After the tough battle the father and son had, Damon didn't say one word has they drive back home. Adriana is worried of course but she's still not sure what to say. So she let's him have his alone time without disturbing him. The moment they arrive home Damon goes straight upstairs ignoring the greetings from the maids. Adriana sighs and also walks up stairs slowly until she finally reaches her room. She takes off her jacket and stretches her arm and then she sits on her chair and place her head on the desk. She remembers how sad damon had looked back at Wayne. She shakes her head but she couldn't help but think of it again. Her worrying might end up annoying. She sighs stressfully and decides to call jane her best friend so she can at least feel better.
"Hi Jane, what are you up to?" Adriana says.
"Hello baby, I'm at home trying to win a bet with my dad again. What about you? Can't you just come home already...." Jane ask through the phone with her begging voice which makes Adriana smile.
"I'm not sure, my boss might still have some things to take care of." Adriana says.
"I need to have a word or two with that boss of yours. Does he know you just broke up. Girl! You need some time to party and meet up with new guys." Jane says through the phone.
"Look who's talking, you don't even have a boyfriend and you are advising me. Anyways, my boss has been so good to me that I don't even remember Tim these days. I'm just too happy." Adriana explains.
"Really! Wow.... I thought you were being maltreated but you are actually enjoying yourself." Jane says and then she gasps surprisingly.
"Does your boss like you?! You should take your chance and strike when the iron is hot. This trip is the best time for you to seduce and sleep with him. Come on!" Jane says and it's now turn for Adriana to gasp surprisingly. The thought of it makes each side of her cheeks turn red.
"What I mean is my job has been unreasonably easy. Not like what you are thinking." Adriana says.
"Anyways... I'm still meeting him! As soon as you're back home! Or else I'll get you a new boyfriend." Jane says and Adriana laughs out loud.
"I miss you!" Adriana says.
" Me too, so come back soon okay?" Jane says and Adriana snifs
"Yeah.." Adriana says and then she hears a soft knock by her door. Mona peeps in and says.
"Dinner is ready now."
"Oh okay, I'll be right there." Adriana says.
"I've got to go now." Adriana says
"Keep enjoying." Jane says and Adriana hangs up and leaves for downstairs with Mona.
Adriana sits and looks at the food before her and up to the sit that Damon usually seats on. She won't be able to make it to eat enough food without him here. She looks up and and stands up to approach the stairs and go seek him out. After she takes a couple of steps up the stairs she looks up as she hears a soft footsteps making her pause on her tracks. Damon approaches her with a thin smile on his face and Adriana looks up at him surprisingly. Damon grabs the borderline Adriana was leaning against by the stairs.
"Where are you going?" Damon asks and Adriana blinks profusely.
"Well... I was, I was coming to check on you." Adriana says to Damon who grins at her making a shiver run down Adriana's spine.
"If you're worried come to my room after dinner." Damon says as he leaves her and continues to walk down the stairs. Adriana taps her cheeks and shakes her head vigorously like she's trying to snap out of her trance. Adriana follows behind him slowly and they both have their dinner. Damon finish his own earlier but Adriana eats slow on purpose only to think over on what he said at the stairs a while ago.
"I'll be waiting." Damon says with a mischievous grin and he leaves for his room. Adriana takes her time in eating her food before she began to walk up the stairs. She knocks the door softly and she hears a reply from inside asking her to come in. Adriana grabs the knob and twist it open. She walks in and approach Damon who's sitted by the large sofa at the room balcony. She takes a sit beside him and sucks in the night breeze.
"Isn't the night sky just amazing? All of the breeze and the dimly lit moon and stars. It's just so so." Adriana says as she smiles.
"I think the night sky is just like me. Sometimes it's shiny and bright sometimes it's dimly lit like tonight and another time it can appear as a completely dark and fearful night. Have you ever noticed that part of me until this afternoon?" Damon asks and Adriana realise immediately that what he said is about what happened back at Wayne group company.
"I haven't seen you with a stern gaze before. You've always been gentle even when explaining to your employees sir." Adriana says and Damon bites his lower lips.
The silence goes on for a long while because they both where busy looking at the night sky and taking in the breeze.
"It's winter but the breeze is like that of summer. It's chilly but it's still enjoyable not extreme. You say you can be dark and fearful sir, but isn't the night sky only dark and fearful when there's so much weight on it and it feels like pouring out. If it's too much to take them it'd be nice and better to let it out." Adriana says and Damon nods politely.
"Maybe you might be right. Maybe I'm being worked up because there's no one to share my thoughts with." Damon says and he gets off and walks back into his main bedroom. Adriana gets up too and takes slow steps towards him.
"Sleep early miss Adriana. We go back home tomorrow." Damon says and Adriana nods positively.
"Oh okay sir. Good night sir." Adriana says and she turns around to leave but then she smiles and turns around and approach him. She uses her index finger to tap on Damon's back who is lifting his blanket. Damon turns around and finds Adriana looking at her with that small bright green eyes of hers. "I'll be here when you need me sir, just call me whenever you're feeling lonely." She says then she waved happily and walks out hurriedly. Damon couldn't help but chuckle at her bright behavior.
"Did she just make my heart skip a beat...?" Damon says as he recalls what she did. Damon sits on his bed and smiles brightly before he close his eyes to sleep