Chereads / sex storie / Chapter 13 - 6.2

Chapter 13 - 6.2

Kevin shook his head. "Yeah, we met on the elevator two weeks ago. But I'm not talking about that. I remember seeing you on a screen. TV? Did you play in a movie?"

"Do you watch futanari porn?"

His face and neck reddened. "I... No. I..."

Her laughter rolled for a few seconds. "I'm fucking with you, Kevin. The look on your face. Priceless."

"Oh." He laughed, feeling stupid. "But you do look familiar. Were you on TV? The Amazing Race? Survival?"

"Survivor, not Survival." Her smile deepened. She had dimples which he liked in a girl. "I was on Seduction Resort season five."

"Oh. Yeah, I think I remember. Nice. Won anything?"

"Crabs." She winked.

"You're fucking with me again."

"You're catching up. The producers gave me the boot on the second episode."


"Meh. The douche they paired me with turned out to be a total douche." Her smiled was healthy white, and it lit up the room, as they say. Kevin decided that he liked that smile.

"When the cameras were on he was this sweet, open-minded, 'I'm so into you' kind of guy," she said. "When the cameras were off, he was Mr. Hyde. Disgusting little shit. He had a futaphobia."


"It is what it is. The other contestants voted me out, but the real story behind the scenes was that I broke his arm and two front teeth."

"Wow. I'll remember not to pick a fight with you."

"But I love fights. Especially the makeup sex," the tall woman gave Kevin a wink and laughed when he reddened again.

"So Helen I-"

"That would be my big sister. I'm Diana." She offered her hand, and Kevin eagerly shook it. If his new landlord was anything like her little sister, then he was in the clear.

"Right this way, sweetie."

He followed her into a study that was taken straight out of a décor magazine aimed for seven-figure salary kind of people. Strict lines, operation room clean, and a definite aura of 'no-nonsense, here we do business.'

Sitting at an office desk that was probably worth more than he earned in six months was his new landlord. Helen shared with her little sister the six feet plus frame. If anything, she was even taller. However, that's where the similarities ended. If Diana was a fiery southern blaze, then Helen was a Nordic chill. When God made her, he was much more generous in the curves department. Unlike Diana's honeyed tanned skin, she was Norwegian pale. Her long golden locks reached all the way to her lower back. Luscious lips and a burning green eye of a tiger. Eye, singular, not plural. Because that was another thing that you noticed immediately about Helen, other than the cold beauty. She wore a black eye patch over her left eye. A prominent scar crossed her pretty face above the eyepatch and crawled all the way to her cheek.

When he and Diana entered, Helen didn't lift her head from her laptop's screen. Kevin thought that it surely could not be a good sign.

"Excuse-" he said, but she cut him off with a raised hand.

She was working or pretended to be, whichever the case, Kevin figured he shouldn't do anything that might be considered rude. Helen sounded cold on the phone, and she resonated aloofness in real life.

"Helen, that's hardly polite," Diana said.

"Hi," Helen raised her head and gave a smile that could sour lemons. "Sit!" She motioned at her desk. "You're Kevin?"

Kevin nodded quickly.

"Helen." She didn't offer her hand. "I've just finished reading your rental agreement."

He thought he would start with pleasantries, but this woman or rather futa was straight and to the point. "Mrs. Lewinski printed it from the internet. Here I'll show you where she got it from." He pulled out an ancient looking mobile and fired off the web browser application. "What's the Wi-Fi password?"

"No need. I could have guessed. It's as standard as it gets, including the security deposit clause."

"I even helped her find it online," He placed the mobile on her desk, eager to earn points with the frightening lady.

Helen scanned him from head to toe. "Except that, I called Mrs. Lewinski five minutes ago, and she said there is no security deposit."

Kevin blushed. "She never got around to take it. I assumed she forgot or didn't feel like she needed a security deposit after a while."


"Well, it was a convenient assumption," he went for a weak smile.

Helen's finger trailed the scar on her cheek. She caught herself doing it and blushed. "So, Kevin, as we discussed briefly on the phone. We're here about your current debt."

"To Mrs. Lewinski," he said.

"I bought apartment number ten and twelve, seven months ago. Your debt is to me."

"Mrs. Lewinski didn't tell me anything about it."

"I thought I would let her run things till I settle," Helen twisted her mouth. "Apparently, it wasn't a wise choice."

