this can't be good

Scene 9 - Vs. Daigo

Karuro and Daigo made their way to the secluded training ground, the tension was so thick you could cut it with a butter knife.

Daigo: No rules, just going all out...

Karuro: Whatever you want...

They launched into battle, Karuro leading with a blast of lightning that Daigo narrowly avoided. Daigo retaliated by touching a nearby boulder and rapidly increasing its mass until it was a titanic stone pillar towering above them both. With a grunt of effort, Daigo ripped the top portion free and hurled it like a massive projectile. Karuro rolled to the side, the gargantuan rock slamming into the ground with an earth-shaking impact. Scrambling back to his feet, Karuro formed lightning rings that lashed out at Daigo like whips. But Daigo ran through them, using his ability to shrink any debris in his path down to pebble size to avoid the electrified strikes. Closing the distance, Daigo absorbed a few glancing blows from Karuro's lightning before tackling him to the ground. They grappled fiercely, Karuro trying to summon more electrical attacks only for Daigo to diminish their mass, rendering them harmless. Daigo then grabbed a handful of dirt, compressing it down until it had the density of solid metal. He formed it into a crude blade, aiming to bludgeon Karuro into submission. Thinking quickly, Karuro focused his lightning into a concentrated beam that superheated the air, melting Daigo's improvised weapon instantly. The molten metal splashed across Daigo's chest, searing his flesh. With a pained roar, Daigo stumbled back, giving Karuro an opening. He unleashed a massive lightning blast point-blank into Daigo's body. Daigo convulsed from the electrical onslaught but rallied his determination. He slammed his hand into the ground, drastically increasing the battlefield's overall mass and density. Now the very earth itself had transformed into an ultra-condensed state, grounding Karuro's lightning abilities entirely. He tried firing more blasts, but they fizzled harmlessly in the heavy air. Daigo then charges soul energy into his metal-coated arm and charges at Karuro. Karuro also coats his arm in metal and charges it with soul energy and electricity. The two dashes and hit each other square in the face, Daigo's punch hit hard and sent Karuro flying, Karuro's punch barely pushed Daigo but it did way more damage and left Daigo holding his face afterward.

After a while, Daigo removes his hands from his face. He sees Karuro on the ground and starts to laugh.

Daigo: I told you this was gonna happen, Guess im better soul slayer...

Saying nothing, Karuro simply simply smiles and points up. Daigo looks up and sees a giant-sized meteor coated in metal and electricity. Karuro was able to make this meteor slowly throughout this fight. Karuro points down and drops the meteor on Daigo, winning the battle. Karuro slowly gets up and walks towards Nozz and Talia.

Karuro: Hey guys... can we keep this... "event" to ourselves? I don't Kotashi to find out.

Nozz: Yeah... we got your back.

Talia: Of course, we'll keep this a secret.

Scene 10 - The Princess

Headmaster Glogen makes an announcement

Glogen: attention students, I regret to inform you that Princess Lillian has been captured by a demon named Cobara. For your safety, Olympia Spirit Academy will be on lockdown so one is getting in and no one is getting out. Yet again I am sorry, please have a blessed day.

Karuro's heart sinks into his stomach

Karuro: so what, he's just gonna tell us that and not expect anyone to do anything?!

Kotashi: well I'm sure the Spirit King is probably planning to do something, my guess is he simply doesn't want anyone to interfere with the situation.

Karuro understands but he still feels bad

Kotashi: Look, moping about it won't do you any good. Just go back to your dorm and blow off some steam.

Karuro goes to his team dorm, Nozz, Talia and Daigo are there just chilling.

Nozz: yo, I did not expect that crazy announcement today.

Talia: yeah that's terrible, plus we're on lockdown.

Daigo: Oh well, nothing we can do.

Karuro is silent

Nozz: You ok Karuro?

Talia: yeah is something wrong, You seem down.

Karuro: I'm going to go try to save the princess, you guys wanna help?

Nozz, Talia and Daigo: what?!

Nozz: I don't think that's a good idea, dude.

Talia: You don't think!! Karuro that's a dumbass idea!!!

Daigo: Yeah I think that win has gotten to your head.

Karuro: It's not that, and if you guys won't help and that's ok. But I'm not gonna sit here and do nothing when I know can do something!

