While kojin was holding off sorata's giant ball of destructive energy, he calls out "Beast of destruction" as a massive amount of destructive energy bursts out of his body and starts to form a tornado. As this happens kojin starts to boost up even more destructive energy as his destructive energy starts to form a tiger. Kojin's beast of destruction technique starts to over take sorata's giant ball of purple destructive energy. While kojin's attack was over taking saito's attack, the both of them begin to yell as they were struggling to overtake each other with the destructive power they have. Kojin's beast of destruction starts to overtake sorata's giant ball of destructive energy, but while this was happening, sorata screams in anger "I'm not going to lose, I'll kill you!",which made his attack begin to overwhelm kojin's. As this kept on going, kojin says to himself "I have too.. I have to take you down! Even if I'm going to die!" Kojin then screams as his beast of destruction technique just overtakes sorata's giant ball of destructive energy and blasts him, causing a giant explosion that took out everything around the area and also cleared the sky above them. After the smoke clears, kojin is badly burned but then is on his knees as he cant stand up. Kojin in this weakened state just says "I did it. I actually did it, I've atoned for my sins. Saito, please forgive me." Sorata on the other hand who seems to be on his two feet with the skin of his body burnt off but with his face not that burnt with his purple hair which seemed to be rough and dirty due to the fight. He begins to laugh silently and says "What part of I will kill you do you not understand! Old man!" Suddenly a burst of purple destructive energy bursts out of his body and into the sky, as it instantly creates a giant storm cloud with a powerful amount of lightning starting to fall along with a giant ball of destructive energy forming on the sky. Kojin is shocked as he says "What the??!! I just hit you with my strongest and most powerful attack! How are you still alive? I should have stopped you and not only that, but I was even scared that I killed you!" Sorata starts to float into the air while laughing menacingly with a joyfull smile on his face as he was making the giant ball of destructive energy bigger and making the storm cloud even more powerful with more lightning falling even faster. Sorata yells out while laughing "Did you really think you killed me?! I'm not just stronger than you but I'm the better version of you! I've been gathering a huge amount of destructive energy in my body and not only that but every fight I've been, I have been absorbing and building up energy for this moment! For 6 years I've been building up enough energy just for this moment! So I could deliver the finishing blow! Takahama kojin! You will die! Here and now!" Sorata keeps on laughing as the thunder cloud he was making started to become more powerful and aggressive as it was shooting out lightning and the giant destructive energy he was forming became bigger. Sorata yells out "The explosion I'm about to make is going to cover over 310 kilometres! I'll burn everything away!", he precedes to laugh like a mad man. Kojin yells out "Saito! Stop this! If you continue, you'll die!!" Sorata flashbacks to the time were ukina was about to teleport them for battle, Kirihai then calls out to Kenji and saito saying "Hey you guys! Let's all come back alive, okay?" Saito and kenji pause for a moment, look at each and just smile as all three of them make a fist bump and agree with each other that they'll come back alive. As saito's body began to deteriorate away, he says to himself "Sorry Kirihai, but it looks like I wont come back alive!" Sorata's explosion of destructive energy releases as the explosion activates and starts to incinerate everything. Meanwhile as Kirihai was flying down at serena, sukuna and Raquel, she gathers a huge amount of dark energy on her sword while she starts to dodge the crystals Raquel begans to shoot at rapid fire. As she was doing so, she says to herself "Shinki, thanks for having my back. Kenji, thank you for being an elder brother figure for me. Sorata, thank you for always helping me when I needed it. As for garou and bara, you guys treated me nicely, thank you. Tenko, even if you died first among us, for the little time we shared, you were like a sister to me. Zora even if we didn't know each other that well, you were nice to me. Mirio, I'm sorry we couldn't be together for long but I just want to say, I love you. And as for my little brother tobi, I'll always cherish you with all my heart!" Serena and sukuna end up making a giant ball made out of both electricity and plasma, as they both launch it and yell "Die bitch!" Kirihai then yells in anger and tells them to get out her way as she clashes her blade with the attack which eventually caused an explosion, wiping the entire island. After the smoke clears of with everything on the island being incinerated, half of Kirihai's armour is broken due to the blast. Kirihai just smirks as she says to herself "I won! That's right, I won!" Kirihai then gets a sharp sting as she sees a giant explosion of destruction energy from a distance, along with a huge shock wave that heads toward her direction. Kirihai is stunned and out of words as she says with tears nearly dropping from her eyes "It can't be!! No way! Did saito....just die?!" Raquel then comes flying In with a white beam of light forming a dagger on her hand as she launches her attack at Kirihai and yells "We said die, bitch! Blade of death: Blast beam of destruction", this attack blast through Kirihai and flies to another island and blows it up.