"Yeah, I'm aware that I'm a little behind payment," he laughed nervously, "but let-"

"Saying that you are a bit behind payments, that's like saying that the Ku Klux Klan is a bit racist. Five months, Kevin. That's unacceptable. I don't know what kind of an arrangement you had with Mrs. Lewinski because your agreement specifically says payment at the first of every month."

"I'm having some financial issues right now. But you can ask. I've been a tenant for two years, and I've always paid on the 1st."

"Wow, the truck with the medals is on its way," she said dryly.


"Five months, Kevin. How did she let you get away with it?"

"We had an understanding."

"I see," she said.

Kevin didn't like Helen's tone or the look that she gave him. He felt that an assumption was made about him that was neither kind nor flattering. She swiveled the laptop and pointed at a lower section of an excel sheet. "This is how much you owe."

"What? That can't be right. That's more than five month's rents."

"Plus, ten percent interest. The 'late rent fee clause' in your agreement."


"I expect you to make the transaction tonight."

"I... I don't have that kind of money."

"Take a loan," she said.

"My credit score kinda sucks."

"Why am I not surprised?"

"I came here today to apologize for being so late." He tried looking straight back at her cold gaze and couldn't. His eyes searched for an escape route in the tiles. "And... And mainly because I can't pay for this month either," he almost whispered. "I'm so sorry. But I'll pay you back. I'll pay it all back. I'm not a thief or a freeloader."

"Seriously? That apologetic puppy look worked with Mrs. Lewinski, or was there something else going on between you two?"


"You know what?" She scratched the scar on her cheek. "None of my goddamn business and I don't give a crap anyway."

"What do you mean something else?" He blushed again, this time it was anger.


"It didn't sound like you meant nothing. You meant something."

Helen's gaze could solve the world melting ice caps' problem.

"Mrs. Lewinski is older than my dad," Kevin said. "And she's a sweet lady. So, I don't know what you were insinuating, but-"

"Whatever." She cut him off. "If I understand correctly, you've planned on coming here tonight to ask if you could go on with the current non-payment program."

"I'm so sorry."

"Should I call my bank and ask if they'll accept your apology for a down payment?"

Kevin looked at Diana, his eyes pleading, but she gave him a sad smile. "I know that sounds-"

"Childish, Kevin. It sounds terribly childish. Grownups own their shit. Clear the apartment tonight."

"It's eight o'clock."

"By tomorrow morning, then. Expect to hear from my lawyer about the money you owe me."

"Where am I supposed to go?"

Helen shrugged. "Don't you have parents?"

"My dad lives hundreds of miles away. I live here. My college is here; my work is here. Look, I'm willing to work as payment. I can clean your house for free." He said.

"I have a cleaning lady."

"I can cook."

"Not interested. Look, I heard you work as a diving instructor."


"But you do have a steady salary. The judge will garnish your wage if you can't pay."

"But I need my salary. If you take my salary, I can't pay for... Look, you bought the entire floor? Right? I'm good with my hands, I can... I can fix stuff. Do your maintenance for you. Look," He felt tears coming up which made him hate this woman. She was right, grownups own their shit and don't cry like little girls. "I'll do anything. Why waste money on courts and lawyers?"

"I'll add my lawyer fees to the lawsuit."

"But why take it to court? I don't dispute the fact that I owe you rent. I'll pay you back to the last penny. Plus, interest. Just give me time. Please, you can't do this to me."

"Maybe there is something you can do instead," Diana suddenly found her voice, "the thing we discussed earlier, sis?"

"Sure. I'll do anything." Kevin felt like a drowning man who was offered a rope. "I'm a hard worker. Just give me a chance."

Helen twisted her mouth. "Yeah, there is something that my sister and I discussed earlier, but in retrospective, that's just too embarrassingly stupid to bring up."

"Whatever it is I'll take it."

Helen took a long breath and rolled her eyes. "My sister fancies you."

"What?" Kevin blushed.

"Weird. But she does."`

"I... I don't understand..."

"I'm not blaming you. If you two can come to an understanding, you'll be debt free."

"Great. Wait, wait, what sort of understanding?"

"Be her boyfriend for a year."

Kevin laughed hysterically, then he caught Diana's look and toned it down. "You're both fucking with me, right?"

"I wish we were," Helen gave Diana a crooked smile. "I gave it a shot, Di."

"Yeah, you really pulled an effort there. Let's hope you didn't sprain any goodwill muscle. Thank you so very much. She's serious, Kevin. Let's reveal the cards. Put them on the table as they say. My sister is filthy rich. The money you owe her, that's like what she earns in an hour."

"Not by a long shot, Idiot," Helen rolled her eyes. "You're annoyingly clueless."