Talia: And what do you think you can do? You don't even know what Cobara or the princess looks like, not to mention you don't even know if you're strong enough to even fight the bastard!!

Karuro: I understand, but I didn't come here just to not my job.

Talia: it's just too dangerous to go out there by yourself.

She stands up over Karuro

Talia: I'm not letting you go out there

Karuro gets up and just glares at Talia

Karuro: you know what, fine it's cool.

Talia: Thank you for seeing my wa-

A rock pillar suddenly comes from the ground and hits her in the back of her head, knocking her out.

Nozz: Holy shit man was that you?!

Karuro: yeah tell her I'm sorry for me, please

Nozz: sure I guess, how are you even going to find Cobara and the Princess?

Karuro: can you read multiple minds at a time?

Nozz: uhh don't know how that's related but I kinda can.

Karuro: thanks Nozz, that's gonna help a lot.

Daigo: Your gonna die, you know that right?

Karuro: So be it then, at least I'll go out swinging.

Karuro uses a rock pillar to fly out of the building and begins his search

Karuro: Nozz's mind reading should hopefully make it easier to find Cobara and the princess. If they had to lockdown Olympia then Cobara should be somewhere near, He is not in a public place. So he must be in the woods. I'm coming Cobara, get ready for the ass-whooping of a lifetime!

Meanwhile, deep in the forest, Cobara is trying to force Lillian to give him power.

Lillian: Get your grimy hands off me!!

Cobara: then give me that healing ability of yours.

Lillian: You think I'm going to give you anything you freak!

Cobara: Watch your tongue girl, you do realize what I could do to you.

Lillian: Your not gonna touch me, you need me for dumbass goal.

Cobara: well your right and wrong.

Cobara punches Lillian square in the face

Cobara: I'm not gonna kill you, but I don't exactly need you in mint condition

Lillian: your... Gonna regret doing this.....

Cobara: oh on the contrary, when I get control of that healing ability I'll be the most powerful entity on earth. So yeah I think I'm not gonna regret it at all.

Lillian is shaken up from hearing this, she begins to cry

Cobara: is that tear? Oh don't cry on me now

A smirk appears on Cobara's face, he was about to grab Lillian until....

Karuro grabs Lillian and darts past Cobara

Lillian: w- who are you?

Karuro: I'm a soul slayer in training, I'll get you outta here

Cobara blitzes at Karuro and smacks him away

Karuro summons a rock pillar behind him to stop his flying

Cobara: so the soul slayers were actually dumb enough to send somebody

Karuro: nope, it's just me.

Cobara: oh, well you do realize you fucked up by coming here right?

Karuro: well I wouldn't be a soul slayer if I didn't right?

Cobara: true, just don't be surprised when I break you.

Karuro: Oh really, show me...

Karuro and Cobara dash at each other with Karuro landing the first punch Cobara eats the punch, grabs Karuro's leg, and slams him into the ground. Karuro creates lighting around his body and shocks Cobara who then dashes back and shoots a long-range attack at him. Karuro dodges the attack, then creates a sword from the ground and tries to cut off Cobara's neck, Cobara dodges it and tail whips Karuro. Karuro wraps Cobara's tail around his arm and slams him on the ground. Cobara puts his hand in the ground, summoning snakes to stun Karuro. While Karuro is busy fighting the snakes, Cobara is charging a very deadly attack preparing to kill Karuro. Lillian notices this and tries to shoot an energy blast at Cobara to stop him. Cobara easily dodges and smacks her away. Seeing this, Karuro angrily darts at Cobara, Cobara finishes charging his attack

Cobara: VENOM RAY!!!!

Karuro stops dead in his tracks and puts his left arm up, creating an electric shield around it. The venom ray destroys the area around it, but Karuro is still standing

Cobara: Wow, you humans are persistent little bastards aren't you? Seems like your arm is a little busted and you're drained of soul energy so give it up, You can't win...

Karuro: well, at least I'm gonna die knowing I'm not a coward.

Cobara: Coward?! I don't know if there's any blood left in your head but how am I a coward?!

Karuro: capturing a princess for a power you didn't earn, seems pretty self-explanatory. I just wish my last ever fight wasn't with a bitch like you...

Cobara hearing this got very angry and grew in size

Cobara: I'm going to enjoy tearing you apart

Karuro: if you can catch me!

Karuro is running while Cobara is blindly chasing him, and then Lillian notices something

Lillian: I can feel that boy's energy rising, what does he have planned...

