Chereads / Spider-Man Mayhem / Chapter 241 - Chapter 241: Fantastic Four (7)

Chapter 241 - Chapter 241: Fantastic Four (7)

[Third Person's PoV] 

"While Bruce is taking care of Ben, shall we continue?" Gwen asked, glancing around. Ben's departure had left a tension in the room that could be cut with a knife. "Why don't we test you out, Reed?"

Everyone turned toward Reed, who nodded, though he cast a remorseful glance in the direction Ben had left before focusing on the group.

"Alright, Aria, let's hear it," Gwen said, addressing the Spider-bot.

"Where do I even begin with this one?" Aria remarked, causing Reed to shift uncomfortably as all eyes fell on him.

"As it would seem, Mr. Reed Richards possesses the ability to stretch and elongate any part of his anatomy to extraordinary lengths and shapes. His body exhibits an exceptional degree of malleability and flexibility, allowing him to manipulate his form in ways that defy conventional human physiology.

The foundation of Mr. Richards' abilities lies in his unique cellular and molecular composition. His cells have an extraordinary elasticity and resilience, enabling them to stretch, compress, and contort without suffering damage or losing functionality. This cellular elasticity is complemented by an advanced regenerative capability, which facilitates rapid repair and recovery from physical stress or injury, ensuring the integrity and functionality of his tissues under extreme deformation," Aria explained.

"Quick question!" Johnny interrupted, raising his hand excitedly. "When you say any part of his anatomy..."

"JOHNNY!" Susan shouted, cutting him off in exasperation.

Reed flushed a deep shade of red as Aria continued, unfazed, "If you're wondering whether Mr. Richards could control his penis, then theoretically, yes, it's possible, and very likely."

Peter, Harry, and Johnny let out impressed whistles, which only deepened Reed's embarrassment. "Can… Can we not?"

"Congratulations, Sue~," Gwen teased, nudging Susan.

Susan turned bright red, her body instinctively turning invisible as she exclaimed, "Why are you congratulating me?!"

"Obviously because you're the one who's going to benefit the most from all this," Gwen teased.

Susan's voice came back in a harsh, quiet tone as if she were clenching her teeth. "I don't know what impression you're under, but Reed and I aren't a couple."

"You're not?" Peter and Gwen asked in unison, surprised.

"I know, right?" Johnny scoffed. "With the way they act, they should already be married."

"What makes you guys think Sue and I are a couple?" Reed asked, genuinely confused. "She's a very good work friend whom I value a lot."

Seeing Reed's oblivious expression, Peter and Gwen looked at Susan with pity.

"You poor thing…" Gwen said sympathetically, placing a hand on Susan's shoulder.

"Please drop it," Susan sighed, becoming visible again.

Meanwhile, Reed was experimenting with his powers, stretching his fingers to an abnormal length.

"You're just showing off at this point, aren't you?" Peter scoffed, picking up Felicia, who was looking up at him. Harry chuckled in response.

"It definitely takes a lot of concentration," Reed replied, forming a mallet with his fist before his hand snapped back into place. He then made his hand two-dimensional, flattening it. "I already have so many ideas I want to try out with this," Reed continued, sounding increasingly excited about his abilities.

Reed turned to Peter and asked, "Can you send me all the files and data you've gathered about our powers? I want to study them on my own later."

"Sure, no problem," Peter nodded, scratching Felicia's chin, making her purr and rub her head against him. "You know what to do, Aria."

"Of course," Aria retorted. "To conclude the subject of Mr. Richards' power, more physical experiments need to be conducted to determine the limits of his abilities, which cannot be easily scanned."

"Thank you," Reed nodded toward Aria.

"Much obliged," she replied.

"Can we do me next?" Harry asked, raising his hand.

As everyone turned to him, he elaborated, "Mine is the only power we know virtually nothing about. The others had a few signs of what their powers were, but I still don't feel anything."

"You don't think you didn't get anything from the cosmic storm, do you?" Lizzy asked worriedly.

"I hope I did. I can't be the only one without a new cool power. Don't go jinxing me now," he said, a bit worried. The thought of being the only one unaffected by the cosmic storm was unsettling.

"Don't worry, you were definitely affected by the cosmic storm," Aria reassured him. "It's just that your abilities require an extra step to activate, which the others didn't have."