"What do you mean I'll be her boyfriend for a year?"

"Don't you know what a boyfriend means?" Helen said.

"It's when two people who like each other choose to be a couple. Choose being the keyword here. When one side forces the other to be with him, that's something else. It's called slavery. We even had a civil war about it. I saw it on the history channel." He gave a frightened giggle.

"Nobody is forcing you, Kevin."

"Like hell. What other choice do I have?"

Helen shrugged. "Be a grownup about your debt."

"Shut up, Helen!" Diana raised her voice. "Look, sweetie, I saw you a couple of days ago, jogging. And I liked what I saw. I mean."

"I'm... I don't know what to say. I mean... I'm flattered and all, but... I mean... You're beautiful, Diana, so... I mean, if I was... I don't..."

"Because I'm a futanari."

"I'm not transphobic or anything."

"That's offensive because I'm not transgender," Diana's face hardened.

"I know. I'm sorry. I don't have any issues with you being..."

"A dickgirl."

Kevin blushed. "I just have an issue with me being..."

"With a dickgirl."

"With someone who has a penis. Yes. I... I'm not homophobic or futaphobic or whatever. I just... I like girls. I don't mean to be rude or anything, but I know how a futa relationship works. I can't be someone's girlfriend. I'm a man."

"That settles it then," Helen closed the laptop and sighed in relief. "Clear the apartment, by tomorrow morning. Expect to hear from my lawyer."

"I can't pay you, Helen. I don't have the money. I can't give you my salary. I need it."

"You need to pay your debts. That's what salaries are for."

"I can't."

"Well, there is always that other option. Be my sister's boyfriend for a year. If she's happy, then you owe me nothing."

"Are you her pimp?"

"Watch it!" Helen's face hardened, and he suddenly saw the potential of violence lurking under her cold beauty.

"Sorry, but do I look like a prostitute, Helen? Is this even legal? The thing that you ask me to do?"

She shrugged. "Like I said. No one is forcing you."

"Why are you doing this to me? I told you I'd pay you eventually."

"I don't believe you."


"I think you had a sweet gig running with Mrs. Lewinski. I'm not sure what it was. Maybe you used to bat your big eyes and cry a little, melting her heart. I know a lot of futa girls that would be smitten," Helen nodded towards her sister, "by your cute boyish... thing. You thought you could pull the same shit with this futa." She pointed at herself.

"I did not."

"I know boys like you all too well."

"You don't know a fucking thing about me," Kevin snarled.

"But I'm old enough and experienced enough to give it an educated guess."

"So, I'm a gold-digger. That's what you're saying. Mrs. Lewinski was my sugar momma, and I'm a lazy freeloader."

"You said it; I didn't."

"You know what you are, Helen?"

"A female dog?" She gave him a nasty smile.

"You said it; I didn't."

"Spit it out, honey, give it your best shot. Call me a bitch or a cunt or whatever. Just consider you might have to learn how to eat with a straw, considering you won't have teeth to chew with."

"I'm not scared of you, Helen."

"Good for you."

He nodded and said nothing. There was a short struggle on his handsome face. Helen thought he might cry and it made her regret being so hard on him. "Okay then," she said. "Good talk. You probably feel that life isn't fair right now. But give it a couple of years, and you'll understand that this was the night in which you started your journey towards being a grownup."

"Fucking amazing. You won't settle for pissing on my head; you wanna pretend it's sweet apple juice." His face went through a sudden change. They hardened and relaxed as if he had come to a decision. "When you look in the mirror, Helen, what do you see?"

"Bah-bye, Kevin. Put the apartment key in my mailbox when you leave tomorrow."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"I can kick you out."

"I'm doing that other thing," he said.

"What?" Helen and Diana cried together.

Kevin shrugged. "I'll do it. Whatever it means, I mean it's a... I'll be your loving boyfriend and do whatever you want. How hard can it be?"

"Hard? It's going to be awesome," Diana almost glowed.

Helen and Kevin said nothing. They faced each other, locked in a staring battle. Helen surprised herself when she blinked first.

"Yeah, how hard can it be?" Kevin smiled bitterly. "You know, Helen, you're rich and powerful, and probably can knock my teeth out with a punch. But I'm not a shitty person. I always keep a promise, and I never try to exploit people like you do, especially when they're down. Mrs. Lewinski went easy on me with the payments not because I've given her anything. She chose to help because she is a decent human being. And that's something you would never understand in a million years.