Karuro is charging up a bomb in his hands

Cobara: so are you done running, brat?!

Karuro: yeah, thanks for the cardio dummy

Karuro turns around and shoots an electric ball bomb into Cobara's mouth

Cobara: D- did you think that was gonna wor-

Cobara instantly exploded after a second

Karuro: well... the job is done.

Karuro walks over to Lillian

Karuro: are you... ok?

Lillian: I should be asking you that?!

Karuro: I'll manage

Lillian: No you won't!! Here

Lillian heals Karuro but only a little

Lillian: sorry I can't heal you a bit more, my energy is low at the moment

Karuro: It's fine, let's just get you to Olympia.

Lillian: Yeah, and thank you by the way.

Karuro: You don't gotta thank me for doing my job.

Lillian: Well can I at least get your name?

Karuro: I'm Karuro

Lillian: Well, thank you again, Karuro.

Karuro returns to Olympia with Lillian by his side

A bunch of people rush at the two.

Glogen: Give the two some space! Are you OK young man?

Karuro: Im... fine

Lillian: No your not!! Mr. Glogen, he's been through hell and back today.

Karuro ignores everyone around him and just goes back to his dorm and rest

The next day, Karuro wakes up in the academy infirmary, sore and bandaged but alive. As he looks around the room, Kotashi enters.

Kotashi: Glad to see you're awake. That was an incredibly reckless thing you did, going after Cobara alone. You're lucky to be in one piece.

Karuro just shrugs

Karuro: I did what I had to do.

Kotashi sighs.

Kotashi: Yes, I suppose you did. And as much as I want to scold you for disobeying orders, your actions were quite heroic. You saved the princess and defeated a powerful threat.

Just then, Headmaster Glogen and Princess Lillian walk into the infirmary. Lillian rushes over to Karuro's bedside.

Lillian: Oh thank god, you're alright! I was so worried.

Glogen: Princess Lillian insisted on coming to check on you herself after you saved her life.

Karuro shakes his head dismissively.

Karuro: You don't need to make a fuss over me. I'm just glad you're safe, Princess.

Lillian: Please, call me Lillian, What you did was incredibly brave. My father is grateful as well - he asked me to give you this, as thanks from him.

She holds out a gleaming medal - the Medal of Courage, a high honor among soul slayers. Karuro's eyes go wide.

Karuro: Whoa...are you serious?

Lillian smiles and pins the medal on his shirt. Kotashi pats Karuro on the back.

Kotashi: This is very well deserved. You've more than proven yourself, Karuro. And Lillian is right - you should be proud. Get some more rest, and we'll speak soon about where we go from here.

After Kotashi and Glogen leave, Lillian stays behind for a moment.

Lillian: I know you downplay what you did, but you really are a hero, Thank you again, Karuro. I want to again someday.

She squeezes his hand warmly, then turns and exits the infirmary. Alone again, Karuro looks down at the Medal of Courage, finally allowing himself to smile. He mutters to himself:

Karuro: Huh. Maybe I really can become the next Spirit King.

Filled with new motivation, Karuro lays back and begins dreaming up what adventures might await him next. His journey is only just beginning. 

Arc - 2 Seven Soul Gems 

One year after the battle with Cobara, Karuro Graduated from his 1st year of Olympia. This put him on Spirit King Yukahn's radar so in case if any event were to happen, Karuro would be one of the first notified.

Scene 1 - The Spirit King's Summons

Karuro enters the throne room where the Spirit King greets him.

Spirit King: Hello young Karuro, it's good to see you again but I wish it wasn't under these circumstances.

Karuro: Likewise, Mr. Yukahn. what seems to be the issue

Yukahn: the soul slayers have been investing in Ido Soken, he was an old teacher at Olympia. He wants to gather the soul gems but we don't know for what reason.

Karuro: so you want me to figure that out?

Yukahn: not exactly, I just want you to gather the gems before Soken does

Karuro: So how do I find these soul gems?

Yukahn taps Karuro's head, installing a soul gem GPS into his mind.

Karuro: Seems simple enough, I won't let you down, sir.

Lillian: Wait!

Karuro: Lillian? how have you been?

Lillian: I've been great, I've overheard you talking to Dad and I was wondering if I could go with you

Karuro and Yukahn: Are you sure?!