"An extra step?" Harry raised an eyebrow. "Is it because it's powerful, or is the extra step more of an inconvenience?"

"It depends on how you view it, but I'd say it's fairly powerful and will definitely enhance your overall combat ability," Aria explained. "Let me start by saying that the source of this power came from the residual radiation of Vibranium you came into contact with—"

"What!?" Harry exclaimed, taken aback.

"How did you guys come into contact with Vibranium?!" Reed asked in disbelief.

"What's Vibranium?" Johnny asked, confused.

"Can I see it?!" Reed implored Peter with an almost crazed, fanatical look.

"What power could I have gained from Vibranium radiation?" Harry asked, puzzled.


"Sorry..." they all apologized.

Harry looked at Aria apologetically, rubbing the back of his neck. "You can go on."

"From what I found, you have some radiation from the Vibranium fragment you retrieved alongside your face. It likely attached itself to you when you finished it out and pressed your face against it. Now, mixed with the cosmic storm exposure, your cells have mutated to store kinetic energy inside them—" Aria continued before being interrupted. 

"SWEET! That sounds awesome!" Harry exclaimed excitedly. "So, does it work like the crab I faced, where I have to get hit to store kinetic energy? Because if it does, I would be practically—"


Harry flinched, shrinking down as he meekly said, "Sorry."

"Sorry means you repent your actions, but that doesn't seem to be the case," Aria scoffed. She leaned in close to Harry, whispering, "Interrupt me one more time, and see what happens. I know where you live. Don't test me."

Harry wore an awkward expression, glancing toward Peter for support, only to find an amused look on his face.

"Aria, honey, come on. I want to know what I got, so finish up with Harry," Peter said to move things along.

"As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted... I call this power Fa Jin, which means to issue or discharge explosive power," Aria explained, noticing the confused expressions on some faces.

"You don't absorb kinetic energy; you create it, which is then stored inside you. You can decide when to unleash it. My guess is you need to make repeated movements to generate it. The more movements you repeat, the more kinetic energy you create and store, and the more you can unleash," Aria explained. "Go on, choose a repetitive movement to try it out."

Harry nodded, contemplating for a moment before getting into a running stance. With his hands on the ground, he raised his hips slightly and began doing the mountain climber exercise, repeatedly kicking his legs.

The more he did it, the faster he went. His legs started emitting a green flash of light, growing brighter. "I can feel it!" Harry exclaimed as he continued building up kinetic energy. "I can also feel like I can guide it and release it from any part of my body!" he added excitedly.

The green energy around his legs shifted and flowed throughout his body. Green arcs of lightning flashed from his body, created by the stored energy.

"Harry—" Peter called out warningly, but it was too late.

Harry's eyes flashed a bright neon green before he exploded forward in a blur of green light.

All anyone could see was a flash of green light bouncing off the walls. Harry became a ball of restless energy, his movements unpredictable and hard to follow.

They were surrounded by streaks of green light as Harry's trail zipped around the room. He finally slid to a stop, having used up all his kinetic energy.

"HAHAHAHA! THAT WAS AWESOME!!!" Harry shouted, exhilarated. "Although the repeated movement thing is a bit of a downside, I can use it to my advantage—like repeatedly punching someone or dodging to build more kinetic energy that way. And that's not all. I can choose how much of that kinetic energy I want to use up when it's stored inside me. I could either use a small bit of it or unleash everything in one explosive attack!"

"Someone's clearly happy with what they just received," MJ said in amusement, watching Harry practically bounce in place.

"Hell yeah! I can already picture how cool I can make this power work. Like, imagine this..." Harry started hopping from one foot to the other, rolling his neck.

"When people see me doing something like this, they're going to think I'm warming up," Harry said as he began a sequence of boxing moves. "They'll think I'm getting cocky, but in secret, I'll be building up kinetic energy. And when they least expect it..."

Harry used a portion of his energy to blitz in front of Peter, sending a punch toward his face, stopping just an inch away. The punch released a powerful gale force, sending Peter's hair billowing wildly.

As Harry lowered his fist, he saw Peter looking at him with a raised eyebrow and an unimpressed expression.

Harry flinched slightly. "Sorry... I'm just really excited."

"Really? I couldn't tell," Peter said sarcastically.

Harry blushed slightly, rubbing the back of his neck. 


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