"Your room is... wow," Kevin gave an appreciative whistle. Diana's room had a wall to wall glass door which led to a big balcony facing the park. A bar stood in one corner, and Kevin poured himself some scotch. Not because it was a grownup drink but because he thought he might I need the alcohol buzz soon. "I thought people lived like that on TV."

"Like it?"

"Could use some tidying up, but... Wow."

"Yeah, sorry about the mess."

"What mess? Can't see the mess under all these piles of clothes." They both laughed. Diana's bedroom's floor was invisible under small hills of pants, dresses, underwear, tampons, belts, shopping bags and some less recognizable stuff. Kevin felt as if he was in some teenager's cave.

"It's better like that. Sometimes Helen gets angry, and she folds everything, and later I can't find anything."

No wonder Helen has a beef with immature people, Kevin thought.

"You're here in my room," Diana licked her thin lips. "It's a dream coming true."

Freddy Krueger idea of a dream, Kevin thought.

"I'm sorry, by the way, about... You know..." she made a sour face. "My sister can be a real bitch sometimes."

Kevin stared at her but said nothing. Was she that deluded? She figured she could pin everything on Helen?

Apparently yes. Diana waded through the piles and jumped on her massive bed. "Come here, sweetie."

He hesitated, but only for a second. Kevin grew up in a semi bible-belt area. Family Values, and a bit of a redneck neighborhood. He never met a shemale before he left for the big city. Helen's offer didn't include details about the nature of his and Diana's relationship, but he wasn't born yesterday.

"Sweetie, don't look so tense. You don't know it yet, but you were born to do this."

"I kind of doubt that," he said.

"Come here and sit down," Diana patted the bed sheets beside her. "You're not angry with me or anything?"

"N... No." He said. If he was going through with this, he shouldn't make her unhappy.

"Good. Put that sweet ass closer, baby. Closer, sweetie. I won't bite, much."

He did. "What now?"

She placed her hand on his thigh. Her palm was warm, but Kevin shivered.

"Hi," She smiled and breathed him in. "Now you make me feel special, and I'll make you feel special. It will be awesome, you'll see."

"I've never been with a futanari," he whispered.

"That's obvious. But give it your best shot. It'll be great, I promise. See, Helen thinks she knows everything there is to know about people. She spends her days in the world of real estate sharks, so she had to grow the biggest teeth. The problem is that she forgot there are normal people out there too. She thinks everyone is a crook."

"And what do you think?"

"I know she's wrong about you, sweetie." She took a deep breath and smelled him in. Her breath trembled with a mixture of excitement and lust. It was a new experience. Diana was all about the chase. When it was over, her lust diminished. Sometimes instantly. But having Kevin under her absolute control didn't diminish anything. The fact that he was so innocent, clueless and without choices, was intoxicating. "You're so sweet. To die for," Diana's voice was hoarse with lust. "So that you know, a futa is just like any other girl. Well, ten times the intensity, lovemaking skills, and million times the fun. Have you been with many girls?"

"Just two," he reddened because the look on her face told him she was not impressed. "I had a girlfriend in high school."

"A high school sweetheart?"

"Her name was Ola. She was Russian, and when she had to leave with her parents back to St Petersburg, I was heartbroken."

"Everything about you is just so goddamn sweet."

He thought he could do with less sweetness.

"Who was your second?" She touched his cheek gently.

"You're the second."

She laughed. "So, one."

"I... Yeah... I'll be twenty-one next month. How many men did... I mean, when you were my age. With how many men...?"

"I'm twenty-eight, and more than I can remember."


With a pianist long finger, Diana trailed a line from his cheek to his lips. "I've never seen anyone with purple eyes before," she said. "That's gonna be a first for me."

"Got it from my mom's side of the family," he shivered.

Her naked toe joined the fun and moved up and down his leg, just as her finger gently painted patterns on his cheek and mouth.

"Don't be so tense, honey. As I said, you're going to love being my boyfriend."

He tried to tell her that he sure was hoping she's right, but his voice broke, so he just nodded.

"I'm a semi-celebrity in this town. We'll cruise all the best parties together. You'll see." Diana leaned to kiss his cheek, and her arm encircled his shoulders. "God sweetie, I think I'll eat you up." Her lips touched his. Her eyes were smiling, and she was soft and pleasant. Diana's kiss felt innocent. A Lover's touch.

"Nice," she said. "Hey, open your eyes. Don't make it look like it's work. It's not." Her lips touched his lips again, gently, and her tongue now joined the dance. It knocked and then tried to burrow inside, like a little worm