Lillian: after what you did for me, I owe you.

Karuro: you don't owe me anything, but if you really wanna go then let's do it.

Yukahn: Lillian, are you sure about this? Remember last time what happened

Lillian: I do but I'm gonna be with the guy who saved me. I even have a new defense technique

Yukahn: Fine but please be careful.

Lillian: I will Dad, Love you. Now come on Karuro let's go!

Karuro: I like the energy! But tell me what is this new defense technique is before we head out.

Lillian: Well it's called self shield, it's a very thin layer of soul energy around my body but the soul energy is so dense that nothing can really get through it.

Karuro: That actually sounds pretty good, Now let's head out and get a team.

Scene 2 - Team Assembly

Karuro and Lillian go to his dorm to recruit Nozz, Talia, and Daigo

Daigo: so you guys want us to come with you and look for some glorified jewelry?

Karuro: yep, finding the gems themselves shouldn't be too hard but just in case some bull happens I'll have you guys.

Talia: That's all I need to hear, I'm in.

Nozz: Well if you're going then I guess I'll go too.

Karuro: I do want to bring Kotashi, he has the most field experience out of any of us.

The team goes to ask Kotashi if he can come on the journey with them.

Kotashi: Yeah no guys, I'm sorry but have classes to teach here. You might have better luck finding another teacher maybe.

Nozz: aww man, you guys got any idea who we should get now?

Karuro thinks for a second and gets an idea.

Karuro: I think I might know someone who will be up for it

Talia: Who is it?

Karuro: you'll find out, come on guys let's move out.

Karuro and the gang follow him to his old home

Nozz: So whose house is this exactly?

Karuro: Mine actually

Talia: Hold on, so you're recruiting a family member?

Karuro: Yep, my sis actually

Lillian, Daigo, Nozz, and Talia: What!!

Karuro knocks on the door, excited to see his sister's face again.

Kaya opens the door

Kaya: Hello?- KARURO!!!

Kaya gives Karuro a death hug

Karuro: it's really good to see ya again

Kaya: I missed you a lot, and I see you brought some friends

Karuro: Yep, Nozz, Talia, Daigo, and Lillian

Nozz: Yo!

Talia: Hello.

Lillian: Hi!

Daigo: Hey.

Kaya: Nice to meet you guys! Yall come on in.

Karuro: Thanks but we're actually on the job, we came here to recruit you.

Kaya: Recruit me? Why?

Karuro: Teachers at Olympia got their hands full with classes and stuff. Plus you have more experience than any of us.

Kaya: yeah I guess that makes sense, I'm in. I gotta be there for my Little brother

Talia: Are you sure you have time for us?

Kaya: Yeah it's okay, what is this mission anyway?

Nozz: we gotta find some stones I guess

Kaya: stones?

Karuro: Soul gems, Nozz

Nozz: well my bad, we got your sis so let's go already

Karuro: Yeah we probably shouldn't waste time, we out.

The team starts their search by trying to sense high levels of soul energy in one spot.

Scene 3 - The Ancient Forest

The group searches an ancient forest for the first gem. Fighting living plants, they reach the heart of the woods and a hidden temple. Within its maze-like depths, they finally uncover an orange Soul Gem.

Nozz: One down, six to go! Wow this was easier than I expected

Kaya: you guys might've not even needed me

Karuro: We can't waste any time though. Let's hurry up and get the other six

Scene 4 - The Mountain Citadel

Braving perilous icy peaks, the group ascends Demonspine Mountain. Within the blizzard-shrouded fortress at its summit, they the light-blue Soul Gem.

Scene 5 - The Sunken City

Venturing across stormy seas, the companions arrive at an ancient sunken city hidden beneath the waves. Finding the entrance in a coastal cave, they make their way through flooded ruins filled with traps and treasure.

In a temple's inner sanctum, they claim the dark green Soul Gem. Karuro's mastery of lightning and Talia's aquatic agility are crucial to overcoming the underwater hazards.

Karuro: Good job! But we've got to pick up the pace.

United in camaraderie and purpose, the heroes sail onward through lashing rains toward the next destination.

Scene 6 - The Treacherous Swamp

Trudging into a fetid, fog-choked swamp, the band searches desperately for the yellow Soul Gem hoping to claim it first. Nozz's psychic senses eventually detect its location - an ancient tree shrine deep in the bog.

Fending off attacks by aggressive giant insects and swamp creatures, they reach the shrine.

Karuro: Fight with everything you've got! We can't fail now!

In a harrowing battle, the companions finally defeat the last cultist. But when they enter the shrine, the gem is already gone.

Karuro: Damn it!

Daigo: Dude we still have three gems, worst case Soken got one.

Karuro: No Daigo, worst case scenario Soken has four!! Come on we gotta move!!

Scene 7 - The Final Gems

With only three Soul Gems left unclaimed, Karuro's crew races urgently to find them, knowing Soken seeks the same. Through tireless effort and skill, they secure the red gem of Valor from a volcano's depths and the purple gem of Cunning from an aerial cloud citadel.

Karuro: OK, we have five gems so now the worst case is Soken has two.

Lillian: So what can he do with two soul gems?

Nozz: Beats me but we should be in the clear.

Right when the team was about to return to the ground, they heard a voice behind them, they turned around and saw a figure holding two soul gems

Soken: And I am so grateful your team has gotten the other five all in one spot for me.

The team is frightened by this statement

Talia: How did you find us?!

Soken: I was simply going to go find them myself but letting you find them for me was time-efficient. Now, I am only going to say this once, give me the soul gems.

Karuro: You're going to have to take them from us!!

Soken: Very well then, remember you chose what's about to happen.

Nozz tries to use a psychic grip on Soken

Soken uses the raw strength of his soul force to break out of the grip, this pushes the whole team back. Soken follows up by blitzing Nozz and knocking him out by Elbowing his skull and taking his soul gem.

Talia turns intangible to try and sneak attack him while Kaya creates golems and rock terrain to corner Soken. Soken simply makes gravity slightly heavier to make everyone slower, Talia tries to use a shadow strike but Soken dodges it and knees her in the stomach then turns his leg into metal and Roundhouse kicks her. This knocks her out and Soken takes a soul gem from her. Kaya creates a giant rock hammer and swings down on Soken. When she swings, Soken touches the hammer and turns it into skittles.

Kaya: What the hell!?

Soken makes the Skittles levitate, then he proceeds to shoot them at Kaya so fast that they pierce right through her body. Kaya falls to the ground, passing out.

Soken takes the gem from her unconscious body

Karuro: Kaya!

Karuro runs to his sister while Lillian puts a shield barrier around them

Daigo picks up the Skittles Soken made, increases their size, and coats them in metal, throwing them at Soken. Soken simply cuts the Skittles and dashes at Daigo grabbing him by the neck and slamming him into Lillian's shield breaking it and knocking Daigo out. Lillian throws a punch at Soken but misses, Soken swings his sword at Lillian but it breaks on her self-shield. Soken then just phases through her, causing Lillian to pass out.

Soken takes the soul gem from her

Soken: 6 down, 1 to go...

Karuro was scared for his life, but he faced him

Karuro: Why... do this? Why do you want the gems?

Soken: Because I want to make this world a better place, once I get all of the soul gems my ability to manipulate matter will become conceptual manipulation. Then I will erase the concept of evil in its entirety.

Karuro: I get that, but this isn't the way to go about it! You're doing the greatest evil by taking away people's choice to be good!!

Soken: If there is a choice to be evil then eventually it will be chosen, that is just basic human nature.

Karuro: So what good is a world with no evil if it's artificial?!

Soken: A world with no evil, no matter how it's obtained is a perfect one in my eyes. The only scenario where you could have what you want is to kill the devil lord himself which is highly unlikely. Nonetheless, I see good intentions in your heart, so I will ask you for the final time. Give me the soul gems...

Karuro: That's something I simply can't do, Soken.

Karuro uses his lighting body boost to charge his soul energy to its max.

Soken: Then so be it, before you die I would at least like to know your name.

Karuro: Karuro...

Soken: Well goodbye then young Karuro, hopefully, You're reborn in my Utopia.

Karuro dashes at Soken punching him square in the face, But Soken turns his face into titanium and punches Karuro into the air.

While in the air, Karuro creates a lightning bolt, lights it on fire, and throws it at Soken. Soken retaliates by jumping into the air, grabbing the "firebolt" and turning it into a sword slashing at Karuro. Karuro dodges the slashes and kicks his face upward, then grabs his leg and throws him into the ground with an electric bomb on Soken's leg. But bomb detonates but it does little damage to Soken, when the smoke clears Karuro comes crashing into Soken. As they Skip along the ground, Soken lands a backhanded fist and then grabs his head and starts kneeing him repeatedly. Soken then slams Karuro's face into the ground and drags it. Karuro elbows Soken's face to get him off of himself, Karuro then hits Soken with a left hook, grabs his head, flips mid-air with both of their bodies, and slams Soken into the ground. Soken then phases his body his body in the ground, Karuro runs to find where Soken went but as he's running a blade from the ground stabs Karuro in the back, through his chest.

Soken comes up from the ground, lifting Karuro on his sword

Soken: I told you this was going to happen, although you did give me one hell of a battle. I thank you for that, Karuro, I'm sorry that you had to die...

Hearing this, Karuro's anger just erupted. The blood dripping from his chest starts to turn black, as well as his aura. He breaks the blade off of him and drops it down to the ground. The black blood dripping from his chest and wounds starts to coat his entire body. This was his mental ability finally unlocked.

Soken: Well this was unexpected, you went through a spiritual awakening. That changes nothing.

Soken turns his fist into titanium and throws a punch at Karuro, but Karuro catches the punch and knees Soken in the stomach so hard that he starts to throw up blood.

Soken: W-what.. What the hell...!?

Black tendrils start to come out of Karuros's body and attack Soken. The tendrils are so fast and precise that Soken can't even keep up with them, he then realizes something.

Soken: this isn't normal soul energy, it's anti-soul energy!!

Soken uses his deadzone to try and give himself an advantage

Soken: Do not move any closer to me!! I can kill everyone in this area with a motion from my blade!

Karuro not saying a word, releases so much anti-soul force that it destroys the deadzone in its entirety. Once they get out, Karuro lunges at Soken and proceeds to beat the ever-living crap outta him. Karuro grabs Soken's face and keeps on hitting it repeatedly until he destroys Soken's entire head. Soken's headless body runs away from Karuro to regenerate, when Soken's head grows back Karuro speeds behind him, knees his back, sweep kicks him and combos it into an uppercut.

Soken knowing he can't win this fight, tries to use the 6 soul gems he has as a last resort to knockout himself and Karuro.

Soken: I really can't believe I'm resorting to this, but if I want to escape the battle with my life I have to.

Soken puts the power of his 6 soul gems into his hand and lunges at Karuro, seeing this Karuro does the same with his 1 soul gem and combines it with his anti-soul energy. When they clash, the energy output is so big you could see it from space.

Karuro awoke with his friend and family by his side.

Kaya, Lillian, Daigo, Nozz, and Talia: Karuro!!

They all give hugs to Karuro, and a sly kiss from Lillian

Karuro: are... you guys... Alright?

Kaya: We are just fine but are you ok?!!?

Karuro: I am incredibly in pain but I'll be fine, what about Soken and the soul gems?

Yukahn walks into the room

Yukahn: the soul gems are safe and secured, as for Soken he has been sealed away.

Karuro: Thank god!!

Yukahn: Thank you young Karuro for not only gathering but protecting the soul gems with your life, please tell me what would you like I'll provide anything you want.

Karuro: It's an honor but after this mission, all I want is to go to get some breakfast with my team.

Nozz: You are the only person I know who would pass up on an offer like that

Karuro: I already got what I wanted, a bigger family.

Hearing this from Karuro made Kaya tear up on the inside.


As the sun rises over Olympia, Karuro and his newfound family gather around a large wooden table in a cozy breakfast nook. The smell of freshly cooked pancakes and bacon fills the air, and warm sunlight bathes the room.

Kaya: You know, Karuro, I never thought I'd see the day when you'd be cooking breakfast for all of us.

Karuro: Well, it's the least I can do after everything we've been through. Besides, it's about time I put my culinary skills to good use.

Nozz: These are seriously amazing, Karuro.

Daigo: I guess they're alright.

Talia: Oh come on, Karuro you're not just a powerhouse in battles; you're a powerhouse in the kitchen too.

Lillian: And you've got a big heart to match.

As they share laughter and stories of their adventures, Karuro can't help but feel a sense of contentment and gratitude. The Soul Gems are secure, and Soken's threat has been vanquished. Their bond has grown stronger, and they've come to appreciate the simple joys of life together.